Knight Defense

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Knight Defense Page 9

by Sydney Addae

  Faye grabbed her glass and drank it down without thought and licked her lips. A low rumbling sound caused her to jerk and look around.

  “Did you hear that?” she asked, the noise was close.

  “Are you finished?” Jarcee asked in a low voice that rolled across her skin like a warm caress.

  “Huh?” she tried to focus on what he was saying but she was on fire. Her nipples tightened to the point of pain. Her core throbbed with need. Never had she felt so out of control. No one had ever affected her like this before, it was unreal.

  “Are you finished eating your food?” he asked in a low voice.

  She looked at the half-full plate, realized her hunger had been replaced by another kind and nodded.

  “Come here.”

  It took a moment for the meaning of his words to penetrate, when they did, she hopped up and crawled on his lap. Arms hooked around his neck, she pulled him close and gave in to the smoldering need to kiss him.

  He wrapped his arms around her, holding her in place and literally stole her thoughts. Faye couldn’t remember her name, phone number or address beneath the onslaught of sexual need and heat. It was as if they merged. Her skin became extra sensitive, each touch magnified into something more. Their breathing synced.

  Butterflies filled her belly as his fingers touched her upper thigh beneath her dress.


  He chuckled.

  Had she said that aloud?

  “I should take you to bed but I won’t make it,” he said as one of his incredibly long and thick fingers slid into her.

  She gasped and opened her legs wider, straddling him and leaning back. Now if he could play with her breasts. She pinched her nipples, loving the sensations spreading to her core.

  He bent forward and nibbled lightly on her taut buds. She was in heaven singing hallelujah and “Oh Happy Day,” when he pulled the top of her dress down far enough to access her breast.

  “Thank you, Lord,” she said breathy, enjoying the sexual train ride. “It’s been too long.” His long, thick, cock pulsed beneath her, begging an introduction.

  Hadn’t she come prepared to fully meet him? Yes, she had. She pushed against his chest and met his dark emerald gaze. He took several deep breaths while watching her scoot back a little, and then stand. She unzipped his pants.

  “He wants to be free, doesn’t he?” she winked at him and then hollered. “What the hell?”

  He laughed and pulled her close. “You’re delightful.”

  Her eyes widened as she stared at him for a few seconds, unbelieving. “You’re not going to kill me with that.” She pointed to his dick and shook her head. Damn, she should’ve known there was a catch, he was too perfect, things were going too good. But she wasn’t ashamed to admit she couldn’t handle all he was packing and wasn’t about to go to the emergency room for trying.

  With regret, she tried to step aside.

  “Faye.” The way he said her name made every syllable a caress. “Don’t be afraid, I was made for you. We won’t do anything until you’re ready, but when you are, you’ll be able to handle me, I promise.”

  She wasn’t buying it.

  But maybe he could get her off orally or with his fingers. Part of her hated going that route but damn, she was so close, it wouldn’t take much.

  He tugged on her arm, she fell back on his cock which took up a large portion of his lap.

  “Let me please you. Give you pleasure... you said it’s been a long time.” His finger stroked her inner thigh and she opened her legs.

  “Seriously, you’re too big, I don’t want to be another statistic.”

  He laughed. “I’m perfect for you.” He stroked her between her legs, swirling her juices on his fingers before entering her.

  She sighed with pleasure as he took her higher, closer to the brink with those heavenly fingers. Moving slightly to get him to the right spot, she yelled as she hit her peak, crashing over and falling softly.

  Jarcee stared at her beautiful face. The Goddess had indeed blessed him with a mate who matched him in every way. He lusty cries pleased his beast who pushed to mate. From the time she walked inside her need for him had been an enticing aroma pulling on his beast. It had taken every bit of strength to keep from tossing her over his shoulder at the door and walking to the bedroom until they were both sated.

  He slid another finger inside her tight sheath, watching for signs of discomfort. She sighed and rolled her hips against his fingers. He slid in another and stroked her lightly.

  “That feels so good,” she moaned, her words were fuel to a banked fire of need. Drops of fluid from his leaking cock wet his pants and leg.

  “You are so beautiful, so responsive,” he said watching her peak and orgasm again. He could do this all day.

  She took several deep breaths and shook her head. “No. Never before... not like this. This... this is beyond anything I’ve ever felt. Look at my hands.” She held them out.

  “You’re shaking,” he said with a smidgen of pride. His beast howled in satisfaction for what they’d given their mate.

  She nodded.

  “Look,” he said as her breathing normalized. He tipped his head downward and looked at his fingers in her sweet box.

  Her mouth dropped open. “Is that? You’ve had them in this whole time?” Shock riddled her voice and question.

  “Yes. You were made for me,” he said praying to the Goddess she would give them a chance.

  She stared at them a few seconds longer and looked at him. “Just the tip.” She pulled off her thong and tossed it aside.

  His beast howled as she took his cock and placed it at her opening and with their gazes locked, eased down until the tip of his cock was lodged inside pulsing.

  “Damn,” she whispered as she took a little more. “This feels amazing. I can’t believe how good...”

