Wrapping Up (Novella) Mitchell Family 4.5 (Wrapping Up Novella 4.5)

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Wrapping Up (Novella) Mitchell Family 4.5 (Wrapping Up Novella 4.5) Page 3

by Jennifer Foor

  “Is that supposed to make me want to eat it? I’m not getting near that.” There was no way in hell I was eating a pie that he made, and had poked a hole in.

  “You will eat it. I’ll make you.”

  Colt came up behind Ty and took out his knees, sending him tumbling to the floor in front of me. By the time he regained his composure, the whole room was laughing. Of course, instead of directing his anger and revenge against Colt, he looked at me and winked. “It’s on, sweet thang!”

  It was at that moment when I started to regret taking on Thanksgiving with the whole family. I looked around my house and felt like the walls were closing in.

  How was I going to pull this off without going insane?

  Chapter 4


  Hunting was a big deal to my family. Maybe it was a southern thing, but we took it very serious. The month before, we’d go out and get the newest in camouflage and fill the feeders in the woods and fields with corn. I even went as far as to set up motion activated cameras next to my two tree stands to monitor activity.

  Rifle season was always two days after Thanksgiving, so it was always a family affair. Now, for as long as my family had owned the farm, hunting was a man only hobby, but Miranda had changed that. When she and Conner moved to the farm, after they lost their father, they insisted that they both go. We used to tease her, up until she shot this big ass buck with only a bow. Her kill shot was damn near perfect and she never let us live it down.

  Since she was pregnant the year before, Ty hadn’t wanted her to hunt, but this year she was ready and none of us were going to talk her out of it.

  A few days before the season started, we would all go out and get our stands ready. Normally we all used the same one, well except for Ty, who made it a point to switch stands every darn year. None of us cared, but one day he was going to be mistaken for a deer and be sorry. Conner kept laughing behind his back, claiming his own wife would be the one to take him out in some tragic hunting accident. I’m pretty sure he was joking, but with Conner, well you never could really tell.

  For the most part, everyone came prepared with their own equipment, but Savanna’s father had never been interested in the sport and was just learning. I had him watching hunting shows at home and we went out and practiced shooting the rifle at targets. He was such a calm man and Savanna joked and said that she didn’t think he could ever kill anything himself. She said he was just doing it for me. Whatever the case was, I wanted him to have the best experience possible.

  While all of the females, except my cousin, worked on food preparations and kid duty, we took the Gators out into the woods to get our spots ready.

  Conner came out of the house wearing camo from head to toe. If I didn’t know that half of his closet was camouflage I would have made fun of him, but it was true, the kid loved wearing it. Since he didn’t go to college and had always worked on the farm, he was more southern than any of us. That boy wouldn’t be able to survive in the city. He needed to be surrounded by livestock and tractors.

  Since I had to show Savanna’s father around, Conner and I couldn’t ride together like we normally did. He and John hopped on a separate Gator and started on their way. I spotted Ty and Miranda coming out of the house hand in hand and knew that them riding together was a bad idea. They definitely weren’t going for the deer. Luckily, my uncle came walking out of the house and jumped on the back of the Gator with them. Miranda and my uncle waved, while Ty let his tongue hang out and flipped us the middle finger. I didn’t know if my wife’s parents were ever a fan of Ty when they were together, but they sure did get a kick out of him now.

  When I got him situated and showed him where he was going to be posted, we drove around to check on everyone else. We came up to John first. He was taking his hunting spot serious and making sure his camera was facing in the right direction. He walked over and showed us a picture he had caught from the night before of a nice eight pointer.

  Since Conner’s spot was further away, he had the Gator. We drove John in his direction so he didn’t have to wait for his ride. While approaching Conner’s stand, we saw a doe all by herself and one running away toward a thicket. Conner was standing in the middle of the field talking on his cell phone. He must have had to walk all around that field to find one bar of cellular service, but it was obviously working for him. He was standing there smiling and I could tell right away that he fancied whoever he was talking to. He waved at us when we pulled up, but turned around and kept talking.

