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Resilient Page 3

by Gillian Archer

  Bumper nodded toward Nicole who was now deep in conversation with Stitch’s wife, Brittany. “Dude, that path leads straight to a beat down by Zag and Reb. So not worth it.”

  I opened my mouth to reply, but apparently I’d swallowed my tongue in shock as Nicole handed her drink to Brittany and made her way across the yard to where Bumper and I were standing.

  “So—Truck, is it?”

  A low rumbling growl came from me before I could form a coherent thought.

  “Just kidding. Geez, you guys are so fucking easy to rile.”

  The fact that I’d said the same thing about her not three hours ago didn’t escape me.

  Nicole’s head tilted slightly and a sweet smile curved her lips. “So, Tank, want to get out of here?”

  Bumper made a sound that was halfway between a hoot and a groan. Meanwhile, all I could do was stare at Nicole in disbelief.

  Bumper drove his elbow into my side. “Uh, buddy, you might wanna close your mouth. You look like a trout.”

  Chapter 4


  At the moment, I was kinda hoping the ground would open up and swallow me whole. I’d just propositioned Tank, and he still hadn’t said a word.

  I’d spent the past week in Bridezilla hell. Jessica was awesome and a sweetheart and my best friend, but I’d had more than one murderous thought this week. The stress of the wedding on the heels of having her baby only months ago and her well-meaning but overbearing mother had Jessica cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. During Jessica’s courtship with Zag, she’d held it together during some seriously screwed-up shit—being attacked by a former True Brothers MC member, finding out she was pregnant, and then getting shot by the previously mentioned fuckwad. So I was surprised it was the wedding that was driving her over the edge. She was a bubbling stew of stress and postnatal hormones, snapping at everyone left and right. It was only a matter of time before she completely lost her shit.

  And since Emily was still recuperating from her abduction not even two weeks ago, she deserved every ounce of peace we could give her. Which meant holding our fragile friend Jessica together fell to me.

  Me, who’d been described as abrasive, confrontational, and snippy at my last employee evaluation. In spite of the antacid-popping I’d been doing this week I think I was developing an ulcer from all the tongue-biting.

  I needed some stress relief.

  Which is why I couldn’t get Tank out of my mind. The sexual tension in the truck before Jessica’s lecture. The amazing way he looked—all brawn and manly with his tattoos and attitude. The mental fantasies that’d sprung up after his “threat” over my slipup with his name. I call it a “threat” because what part of spanking me was actually meant to be a punishment? Sounded like kinky fun to me.

  Brittany must’ve seen my interest—I had been blatantly checking Tank out anytime I thought Jessica wouldn’t notice. I didn’t need one of her lectures again. I’d thought I’d been so sneaky with my ravenous glances, but apparently not since Brittany brought up my interest in him.

  “So Tank, huh?”

  I flinched, torn out of my mental fantasy where Tank had had me bent over the arm of a sofa and was alternating between turning my cheeks red and tormenting my hard, throbbing clitoris. I cleared my throat and tried to figure out when Brittany had developed psychic abilities. “What?”

  I’d only met Brittany a few weeks ago, at Jessica’s bachelorette party. Despite our almost fifteen-year age difference, we’d bonded over booze, penile piercings, and our similar outlooks on life—aside from the part where she was married to a biker. We both were bold, brash, say-the-first-thing-that-came-into-our-heads kinda girls. Soulmates, really. So it was silly for me to act like I didn’t know what she was talking about. But still, I tried.

  “Don’t even bother giving me the innocent routine, girlie. You two have been eye fucking each other every chance you get. But I don’t get why you’re all the way over here. Clearly you both like each other. I didn’t take you as a wait-for-him-to-make-the-first-move kinda girl.”

  “I’m not, but Jessica would kill me if I screwed around with one of Zag’s Brothers.” And also because I have this whole rule about bikers. But I didn’t say that last part out loud. No one here would understand my no-biker rule. Especially Brittany. The club was her life. She adored her husband, True Brother member Stitch. They were usually attached at the hip at these shindigs—most times with their hands all over each other—which was amazing considering they’d been married for over twenty years. They were still so in love with each other.

