Taming His Hellion Countess (The Lustful Lords Series Book 2)

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Taming His Hellion Countess (The Lustful Lords Series Book 2) Page 16

by Sorcha Mowbray

  He reached up and traced a fingertip over her shoulder and down her arm. “I did offer another solution.”

  The silence hung thick and full between them as her body stiffened. She let her lashes lower to hide the anger simmering within at his proposition.

  “I’d say it still stands, but something tells me you aren’t the kind of woman to cuckold her husband.”

  She drew in a breath and raised her gaze to meet his, the full measure of her ire on display. “I am most certainly not that kind of woman, and for you to suggest otherwise is insulting. If this were a different era and you were actually a gentleman, I’d call you out for such disparagement of my honor.”

  The man had the audacity to grin at her. “Lucky for us this is not the right era—I will, of course, overlook the small matter of you being a woman in this supposed scenario—and I am no gentleman. If I were, I would not so easily give in to the urge to rile you up just to see your cheeks grow pink and your eyes flash.”

  Dear God, did the man find her attractive? She wasn’t sure if she was flattered or appalled. Perhaps both, if she were honest.

  “Mr. Lucifer, I shall do my best to acquire the remaining debt, but I feel certain I shall come up short based on the given timeline. If I fail, what will happen to my brother?” Fear quickly pushed aside all the other confusing emotions Frank Lucifer seemed to enjoy stirring up.

  “I would not be able to let nonpayment pass.” He paused, for dramatic effect, she supposed. “But, Lady Emmaline, I urge you to speak with your husband on this matter. You might find him amenable to resolving things with you.”

  Lucifer’s low bass rumbled over her. If she were not so enamored of Cooper—even as she was still furious with him—she realized she could find Frank Lucifer very attractive in a rough sort of way. She took a clear step back, putting space between them. “And as I have told you, that is not possible. I shall find another way. You will hear from me when I have sorted things out.”

  She turned and strode toward the door of his office. As she neared it, his voice snared her for one last moment.

  “Speak to your husband, Lady Brougham. There may be more at stake than mere money.”

  She never looked back, simply pressed onward, all but fleeing Lucifer and his gambling hell.

  Outside, she hailed her driver and made her way home, all the while trying to figure out how to fix the mess she was in. Perhaps Lucifer was right? Maybe Cooper would be more willing to help her than not?

  Emily sat in her chamber mulling over her interview with Mr. Lucifer. Why had he been so insistent she speak to her husband? It was puzzling, to say the least.

  A sharp knock sounded, and then her door opened to reveal one of the men she had been thinking of. “Cooper, what brings you home in the middle of the day?”

  “News of my wife’s whereabouts.” His brows were drawn low over his brown eyes.

  She stood and stepped away from her dressing table. “News of my whereabouts? I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

  “I feel much the same. I fail to understand why my wife was seen entering a notorious gambling hell.” It was hard to miss the gentle flare of his nostrils every time he breathed out.

  Shock rattled her equilibrium as she tried to absorb the notion that someone had reported on her activities to her husband. But who? “How is it that someone saw me enter this establishment and managed to report that information to you so quickly?”

  Cooper flushed. His lips pressed together into a thin line of displeasure. Or was it consternation? “I have had my friends following you for some time now. When I first discovered you were visiting Lucifer’s, I grew frantic with worry that you were in some kind of trouble.”

  Emily’s stomach flipped and flopped inside. Only one question came to mind. “How long? How long have you been following me?”

  He sighed. “It started around the time I discovered you were stealing at balls. I needed to understand why you were sneaking about like a thief. You refused to confide in me, even after we grew closer. I had hoped that would change over time. That you would come to me and share your troubles. But even now, after it seemed we were finding stable ground, you still refused. Then I assumed that with your near exposure as a thief, your need to visit Lucifer would cease. That you would trust me. Yet, that has not proven the case.”

