Knight Defense

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Knight Defense Page 20

by Sydney Addae

  “What about Bents assistant?” Angus asked. “She’s his alibi.”

  “Not anymore. She’s missing,” Silas said and left it at that. Mélange had packed the assistant in the trunk of the assistant’s car and drove to the spot Jayden prepared. The assistant’s car had been dismantled and sent to a junkyard. Assignment completed, Mélange retrieved her car and was on her way home to Renee.

  “Who discovered the body? Did we set that up?” Jacques asked.

  “No, that wasn’t us. The agents in the house not far from the cabin discovered the body and called it in.” Silas looked at the clock. Mélange left a transmitter on their car which allowed Hawke to get a handle on when they left the house and the directions they took. It was a small matter to place the body in their path.

  “Speaking of Mélange, she did a great job,” Jasmine said grinning and watching Silas.

  Considering Mélanges’ past with the Liege and other unsavory elements, when Bents started searching for her, Silas contacted her for this assignment. She’d accepted immediately, took time off from her Campus Security job and went to work with few questions. He believed she enjoyed getting back into the action if only for a few days and would keep her in mind for other work.

  “Yes she did,” Asia said. “Bents won’t have any alibis. Hawke destroyed the footage from the cabin that Bents and his assistant watched and removed Mélange from the office footage.”

  “She left his fingerprints all over that cabin,” Silas said. “No one will believe he had never been there.”

  “She’s good. All that wall tapping, knowing they were watching, she set him up and got paid for it,” Angus said.

  “Will they be able to follow the money?” Asia asked Hawke.

  “Yeah. But not the first transaction that went to Mélange. She earned it. The second was rerouted to Bents assistant. We want them to find that one,” Hawke said.

  “I have one question,” Jasmine looked at Silas. “Can Bents get out of this? He’s a high-ranking officer with friends in high places, can he be pardoned?”

  A sinking feeling filled Silas’ gut. After all they’d done, Bents could still get off. Bents could go after Mélange. Or Miller. Or crawl into some hole to continue working to destroy the pack.

  “Yes, the President can pardon anyone,” Jacques said watching Silas. The atmosphere dropped from elated to deflated.

  “Shit,” Angus said. “Didn’t Miller say Bents was the one who got the President to pardon Lee?”

  Silas nodded slowly while thinking of their next action.

  “Is there a way to stop that from happening?” Jasmine asked. “The pardon, I mean.”

  “This sucks,” Angus said. “After having Bent’s car at the scene, making sure it showed up on traffic cameras and having it back an hour before the man left the office... can’t believe he’ll get off.”

  “Even if he’s convicted? Aren’t his fingerprints on the murder weapon and the victim and the place the victim was last seen? Why would anyone pardon a murderer?” Asia asked looking around the table.

  “Maybe he won’t,” Jacques said. “But he could, no matter how much evidence is stacked against the guy.”

  The news became background noise as they all dealt with the possibility of losing this round that had so many moving parts. Everyone executed their contributions with excellence. Anger bubbled beneath Silas’ skin that Bents could walk.

  “We always have options,” Angus said. “He could have an unfortunate accident.”

  Silas shook his head. “He’d become a martyr. No, this has to go to trial. I want the evidence to hang around his corrupt head. Every time he cries I’m innocent, the evidence will say differently.” He looked at Angus. “Plus, I want him and all the Chiefs to lose a little faith in their research. Even if Bents is pardoned, he’ll know and live with the stigma of being branded for something he didn’t do. That’ll mess with his mind.”

  “Deep,” Angus said. “The idea that he could walk still pisses me off, though.”

  “What if justice is delayed?” Asia said looking around the table. “If he gets pardoned, he receives justice.”

  “That’s a possibility,” Silas said slowly. “But what I’d prefer is for him to remain locked away for the rest of his life. To be subjected to being a prisoner, to know what it feels to be caged.” He glanced at Asia. “To lose the privilege to come and go as you please. His hand has been in so many experiments on my people, a quick death is too good for him. He doesn’t deserve it.”

