Saving the Bride: An Accidental Marriage Romance

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Saving the Bride: An Accidental Marriage Romance Page 22

by Kira Blakely

  A bud of anger unfurls in her features, warring with the fright. “My ex,” she corrects, her eyes narrowing at me. She holds up her left hand then, wiggling her fingers. “I’m married to you. Remember?”

  “How could I forget?” My tone is dry. I settle my hands on either side of her deliciously thick thighs. It allows me to accommodate for our height difference, lets me get in close to her face. I search her pretty features, priming her for my next question. “It’s only that I’m wondering why my wife is sneaking off to rendezvous with her ex-boyfriend.”

  Jade snarls at me. “Don’t you dare.” Her voice is low, warning. She huffs, her eyes blazing. “Not that it’s your business, seeing as this thing with you,” she nudges her chin at me, “is fake and all. But I wasn’t ‘sneaking’ anywhere.”

  I stare at her hard. My girl withstands what I have to give her, matching my stare with a fierce glower. “Fine,” I say finally. I heard Jade struggling to extricate herself from Wagner. I believe her. Besides, it’s like she said: this is a fake marriage. It’s not like I have any reason to be jealous.

  “What did he say he wanted?” I ask.

  She sighs, the annoyance wiping off like an erasable board. “He mentioned being chased, needing my help.” She shoots me a sharp look. “Before you start interrogating me again, Sherlock, I told him to turn himself in to the police.”

  “Good,” is all I have to say. I kiss her then, my lips breezing over her forehead.

  Jade blinks at me. “What was that for?”

  I shrug. “I can’t kiss my wife?” I touch her mouth then, my lips sliding over hers, the pressure nice and easy. I’m lifting up from her, wanting her to bridge the gap. I won’t kiss her again…not until she begs me for it, or takes this into her hands.

  “Cas,” she breathes my name, her legs locking around my waist. It’s like a switch has gone off. Jade goes from firing me dirty looks to yanking my filthiest fantasies to the fore. I’ve only ever made her scream in my room.

  The thought alone of fucking her on my desk has my cock throbbing with need, standing for her attention. I can’t wrap my mind around foreplay. I just need her. Full stop.

  “Cas!” Jade gasps when I push her onto the desk, never happier that I’m such a fucking stickler for keeping my desk neat. The opposite of Nolan, as it were. My anal retentiveness comes in handy right now.

  I rip her dress up her thighs and haul her panty-clad core close, my hands digging into her hips, loving the extra cushioning she has on her body. I won’t need to tiptoe around the fear of hurting her. Not that the thought of leaving her with some bruises, markings of our hard, fast fucking, doesn’t please me to the core—it does.

  “Please,” she moans, struggling to sit up. She makes it up on her elbows, her gaze locked on where I dry hump her, her tongue peeking out to slick over her bottom lip before she sucks it in, her teeth sinking in lightly.

  I strip Jade of her underwear, stuffing it in my pocket for safe-keeping. I can’t have anyone walking in and finding her panties lying in my office. They’re for me alone.

  “Hurry up.” Jade gets demanding when she’s horny.

  I grin, glad nothing’s changed. I have my zipper down, my stiff groin in my hand, my fist beating away at the sight of her glistening, rose lips. They’re puffy with her arousal, her clit hard and begging for my touch, her honey sliding from her lips and dripping down onto my desk. I can’t help a quick taste.

  Lapping the dots of her tangy juices from my desk, I lick up her pussy and lash my tongue over her stiff, little button.

  “Tease,” Jade scolds me breathlessly, wriggling her hips, scooting closer to the edge of the table. “Take me already. You know you fucking want to.”

  “Watch that mouth,” I say, all the while loving how her cussing jerks my cock.

  My shaft bounces when I tear my hand off. Aligning my red-faced crown to her pretty pussy, I feed her my nine inches slowly. Jade has the top of her dress down over her big, juicy breasts, her manicured nails pinching her nipples while she watches her pussy slurp up my dick.

  I’m barely in before I’m drawing out, the slow drag making me hyperaware of how my ridges brush along her pulsating walls. “Yes,” she says, moaning when I pull her up into my arms again. Her bare breasts kiss my chest, her perky nipples jabbing me through my dress shirt. She drapes her arms over my shoulders, her nails sinking into my back.

