Zeal Legacy 2: A GameLit RPG Fantasy

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Zeal Legacy 2: A GameLit RPG Fantasy Page 27

by Riker Kane

  “All right,” Kailani said. “You took ‘em down when they’re on the ground… I’ll take ‘em down from the sky!” She pulled a throwing knife from her hip and tossed it at the vulture, catching it right on its neck and sending it spiraling back to the ground in a heap.

  “Impressive. Let me give it a try.” Mirella raised her trident up near her head and aimed it at the circling buzzards.

  “This should be interesting…” Clayton raised his eyebrows curiously. The Azurean proved deadly enough with the trident in her hands. Seeing her heave it made her seem even more lethal.

  Mirella launched the javelin into the air. The metal sailed through the sky and pierced a vulture. A mess of blood, guts, and feathers fluttered around like an explosion. She rushed up to retrieve her weapon when the remaining vultures descended upon her.

  “Finish ‘em off!” Clayton and Rena charged forward with their weapons raised. They swiped and slashed the birds as they tried to peck at them. Clayton wasn’t nearly as swift as his elf counterpart, but his armor was enough to protect him.

  “Look out!” Jalise cast a fireball as another group of buzzards descended from the clouds. The flames were big enough to engulf half of the group.

  Kailani ran forward and leaped into the air, slashing at the birds before they could dive down on them.

  A few vultures remained. Mirella walked toward them, calmly raising her trident. Just as the bird zoomed toward her, she held her weapon up and used its own speed to impale it.

  The party fought until they killed the last vulture. It took some effort but they walked away with no injuries. Clayton looked at the women and nodded in approval. “All right. Great teamwork. We keep this up, we’ll beat anything. Easy—”

  “That was merely the first encounter,” Rena interrupted him. “Do not get overconfident. Thinking this journey will be easy only puts you in danger.”

  “You always gotta be the one to rain on my parade…” He sighed before continuing up the trail.

  ~ ~ ~

  The party encountered groups of wild animals but nothing Clayton couldn’t handle. Wild boars. Ferocious lions. Bloodthirsty bats. Jalise made sure to heal the minor injuries they sustained, so nobody was in any serious danger.

  But the fatigue of climbing a mountain eventually began to take its toll. The air grew thin. The base of the mountain was so distant, it could barely be seen.

  “I was just thinking… Do we even know what we’re looking for?” Kailani asked.

  “You know why we’re here. I have to fix my sword. The only blacksmith who can do that is in the mountains.”

  “I don’t know if you noticed this but the mountains are pretty big. Are we really gonna roam the entire mountainside looking for this blacksmith? The same blacksmith we’re not even sure exists?”

  “He’s here. I know he is. We’ll find him.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I can feel it. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s just a feeling I have. I know we’re headed in the right direction.”

  “I’ll take your word for it, BB. Maybe you could head us in the direction of some nice springs so we can take a break for a second.”

  “I think I’ve had my fill of springs and rejuvenation pools for the time being. Last time I was naked in some water, some creep tried to cook me for dinner—”

  “Help! Please! Somebody!”

  Clayton rushed forward as soon as he heard the voice in the distance. He ran around the corner and found himself standing at the edge of a plateau.

  “Careful.” Mirella grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “The descent would be long and painful.”

  “The voice though… It came from here—”

  “Help! Someone!”

  Clayton moved back to the plateau and looked down. There he saw a man hanging on the edge, his hands clinging to the rocks and his feet dangling below him.


  “Please!” The man looked up pleadingly at Clayton. “Help me!”

  “We have to help him… But how do we reach him?” They all looked around at one another. The man was hanging more than three meters down, too low for anybody to extend their arms and grab him.

  Clayton looked at Mirella’s weapon and an idea came to him. “The trident. Kailani. I’ll lower you down and let him grab onto it. Once he’s got a hold of it, the rest of us will pull you up.”

  “That sounds like an idea… Just warning you, if you drop me, I’ll be sure to come back and haunt you, BB.”

  “You haunting me means I’m definitely not letting you go.”

  Kailani took the trident and crawled to the edge of rocks. Clayton gripped her ankles tight and lowered her down, the other three holding onto Clayton just the same.

  “Grab it! Hurry!” Kailani pointed the weapon at the man. He hesitated for a moment before reaching out and snatching it.

  “Pull!” Clayton tugged on the weight of Kailani and the stranger as hard as he could, the other three straining just as hard as him. Their combined strength was more than enough to pull the two of them up. When all of them were safe, they all sat on the ground and caught their breath.

  Outside of the worry on his face, the man looked harmless. His linens were ordinary and he wasn’t carrying any weapons. Clayton was still suspicious though, wondering why a middle-aged man was up on the mountain so high.

  “I was picking herbs,” the man said. “They’re used for our medicine. I got careless and reached out too far.”

  “No kidding.”

  “I would have surely died if you were not passing by. I owe you my life.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. Just try not to get into trouble—”

  “No. I owe you.” The man stood up and shook Clayton’s hand profusely. “My name is Owen. I will take you to meet the others in Taius.”


  “My village.”

  “Your village? In the mountains?”