  Love. Felt like I couldn’t go anywhere lately and not get it shoved in my face. Between Jessica’s wedding, Emily’s infatuation with her swashbuckling rescuer beau, and Brittany’s dry humping, all my friends were infected.

  “You’re both consenting adults. At the very least you’ll get it out of your system while Jessica is too busy to notice. But I have a feeling Tank’ll deliver more than the very least. He’s very…Hmmm, what’s the right word for it?”

  “Hot? Sexy? Muscular? Virile?”

  “Really, Nic? Virile?”

  “What? It’s a word.”

  “I know it’s a word. It’s just not a word I’ve ever heard anyone say out loud. But yeah, he’s all of that. Actually, he kinda reminds me of Stitch when he was younger.”

  I couldn’t hold back my snort. Beer burned my nasal cavity. “Stitch? Really?”

  In my opinion the two guys couldn’t have been further apart. Stitch was more of a scrappy character. He barely grazed six foot and was lean as could be. Plus he had that receding hairline combined with a close-cropped mustache. Whereas Tank was clean-shaven, six-six at least, and broad as could be—all of it finely tuned muscle. And then there was his full head of brown hair. Just enough for me to grab onto when he needed a little guidance while going down on me. His beard would tickle a bit against my thighs.

  Argh! Dammit, where did that little mental picture come from? Suddenly it was all I could think about.

  “No, really.” Brittany tilted her head as she blatantly looked at Tank on the other side of the yard. “They both have this way about them that makes you feel like you’re the only one in the room. Solid, you know? The kind of guy who’d have your back.”

  “Whoa. Wait a minute. You’re not matchmaking, are you? Because you know I don’t have time in my life for a steady relationship. I was just hoping for a one-and-done kinda thing.” The words had barely left my mouth before I realized what I’d said. Wait, when had this gone from a dirty fantasy into a reality? Was I seriously considering sleeping with a True Brother? With a biker?

  “No, I have a very firm rule about matchmaking. I don’t do it. That’s the kinda shit that ruins friendships. Still, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if your one and done turned into more.”

  Um, yeah, it kinda would. But I didn’t say as much. I just raised my eyebrows and gave Brittany a skeptical look. I couldn’t tell her why I’d never have more than a one-night stand with Tank. With any biker.

  Again, when did this become something I was considering?

  “It’s just as well.” Brittany sighed. “Tank’s never been in a long-term relationship that I’ve known of. And I would know—he’s at my house almost every day. He’s more of a love ’em-and-leave ’em kinda guy.”

  “Perfect.” Just the kind of guy I was looking for. Having all that muscular awesomeness under my hands, over my body, as he thrust inside me was all I could think about. What was the harm if we both agreed it would only be for one night?

  Holy crap. Was I really considering this?

  I was. I was so gonna do this. Do him. I shoved my beer toward Brittany with a muttered “Hold this for me.” I heard a muted whoop behind me as my intent became clear to Brittany when I crossed the yard toward Tank and Bumper. Cocking my head to the side, I bit my lip and mustered all my courage to ask him a question.

  “So, Tank, want to get out of here?”

  Bumper made a sound li
ke he couldn’t believe I was propositioning Tank. Meanwhile all Tank could do was stare at me with a stupefied expression.

  Bumper drove his elbow into Tank’s side. “Uh, buddy, you might wanna close your mouth. You look like a trout.”

  Tank’s mouth closed with a snap before he shot a glare at his friend. Then he jerked his head at me and walked toward the side of Reb’s house.

  I stared at his retreating back for a beat. Was that an answer? Was I supposed to follow him? Or was that his way of saying no?

  “If this is an invite to a three-way, I have to politely decline.” Bumper showed his teeth in a semblance of a smile, then held up his fist in the classic rock devil’s horns. “I don’t ever do devil’s three-ways.”

  I opened and closed my mouth. Between Tank’s lack of a response and Bumper’s overshare, I couldn’t kick-start my brain. Me, the snarky, quick-with-a-reply girl.

  Before I could process the mental image Bumper had shoved into my head, he scowled at me and continued. “Why are you still here shooting the shit with me? I thought you wanted Tank. He went that-a-way.”