  She grits her teeth at me. “More,” she orders, panting faster, grinding on my shaft.

  All of the different sensations zap straight to my groin. My balls are heavy with cum, and I’ve been on the edge for two months now. I’m finally home, and the excitement won’t last long.

  Jade latches her mouth over my shoulder and she nips me, her loud moan muffled as her pussy convulses on my cock. She milks me to my orgasm, and it roars through me, shattering my memory of just how fucking amazing it can be with Jade.

  We come down from our high, our breaths mingling as she brings her face closer to mine. “Again?” she asks.

  I chuckle. “And I thought I was insatiable.” I’m kissing her then, my mouth dancing over hers, her tongue joining me in an erotic tango. Our thighs slap together as I move forward, her cunt answering by hugging my cock tighter, the sound mingling with our sloppy, smacking kisses to create a perfect symphony.

  A sharp series of knocks lifts my head from Jade. My mouth is heavy with our kisses, my back pinching from where her nails have scored me. And my balls aren’t entirely empty yet, my stiff cock twitching inside of Jade’s warm, clenching pussy.

  Glaring at the door over my shoulder, I bark, “What?”

  “Hey, man,” Nolan calls from the other side. He tries the doorknob, and I’m so fucking glad I locked it on the way inside. “You alright in there?”

  “Just fine,” I say.

  There’s a pregnant pause before Nolan asks, “Is Jade with you?”

  “She is.” I give Jade a thrust, grinding against her, angling my bulbous cockhead at her G-spot again.

  She moans softly, her hand flying up to muffle it. Good girl. Those sounds are for my ears only.

  “And you’re sure you’re both cool? I have Dr. Martin on the line; she’s prepared to stop by.”

  I grin at Jade’s slow, seductive smile. She rocks her hips, riding my cock, seeking out her own pleasure until my hands frame her hips and hold her still. She pouts. I lift a challenging brow. “You need a doctor?”

  Jade throws her arms over my neck, drawing herself in closer. She brushes her lips over my five o’clock shadow before her tongue traces my bristly jawline. She ends off with nipping my chin and poising her lips over mine. “All I need is you.” Then she rolls her hips, squeezes her warm walls around my pulsing shaft, and smiles brightly. “And you clearly need me.”

  Knowing round two is upon us, I barely have time to tell Nolan off. “We’re good. No doctor.” No doctor, indeed. All I require is in my arms, working my cock like a master, bringing us both to another quick, boneless bliss.



  I’m pregnant.

  Dr. Martin’s news shakes my world, and it doesn’t tilt back to normal as Cas and I return to the Eveningstar. The hotel lobby looks the same, and so do the staff. Same old uniforms, same old smiling faces, same old everything.

  It’s me. I’m the one who’s changed.

  My hand falls over my stomach, the skin already seeming to feel tauter there. My imagination is in overdrive, yes. After all, I won’t be showing anytime soon. The baby’s only seven weeks, as Dr. Martin noted.

  She’s set me on a Thanksgiving deadline. I do the math, and it does come out to around November. Come Christmas I’ll be a mother.

  And Cas will be a father. God.

  I’m a bundle of emotions at the news, naturally. Joy and fear mingle together, the latter because I mostly have no clue if I’ll be a good mother…and how Cas will react to hearing he’s an expectant father. Even though I haven’t been much of a church-
goer, I’m praying now, hoping Cas won’t burst a blood vessel from the sudden baby I’ll be dumping on his lap.

  For now, I have to ensure Tyler and whatever mess is trailing him doesn’t ruin this for me. Once Cas isn’t looking over my shoulder for danger, I’ll break the pregnancy to him.

  Please, please don’t be angry with me.

  Cas’s eyes are on me as he steers me toward the elevator. He tilts his head, silently asking after my health.

  I smile. It’s delicate, the slightest blink collapsing it. Thankfully Cas’s attention is momentarily drawn away. Isaiah is heading this way, his sights set on Cas. Nolan isn’t too far behind.

  Cas stiffens by my side, the hand he has on my back slipping over to clutch my hip. He draws me in nearer, his eyes narrowing subtly at Isaiah.

  “Nolan filled me in,” Isaiah says as soon as he’s in earshot. He halts abruptly, blocking our path. Cas’s friend owns the hotel. He was my boss’s boss. Cas’s boss, and Nolan’s too. But the two men aren’t quivering the way I am, and Isaiah hasn’t cast me one look of acknowledgement yet.