  Jarcee watched her eyelids close half-mast as she rode him slowly. She hadn’t taken all of him but took more and more with each stroke. He doubted she realized how close she was to seating him fully.

  Leaning back in the chair, his head fell back as she had her way with him. This... this was something he never expected or dreamed. His beast urged him to mate, to claim her as theirs.

  When she was fully seated, she stared at him and looked down. “I don’t believe it.” She frowned. “How’d that happen? You’re too big, too long, I should be in pain.” She rolled her hips.

  They both sighed in pleasure. “I don’t understand why it feels better now than it did before,” she said.

  “You’re made for me,” he said again. Still connected, he placed his hands on her hips and stood. She wrapped her arms around his neck and placed kisses everywhere in-between moans and sighs.

  “Every step you take feels so good,” she said laying her cheek in the crook of his neck.

  “It’s going to get better,” he promised walking into the bedroom.

  “Yay, a bed,” she said and then laughed. “Wait, put me down.”

  He allowed her to slide down slowly and pulled out. She unzipped her dress and laid it on the chair. Fully naked, except for her heels, she walked to him, glanced at the bed and then at him again.

  “Strip,” she said.

  The word ricocheted through him. Within seconds he was as naked as her, minus his shoes. He waited until she finished looking him over before he picked her up and tossed her in the middle of the bed.

  She laughed and rolled to the side, but he landed next to her and boxed her in.

  “You caught me,” she said smiling.

  Her words tugged at him. “I’ll always catch you.”

  “Awww, that’s so sweet.” She palmed his throbbing cock and rolled to the side to watch him. “Now that I know I can take whatever you dish out, you’re in trouble.”

  “Is your name trouble? Because I plan to be with you very soon.”

  She squeezed his cock and smiled. “I’m trouble for you.”

  “I know. Ride me.”

  “Bossy, aren’t you?” She asked while straddling him.

  “You have no idea.”

  She eased onto him.

  He hissed at the pleasure and placed his hands on her hips.

  “Oh, I have an idea,” she said softly leaning forward, staring into his eyes. “Who are you exactly Jarcee? Why do you make me burn? What secrets do you hide behind those eyes of yours?” She rose slightly and descended, over and over again.

  “Take what you need, use me,” he said and pulled her down, fully seated against him.

  “I can do that,” she said and rode him hard until she reached dizzying heights. “Oh, oh, oh,” she yelled dragging him with her over the crest.

  She lay on his chest gasping in the aftermath. “Based on this, I’ve never had sex before.” She shook her head. “What the hell have I been doing? Nothing even comes close.” She pulled a few strands of hair on his chest. “You’ve ruined me. I’ll never be satisfied with anyone else again.”

  “As it should be,” he said rolling her over. “My turn.”


  THE NEXT MORNING SILAS received a briefing from General Miller. He tagged Jasmine and Angus to listen in through their links so they could discuss it afterward.

  “Are you telling me they all got together, discussed this and agreed to plot against us?”

  “Not all of them,” General Miller said. “Admiral Blue and General Williams were against it, but this new Administration jumped the gun demanding an accounting. Both the General and Admiral were surprised to hear it came from the White House and not the Joint Chiefs.”

  “So the White House did this on their own? Demanded a count of the pack within 30 days and the penalty?” That was information he would pass on to the Pack attorney.

  “As far as we can tell. It didn’t come from the Joint Chiefs. Admiral Blue and General Williams aren’t that involved with whatever plans the others are taking against the pack but he still gets updates from an involved source. In the meeting, they discussed how to get an accurate account but short of you being involved, everyone agreed it was throwing money and resources into the wind.”

  Silas silently agreed.

  “Here’s something of interest, Sir. There’s a new effort to recruit full-bloods and breeds from Canada and Europe to form an elite team similar to the Knights. I’m not sure who’s doing the training or is in charge but from what I’ve been told, so far it’s a circus. No loyalty among the recruits and they’re having a difficult time building them into a cohesive unit.”

  Silas wasn’t surprised. If the recruits wouldn’t obey an Alpha, the chances of obeying a human were slim to none. “I hope you explained to them how dangerous that is. Those rebels could turn on them in a heartbeat and destroy them.”

  “They know, but feel they’ve got it under control and aren’t listening to anyone,” the General said, his tone sad.

  “Probably the same devices they used on the Knights in Honduras. Maybe that was a test run, which means someone on the Joint Chiefs knew about it all along,” Silas said.

  “I thought the same thing, Sir.”

  There wasn’t much Silas could do to help the recruits at this point. The idea of any wolf under the control of any device didn’t sit right with him.

  “Also General Blue believes a counter-intelligence operation is being planned but doesn’t have any confirmed information.”

  “To gain a count?” Silas asked for clarity.

  “No, Sir. That was never their mission. The mission of the Joint Chiefs is singular. To discover the weaknesses of our pack. Once identified, set up defensive measures.”

  “I’ll alert Jasmine, so she can pass the word onto her army of bitches around the country about this. They’re the best intelligence group in the world.”

