Templar Vampires 02 - The Daystar

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Templar Vampires 02 - The Daystar Page 15

by Lyons, Rene

  With a slight wave of her hand, Isobel ordered them to back off. She merely smiled at Constantine as she moved past the guards. “Come. I’ll show you both to your chamber so you can settle in after your long journey.”

  Lex slipped her hand back in Constantine’s as they followed Isobel up the long flight of stone stairs. The corridor seemed to run on forever. The walls were lined with gorgeous oil paintings of women in various times throughout history. The woman all seemed to stare down at them as they passed, their secret smiles hinting at more mysteries than Mona Lisa herself.

  When they came to an enormous chamber, done up in rich burgundy and gold, it was like stepping into a dream. A dream she desperately wanted to wake from.

  Isobel moved aside so they could enter. Constantine brushed past her without even sparing Isobel a glance. “Your things will be brought up anon.”

  “Thank you for letting us stay in your home.”

  Whatever was between Constantine and Isobel was none of her affair. Nor did it allow her to be rude to a woman who’d opened her home to them, putting her entire household in jeopardy.

  Isobel waved her hand through the air. “Nonsense, Lexine. You’re one of us now. You’re family.” With one last look at Constantine, Isobel turned to leave. “If you need anything, all you need do is ask.”

  Once she was gone, Constantine slammed the door and let out a curse that had Lex backing away from him. He cut her a look that would have had a lesser woman cowering. “If you don’t want to stay here, we’ll leave.”

  He raked a hand through his hair. “You can’t leave and I won’t leave you.”

  “I don’t want you to have to be somewhere that brings you back to your past.”

  He grabbed her, lifted her clear off her feet and kissed her long and hard. When he pulled his mouth from hers, Lex was breathless. “This is my problem, elf, not yours.”

  “Yes, but, I... ”

  “But nothing. Like I said, this is my problem and I’ll deal with it.”

  He set her back on her feet just as there was a knock at the door. Constantine threw the doors open and yanked their bags from Finn. He tossed them aside as Angus came to fill the doorway. He looked none too pleased at Constantine’s attitude—not that Constantine seemed to care. He growled and snapped his teeth at the man, unfazed by his look of disgust. Angus walked away with a shake of his head.

  “That wasn’t nice.”

  Constantine cocked a brow at her as he set the bags down. “And when did I ever claim to be nice?”

  “Good point.”

  Constantine never claimed to be anything other than what he was. He may be an ornery bastard, but at least he was honest about it. It was one of the reasons she adored him.

  After what seemed like an endless trek down a relentless road paved with worry and fear, Lex eyed the huge, curtained bed longingly. She was about ready to drop out of sheer exhaustion.

  Taking a good look at the chamber, Lex was impressed. The Order certainly knew how to do it up in style. Hanging from the stone walls were stunning tapestries, which, with the help of the fire burning in the massive hearth, did much to cut the dampness. There was a trunk at the foot of the enormous bed as well as a tall wardrobe to hold their clothes. The mirror above the white oak dresser had rosebuds etched into the glass, which matched the delicate design painted on the furniture.

  When she spied a door, Lex peeked in and saw it was a bathroom—complete with toilet and shower. She nearly wept from relief. Though the castle obviously had electricity, until she saw indoor plumbing with her own eyes she didn’t dare believe it. Especially since everything about Lowel seemed so—medieval.


  She smiled lazily at Constantine, who had a restless and caged animal look to him. “You might not remember, but that tends to happen to humans. Twenty-four hours of traveling can wipe a person out.”

  Her sarcasm had him laughing, even as Constantine’s goddamn skin crawled at being back at Lowel. “So go to sleep.”

  He hadn’t meant to sound so gruff, although Lex seemed not to notice. Either that or she chose to ignore his grouch. “Come lay with me.”

  If Constantine got anywhere near her she wouldn’t be getting much sleep. Though he’d spent most of the flight devouring her body, he still wanted more. He wondered if he’d ever have his fill of her and then decided there weren’t enough lifetimes for him to ever sate his needs when it came to Lex.

  The power surged from her to him when her hand closed over his arm. All Constantine could think was, thank God they got her here when they did. No doubt by now, if she was still at Seacrest, renegades would be trying to take down the castle stone by stone to get to her. At Lowel, they had a veil of Druid magic engulfing the castle. It would help to shield her power, keeping renegades from detecting it and knowing she was here.

  The magic would also keep Constantine from working his telepathy. Even his Sight would be shut down while they were here. The reprieve from those blinding visions would be a welcomed relief after seven centuries of suffering them. Lex’s stomach growled and Constantine frowned. “Why didn’t you tell me you were hungry?”

  She shrugged, her eyes hooded. “Because I’m too tired to eat.”

