His Secret Baby

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His Secret Baby Page 93

by Ashlee Price

  When I told her about my engagement to Scott, Clara seemed even more interested, and before I knew it, I was inviting her to the wedding. It was short notice, but I couldn’t think of anyone else that I would rather have there. I wasn’t happy with everything that had happened and the way she’d left, but if anyone deserved a second chance it was her. She was family, after all.

  By the time she left it was dark outside and Scott still wasn’t back from work. I called him, a little worried, and he told me he would be back soon. He had news. I told him that I had news too.

  “I’ll see you when I get home, Jesse. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter 4 – Scott

  She looked beautiful. Her red hair was swept back and piled high on her head. But there was something else about Jesse. She was practically glowing, and as soon as I heard the music start and finally saw her walking down the aisle, I felt like my heart was going to stop beating altogether. Jesse was the very image of perfection, and soon she was going to be all mine.

  A lot had changed, but I knew that this change was going to be the best of all. There were so many faces in the crowd that I didn’t think I would see. My father was there, although I hadn’t spoken to him since I put in my resignation. He wasn’t looking too happy, but he was there, and him and my mother were actually sitting together. My father didn’t have a girl half his age on his arm, and I saw that as progress. I had to, really.

  Jesse stopped in front of me and it was only her that I could see anymore. Everything else had faded into the background. I loved the slight pink that was in her cheeks. She was nervous. Jesse had asked me to keep the wedding small, but I couldn’t do it. I would have invited the world to witness us getting married if I could have done it. If I could have shouted it off every rooftop in the city I would have. Jesse was finally going to be mine.

  The preacher started to recite the words that everyone seems to know from movies. It didn’t feel like it was as long as it was supposed to be, because the next thing I knew, there was a pause and I looked up to see Jesse looking at me. It was clear then that I was supposed to say something. It was my turn to say that I would take her forever as my wife. When I realized it, I said it quickly, so quickly that there was laughter throughout the church.

  “And do you, Jesse Olsen, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband as long as you both shall live?”

  She nodded just as quickly, her words so soft that I could barely hear her answer, but it was loud enough. The last words were said over us, and then just like that, the woman I loved became the woman I was married to. It was strange, but having Jesse back in my arms helped me to see that it was the way it was meant to be.

  “I see that your mother is here, Jesse.”

  Jesse looked into the crowd, and I could tell that she was pleased. I was pleased as well. Her mother may have abandoned her when she was younger, but Jesse needed someone, and with her father gone, Clara seemed to be filling in where he’d left off.

  “It looks like your father made it as well, Scott. You should really go talk to him. He’s trying, so maybe you should as well.”

  I didn’t want to argue with my wife only moments after she became that, so I told her that I would. I didn’t say how long I would talk to him, but I would make the effort. It was the least I could do. I’d learned more about forgiveness since being with Jesse than I ever had before. If she could forgive her mother, I thought that I could at least give it a try as well.


  “Everything was so beautiful, Scott. I can’t believe that you wanted to have all of those people. I don’t think that I’ve met that many people in my whole life.”

  “It wasn’t that big. I had a client who had over five thousand guests at his wedding. I went and it was massive. Ours was puny in comparison.”

  “Well, it was perfect, puny or not. I couldn’t have asked for a better day. Everything was just perfect.”

  I smiled at her overuse of the word. She’d been saying it all day, and I had to admit that I agreed with her. Everything had worked out, and even my talk with dad hadn’t ruined the mood. He’d actually apologized, and he hadn’t even seemed that drunk. When my father got emotional, there was usually whiskey involved.

  “I was glad to see you two get along. It was just a perfect day,” Jesse sighed as I moved to hold her.

  “You’re the perfect one. I don’t want to talk about them tonight. I want to talk about us and the perfect night that we are going to have together. It’s been too long since I’ve felt you underneath me.”

  I felt her body shake a little at the thought, and my hands moved to her shoulders. I wanted to keep my wits about me, but it was hard when she looked as good as she did. I’d spent most of the reception doing my best not to drag her into the bathroom and ravish her. Now that was all that I could think about.

  “It hasn’t been but a couple of days. You weren’t deprived for that long.”

  I growled at her and pulled her in for a kiss. A couple of days had felt like a lifetime, and I was not inclined to wait any longer. I just couldn’t.

  “Every moment without you is too long, Jesse. I just want to stay with you all day and night.”

  “How would we ever get anything done?”

  Kissing her again, I wanted to shush her and take her mind off of anything but my lips on hers. It worked for a time, and then I heard the soft moan that disappeared into my mouth. It was the sound that I’d been waiting for.

  “Tonight we don’t have to do anything but be together. Tomorrow will take care of itself.”

  “I know, Scott. I’ve been looking forward to this night since you asked me to marry you.”

  She started to lift up her dress, and I could see the small band of blue that she’d hidden underneath. “Why don’t you help me get undressed, Scott?”

  I couldn’t move fast enough to get to her. I wanted to rip the dress off – I now regarded it as more of a hindrance than a beautiful wedding dress – but the idea of getting close to her nether regions won out, and I was quickly on my knees in front of her.