  Everyone nodded.

  Jasmine covered his hand. “How do we make that a reality?” She looked up at him.

  He exhaled. “I guess we’re going to dinner at the White House.”


  JARCEE THOUGHT ABOUT going to the compound but decided to head home. If Faye didn’t come home today, La Patron would need to put his beast to sleep. He noticed pack security and further he picked up the scent of the humans.

  Had they decided to focus on him instead of seeking answers elsewhere? He wished they’d disappear and leave him and Faye alone. He entered the garage, inhaled and released.

  The humans had come close but not inside. He warmed left-overs and sat on a barstool at the island to eat. Faye filled his thoughts. He prayed to the Goddess she wasn’t hurt or mistreated.

  “Hawke?” Jarcee called as he scraped his plate and placed it in the dishwasher.

  “Hey Jarcee, how’re you holding up?” Hawke asked.

  “Not good. Learn anything?” He sat on the stool again and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

  “Well, the guy Storm said did most of the talking is Special Agent Elroy High. A research guy, solid record. He’s not military, though. Works with another agency I’m still collecting information on. No match for the guy with him. Did you sense anything different about him?”

  The small one? Jarcee barely remembered him. He stopped talking once the other man stepped out the car. “No, just nervous.”

  “Most humans are nervous when they meet you,” Hawke said.

  “Not Faye. From the moment we met, she was never nervous.” Jarcee hadn’t meant to share something so private and personal. “Anything from the hospital? Have they done more testing today?”

  “Yes. First thing. She’s resting now. Matt’s looking at her test results and could help you with that.” Hawke paused. “As soon as I hear anything, I’ll let you know.”

  “Thanks, my friend.” Jarcee stood and headed to his bedroom. He wasn’t sure of the protocol to contact Matt and contacted La Patron instead.

  “Have you heard anything from Matt about Faye’s tests?” he asked.

  “Matt says they gave her a physical, tested your semen, her blood. Everything came back normal. Physically her reports are the same as they were before she mated with you. Storm said the guys who work with her tried to get information from you, even asked to meet me.”

  “Assholes. Hawke says Faye’s boss works as a researcher, he’s not even military. When is she coming home? I need to make sure she’s okay. I need her here or I should be there. One or the other.”

  “I know. We don't have any information on why it’s taking so long. I can send someone to find out what’s going on but you’ll need to wait here. You understand why I can’t allow you to go to Maryland? To the hospital, right?”

  “Yes, Sir. Trusting you or anyone to watch over my mate is the most difficult thing me or my beast have ever done.”

  “I know, and I’m honored by your trust. I will have answers for you soon. My word.”

  “Thank you. I’ll need you to put me to sleep soon.” He looked toward the window and growled. “They’re back.”

  “Who?” La Patron.

  “Agent High and someone else.” He sniffed. “A female this time. What’s he doing?”

  “I don’t know. You don’t have to let them in or talk to them. Security is on the way.”

  “Thanks, Sir. I’m going to lay down and try to s
leep on my own.”

  “If you need me to help, let me know.”

  They knocked on the door.

  Jarcee rolled over and covered his head with the pillow to drown out the doorbell.

  “Jarcee, this is Agent High, I have information about Faye.”

  Jarcee rolled to the other side, wondering what was taking security so long. The knocking continued, this time on his bedroom window.

  “Faye’s in trouble she needs your help,” High said.

  Jarcee smelled the lie and stared at the ceiling. “Sir?” He told Silas what they were saying about Faye.”

  “Security was held up in an accident, no doubt planned. I called 911. They’re on the way. Ignore the humans, they’re pests trying to get a rise out of you for research.”

  “She’s pregnant, don’t you care about your unborn child?” The female said.

  Jarcee rolled his eyes and let his thoughts drift. One day his mate would be swollen with his pups, but she wasn’t now. He would know if she was. Their pitiful attempts to get a reaction from him showed their desperation to learn more about the pack.