  That wasn’t a good enough answer as far as he was concerned. If she was hungry she was going to eat. Tired or not. “Stay here while I go see what there is for you to eat in this godforsaken place.”

  Her stomach thanked him with another loud growl. “Trust me, I’m not going anywhere in this castle without you glued to my side.” She made a disgusted face. “Besides, I feel gross and need a shower.”

  His body hardened at the thought of hot water dripping down Lex’s soapy body. Stressed from the trip, from being locked away within that goddamn crate for the better part of twenty-four hours, Constantine wasn’t exactly in complete control of himself. With the bloodlust rising in him and how being at Lowel caused his past to creep up all around him, Constantine needed time away from Lex to regain control.

  He gave her a sniff. “You smell fine to me.”

  Too fine, actually, for his raging body to deal with right then.

  Lex went to him and put her arms around him. With a grunt, Constantine’s stomach constricted as her power surged through him. Even the force of it couldn’t quiet the hunger. “Hurry back. I don’t want to be alone here. I’m scared.”

  He kissed her roughly and then set her away. That she looked to him to be rid of fear astounded him. Usually he was putting fear into people, not relieving it. “There’s nothing to fear, elf. Go shower. I’ll be back before you’re done.”

  Leaving the room, Constantine closed the door. As he stomped down the corridor, he cursed, sensing he wasn’t alone.

  “I can still recall the night I was told you were among the Templars arrested in France.” Isobel stepped from the shadows, as graceful as he’d always remembered her being. And still just as beautiful. “They told me of your damnation shortly after your execution. I wish I had the words to express my regret for the part I played in your life.”

  He stopped and sneered at Isobel. “I don’t blame you, so save your guilt, woman.”

  “And yet you hate me.”

  Hate Isobel of Lowel? No, he didn’t hate her. Nor did he blame her for what befell him. His fate, his damnation, was a direct result of his own actions. “Leave off, Isobel. I don’t need this now. Not from you and not tonight.”

  He went to walk past her but she stopped him with a hand on his arm. Constantine looked at her hand and remembered the night she’d first touched him. It was the first time he’d ever been touched in kindness.

  “You hate that I represent your past. I’ve always admired the strength it took for you to do what you did that night to free yourself.”

  “Don’t go there, tonight. You won’t like what it reaps.”

  Her hand slipped from his arm. “You need to feed, Constantine.”

  “No I don’t.” He pushed passed her and strode towa
rd the stairs.

  She ignored his denial. “Let me call one of our... ”

  He stopped and turned back to her. He let her know right then why he’d earned his black reputation. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he slammed her against the wall. She did nothing to betray her fear—if she was indeed afraid of him. “I said fuck off.”

  He knew what she offered and the thought of it made his damn skin crawl. As much as Constantine knew he had to feed or else become a danger to himself and to everyone around him—especially Lex—for the first time in his existence he didn’t want to give in to the monster trying to claw its way out of him.

  “Dragon, please don’t do this. You know the needs of your body. If you don’t satisfy them, you know what will happen and what we’ll be forced to do. I beg you not to let it come to that.”

  He didn’t need Isobel to spell out that if the Order thought him a threat to Lex they’d put him down.

  As much as he hated to admit it, Isobel was right. He knew his body, but more importantly, he knew what he’d become if he didn’t feed. And yet he couldn’t bring himself to do what needed to be done.

  Taking his hands from her, Constantine stepped away from Isobel. “I don’t want your fucking blood-whores.”

  “Your loyalty to Lexine is admirable, but foolish.” She reached up to put a hand on his face but Constantine jumped back. The last thing he wanted was for her touch him again. “I remember you as the boy you were. You were so full of pain and righteous fury. It was as horrible to see as it was beautiful.”

  A low, feral growl rose up from deep within him. The threatening sound would have any creature scurrying away in terror. Not Isobel, who stood her ground, her eyes sad as she looked upon him.

  “I’m not that boy anymore. I left that pathetic child behind at Greaves. Now move out of my way.”

  Or Constantine was prepared to move her.

  “Constantine, please.” She all but chased after him as he strode down the long, stone stairway. “Be reasonable. You need to sate the hunger. Don’t make us do something everyone will regret.”

  For one moment—one brief moment—the ages melted away and it was just himself as a boy and Isobel, once again standing in this same spot as they had so long ago.

  “I can’t.”

  Those two simple words shook Isobel right to her core.

  Isobel never thought Constantine would have turned into the man he was now. As a child he’d been so full of fear and anger. He’d been a lost soul when she’d been at Greaves and he was even more shattered in spirit when he’d come here seeking her aide.

  That night, Isobel had taken him in and offered him a life far from the one he’d known. She’d promised to send him across the world, to start anew and put his past behind him. How she’d hoped he’d leave his shame and fury behind. Much to her sorrow, he hadn’t. Instead, all of these centuries, it had continued to build within him, shaping him into the creature standing before her this night. A long time ago, Isobel had taken in a broken boy and hoped to give him the gift of a new life. It had all gone so horribly wrong. Now, she had the chance to gift him one more time. She hoped this one wouldn’t end as badly as the other had.