  I glared at Bumper, then found myself in the awkward position of chasing after Tank. Did he even want to be caught by me? Suddenly this felt like a new low to my craptastic week.

  The outside lights only covered the front and back, and after a few steps darkness enveloped me. It took a couple of seconds for my eyes to adjust. So when something in the darkness grabbed my arm and pinned me against the house, I did the only logical thing.

  I shrieked.

  A shrill, girly little squeak. My heart racing, I slapped at the arms imprisoning me. “Dammit, you scared me.”

  Tank grunted and stepped closer to me, pinning me between his body and the house behind me.

  I tried to convince myself that my brief scare was the reason my heart was pounding in my chest. But in reality, I’d never been this close to Tank before. Up ’til now it’d just been lingering looks through a rearview mirror or across the bonfire. Now I could feel the heat of his body. Now I could smell his unique mix of some kinda of spice from his deodorant and the tang of the beer we’d both been drinking. My hips mindlessly arched into his, and I felt the proof of his desire for me.

  “You still haven’t answered my question.” I mentally cursed the darkness enveloping us. I’d give anything at that moment to see his expression. “You want to get out of here? With me?”

  Chapter 5


  I’d had every intention of turning her down. I just didn’t want to do it in front of an audience. Bumper might’ve been one of my best friends, but that fucker was the biggest gossip in the whole fucking state of Nevada. I didn’t want it getting out that I’d turned Nicole down. She didn’t deserve the embarrassment.

  Plus, I didn’t want to explain to the guys why I was turning down hot and willing ass.

  Although at the moment, I was having a hard time remembering my reasoning.

  Christ, why’d she have to smell so good? That fresh scent of summer that made me want nothing more than to fuck her beneath some sheets drying on a clothesline. It was gonna be awkward to explain why I was sporting wood every time I did laundry after tonight.

  Damn, that was almost poetic.

  “Tank? You can talk, right? I mean I’ve heard you speak before. You did that whole threatening act when I called you Tr—” She broke off with a moan when my hips pressed deeper into hers.

  “We need to get a few things clear here.”

  She rolled her hips against mine. “Yeah, we do. So you need to back up a step so my brain gets enough blood supply. I can’t think when you’re all…you.”

  I couldn’t hold back my chuckle as I took a step backward. She was just so fucking cute. “There. Is that better?”

  “Not really. What kind of deodorant do you use?”

  “What? Why? Do I smell?” Shit, if that wasn’t a boner killer, I didn’t know what was. I bent my head and took a cautious sniff.

  “No, it’s just…Damn, you smell good. Uh, sorry.” She cleared her throat. “So what? You wanted to talk terms?”

  “Terms? You’re making this sound like a hostage negotiation. I thought you wanted to fuck.”

  She jumped slightly and tried to back away, but with the house behind her, there was nowhere for her to run. “I, uh, that’s the general idea. But there’s no point in leaving together unless we’re clear on a few things.”

  I didn’t have any intention of leaving with her, but she’d roused my curiosity. “Like what?”

  “Like the fact that this a onetime-only deal. I’m not looking for forever or to be your old lady or to have your moniker blazed on my ass in some tacky ‘Property of’ tattoo. We’re one and done. If you’re not cool with that, then there’s no point in this going any further.”

  She’d shocked me so much with her little lecture, I didn’t know what to say at first. That she thought I would want more was surprising. What kinda shit had Brittany told her about me? Of anyone, Brittany would know where I stood on the whole love/relationship bullshit. The fact that Nicole was warning me it would only be one night was beyond ironic.

  And also made me rethink my stance.

  What was the harm in going home with Nicole if it was limited to just tonight? No hearts would be broken. And even better, it was all her idea.

  I decided to play nice and ignore her little jab about the “tacky ‘Property of’ tattoo,” but we’d sure as hell circle back to that little show of disrespect later. “Fine.”

  Nicole’s swallow was loud in our dark corner. “That’s it? That’s all you have to say? You don’t have…terms of your own that you want to make?”


  “Uh, okay. So my place? You want to follow me?”