  “About?” Cas raises a brow.

  “About a masseuse trying to kill your…wife in your room.”

  I wince, the memory still too fresh even though it’s been four days. Since bumping into Tyler on Saturday night, I’ve lived pretty normally. It’s almost like the worst of the crazy-storm has passed, and whatever target Tyler cast on me by association has run its course.

  At this rate, I won’t need a reason to be in Cas’s life anymore. I should be happier at that fact. I’m not.

  “You told him?” Cas is speaking to Nolan, growling at his other friend.

  “He saw the CCTV footage himself.” Nolan tosses up his hands, and frowns. “Apparently I’m not in control of all my men.”

  “They’re my employees,” Isaiah stresses, glaring sharply at Nolan and then winging the stormy look to Cas. “The last thing I need is for you two to be going behind my back.”

  “No one’s going behind your back. I told Nolan that it wasn’t important to inform you.” Cas gives my hip a squeeze, his fingertips kneading me. It’s an agitated gesture, I realize. Something’s bothering Cas, and I get the feeling it has to do with me.

  “Not your call,” Isaiah says. “I won’t tolerate subterfuge, Cas.”

  Cas barks a short, sharp laugh. “This isn’t a war zone, Iz. And we’re not your hostiles.”

  Isaiah flinches at the nickname. He glares Cas down, or tries to. Cas isn’t backing from him. They’re the same height, too. Nolan stands a few inches shorter, and he doesn’t have Cas’s muscles, Isaiah’s bulk. Still, he shoves right into their faces, hauling them apart.

  “Cool it, bros.” Nolan sweeps his wary glance across the foyer, calling my notice to the attention the men have garnered from staff and patrons alike. “We’ve got a professional impression to keep up, and you two are tarnishing it with your egos.”

  Isaiah brushes off Nolan’s hand. “Omit any more important information, and you’ll both be written up.” He leaves then, marching away. Nolan makes a hasty apology again, and on Isaiah’s behalf as well, but Cas waves him away.

  “Don’t kiss his ass, Nolan. If he’s got something to say to me, then he’ll put on his big boy britches and say it.”

  Nolan sighs. “Can’t say I didn’t try with you guys.”

  As soon as we’re alone, Cas moves away, taking my hand. “Let’s head up then,” he says gruffly, like he wasn’t about to trade blows with his friend and boss.

  I stop him, suddenly needing fresh air more than ever. “Can we go out to lunch?”

  “Didn’t you eat before we left?” He means for the appointment with Dr. Martin. She checked my wounds as well as dropping the ticking baby bomb on me. Cas fed me well before he drove us to the clinic, but the result of the blood test nearly left me feeling queasy at the pregnancy news.

  I’m not hungry, just desperate for a scenery change. Being on lockdown in the hotel, not being able to work at the dealership and calling Alan to cash in on some leftover vacation days, I’m going stir-crazy in my gilded cage.

  “I picked at the restaurant food, more than ate it.” My skin prickles with the lie, hoping Cas will be it. “I’m ravenous. And you all haven’t changed the menu much since I left.” I don’t mention my firing, but Cas does flinch.

  He forced me out of my position as one of the restaurant’s hostesses. Understandably. I can’t blame him. I had stolen his watch, even if I did change my mind and planned to sneak it back to him.

  Seizing on his distraction, I shrug. “Besides, it’s not like you have the milkshake I’m craving here.”

  No more questions asked, Cas takes us out for the milkshake I’m really not craving.

  I sip at my drink, my gaze wandering everywhere through the diner, avoiding Cas’s eyes. I’m aware of his growing frown.

  “Not to your liking?” he asks.

  “No. I like it very much.” I hold it out to him. “Want a taste?”

  He accepts it from me, his lips wrapping around my straw, his eyes never leaving mine. “It’s thick,” he says huskily, his foot bumping the toe of my chunky platforms. Cas saved some of my favorite pair of shoes from my apartment.

  “That’s what a milkshake is, Casimiro.” I flutter my lashes, a smile curling up my face. Yes. More distraction is good. It stops him from peeling back the layers and discovering the secret I’m carrying around, literally.