  The police arrived. Jarcee listened as the cops demanded the two leave his property and not return. The two left but Jarcee was sure they hadn’t given up. His thoughts lingered on Faye until he drifted away.

  FAYE WOKE AND LOOKED around. Something wasn’t right. Frowning she realized she was in a huge bed, in a room with wide windows giving a panoramic view of the ocean and crashing waves outside. The sounds eased her spirit as she lay still, listening.

  “I miss you so much.”

  She jerked and looked around.

  Jarcee sat nearby leaning against the wooden headboard. Scrambling, she reached for him and held tight. Inhaling his scent, she prayed she wasn’t dreaming again, and if it was a dream that it would last longer than before.

  Tears pricked her eyes as he rubbed her back and placed kisses on top of her head. “I want to come home,” she said softly and wiped her eyes. “I’m tired and want to come home.”

  His hand stilled, and he spoke softly. “What’s going on? What are they doing to you?” His voice deepened a bit and she was happy to hear his concern. She didn’t want him to forget her.

  “Tests and more tests. Questions, so many questions, the same ones over and over. I feel like I’m a prisoner or something. Maybe I shouldn’t have told them about us.” Her treatment was heartbreaking. She hadn’t done anything wrong but they treated her as if she had been infected with something dirty or contagious because she’d had sex with him. It was mind-blowing bias at the highest level.

  “Are they treating you okay?” He tilted her face up and searched her eyes. “You’ve been crying? Have they hurt you?”

  She wiped her face with the back of her hand. “Just my feelings. I’ll be fine. I’m supposed to leave later today or in the morning. I don’t know what they’re looking for. They won’t say.”

  Jarcee kissed her gently. She moaned low in her throat, needing more and deepening the kiss. It tasted and felt different as if a part of him was missing. She licked her lips and stared at his. “We’re dreaming again, aren’t we?”

  “Yes. I’ve been waiting for a while. I think you’re in my dream this time. I met your boss.”

  “Who?” She climbed on top of his lap and leaned against his chest.

  “Elroy High.”

  She wanted to be concerned, but couldn’t muster the energy. “What? When?”

  He told her what happened at the museum and then at his home earlier.

  Bastard, she thought and pushed Agent High from her thoughts. This time was special, just her and Jarcee. “Renee? That’s your god-daughter?”

  “I’ve watched over her since she was a pup. She’s getting married soon and is excited to meet you. They all are.”

  Her eyes watered as she leaned forward and brushed her lips against his. “Thank you for loving me through all this. I promise our life won’t always be this crazy.” She rubbed her cheek against his chest, loving the feel of him.

  “You are my heart, I can do nothing other than love you.” He kissed the top of her head. “But we cannot allow them to use what we feel for each other against you. They may keep you longer, run more tests to get a reaction from me.”

  She stared at him and frowned. “You may be right. They’ve been trying to get me to re-enlist but I refused. I got in touch with my C.O. and he’s helping me finish my paperwork. The sooner I retire the better.” She placed a quick kiss on his lips. Something pulled on her. She groaned at the intrusion. “Gotta go, love you. See you soon.”

  Jarcee stared at his empty lap, closed his eyes and cried.


  ANGUS SAT IN THE ROOM with his mate Shyla, rubbing her feet as she rested. The doctor said Shyla was on the mend, and at times she seemed like her normal self. But she wasn’t at 100% yet and that bothered him. Gem said that she had seen an increase of pack members, predominantly full-bloods, with similar symptoms. It wasn’t an epidemic but she, Matt and Dr. Passen was looking into it, especially after Silas rang the alarm over attacks to the pack.

  “Angus,” Silas called.


  “Go, find Agent High and find out what’s going on with Faye. If he has the authority to bring her home, make him do it now.”

  “What do we know about him?” Angus asked.

  “Hawke says he’s a researcher, straight up guy, all about his work. He was just removed by the cops from Jarcee’s place. Shouldn’t be hard to find. Oh, and he was with a female.”

  “Would he be more receptive if I was male or female?”


  “I have to touch him.”

