Brothers of Different Mothers

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Brothers of Different Mothers Page 20

by C. L. Jones

  They’d just had a reminder of the nature of their business and how easy it would be for the hits to happen to them. Pops thought of the poor dumb-ass guys that someone in the organization had sent out. He’d wager that they’d been pumped full of crap about honor, duty and loyalty. They’d probably been told that they would be some big time super spy that would save the world. At best some of them had probably been good soldiers serving in the military in non-combat positions who fantasized about being mister macho bad asses wearing tuxedos, drinking cool mixed drinks and having all the beautiful women falling at their feet.

  Pops was an experienced trigger man with years of eliminating targets that were sanctioned by someone who probably inhabited an office with a great view of D.C. As bad as he would let himself feel about putting down the targets, he knew in reality it was likely them or him, anyway you cut it. The organization had made promises to a bunch of inexperienced questionable trigger pullers and they had bought it hook, line and now their sinkers. Pops remembered when he’d first started he’d bought their same song and dance, which led to the initial unforgettable and maybe unforgivable step in a career that put him in his current situation. Yeah, Pops could let himself feel remorse for a moment but the sympathy chips he’d left on the table were quickly shrinking the longer he worked for the organization.

  Rocky made a pretty good bird whistling sound. Then he made one of the oldest gestures in the book, waving his hand around over his head and pointing at the side of the hill. The team saw Rocky’s hand signal and instantly knew it meant charge so they ran to the side of the hill.

  The military training was coming back, rushing through to their very core. They were stepping out of the agent way of doing things and starting to regain their warrior mentality. Pops and Roadside stopped at the foot of the hill and spotted what Rocky had seen; the footprints of Cowboy and his team trailing up the hill. Pops just pointed up the hill in the direction of Cowboy and his team and in no time Pops’ team crested the hill. They found Cowboy and his team waiting and giving cover.

  When the two teams joined up Cowboy and Pops greeted each other with a hand shake and a man hug. Pops and Cowboy turned and looked at the two teams who stood in parallel lines facing each other with their leaders out front. For a moment there was no noise or action as each member of the Crew stood in dead silence. In reality it was probably no more than a few seconds but it felt like forever. Pops extended his closed fist out to Cowboy. Cowboy brought his fist up and the two hands bumped together in what was becoming the team handshake. The rest of the team followed their example by doing the same.

  Rocky’s next remark rang through the group, “That was too easy, way too easy.”

  Tracker nodded his head in agreement and added, “Was it a set up? Were we suppose to just walk up here like that?”

  Rocky came back with, “Sitting targets.”

  Surfer sounded pissed off as he asked, “Then just what in the hell is going on?”

  Cowboy threw his hands up in frustration and anger and said, “I was all worked up and ready to charge in. I wanted to kick ass and get the hell out of here and go home. Now I think we’re walking right into it.”

  Tracker shook his head in annoyance, “Right in the middle of it, ain’t we?”

  It was clear to Pops that the Crew could not reconcile the situation they were in with the obvious facts. He ran through the facts and his suspicions in his own mind. First, the cadre had continually changed the rules of the competition, particularly when they’d realized the red team was better than the inexperienced blue team. Second, Indy’s actions had been genuinely suspicious to the point where none of the Crew believed he was on their side. In the end he’d acted like an undercover agent from the blue team or the cadre. Third, Pops had always had this nagging suspicion that the organization wanted to replace the old agents with a fresh batch of new guys for whatever their dumb-ass reasons might be. And finally as Rocky had said, it was way too easy. So it was logical to ask the question that Tracker had asked, “Was it a setup?”

  Pops took control as he broke into the Crew’s conversation and communicated his summary of the facts along with his suspicions. He finished by saying, “By rights, we should be declared the winners of the competition because the blue team members have all been eliminated except for one. However, I believe the cadre is now our new competition. They represent the organization and the organization’s fundamental objectives have not changed. So I think we should be ready for further fighting even though the blue team members are almost gone.”

  Except for Cowboy, the Crew looked at Pops in complete disbelief. Cowboy smiled and slapped Pops on his back barking out, “You’re right. They won’t suspect that we know that the cadre is still in the fight. It will be to our advantage.”