  My fingers went up to her inner thigh and she slapped my hand back. “Not with your hands, Scott, with your teeth.”

  “Even better.”

  She squealed as I moved closer with my mouth. I spent some time all around the belt before I finally nibbled just a bit on her flesh as I took it between my teeth. Pulling it down, I watched her finally step out of it as I finished it off with a quick jerk of my hand.

  “Do I need to take everything off with my teeth?”

  Jesse’s eyes darkened moments before she nodded her head. “I like the sound of that.”

  To be continued in Part 10…

  Served Part 10: Savor

  By: Ashlee Price


  It’s been a year since Scott and Jesse’s wedding. A lot has changed since then. Scott no longer runs his father’s company and has instead gotten into the restaurant business with his wife. The bistro is doing better than ever, and they’ve even opened another branch on the other side of town, so the newlyweds are keeping busy. The addition to their family is also spreading the pair thin, but they feel like anything is possible; their love conquered all before, so why not now?

  Then a new test comes as a surprise. Scott is on his way to the west side location when he gets a call from his father’s longtime live-in housekeeper. While Scott hasn’t talked to his father much since his resignation, he’s still shocked to hear how he’s doing. He didn’t know that his father wasn’t well, but no matter how poorly he treated him in the past, he realizes that he must help him now. Things are going to change again, and Scott is just worried about how Jesse is going to take it all.

  Chapter 1 – Scott

  “Come on, Jesse. I’ll take care of this. You take care of Glenn and I’ll be back in a little bit. I don’t mind, really I don’t. I know that there’s something going on over at Tridad street, so it will be packed. You can’t wor
k at both of them, so let me help you.”

  “It’s just the first time it’s going to be open, and I wanted to make sure that everything is just right. I want the new location to be just like the old one, don’t you?”

  I watched her feed our child a few bits of food that she’d whipped up a little while before, and I couldn’t help smiling at her. She had more patience than I could ever manage, and watching her with our son just made me love her that much more. I never thought that a year later we would be where we were, but I wouldn’t have changed it for the world. After quitting my job at my father’s company, I’d been helping Jesse with the bistro. Now that we were opening another one, I was finally starting to understand the restaurant business. It was ridiculously hard, but I’d fallen in love with the personal feeling that I got every day. I got to help people and see their happiness when they were there.

  “I do want it to be the same, but you’ve already been over there twice in the last week. Everything is ready. You approved it all.”

  “I know, but I just want to make sure that the new hires understand how to act and how to talk to the customers. The staff is almost as important as the food and drinks.”

  She was worried, and I loved that about her. She always had her mind on the next task. Never slowing down was hard for me to get used to. I was learning, though. I’d been a powerful businessman for many years, but I was learning a lot about leadership from Jesse. She had a way of looking at things that I envied.

  “I’ll take care of it, love. Just stay here for today. I promise you that everything will be as it’s supposed to be. I don’t want it to be any different. It’s going to be just like the one that you and your father built together. Every detail is the same, and Melissa is going to be watching over everything now that I gave her the keys.”

  Jesse smiled at the thought of her friend finally taking over a little bit. She’d always refused the responsibility before, but everything had changed for her as well. Melissa was engaged, and we both hoped that she would be pregnant with her own child soon. It was what she’d always wanted, and now it was like everything was coming true. Jesse had her mom back, and I had Jesse and Glenn. My heart was so full some days that I thought it would explode at any minute. I was sure that no one was supposed to be this happy.

  “Thank you, Scott. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “You’ll never have to find out, Jesse, because I’m not going anywhere. I don’t even like leaving you and Glenn to go to the other location. I know that it’s good that we expanded, but I don’t want to get too big. Sometimes I wish we could just take a little time off and go away somewhere. Neither one of us has to work.”

  “I know, but this will be his one day, Scott. I want to leave him something when we’re gone, like my father did for me.”

  That made me think of my own father and what he’d tried to do. I don’t know why I thought that Glenn would one day feel the way that I had about my father’s business. I would make sure that I gave it to him and trusted him enough to make the best decisions that he could. I wasn’t going to hound him, though; if he didn’t want it, I would let him walk away.

  “I do too, and we will. I just want more time with you and him. Sometimes I feel like all we do is work, and I would like to spend more time thinking about making our family bigger.” Her eyes darkened and she shook her head at me like I was being naughty. I was; if she would only let me, I would be as bad as she wanted. But that was something for later. I had to focus.

  Moving to give her and my son a kiss, I made my way downstairs and out into the crisp fall morning. I’d come to like my brisk walks in the morning, but today I had to take my car. It was a far cry from what I used to drive, but now I had Glenn and Jesse to think of. Now I had a backseat and all of the safety features that could be packed into an SUV.