  “I don’t know. Humans are strange. I’d say female but with a female in the equation, I’m not sure,” Silas said.

  “Security will know where he’s at and the situation, I’ll adapt. I’ll contact them now.”

  “Let me know as soon as possible what’s going on, Jarcee won’t be able to continue this way.”

  Angus looked at Shyla. “Understood.” He contacted security. “Where’s Agent High?”

  “He returned to his apartment and is inside alone.”

  “Where is the female?”

  “She remained at the office.”

  “What kind of security is in place at the Agent’s apartment?”

  “We haven’t sensed any. He may have something inside we haven’t been able to pick up. But from our observations the place is clean.”

  “Thanks.” He placed a kiss on Shyla’s foot, stood and went to activate his chameleon bracelet. For this job, he opted to engage the persona of a feeble, old man.

  ANGUS WASN’T SURE WHICH location would be best to bump into Agent High. Once he was in his vehicle and left the compound he contacted security again for the Agent’s location.

  “He’s leaving his apartment and heading to his vehicle,” Security said. “Do you want us to hold him?”

  Angus thought about it. He was a few minutes away and pressed the accelerator. “Yes. Make something up but don’t discuss Jarcee or La Patron. I’m sending in an old man to meet him. When you see the older man, let the conversation flow naturally and leave when he tells you.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  A couple minutes later he pulled into the parking lot and headed toward the mini-confrontation. Walking slowly, he approached Agent High who had been blocked in by the Security SUV.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I live here. You’ve been following me and know that.” Agent High’s cheeks were red and his jaw tight.

  “We’re checking a complain that someone fitting your description was loitering,” Security said.

  “What’s going on here?” Angus said shuffling closer to the men. His semi-bald head glistening beneath the late day sun. “Why’re you blocking him in?” He tripped forward.

  Agent High reached for him and Angus activated the bracelet. “Leave him alone, go on get.” He sho
oed the men away.

  They turned, entered their vehicles and drove off.

  “Thanks for catching me, I don’t move as fast as I used to,” he said sifting through the Agent’s memories.

  Agent High frowned and held Angus’ elbow. “That’s okay, better now?”

  “Just a few seconds to catch my breath,” Angus said digging a bit deeper.

  “Sure, sure...I’m... I’m not feeling too good myself.” Agent High reached forward and leaned on his car. Angus kept the bracelet engaged while assisting the Agent.

  “Whoa. Is this your car? You better take a seat, get out the sun. You’re too young to be falling over like this. Stressful job?” Angus helped the Agent sit down.

  “Yes, the past few days have been difficult.”

  “But that’s changed now because you’re bringing Faye home today.”

  Agent High looked at him and blinked. “No. Faye can’t come home yet, we need to see how Jarcee reacts without her. Plus she lied about his name.”

  Angus stared into the Agent’s eyes. “She never lied about his name. Give the order for her to return today. Dismiss her from this investigation. Do it as soon as you return to the office.”

  Agent High continued to stare into Angus’ eyes and then nodded. “Faye’s coming home today and then will be dismissed from this assignment.”

  “You never had this conversation with me.”

  Agent High nodded.

  Angus released him and placed his feet into the car and closed the door. “Be careful young man, thank you and drive safe.” He waved goodbye to Agent High who remained seat behind the wheel, looking straight ahead. By the time he snapped out of it, Angus would be gone along with any memory of their brief encounter.

  Angus walked into Silas’ office and sat in front of his desk.

  “What did you find out?” Silas asked.

  “Agent High is using Faye and Jarcee as test subjects for his research. He’s got all kinds of listening and camera equipment pointed towards Jarcee. Problem is with Faye gone, there’s no talking so his work is stalled. He was on the fence about her return because of her divided loyalties. She told him she loved Jarcee but wasn’t sure if Jarcee returned the favor.” Angus reviewed the information he’d seen in the Agent’s memories. “I did a reset. Faye should be coming home today, at least he’ll do his part for her return and dismissal from this program. They’ve been trying to get her to re-enlist, so far she’s refused.”


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