  I climbed off the Gator and approached my cousin. Sure enough, he was talking to a female. I could tell from the way his voice was that he was sweet talking. I grabbed him on the shoulder, causing him to turn around and look at me. “Hey, you ready to head back?”

  He put his hand over the phone. “Just give me a minute.”

  “You want me to take John back?”

  He smiled. “Yeah, if you don’t mind. Do me a favor and don’t mention that it was because I was on the phone. I don’t need anyone in my business.” Conner was being nasty, but his secretiveness made me more curious.

  “Sure thing. You should have invited her to dinner.”

  Conner shook his head, but kept his hand over the phone. “Yeah, it’s not like that. Can we talk about it later?”

  I walked away shaking my head. “Yeah, see you then.”

  I wasn’t so much worried about Conner using drugs, but this mysterious relationship could be because the person he was seeing was using them. I needed to make sure my cousin wasn’t making a big mistake and getting himself into trouble.

  When I got back to the Gator the two guys were talking about the deer on the camera. “Looks like he’s stayin’ awhile. Let’s go check on everyone else then head back.”

  Now, Ty’s dad was no fool. The man knew how to hunt anything. He and my father would go all over the place on hunting trips.

  A few years back he took us to South Africa. It was wild and amazing and something I don’t think any of us will ever forget. There was also the part where they eat fish for breakfast, which is something my Kentucky family could never imagine doing. Besides the fish, we met the nicest families and they welcomed us into their homes. Like our family business, taking people on guided hunts was their business. They had other employees, but it was mostly run by family. At night we would sit out at the campfire and they would tell stories until it was time for bed. You want to talk about drinkers, well they could drink us all under the table and keep on trucking. I didn’t know what the secret was, but they knew it.

  My uncle was leaning against a tree as we approached him. He gave us a nod and started walking in our direction. “I’m all set out here. Where’s the lovebirds? You seen them yet?”

  “We saved them for last. Figured you might want to catch a ride with us instead.” I didn’t have to say out loud what I thought Ty and Miranda were doing. They had twins at home, it would only be natural for them to savor every second they had alone.

  He laughed and jumped right on the back. “Sounds like a better idea than seeing my son with his pants around his ankles.”

  We skipped going in the direction of Ty and Miranda’s spots and headed back. I expected them to take a while, but after we texted them that we were all together, they came out of the woods about five minutes after us. Conner finally showed up an hour later and seemed to be in rare form. He was uneasy and was trying to avoid me at all costs.

  We all grabbed a plate of hot food and warmed our stomachs with some homemade turkey soup. I didn’t know about my wife, but I loved having my family together in my house. I’d built it for this very reason and seeing my own children filling it, just made me light up inside.

  I know she did it to make it easier on us, but my mother and Ty’s parents went up to the main house and Karen and John went back to her place. Savanna’s parents went on a walk together, while Conner, Ty, Miranda and the kids sat around with us. It was crazy how much those boys looked like their father. What made it more
crazy was how Ty had ran his mouth about having super sperm. It turned out, he did. Us Mitchell boys produced some fine looking children, if I do say so myself.

  As we sat there relaxing, I knew it was only a matter of time before my cousin started up with his bantering. I was thankful he waited until the girls went into the kitchen. “So, how does it feel to have knocked up your wife again. Two kids in diapers sucks donkey dick.”

  I let out a cackle and noticed Conner trying to avoid contact with me. “Unlike you, I don’t worry about the diaper part. In fact, if my wife wants eleven kids, she can have them.”

  I should have kept my mouth shut, but of course, I had forgotten for a brief moment, who I was talking to. “Eleven kids? Do you have any idea how saggy her tits will be? Oh my God, Dude, they will be flat pancakes and sag to her knees. She won’t even have to wear underwear, cause they will cover up her….”