  “You can feed from her.”

  “I said I want no part of your blood-whores, woman.”

  “Not a donor, Constantine. I speak of Lexine. You can take her blood.”

  Isobel had never heard a sound as ominous as the one that came from Constantine. The awful sound had the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end.

  “What in the bloody hell are you saying?”

  “I’m saying you can take Lexine’s blood.” Not many things frightened Isobel any more, especially since she was usually the thing going bump in the night. But right then, Constantine did. He scared her and she wasn’t too proud to admit it. “The Daystar’s power can only be transferred on Samhain. And then only when a Bloodmoon sits in the sky.”

  “You lie,” he rasped.

  “If I lie and you take Lexine’s blood, you will hold the power of the Daystar within you. You will become virtually unstoppable. Think, Constantine. Why would I lie and dare to risk that, especially with a man such as yourself, who regards humans and vampires in such disdain?”

  He took a step back and shook his head in disbelief. “No.”

  Isobel sensed the turmoil in him and stepped away from the wall. She wanted to give Constantine even a brief moment of happiness. She owned him that much for her part in what he’d become. “I know you love her. Please, accept this gift I give you.”

  This time it was Isobel who walked away. She knew she had to leave Constantine to fight his own mind and emotions. Her part was done. Now it was up to him to make a decision that would impact them all.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Constantine’s roar bounced off the walls of the corridor. Why in the hell had Isobel told him he could take Lex’s blood? Didn’t she know what it did to him to know this? Jesus Christ, he couldn’t do it. No matter what Isobel claimed about the transfer of power only able to occur on the night of a Bloodmoon. He couldn’t do that to Lex. He couldn’t take her blood like some raving animal. If he did, Constantine knew he’d lose the last shred of decency he possessed.

  Frustration overtaking him, Constantine smashed his fist into the wall. Flesh split and bone shattered at the impact. Though the pain helped to level him, the sight of his blood on the wall brought the past back to him in a rush of vivid detail.

  No longer the man who’d known war, spilled blood and came back from death after facing an archangel; Constantine was once more the scared boy who’d come here seeking Isobel’s aid. Something she’d freely given, just as she’d promised she would do years before.

  Alone in the corridor, Constantine held out his hands to no one, mimicking what he’d done that night centuries ago when he’d reached for Isobel and begged for her help. She’d pried the dagger from his bloody hands and brought him to a chamber where he’d been washed and fed and allowed to rest. It was the same chamber he now shared with Lex. Back then, Isobel had given him the promise of a new life.

  He’d left the next day for Messina, where he’d met up with Guy Sinclair and his army, all of whom went with the hope of finding something greater in the Holy Land than they had in England. Among those men were Tristan and Sebastian, who had instantly earned Constantine’s admiration for their wisdom and prowess. Lucian and Raphael were the first to band together with the two lifelong friends. Once they’d allowed Constantine into their fold, the five of them became an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. Even among such a ferocious army, they’d risen in the ranks to become leaders of men known for their skill and savagery in battle.

  Years later, when Tristan wanted to join with the Templar Order, Lucian, the most devout of them, was the first to second the decision. Sebastian, of course, followed as well, since he and Tristan had been as close as brothers since boyhood. What one did, so did the other—without question or hesitation. Their bond was one Constantine envied, and it was one he’d failed to realize he shared with them, until their collective deaths and damnation.

  The past fading, Constantine had to look away from the blood splattered on the stone. If he lingered here much longer letting the past haunt him, the bloodlust would grow too great for him to control.

  As Constantine stormed down the stairs, he swore his plea for Isobel’s help still resonated within the walls. He’d come here, knowing what Isobel was, yet she was all he’d had back then. Besides Sir Walter, she was the only other person who’d ever offered him kindness. That night, when he’d come here broken and bloody, was the last time Constantine had ever begged anything from anyone.

  Until now.

  Throwing away his pride, Constantine gritted his fangs as he prayed for strength and guidance.

  Please God, help me do what’s right. Just this once.

  * * *

  After her shower, Lex had nothing to do but sit and wait for Constantine to come back. Tired, she l
ay on the bed and tried not to be afraid, although it was a losing battle. At least with Constantine here she’d have better things to do besides dwell on the thoughts racing through her mind.

  The trip had been a long one and it left her strung out emotionally. She was hungry and tired and wished she could call Allie. She needed to hear her sister’s voice.

  The combination of hunger and fatigue made her cranky. Such a mood was one she rarely found herself in. Jealousy was also a new one for her. Unfortunately, that was one emotion she couldn’t fight.


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