  After Cowboy’s proclamation, the entire team, one by one seemed to accept the idea.

  Pops pointed his finger at each one of the angry men and with an evil grin said, “They don’t have any way of knowing which of us are dead and which of us are coming after the shootout where the tree bridged the crevasse. We can use that.”

  Pops took the opportunity to reestablish his leadership. He told his men, “Okay let’s don’t get carried away too soon. We still have to come up with a plan and fast. We can’t give them time to recon the valley or investigate the area.”

  Roadside sounded a little aggravated when he replied, “I think we all know the plan.” Then he looked at Pops for some kind of approval.

  Not wasting a moment Pops agreed, “Yea you’re probably right so who’s going and who’s going to stay back.”

  Cowboy jumped up and said, “Younger ones in and older guys wait here.” Then he added, “Pops I think you should hold back.”

  The team all agreed in a heartbeat. Pops knew a comment about wisdom verses age would fall on deaf ears. It was clear that some were starting to look at him as a senior citizen in a life and career that he had chosen but he assured himself that he wasn’t over the hill yet.

  Cowboy tried to backpedal a little on his last comment, “Pops, we need you as the team leader. You listen to everyone and blend the best of all the ideas. You know if it was up to the rest of us, we would try to prove ourselves right and rarely get anything right.”

  Pops silently thought to himself, yep, age over dumb-ass youth.

  But Pops conceded their point because he didn’t want to burn up any more time. He simply asked, “Okay, who are the three youngest ones?” Everyone looked around and it was apparent that Surfer, Cowboy and Tracker were the youngest.

  Surfer spoke up, “Yeah and I think Cowboy should lead the team that’s heading out.” Without hesitation Tracker agreed. With that, the team went into action making a new plan for taking the punji pit. Pops said, “Well guys, we’ve all been there and know the layout.” Pointing at Cowboy, Pops said as he stepped back, “This is your baby. You boys are going to be the ones with your asses on the line, so I think this should be your plan.”

  Cowboy quickly glanced at Pops and got a nod of approval so he eagerly took over the planning session, “Okay here’s how I see it. The three of us,” motioning to Surfer and Tracker, “will set up another ambush at close range or at least as close as we can get. Pops, Rocky and Roadside, you set up somewhere behind us to cover our backs as well as providing reinforcements if we need it.” He looked around checking the team’s reaction then went on with his plan, “Pops, don’t set up right behind us, let’s do it like wagon wheel spokes, okay?”

  Cowboy was waiting for Pops’ approval of his plan.

  Pops gave Cowboy his vote of confidence, “Sounds like you’ve got it down. Let’s go, let’s get it done.” Hearing Pops’ reaction to Cowboy’s plan, the team picked up their things and started moving in the direction of the punji pit.

  All the guys in the Crew were experienced, having spent years stealthily slipping into positions to lay in wait on targets. This learned skill served them well now as they seemed to be ghosts moving throug
h the forest like wisps of smoke.

  The team stayed concealed as much as possible under the canopy of trees. Cowboy took point and Pops thought that he really liked being out in the lead and was becoming accustomed to it. For a man of Cowboy’s size, he was surprisingly quiet, moving like an alley cat as he worked his way through the forest. It was as if none of the other team members needed to pay attention to where they were or what was going on around them. It was tempting to just let Cowboy do it all. Of course in the field that is never true. Pops watched the Crew follow Cowboy and it seemed they had total confidence in him and his skills.

  Taking an indirect route made the trip to the pit a little longer than maybe it should have but not being detected was more important than speed. Pops spotted something through the trees ahead and wondered why Cowboy had not held the team up yet. Finally, Cowboy held his hand up for the team to stop. He turned towards Pops and held his hand up for Pops and his team to stay where they were. Cowboy then motioned to Tracker and Surfer waving them out to each side. Tracker took off in one direction and Surfer in the other. As his team deployed, Cowboy turned back to Pops and motioned for he and his team to spread out to give back up and cover.