  I held up my hands, silently pleading for him to stop. “Seriously? Don’t go there. My wife will kick my ass if I have to kick your ass before dinner tomorrow.”

  “No need to kick anyone’s ass, not that you could, but I’m just stating the truth.” He cocked his eyebrow and chuckled. When one of his boys started to cry, Ty got right up and met his wife halfway there. I turned around to watch them fighting over who was going to take their son, who according to the colored shirt, was Jax.

  Ty won the battle and carried his son to sit back down. He immediately started changing his diaper while Miranda brought him all the necessary things. Once he was done, she sat beside him and covered herself up so that she could feed him. My simple minded cousin ducked his head under the blanket to take a peek at his wife’s breasts.

  I heard Conner groan from across the room and started laughing. “How do you live with them?”

  He put up his hands and just shook his head. “I ask myself that same question every single day.”

  “So who’s this girl you’re talking to?” I had no idea that my question would get the response that it did. The room fell so silent and I knew, without a doubt, that I’d caused an uproar.

  Conner looked at Ty, while Miranda looked at her brother. “What girl, Conner? It better not be who I think it is.” Miranda scrunched up her face and if she wasn’t feeding her child, might have just attacked her brother.

  “What are you talkin’ about? I’m not seein’ anyone. Colt is mistaken. I was talkin’ on the phone to an old friend, that’s all.” Conner pulled off his camouflage hat and ran his hands through his hair.

  Miranda held out her hand. “Gimme your phone.”


  “Conner, I’m not goin’ to ask again. If you make me put this baby down, there will be hell to pay.” It was so funny how little Miranda could scare her brother. As he continued to refuse, she became more disgruntled over it. “If you can’t show me your phone then I already know the answer. Why do you have to keep pursuing this? She doesn’t want you and she’s married. Leave it alone!”

  Ty started laughing and I looked at all of them before turning all of my attention to Conner. “Married? Now what would you want to get involved with a married woman for? Are you askin’ to have your ass beat?”

  “It ain’t like that, Cuz. My sister has a vivid imagination, that’s all.”

  Miranda pointed at her brother. “You know that’s not the truth. If I find out you are sleepin’ with her, I will kick your ass and ship you back here.”

  Ty wrapped his arm around Miranda. “Baby, calm down. Your brother is a grown man. If he wants to bang married women and be hunted down by their pissed off husbands, well that’s his problem, not ours.”

  “You better shut up and start takin’ my side.” Conner and I let out a laugh while Ty avoided looking at us.

  “Randa, seriously just drop it. There ain’t nothin’ for you to even worry about.”

  Miranda handed Jax to Ty and got herself situated before standing up and getting in her brother’s face. “You have no idea what her husband is capable of. It ain’t about the married thing as much as it’s about both of your safety. There are so many other available women out there. Just let it go. Please.”

  Conner began to laugh and shake his head. “I’m not goin’ to explain myself, Randa. Amy and I are friends. I know she’s married and I know exactly what the situation is like, so don’t go threatening me over it.”

  Ty stood up with Jax in his arms and got in the middle of them. “How about we talk about something else? I mean, before you all started this shit, we were talking about saggy tits. I’d much rather talk about them than this.”

  I stood up and walked into the kitchen with nothing left to say.

  Chapter 5


  I woke up Thanksgiving morning to a quiet house and cuddled up next to my sexy husband. We didn’t get many moments where we were alone, so I decided to take advantage of it. My parents were sleeping in the room next to Christians, so I knew if she woke up that one of them would get her and be fine with not having to wake up me and Colt. Noah had went with his cousin to spend the night at the main house. Lucy would surely make them something to eat at the crack of dawn, since they couldn’t wait for anyone else.

  Colt was sleeping with one arm on his bare stomach and the other one positioned over his head. I pulled the sheets down to reveal his boxers that were revealing a bit more than they should be. I chuckled to myself when I thought about what I wanted to do to my sleeping stud.