  Fury swept through her at his admission of having her followed. “So, because I did not choose to trust you, you took the choice from me? You insufferable, high-handed lout.”

  He strode over to where she stood and grabbed her shoulders. “You left me no choice! You were so busy hiding the truth that you never once considered me as someone to confide in. How could I protect you if you wouldn’t trust me?”

  “Why would I trust you? As soon as you learned of my theft, you used the information to get me in your bed. And then later, you used our intimate relationship to force me into marriage. Like every other man in my life, you have manipulated me and used me to suit your own needs.”

  Her chest ached with her anger. Hurt with the knowledge that her husband was every bit as selfish and manipulative as her father and her brother had been.

  “I tried to protect you. I begged you to marry me, to let me take care of you and your concerns. But you were too busy being an independent woman to allow anyone to help you, let alone a man.” He heaved a breath and cursed softly. “Well, it’s too late. I’ve bought out all your brother’s markers and have spoken with him. As long as he stays on the straight and narrow, his debts will be considered absolved. So, there is no more reason for you to sneak about going to Lucifer’s or to steal from our peers.”

  And on that pronouncement, he turned on his heel and stormed off.

  Alone in the shattered silence, Emily hunched over as she realized her mistakes. He was right. She had never trusted him, never given him a chance to help her openly. Instead, she had been so determined to solve her own problems that she had refused to accept help, even when she’d needed it.

  And now she’d ruined her marriage over her stubborn independence.

  Chapter 22

  Emily took a shuddering breath as she sat in Theo’s parlor and faced the women she had come to trust. Could they help her once more?

  “I-I was so angry when I found out he’d had me followed. Full of outrage and confidence that I was right and he was wrong.” Her shoulders hunched as she suffered the deflated feeling once more. “But then his words sank in. And as he turned to storm away from me, I knew he had the right of it. I had been stubborn and willful. I never trusted him. I never gave him a chance to help me. To be my partner.”

  Theo hugged her gently as Marie sat forward. “Well now, I wouldn’t heap all the responsibility on your own shoulders. The truth is he should have come to you sooner and showed you the trust he so desperately wanted. However, I agree you have certainly made some mistakes. The question is, do you wish to correct them?”

  “Of course.” Emily smiled tremulously. “I came to you all because I know I wish to make things right with Cooper, but I do not know where or even how to begin.”

  Theo released her and leaned back. “The first step is to apologize. I know when I have made a mistake, even a well-intentioned one, I always feel better after I own up to the mistake and ask the offended party for forgiveness.”

  “Very well, I can certainly apologize if he will listen.” Emily pushed the uncertainty away. She would make him listen. “What else can I do? I fear he is terribly angry with me. I’ve hurt him.”

  “Yes, well, we will have to wage a campaign to win back his trust and his heart.” Marie grinned. “And while he may be a particularly stubborn male, he does have one particular weakness.”

  Confusion rolled through Emily. “He does?”

  Marie laughed. “Of course he does.”

  Emily looked at Theo, and then her sister, Lizzy. “I don’t understand.”

  Marie took a sip of her tea and then set the cup and saucer down. “His greatest weakness is h
is desire for you. He may be angry. He might harden his heart to you, even, but there is no way he can escape his desire for you. And we can use that to get him to listen.”

  “But how? I am no seductress. He had only just begun to open up about his desires. I know so little of what might win him over.”

  Doubt swelled within her, taking her on yet another emotional dip, like a ship sailing in rough seas.

  “I believe we have a friend who can assist us in navigating your husband’s desires. But you must be willing to learn through unconventional means.” Marie’s soothing tone belied the challenge in her words.

  Emily smoothed the ruffles on one of her new dresses. The light green color brought out the green in her hazel eyes and made her feel pretty. It was the boost that she had needed once Cooper had stormed out. “I am willing to do whatever it takes to fix things with Cooper. I—” She glanced around the room and finally admitted the truth to herself. She was in love with her husband. “I love him. I’m afraid I was such a fool that I did not realize the truth until he’d stormed out of my room.”