  Pops’ team fanned out with Pops in the middle and Rocky and Roadside on either side. Their positions would allow them to backup Cowboy’s team one eighty and even more if needed. Pops, Rocky and Roadside had positioned themselves to not only provide cover for Cowboy’s team but still be able to keep an eye on each other.

  Cowboy, Surfer and Tracker worked their way up to the punji pit in what seemed to be only an inch at a time until they were almost too close for comfort. For the longest time nothing happened. Cowboy’s team lay motionless in the underbrush covered with the foliage of the area. It was hard to keep track of where they were especially when Pops shifted his eyes away for a second to scan the area. Pops saw Cowboy turn his head back and look in his direction. With the passing of each minute Pops thought, crap I knew it was too good to be true. What do they have down there, fifty men? Fifty more new guys?

  Cowboy turned back to the punji pit and within seconds stood up in plain sight. He shouldered his weapon, spread his feet with the left foot slightly ahead of his right. He readjusted the weapon and tucked it into position against his shoulder. Pops could see the glare of determination in Cowboy’s face even from the distance that lay between them. Cowboy was looking down the sights of the barrel as Surfer and Tracker jumped up and ran at the bridge. Surfer approached from the east and Tracker from the west on a dead run. It looked to Pops as if Cowboy was just standing frozen in time.

  Cowboy surprised Pops when he yelled out, “Hey you, don’t move. We have you from all sides.” Pops couldn’t see who Cowboy was yelling at so the best he could do was watch him and wait. Cowboy moved a few feet forward step by step, keeping his weapon aimed at what was most likely his target. Then Cowboy lowered his weapon and walked towards the pit as if the Crew’s assault on the blue team was over.

  Cowboy broke out into a clearing and looked back at Pops and his team and shrugged his shoulders with a look of what the hell. Pops, Rocky and Roadside lifted themselves up out of their cover position. Rocky looked his weapon over then laid it over on one side and put the safety on. Roadside slung his weapon over his shoulder then bent over and dusted himself off. The two men walked over to Pops and when they were within a couple of feet, Rocky asked, “What, they only have one man there?”

  Pops shrugged his shoulders then smirked and answered, “Who knows, let’s go see.”

  Pops, Rocky and Roadside worked themselves closer to the pit into positions where they could see but not be seen. Rocky with a little disgust in his voice said, “I know I’m a little paranoid, but man I hope this isn’t the trap. They bait us in then pop out from someplace.”

  Pops saw Cowboy and Tracker sit down on the sandbags that the other team had been using to fortify their defensive position. Surfer yelled at Cowboy, “Hey I gotta take a leak, I’ll be right back.” Surfer headed toward Pops looking and finding Pops and his team. “Hey guys, there’s only the last guy from the blue team there at the pit. We’re going to question him and Cowboy is going to rough him up a little. Before we’re done we’ll make sure he understands that there is just the three of us left on the red team. The plan is for us to tie him up and take a break and eat. After we eat we’ll accidentally let him slip away. What do you think Pops?”

  It seemed to Pops like Surfer got it all out in one breath. “Okay, I guess,” Pops replied. Then Pops started to say something but only got as far as, “What about his…” when he was cut off by Surfer, “We’ll keep his weapon and ammo.”

  Pops, Roadside and Rocky headed back under the cover of the forest as Pops muttered, “I’m starting to feel like Robin Hood or Little John, always running around Sherwood Forest.” Then he pulled his shirt away from the front of his body and said, “Well I guess we are wearing green aren’t we?”

  Pops told the guys, “I’ll bet it’ll be a hell of a good show. Too bad we can’t get some popcorn and a big soda pop and sit back and watch.”

  Things went about the way Surfer had described. Cowboy questioned the prisoner, grabbing, jerking and bouncing the man around. After a while they shifted gears a little and Tracker started yelling and grabbing the guy. He put him on his knees and slapped him around enough that Pops could see fear spreading across the guy’s face. Even at the distance separating Pops and his team from Cowboy’s team it was not hard to see the guy was getting the scare of his life. Pops thought it was clear that this poor jerk had never been through the training at the farm. If he had he would have suffered a hell of a lot more physical abuse than a little slapping around. If it was clear to Pops then it was probably just as clear to the rest of the team.