  I slid down, pulling the covers with me. Colt once told me that there was nothing like waking up to a blow job. I’d only ever done it when he was sleeping once and after he sat up in the bed freaking out, he finally settled to enjoy it.

  I ran my hands up his thighs to let him know it was me and I was awake. As his hands moved and felt around for my body, he sat up and discovered I was already positioned between his legs. He moved them around my body in order for me to be more comfortable and I slowly looked into his eyes as I pulled his boxers down enough for his large morning erection to be inches away from my mouth.

  My pregnant belly was always a challenge during lovemaking, but my wonderful husband grabbed a couple of pillows for me to be comfortable. As I took him into my mouth I let out a little air filled laugh.

  He gave me the pillows so I wouldn’t have to stop halfway into it.

  One of my hands worked his balls, smoothly rubbing them, as my other stroked along with my mouth. I felt Colt’s hands in my hair and could hear his deep groans as I steadied a good pace. I never really loved doing it, but I did love how much my husband enjoyed it. I looked up at him while I licked the tip and took it back into my mouth. My saliva added the perfect friction and within moments he was pulling me up to his mouth.

  “I didn’t expect to wake up to that,” he teased.

  I kissed his lips slowly. “Carpe diem.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be seizin’ somethin’.” He flipped me on my back and climbed on top of me. “I’d ask how you’re feelin’, but somethin’ tells me I already know.”

  Colt placed gentle kisses into my neck before finding the lobe of my ear. I gasped as he tugged on it with his teeth. His hot breath tickled inside my ear just as I felt his hand sliding down between my legs. He didn’t waste any time tugging down my panties and letting them hang on one of my ankles. With no time to spare, he positioned himself on top of me and leaned down to place soft kisses between my breasts. His fingers slid over my nipples and he pinched them before letting go. I could feel a tickling sensation moving through me each time his coarse hands rubbed over my sensitive breasts.

  I let out a gasp as Colt entered me, filling me with his enormous erection. It took several thrusts for the pain to subside and the erotic bliss to begin. It never took me long to come, considering the size of my husband. Once he was inside of me, just small movements were enough for him to hit my sweet spot and send me screaming his name. With a house full of family I kept my screams to a soft whine as I felt myself letting go. Colt continued to enter me and thrust his
body against mine. I watched his eyes close as he concentrated on what he was working towards. I couldn’t help but reach around and grab his ass, as I intertwined our legs for a tighter connection. The thrusting let off a smacking sound and soon I felt my husband tightening up as he released and fell on the bed beside me.

  We’d no sooner caught our breaths, when my phone started to ring. I rolled over and reached for my phone that was on the night stand. An unavailable number was being displayed, but I answered it anyway.


  Hello Ma’am, this is Benjamin Dover from the electric company. We received a call earlier this morning that your refrigerator wouldn’t stop running. Do you know anything about that? The southern voiced guy seemed very professional.

  No, I have family visiting, but I don’t see why they would have called without telling me. Hang on, I can go down and check on the fridge.

  After throwing on a robe, I headed down to the kitchen as Colt threw his hands in the air wondering what I was doing. Sure enough, the refrigerator was running, but it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. It needed to run to stay cold.

  “Sir, it is running, but I don’t understand what you need me to do now.”

  A loud voice filled the room, causing me to jump. “YOU BETTER GO CATCH IT.” Ty stood in front of me, almost in tears with his cell phone in his hand.

  I smacked him on the chest. “You have horrible timing, you asshole.”

  He grabbed my chin and I quickly pulled away. “Don’t get pissed. It was Miranda’s idea. We stayed up late talking about prank calling people we knew. I made her wait to call you, but we already got her Mom and Conner in the middle of the night.”

  “How did you manage to do that and get up with the boys?”

  He grabbed a banana and started peeling it. “Are you kidding? They barely ever get up. Miranda has super milk that makes them sleep all night long. Sometimes she even lets me have some when I can’t sleep. I fall right asleep on her tit.”


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