  “Well, then, it is time you met Madame de Pompadour. She is the person who will be best able to help you learn how to seduce your husband.” Marie nodded with confidence.

  Emily sat in Lady Heartfield’s drawing room and did her best not to fidget. It was not every day that one took tea with a notorious madame. But then again, as she looked at Marie and Theo, who both appeared to be terribly calm, perhaps it happened more often than she realized.

  Then Marie’s butler opened the door of the drawing room and announced, “Madame de Pompadour.”

  Emily couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped her as the beautiful woman swept into the room. She wore a claret walking dress that was the first stare of fashion. Her blonde hair was swept up into a pile that had a single elegant curl draped from the cluster down her neck. Her blue eyes sparkled with excitement as she took a seat next to Marie. “I do so enjoy these urgent summonses. What intrigue do you plan to entangle me in this time?”

  “Oh, Celeste, the best kind of intrigue. Love.” Marie smiled fondly at her friend.

  “Do tell. Do tell.” Madame de Pompadour smiled, her eagerness plain to see.

  Marie nodded at Emily. “First, introductions. Lady Brougham, may I introduce Madame de Pompadour?”

  Ignoring her sweaty palms, Emily stuck out her hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Madame.”

  “Likewise, Lady Brougham.” She hesitated for a moment. “Is that the Lord Brougham with whom I am acquainted?”

  “I believe you are quite familiar with my husband and his circle of friends.” Emily smiled, though she was sure the women could see how it wobbled.

  Marie waved at Theo. “And you would, of course, remember Lady Stonemere.”

  “Indeed. How are things with you and Lord Stonemere?” Madame de Pompadour inquired.

  Theo blushed a bit—which rather surprised Emily. “We are getting along quite nicely now. I’d say your previous assistance proved to be invaluable.”

  “Excellent!” The madame smiled in genuine happiness. “So, then who am I here to assist?”

  Still nervous, Emily cleared her throat. “That would be me.”

  “Oh dear, has Lord Brougham gone and cocked things up?” Both her eyebrows lifted as she pressed a hand to her chest.

  “Actually, no. I seem to be the culprit…mostly.” Emily let her gaze drop as her cheeks warmed. “I need a lesson in how to capture my husband’s desires and keep them engaged long enough to get past his ire.”

  “Hmmm…” The madame paused as though considering her request as Marie poured her a cup of tea. “I should think he will not be so difficult to thwart. He has always been the most easygoing of the Lustful Lords. I shall assume that any tutoring is to be hands-off?”

  The warmth in her cheeks flared into full-blown flames. “I-I…” Emily swallowed. “Y-ye-yes.”

  “Very well.” She took a sip of her tea. “Are you able to slip away from your husband for an evening? I believe the tour we provided Lady Stonemere should help enlighten you to your husband’s more demanding desires.”

  Theo grinned at her. “Men can be devilish tricky to sort out. I should warn you, Stonemere discovered my plans when I went about this tour, and then he took over. You should be aware of the risks.”

  “I doubt he still has his friends following me after our disagreement. I hope I shall be able to keep this one secret until I am ready to reveal what I have learned.”

  Emily ignored the worry that took root. Would it ruin everything if he discovered her plans? Possibly.

  “We should move quickly this time. You’ll come tonight at the stroke of midnight. Wear a mask and come to the back entrance so that you will be less conspicuous.” Madame de Pompadour nodded decisively.

  “Of course,” Emily agreed. “And then you’ll show me what I need to know.”

  “Yes, or rather, one of my girls will act as your escort.” Madame de Pompadour set her tea down. “Well, if you will excuse me, I have much to arrange before midnight.”

  Emily rose quickly. “Thank you for your assistance.”

  “Do not worry, Lady Brougham. We shall get you two on the right track in no time.”