  I suck the chocolate thick concoction up the straw, groaning and rolling my eyes back, loading on the exaggerated actions and noises. Cas’s grin is stunning; I nearly slurp the milkshake down the wrong pipe. I cough, reaching for his glass of water.

  “Let’s go now,” he says.

  “What?” I manage, my voice groggy from my coughing.

  Cas slips from the booth, his agility taking me by surprise. For such a big guy, sometimes I forget the training built into him. As ex-Marine, he still carries himself like a soldier sometimes. The kind of discipline I could only hope for keeps his shoulder and spine straight and his head up high.

  “I need you. Right now.” Cas’s confession transforms my legs into jelly. They wobble to keep upright. But he’s right there, holding me to him.

  Cas doesn’t give me time to catch my breath. He grabs my chocolate milkshake and my hand, and we’re sailing out the door of the quaint mom-and-pop diner.

  We’re in the car, Cas driving like a maniac. His gaze flicks to me, his hand falling over my thigh. Somehow he gets us to an isolated park in one piece. It’s on the outskirts of the large town. I recognize it, but it’s out of my way.

  Large, and canopied by beautiful valleys, the park is beautiful. Several hiking trails branch out from the nearly empty parking lot Cas has chosen. He unstraps his seatbelt, pushing the lock open on mine as well. Pushing his seat into recline, he unfastens his belt and the rasp of his zipper fills the car. His cock is long, thick, and hard. The veiny shaft curves up, the tip pulsing with a pearly drop of pre-cum.

  I forget the milkshake in the cup holder, my hunger hitting me hard—and it’s not for the sweet drink.

  Cas smirks at me. “See something else you’d like to taste?”

  “You know I do,” I say, my voice soft. I break off into a moan, my thighs clenching, my pussy sopping wet for him.

  Cas helps me climb him. The windows of his sporty Audi are darkly tinted, but I still can’t help the flutter of excitement at how thrilling exhibitionism can be. What if someone catches us? Spies us fucking in here?

  Just the thought has me reaching for the buttons of my cardigan. My shirt is next, joining the buttoned sweater on the passenger’s seat. The jeans are tricky. I wish I’d been wearing a skirt, but I lacked the forethought. It’s not like I pictured Cas suggesting sex in his car. The incident in his office on the night of the charity benefit had happened four days ago, and he hasn’t given me more than cunnilingus since then.

  I’ve missed his big, hot, steely cock.

My skinny black jeans hit the passenger window, my panties sailing right after them. Cas swipes between my legs, wetting his digits, and showing me how my juices glisten on his fingers. My left knee digs into the console, the gear shift pressing hard against the side of my calf. I adjust into a comfortable position, not wanting anything to ruin this.

  He sucks in his fingers, smacking them out of his mouth. “Tastes even better than the milkshake. I’d love nothing more than to drink from the source.” I moan at his dirty words, ready to climb higher, take him up on his offer. I won’t ever get enough of the magic of his tongue and lips on my needy pussy.

  Cas grips my ass, kneading each cheek, spreading me apart. “But I really need to fuck you, Jade.”

  He’s in me with one swift thrust, all of Cas seated balls deep. After four days of a dry spell, I’m a bundle of tense sexual nerves. I moan his name, crying out for him when his fat cockhead bumps against my G-spot. The fireworks go off behind my eyes and I squeeze them tight, clinging onto his shoulders, my cheek pressed to his beard-roughened one.

  Cas pumps faster, grunting my name. “Jade, I’m fucking coming. You with me, baby?”

  “Fuck yessss,” I hiss, wailing as the orgasm sparks through my body. The explosive climax locks my limbs and my pussy grips Cas’s hard, twitching shaft, his cum pulsing in me. He bathes my insides with his warm, sticky seed, and it trails out, streaking down my thighs.

  As soon as I fall back down to earth, I gasp, sucking in air greedily. I hadn’t thought I stopped breathing until that moment. Cas literally stole my breath away.

  Cas finds my mouth and he kisses hungrily. I’m out of breath when he pulls back, gifting me a sleepy, sexy smile. His eyes droop and he yawns, his hard cock throbbing inside of me. I can’t believe he can still be full chub after that.

  “Just for a minute,” Cas mumbles, closing his eyes.

  I stay on top of him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and resting my head near his. It’s an awkward position, but the view is incomparable. I watch him nap, and I’m disappointed when he rouses twenty minutes later.


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