  Getting in, I looked at the car seat in the back and chuckled to myself. For a long time I’d spent my days making million-dollar deals with some of the most powerful people in the country. And now I was a glorified coffee shop owner with a second location opening up today. Life had changed in so many ways – and I couldn’t see any of them in a bad light. It had all led me to this new life in which I was eager to wake up and start every day. I’d never been so at peace before, and I knew that it was because of Jesse more than anything else. What I did every day and who I was to the world didn’t matter anymore. Now it was all about how my wife and child saw me. That was all that mattered.

  The thought brought a smile to my face. I was about to leave when I heard my phone buzzing in my pocket. It was Maria, and she sounded frantic. “I’m not supposed to tell you, Scott, but you have to know. Your father needs your help.”

  “My help?”

  I listened as she told me what was going on. I’d spoken to Jackson a couple of times in the last year, and even though he was acting different somehow, our talks had never really gotten past the first stages. I didn’t have the patience to hear some of the opinions that he had. He still wasn’t a fan of my wife, and I wasn’t a fan of hearing anyone say anything bad about her.

  But now I could see why he’d seemed different. I hoped that Maria was wrong, but I knew that she wasn’t. For all of his bravado, my father did need someone.

  If it would have been a year ago, I would have told her to hire someone to help him. I would have put it on someone else, because he hadn’t cared about me when I needed him. But I had Jesse now, and she’d showed me what forgiveness was all about.

  “I’ll be there in a little while, Maria. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of this.”

  “Thank you, Scott. You know that he doesn’t deserve you.”

  I hung up and sighed to myself. I was going to have to open the new store first, before going over to Dad’s house to see what was going on over there that had the usually calm Maria so upset.

  Chapter 2 – Jesse

  “Are you ready for today?”

  I nodded my head that I was ready, but I didn’t feel like it.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Melissa, I am. Are you ready? This is going to be your first day running that place.”

  Melissa nodded that she was, though she looked about as sure as I was. “I don’t know about this, Jesse. I don’t know why things had to change. I’m going to miss coming over here ever morning and working together. Are you sure this is what you really want?”

  I’d thought about it a lot, and although I still wasn’t sure, there were many factors pushing me to do it. The first location, where we were now, was overwhelmed every day, and the hope was that with a new location, some of the business at this one would slack off. I’d hired several more people to take care of everything, but I had to have Melissa onboard. She was the only one that I trusted to do it, so I had to make sure she was okay with it.

  “This is what has to happen. You know how busy we are all of the time, and that’s not easy on either one of us. I know I’m going to miss you, but it’s not like we can’t hang out afterwards like we always did. I know it’s not going to be the same, but you’re going to do great. It’s time for a change, don’t you think?”

  “I think enough has changed. I’m trying to keep a few things the same. It’s going to be hard to deal with everything without you. I just don’t know if I’m ready.”

  I was sure that that was the part of it that held the most truth. It was hard to imagine doing things without her, but at the same time, I knew she was worried about failing. We all have those worries, of course; I’d had the same ones when my dad and I first started the business. But as time went on, I realized that I could do anything that I set my mind to. I was sure that Melissa was now going to get the very same important lesson that I’d learned so long ago.

  Pulling her in for a hug, I told her that she could do it. “You know that you’re the only one I would trust to do this. I know that you can do this, Melissa, and you’re going to do great. We’ve already trained up the crew, so you’ll have nothing to
worry about. Everything has been thought of.”

  She wasn’t sure, but suddenly I was, and I was going to be sure enough for both of us. While she was always positive for everyone else, there were times that Melissa needed a dose of positivity herself. I knew that it was all going to be okay, and when she left the bistro to get to the other location I hoped the best for her. I wanted her to have a good first day. Looking around my own shop, I was trying not to feel so alone. An eerie feeling was going over me, but it wasn’t long before I heard Glenn fussing and I knew that I was never going to be alone again. Now I had Scott and Mom and little Glenn. I had more family now than I ever did before.

  When I finally opened the doors to start the day, the place started to fill with people immediately and the moment of loneliness was gone. I didn’t have time to feel that way. I had a job to do.


  “This is the third time that I’ve called you, Scott. Are you okay? Just call me when you get this. Melissa said that you weren’t at the other shop, so I just want to make sure that you’re okay. Please call me, baby, you have me worried.”

  I hung up and stared at the phone. I was there alone after everyone had cleaned up and left for the day. I’d insisted they go, of course, but now I wished that I hadn’t. That solo feeling was upon me again, and although I knew that I was fine, I wasn’t feeling fine without Scott. He hadn’t called all day, and that wasn’t like him. Usually if he was away from me and Glenn, he would call several times a day to check in. It was strange to me that he hadn’t called, and I wasn’t sure why it could be.

  Finally I’d had enough sitting around, and I called him again. Again there was no answer, and I got ready to leave. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I knew that I had to find Scott. It wasn’t dark or late, but it was so far out of character for him that I was sure that something was wrong. If it wasn’t, why didn’t he answer his phone? As much as I tried to think of a reason for that, I came up with nothing. There was nothing that would keep him from answering or calling me back, so it had to mean that something had happened to him. My mind went to the wreck again, and I hoped that I was wrong.


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