  “If or when a counter-intelligence operation launches, they’ll be fully equipped with the latest technology with the ability to listen in on conversations from a distance,” the General warned.

  “I’ll inform the Alphas to pass it on, all pack communication is to be done via links,” Silas said, appreciating the heads up.

  “That’s a good idea, Sir. If they cannot over-hear conversations, be prepared for them to be more visual, out and about. Soon as I know more, I’ll let you know.”

  “Appreciated,” Silas said, still reeling over the White House sending an order for a pack census. “Wait. I need everything you can find on Taurus, a full-blood rebel. He moved his pack to Canada. He uses another name as well.” Silas repeated the information he’d heard from David, Quinn, and Jackie.

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll look into it.”

  “That was interesting,” Angus said walking into Silas’ office. “A counter-intelligence operation in the making, the White House issuing 30-day demands, and the U.S. military recruiting full-bloods from other countries.” He sat in the chair in front of Silas. “I think they just got their new test subjects.”

  “True. Once they perfect whatever new tool they’ve been developing on those unsuspecting recruits, they turn on us.” He slammed his fist on the desk. “They are taking this too far.”

  “True. Which do we address first?” Angus asked. “The intelligence op?”

  “Yes, for now, Lyle and our people in Congress are looking into the situation with the demands from the White House.” Silas snorted. “Thirty days my ass.”

  “How do we stop them from infiltrating the pack?” Angus stared at him for a few seconds. “Hawke can break into their files... corrupt their information. Or we could do some counter-intelligence of our own using the chameleon.”

  Silas had been cautious, not wanting to use the bracelet in the States unless the situation became critical. Were they reaching that point? If the government approved of testing full-bloods for the sole purpose of eliminating the pack, was it time to go on the offensive? He’d never done that before and didn’t relish the idea of doing it now.

  America was home, his country. He’d fight to the death to keep the flag flying over the land of the free, and the brave. They were countrymen, brothers in arms against any rival threat, except the pack was being treated as an intolerable step-child or distant cousin. Necessary in times of turmoil but treated poorly during times of peace.

  “It’s something to think about,” Silas said slowly thinking it through. He looked at Angus. “What are you thinking?”

  “Who are the Joint Chiefs handling the counter-intelligence ops? Did Miller say?” Angus asked.

  “Admiral Bents and General Strait.”

  “Do we know anything about them? I can pull information and have them watched by one of our people inside. Maybe we can make the change at their home.”

  “That’s a problem. Where do we leave the exchanged bodies? At their home to be found by a wife or kids? I won’t do anything to tip anyone off that we have this capability, you know that.”

  “I do and I appreciate how careful you are with it.” Angus paused. “You do know it won’t work on everybody, right? I have to realign the crystals to make it work.”

  “You have a mate and three sons, I won’t ever take chances with you or your den.” Silas stared at Angus for several seconds. “Believe me, for a chameleon, they’ll come after you, your family, me, my family, our pack, everyone we know and love. In the wrong hands it’s...” Silas shook his head as words failed him. As much as he appreciated the chameleon, it scared him more, very few people in the world knew of its existence.

  “Yes, you’re right. We must be careful.” Angus sat with his fingertips pressed beneath his chin. “What if we go in as a lower staff member, high clearance, who lives alone? That person can do a quick touch scan of team members, maybe the General or Admiral, it’s a quick way to get the information we need.”

  That had been the plan in Honduras. It worked until the house they were staying in exploded.

  “Look into it, find at least three potential candidates. It may be our best chance to see what’s going on and how far the gover
nment is willing to go to destroy us.” It hurt to say the words, but he needed to be realistic. These were different times.

  “On it,” Angus said, standing. When he reached the door, he looked at Silas and spoke through their link. “I understand what you’re saying, but understand I’ve pledged my life and my den’s life to this pack. We will all do whatever is necessary to help it and you survive.”

  Their gazes held for a few seconds before Silas nodded. Angus left Silas staring at the closed door.

  “I would never allow that kind of sacrifice, it would tear me apart,” he told Angus with a heavy heart.

  A COUPLE HOURS LATER Silas finished his meeting with Matt and Dr. Passen, he explained the situation and wanted them on alert to any new technology or chemicals that may be used against them. He instructed them to contact pack hospitals and clinics to see if anything unusual had been reported. There were several possible avenues of attack and Silas wanted to be as prepared as possible.

  Jasmine walked in, kissed his forehead and sat on the edge of the desk. “The twins and Cameron just left,” she said.

  “They contacted me,” he said taking her hand. “They’ll be fine.”

  “I know,” she said and then smiled. “Wonder how many pups will arrive in the future from this trip?”

  “Hmm,” he said and exhaled. “What did you think of Miller’s report?”

  She looked down at him. “Nothing was a surprise, not really. What did you think?”

  “They’re doing something, using those recruits as test dummies to perfect a weapon against us.” He looked up at her. “If they’re doing that, how do I stop them from testing on pack?”

  “Good question, how will you handle it?”

  He told her about Angus’ idea and his reservations.

  “Both points have merit. You’ll need to weigh it, in the end I’m confident you’ll do the right thing.”


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