  Cowboy took over from Tracker and started getting a little rougher with the guy. Surfer tried to get between them when Cowboy let loose with a punch that knocked the prisoner to the ground. Kneeling over the motionless unconscious body Cowboy reached into his boot and pulled out his knife. He laid it against the man’s throat and all Pops and his team could see was Cowboy pulling the knife across the man’s throat. Cowboy, Surfer and Tracker stood over the helpless victim for a few seconds then Tracker bent down and when he stood back up he made a hand signal like a boxing referee and mouthed, “You’re out.”

  Cowboy, Surfer and Tracker commenced the second part of their act as they moved about twenty feet from the prisoner with their backs to him. They pulled out some MREs and began eating and pretended to be unaware of the man. After Tracker finished eating he laid down facing the prisoner and appeared to be asleep with his hat pulled down over his eyes.

  Pops, Rocky and Roadside watched the act unfold before them. Cowboy’s team had no more than settled into place when Rocky tapped Pops on the arm and pointed to the prisoner. He was slowly sitting up, grabbing at the sandbags using each grab to help himself into a sitting position. The man got a little more of his awareness probably wondering how long he’d been out. He ran his hands over his throat and discovered they were covered in blood when he pulled them away. He turned toward Cowboy’s position and Pops saw that he had a look of complete terror on his face. The prisoner had probably concluded that the red team had tried to kill him and now he was thinking if they saw that he was still alive they would finish the job. The terror in the man grew as he worried that his killers would notice that he was conscious. He had this mental picture of one of them pulling a knife and walking toward him and he was certain that it would be the last few minutes of his life. He sat quietly concluding that his would-be killers must have thought he was dead as they sat eating and sleeping.

  Pops saw the terrified man crawl to the punji pit and work his way through the muddy edge and grass into the forest. It turned out he was heading towards Pops’ position so Pops motioned for the team to burrow even further into the undergrowth. The prisoner got to his feet no more than a few yards from Pops and took off like a marathoner. Pops smil
ed and winked at his team and said, “Bingo.” Then he told Rocky and Roadside, “Look at that, he didn’t look back once. He’s just hauling ass.” Pops and both his guys waited until they knew that the guy was so far away that he couldn’t hear a cannon go off.

  The two teams joined up and started to have a laugh about the look on the guy’s face when he realized his throat had been cut. Cowboy waved his hands and told the Crew, “Okay, now they will be expecting three of us to walk back into the compound like the victorious warriors. If anything is said about the guy that ran all the way back, we’ll tell them he ran to our camp to give himself up.”

  They knew the red team would either be rewarded for being the winners or killed on the spot depending on the wishes of whoever was behind this. Pops mumbled under his voice, “I guess it’s time to see what the people in the compound are made out of, rock or mud.”

  Rocky replied, “Yeah, it’s been too many years of having them tell us what to do. Now I guess it’ll be fun to turn the tables.”

  Pops felt it was his responsibility to tell them what was so obvious that they probably already knew. “Hey guys you know there’s a good chance that some of us won’t make it through this. Hell most likely none of us will make it through this. We are heading for the outhouse and they think we are the turds.” He stopped and looked at each man then he added, “No matter what happens, remember the ones that make it are a team and will be forever.” As was becoming their custom they all touched fists together.

  Pops said with a sound of finality, “Cowboy, I guess you, Surfer and Tracker will have to be the bait. He’s already seen you and I don’t think he’ll be forgetting your faces for a long time.”

  Cowboy nodded in agreement with Pops, knowing that he was right. He asked, “Okay then how do you think we should to do this?”

  Pops pondered it for a second then said, “Here’s my thinking. You and your team will head down the path and walk right in the main entrance to the compound. You’ll have to be relaxed, acting like you’re the winners and ready to collect your one hundred thousand dollars. Rocky, Roadside and I will try to infiltrate through the back of the compound. We’ll need to be in place before you get too close so stay out of sight for a couple of hours while we sneak in.”


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