  ~ ~ ~

  The sun began to go down. Howls. Roars. Even the way the wind picked up from the winged beasts flapping above. The creatures of the mountain made their presence known.

  But Clayton was more wary of Owen than anything else. It was strange to see a man by himself in the mountains, Clayton thought. He gave Owen the benefit of the doubt, assuming the stranger’s cheery attitude was because he just escaped death.

  Clayton’s concerns left him when they came upon a plateau just a mile from where they saved him. Sure enough, Owen appeared to be telling the truth.

  “Wow… There really is a village in the mountains.”

  The people went about their day as they would in any other town. Smoke rose from the fires where food was cooked. Leatherworkers cobbled together clothing. There even seemed to be a blacksmith fashioning tools on his hammer.

  “These huts remind me of back home,” Kailani said. “I guess when you’re out here, you can’t build a nice, fancy shack.”

  “I can have a hut built for you all,” Owen said. “It is the least I can do for what you did for me.”

  “Thanks, Owen.” Clayton couldn’t help but laugh at the man’s gratefulness. “But we won’t be staying long. We’re on a journey. We’re looking for someone.”

  “Is that right? Then maybe I can help you.”

  “We’re looking for a blacksmith.”

  “We have a blacksmith.”

  “Not just any blacksmith. A… How do I put this? A special blacksmith. A fabled blacksmith. One who works in unique weapons and items.”

  Owen’s eyes widened in surprise. “You seek the Outcast?”

  “The Outcast?”

  “Come. I will bring to the old man. He will give you more information.”

  Owen led the group through the village to a man sitting peacefully next to a small bonfire. The man wasn’t just old. He was older than anyone else in the village by a large margin. Hair long and white. His beard the same. He was draped in several layers of linens but just his bony arms were enough t
o show how thin he was. His eyes were closed, his wrinkled, pale face calm.

  “Grady. There are travelers here. They need your help.”

  The elderly man slowly opened his eyes. He looked right at Clayton, staring at him without blinking. Clayton smiled politely out of nervousness. The old man continued to stare back at him. Clayton shifted his eyes left and right, waiting for the old man to say something.

  “Okay… This is getting awkward—”

  “You are a Ferrum.” The old man’s voice was clear and slow but Clayton still wasn’t sure he’d heard him right.


  “You are a Ferrum. Ironblood.”

  “How do you know—”

  “I knew this time would come. When someone would seek the Outcast. The day has arrived.” The man stood up from his seat and put his hands on Clayton’s arms. “I will tell you where the Outcast is and you will find him. But it will be a long journey. Stop. Rest. Please enjoy the hospitality of our village.”

  Chapter 37

  Jalise enjoyed the company of some villagers, showing off the fire in her palm. Others marveled at Mirella’s unique appearance as she told them about the wonders of Azure. Rena spoke to the blacksmith in hopes she could sharpen her weapons. Kailani sampled some treats and ate to recover from their long trek.

  “You want to keep going. Always pushing yourself. Wanting to test your limits. There is nothing so urgent it can’t wait until the morning. I would advise you not to continue your ascent during the night.”

  “Wild animals out there, huh?”

  “Animals and other things. You seem capable but why risk it?” The older man smiled at Clayton from across the bonfire between them.

  “Sounds like good advice…” Clayton took the opportunity to stretch and lay out next to the comforting flames. A deep yawn escaped his mouth as he nestled himself against a log. “Everybody else looks like they’re enjoying themselves. None of them need to be here with me, so I can’t force them to keep going.”

  “None of them need to be here with you but they came anyway. Ferrums do have a certain charisma about them. Some more than others.”

  “You seem to know a lot about Ferrums for an old man in a small mountain village.”

  “I know so much because I am old. Nalore isn’t so small that the myths and legends couldn’t cross the sea. You overestimate the size of Xeylon.”

  “And just how big is it?”

  Clayton didn’t know just how big the world he was exploring was. There were no maps in Nalore, only mentions of other lands.

  “Nalore is a small island west of the Great Sea. To the East, there are smaller islands. North of them is the largest landmass in the world.”

  “Green Terra…”

  “Green Terra stretches for countless miles. Forests. Mountains. Deserts and valleys. Keep going and you will eventually reach the sea again and find the island where Nalore resides.”

  “All right.” Clayton sat up, giving all of his attention to Grady. “You know about Nalore. You know about the Ferrum. What can you tell me about the Outcast? Why do they call him that?”

  “Because he is a lone blacksmith living in the mountains. Don’t you think that’s a fitting name?”

  “I guess you have a point.” Clayton chuckled and the old man gave a toothy smile in return.

  “Why is it you seek the Outcast?”

  “I suppose it won’t hurt to tell you.” He unsheathed the Zeal Blade and held it up. The sword was ordinary enough when it wasn’t active. The broken blade only made it more ordinary. “Can’t find a blacksmith who can fix this thing. They heat it up. They hammer it. The thing got snapped in two by a crab but it can’t be welded back together.”

  Clayton had fought so long with the broken sword he couldn’t help but chuckle. Then he noticed Grady looking at the sword. The old man stared solemnly at it. Clayton thought it was strange but didn’t say anything, letting him stare until he finally blinked his eyes.