  “You don’t want to ride on the back of my bike? It’s a fucking fantastic aphrodisiac.”

  “Yeah, no. I’m not leaving my car at Reb’s house for everyone to see and wonder who I went home with. Also, I gotta get to Tahoe early tomorrow to help set up the venue.”

  “No one’s gonna say shit, and I have to be there early tomorrow, too. We can go together.”

  “Uhhh, you heard the part where I said this is just a onetime-only deal, right? So by definition that means there’s no tomorrow.”

  I laughed. Christ, what was it about this girl? I’d laughed more in the last five minutes than I had the last five months. “I thought that only applied to sex. Your friend is marrying my friend. We’re going to see each other from time to time. You cool with running into each other after tonight and acting like nothing happened?”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

  Me, either, but I couldn’t deny that the thought of her having one-night stands with other guys left me with a sour taste in my mouth. Or the thought of her moving on to another guy after me.

  Shit, all this wedding bullshit had clearly fucked with my head.

  I put the crazy thought of anything more with Nicole out of my head. “Fantastic. If it works for you, it works for me. Tonight only, then we play nice at the wedding and any other time we bump into each other.”

  “I…Yeah, I can do that.”

  “Fan-fucking-tastic.” Before she came up with another crazy condition or limitation, I stepped into her personal space once more. My jeans bit into my erection and had me aching to be naked. I wanted to feel her soft, smooth legs wrapped around my hips. More than anything, I wanted to sink into her wet, grasping pussy. I bent forward and rubbed my lips along her jawline. “Maybe we should take a test run and make sure that the buildup will be worth it.”

  Nicole moaned and arched her neck. “Oh, I guarantee it’ll be worth it.”

  I ran my lips over her vulnerable neck. She smelled so fucking fantastic, like an aphrodisiac. I was addicted to the scent. I’d love nothing more than to set up shop and nibble my way to paradise, but a burst of drunken laughter reminded me where we were. “Then let’s get your ass on the back of my bike.”

“Oh, no. You promised me a preview. You’re gonna have to pay up.”

  Who was I to refuse a lady? I closed the distance between us and covered her lips with mine. A static charge shot between us. That was the only explanation I could think of for the bolt of electricity I felt the moment my mouth touched hers. A moment later I was too busy feeling to think at all.

  My lips moved demandingly over hers, and Nicole answered. She let out a breathy little moan and arched into me. Her mouth opened to my prodding tongue and I was lost. All I could feel was her sweet little body pressed so close to mine. Her breasts brushed against my chest, once, twice, three times. The invitation was blatant and I couldn’t help myself. My hand moved up to her tight little erect nipple burning a path across my chest. My mouth still moving against hers, I rested my hand on the firm swell of her amazing tits and let my thumb barely touch her hard, pointing nipple.

  Nicole pulled away with a breathy moan.

  “That enough of a preview for ya?”

  “Mmmm-hmmm.” Nicole swayed toward me until her fantastic tits brushed my chest again.

  “Christ, if we don’t get out of here, we’re gonna be putting on a floor show for all the wedding guests tonight. And I’m not in the mood to share. Let’s get the fuck outta here.” I couldn’t see Nicole’s expression, but she didn’t protest as I grabbed her hand and led the way through the dark yard toward my bike.

  Chapter 6


  I stumbled over the uneven ground in the pitch-black night. For some insane reason, I was blindly following a biker because he was going to take me home and do naughty, unspeakable things to my body. Not that the lack of light was a problem for Tank. That man must’ve been half bat or something; he didn’t stumble once as he led me around the side of Reb’s house. My heart pounded as he squeezed my hand when I faltered again. I half expected him to throw me over his shoulder.

  And wouldn’t that be hot? Up until now, I’d only really dated safe guys—the kind I could…well, mentally dominate. Guys that I’d be able to control, and half the time guys I could best in a wrestling match. But not Tank. Nothing about him was controllable—kinda the opposite actually. And I also doubted that I’d be able to best Tank physically—he was just so big and muscular and oh. I shivered. Not that I was complaining. There were definite benefits to losing a wrestling match. Sometimes submitting was fun…


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