  Chapter 23

  Cooper sat brooding in his study. He’d been so angry with Emily when Flint had sent him word that she was at Lucifer’s. What must he do to earn her trust? How could he convince her that he only wanted to help her? He’d done his damnedest to protect her at every turn, but each time, he’d failed.

  Frustrated by his inability to earn her trust, he slammed his fist on his desk with a low growl. Perhaps he fought a losing battle? Perhaps she would never trust a man? Never trust him. Pain seared through his chest, and he welcomed the hurt. Maybe he could dull some of the ache if he burned the emotion from his soul. After all, life had been much simpler before he’d met Emily. Women were lovely companions for an evening, and then he moved on. Rarely did he dally more than once or twice with the same woman, unless she understood that there would be no romance.

  But Emily had ensnared him. Captured his interest with her dichotomy—one part wallflower and one part hellion. In his quest to reconcile the two halves of her person, he’d found himself head over heels in love with her. And now, his heart had seized up as he’d realized she would never love him. Never trust him with the truth—let alone her heart.

  His only recourse was to distance himself from her emotionally. She would retain the safety of his name, as well as the cloak of marriage to protect her from her problems and the sharp edge of ton tongues. But it seemed as if they were destined to live separate lives under the same roof.

  The door to his study opened, and Peters stepped inside, carrying a silver salver. When he presented the flat tray bearing a folded piece of cream paper with his wife’s familiar scrawl on the front, Cooper sighed. So, it had come to this, an exchange of notes to communicate. He picked it up and dismissed his servant as he opened the correspondence.


  I’ve gone to the Swinton’s ball. I shall be home late.


  Perfunctory. His wife had slipped out to attend a ball and had not bothered to request his attendance. Well, he could also get on about his life. Why should he remain at home sulking? So, the woman he’d married had no interest in his heart. He could press on without her, as well. With a determined stride, he left his study behind and went in search of his valet. He needed to change his clothing if he was going out for the evening.

  It was near midnight by the time he found himself meandering into The Market in search of his friends. He climbed the stairs and headed to their usual room. It glowed with an enchanting light, with all the gold fabrics and trims. Linc and Wolf were the only two there, each holding a hand of cards.

  “Where is everyone?” he asked as he sat at the card table.

  Linc shrugged. “Flint is up to his usual business, and I think he dragged Arthur along to see the fights. That leaves
just me and Wolf.”

  Wolf eyed him with concern. “And why are you here?”

  Cooper sighed. “I have no reason to be anywhere else.” He glanced at the sideboard and saw that his preferred whisky was missing. “I’ll be right back. Deal me into the next hand.”

  Stepping into the hallway, he went in search of one of the upstairs maids. Finding everyone gone, he took the back stairs to see if he could acquire what he needed.

  Just off the kitchen, he found the liquor closet, and happily, it was unlocked. He stepped inside and skimmed over the various labels, looking for the bottle he sought. He had just wrapped his fingers around the neck of the bottle when he heard voices.

  “Are you ready?” a husky feminine voice asked.

  “Yes,” a second female answered. Her voice was familiar, but he couldn’t reconcile the face his brain paired with the voice with his location. Clearly, he was more upset than he wanted to admit if he was hearing his wife’s voice in the back kitchen of The Market.

  “Very well, stay close to me, and please ask any questions you may have.”

  The husky voice sounded even more familiar.

  “Of course. Thank you again for helping me.”

  The second female spoke, and to Cooper’s horror, there was no doubt this time. The voice definitely belonged to his wife.

  Once more, he had turned his back for a moment, and here she was sneaking off and finding more trouble. He listened as the pair of footsteps went up the stairs together. Abandoning his bottle, he found a cloak and mask near the back door and quickly donned both. Quietly, he slipped upstairs in the wake of his wife. As he neared the first landing, he heard her speaking to the other woman.

  “You called this the hall of mirrors?”

  The other woman chuckled. “Yes. It is a series of our rooms where the occupants can choose to be seen through the mirrors or not. For many, the notion of being watched is exciting.”


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