  “Zeal… I heard of the legends. I didn’t think I would actually see it for myself.”

  “It’s much more impressive when it’s active. That’s only when there are Maledict around though. Hopefully they don’t come around…”

  “The Maledict are around?” Grady raised an eyebrow.

  “It’s the reason I need the sword repaired. The Maledict are gathering their strength. The more time they have, the greater rift they can create to enter Xeylon. A Maledict named Belenoth is gunning for me. I… I need to be at my strongest if I’m gonna beat him and send the Maledict back again.”


  “I sealed them away once before. Now they’ve returned. I must’ve done something. I was told my power was tied to them. Maybe that’s true. Maybe not. All I know is that there are more of them and I’ll do anything to put a stop to them.”

  Grady scratched the side of his chin with his thumb. He stayed silent, closing his eyes and pontificating like a wise sage. Clayton remained quiet and waited for the old man’s response.

  “Wonder what he’s thinking…”

  Grady kept his eyes closed as he began to speak. “I will tell you the location of the Outcast. You will be able to take your weapon to him and he will repair it. I know he can.”

  “How… How do you know this?”

  “Because he passed by Taius before ascending into the mountains. I remember the tools he carried, glowing with a sheen like nothing else. He said he was preparing for something. A great evil that threatened all of Xeylon. He told me the time would come when someone would need his services. I didn’t think it would actually happen but if what you’re saying is true and nobody is able to fix your sword… I believe that was what the Outcast was preparing for.”

  “Okay then… If you know how serious this is then you’ll help me. You’ll tell me where this guy is so I can get to him.”

  “I will… If you do something for me.”

  Clayton chuckled then nodded. “It’s never so simple, is it?”

  “I ask a favor not just for me but for the entire village. I need you to acquire something for me. Lourinth.”


  “It is a rock that can be used for starting fires. Just a single stone would be enough to serve the entire village for years. Acquire a Lourinth Stone and I will tell you where the outcast is.”

  “What if I don’t do this for you? What if I decide to just keep climbing and hope that I run into him? I’ll eventually find him.”

  “You may… Eventually. But do you have that much time to spare?”

  “Hmm…” Clayton considered the old man’s proposal. He’d already made his decision about helping but he still had more questions. “I’m guessing this won’t be easy. I’ll put myself in danger trying to get a Lourinth Stone.”

  “The stones are located in a cavern around the hillside. An ancient temple built by our predecessors. Villagers don’t dare venture there and with good reason. But if you are not able to survive the threats of the temple, I can assure you, you would not survive the journey to where the Outcast resides. Though, you are not inclined to help—”’

  “I will help you. Even if I wasn’t searching for the Outcast, if there’s something I can do, I’ll do it.”

  A smile slowly formed on the old man’s lips. The way Grady looked at him was strange, Clayton thought. But he didn’t think anything more of it, his attention focused on trying to acquire the Lourinth.

  “Just one more question… What exactly does Lourinth look like?”

  The old man pondered the question for a moment. “Venture into the temples. Search for it. You will find it when you see it.” Grady got up from his seat and patted Clayton on the shoulder. “There is one more thing I want to show you.”

  “This should be good.” They walked by the makeshift huts of the village. It didn’t take Clayton to see it. Along the hillside, an essence tablet stood by itself. “I could make good use of it.”

  “I assumed you could. The tablet is
nothing more than a relic to everybody else but to you…”

  Clayton put his hand over it. The energy formed like fire in front of him and he saw the levels he’d gained on their ascent. Combined with the levels before their journey, he had enough to make significant changes in himself. “Seven points… Do you have any idea what I’ll be facing in the temples?”

  “It will take strength. Speed. Wisdom and intelligence. I don’t recall a person venturing deep within and returning.”

  “Of course not. There’s a reason why nobody goes there in the first place…” With seven points to spare, Clayton decided to even himself out as much as he could. Two points in wisdom. Two points in dexterity. Then a point each in strength, constitution and agility. A small surge pulsed through his body.

  Clayton Brooks

  Essence Level 81

  Available Points 0

  Hit Points 900

  Stamina 100

  Strength 24

  Constitution 22

  Agility 21

  Dexterity 19

  Wisdom 17

  “Better make a recording of my essence while I’m here.” He kept his palm flat on the tablet and watched his energy transfer to the stone before pulling it away.

  Grady put a hand on his shoulder. “Now rest. You will need your strength for the temples.”

  Chapter 38

  “I wonder… How come all these ancients are always building temples and labyrinths and dungeons? You think they enjoyed torturing people?”

  Clayton chuckled at Kailani’s observation because he thought the same way.

  “These temples were not always as dangerous and decrepit as they are now,” Jalise said. “Nobody knows why the ancients built them but they did serve a purpose back then. Over time, they became abandoned and occupied by creatures that would make them dangerous. There is no reason for anybody to use them now.”

  “Yet here we are, heading into another dangerous dungeon,” Kailani sighed. “Let’s make this snappy, BB. They’ve got this bread back in Taius that’s so sweet. It’ll knock your socks off.”


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