His Secret Baby

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His Secret Baby Page 138

by Ashlee Price

  He kind of chuckled, wondering how she could know what he had been thinking. It was what he had been afraid of and relaxed when he realized that she wasn’t going to make him show her. Paul had never been good with female reactions and he didn’t know what he would do if she started crying or something like that.

  “How long was I out?”

  He thought for a moment and then looked at the clock. It was already three in the afternoon and it had to have been about ten when he had first seen her. “About five hours or so I would imagine.”

  She tried to sit up again and she made a face. She wanted to stand up, do something, but as she tried to swing her foot around and felt the throbbing in it, Katie knew that she wasn’t going anywhere. “Did your friend happen to give you anything for the pain?”

  It hurt so much that she thought she was going to be sick. “Yes, let me go get them. Carol told me that you would want one when you got up.”

  Katie nodded. It was the best thing that she had heard since she woke up in such a way. “Thank you. I will have to thank this Carol person as well. What city is this?”

  It was an odd question, but he told her where she was and she didn’t seem to know what he was talking about. She had started out somewhere else and after walking half of the day and part of the night, it appeared that she had went further than she had thought, though it was becoming clear that she should have been somewhere else. Katie must have gotten turned around somewhere and ended up going the wrong direction.

  “I don’t even know how I got here. I got dropped off in Elmer and I haven’t even heard of Crouse before.”

  “Dropped off in Elmer? That is almost thirty miles away. Did you walk all that way?”

  She nodded that she had and lay back on the couch. “Yes, it didn’t seem like that far, but it was the most desolate walk I had ever had. I kept hoping I would run into somebody, but it was just mile after mile of forest with no one around. I am so glad that you were there when I hit the clearing. I didn’t know how much further I could go. Tell me your name, so I can thank you properly.”



  “It’s Paul Callahan.”

  “So this is your ranch?”

  “It is family owned and operated.”

  Katie waited for more, but Paul was staring at her with those dark eyes again and he didn’t seem to know what else to say. “Well my name is Katie Reynolds and I owe you big time Paul. I would kiss you if I could get up to you.”

  He smiled at her in a way that made her heart patter a little harder in her chest. “I can always come to you if you want.”

  Katie was tempted to pull him down for a quick one, but he was walking away towards the back of the house. He finally remembered the pills he was supposed to be getting and came back in there with a bottled water to wash it down. She thanked him again, something she seemed to be doing a lot of lately.

  Paul was on edge, both emotionally and literally. He wanted to ask more questions, but as the woman started to nod off, he knew it wasn’t the time. Katie had apparently gotten enough information that she felt safe enough to go back to sleep, so Paul was going to take it as a good sign. Scott was still not back and he went back out to do his own duties.

  He spent special attention on his mare that had led him to her. Paul was feeling something that he hadn’t felt before and he knew it was because of the mystery woman. He knew that she could be married, though he saw no ring, she could be anyone and it was the possibilities that made him want to go back home and talk to her some more.

  When Paul did get back to the house later that evening Katie was up and talking to Scott at the kitchen table as he walked in. There was a moment, a second that Paul felt jealousy well up inside of him. But then she looked at him and smiled and Paul could no longer feel anything but sheer pleasure. It didn’t matter who was there with them, it felt like they were alone and there was nothing else. It was just her.


  She grinned a bit bigger and said ‘hi’ back. Scott looked between the two of them and it suddenly dawned on him why his brother’s vocabulary had suddenly gone juvenile. Scott hadn’t seen his brother look at a girl like that before and he found himself smiling. While he found Katie pretty, they had spent the last thirty minutes talking and she was far more interested in his brother and asking about Paul. Scott knew that he didn’t have a chance, but his brother was a whole other situation.

  Paul looked to Scott with a question in his eyes. “You are just in time Paul. Katie was just about to tell me why she was trouncing around in the woods all alone today.”

  Katie looked at Scott. They were not talking about that at all, though she was thankful that he did not say what they were talking about. She had been shamelessly asking questions about the man that was now sitting down with them at the table. He had a coffee cup in his hand when he finally did and she felt her face growing red as he looked up at her over the rim of the cup.

  “Yes, please tell us Katie. Your doctor just wants the scoop for her services. While I will admit that Carol is into gossip, I can’t help but wonder as well.” Paul remembered the woman’s comment about her assumed status from her clothing. He wasn’t going to say something like that out loud, but what was a rich woman like her doing out in the middle of the woods with no gear, hunting?

  She took a deep breath and then a drink from the cup, trying to figure it all out in her head. How did she explain the last twenty-four hours? Parts of it were still a little fuzzy to her and she wasn’t sure how to verbalize it all. But she had to try and had to start somewhere.

  “Well I have always liked to hunt since I was a little girl and me and my father used to go when he was off from work.” Katie paused, wondering if she had started back too far. She decided that it tied in and started again, without looking up at the two men sitting on either side of her.

  “Anyways, we always went hunting around here when I was younger. I was raised not far from here until I moved up north. So when dad died, I decided to come back, you know to the first place and it was in that stretch of woods where you found me.”

  Paul was dying to ask questions, there was so much left out. That explained why she was there, but there had to be a story of what had happened next to make her look the way she was. She had been in quite a state when he found her and from what Carol had told him, she had went through more than what initially met the eye.

  “So what happened when you got there?”

  Scott felt more close to the woman after talking with her for some time and he knew that his brother was grateful for him asking. Scott knew Paul and though he didn’t usually seem shy around women, he could see him struggling with Katie. Something was different about her.

  Katie smiled at Scott and then sat back a little in her chair. “Well, the helicopter dropped me off around Hannold’s Creek on the map and it was okay at first. But there is someone or something in that stretch of woods and before I knew it, I was the one being hunted, instead of the other way around. I lost my pack almost immediately and then I heard something coming towards me in the woods and I ran. I left it all behind. I had set it down to get a drink.”

  She stopped for a moment and it was like she could feel the fear all over again. Paul wanted to comfort her, but didn’t know her well enough to do so. Scott was on the edge of his seat, silently urging her to go on. Katie seemed to pull herself together and after a moment, finished her story.

  “I don’t know, it could have been anything and I just got spooked out of the door. It hadn’t been long, but I don’t know, it had just been awhile since I had gone out alone and it just freaked me out.” Scott nodded as if he understood and urged her on, still wondering how she ended up in a trap and covered in dirt.

  “So then I am a mile or so away from where I started, no map, no drink, no anything. My gun was laid down on the tree next to my pack and I really had lost my bearings. It’s kind of embarrassing really. I tried to judge which was I was going, to
go back to my pack and a night and half a day later, I come out the other side where you and your horse were Paul. I stepped on the trap the night before and got it off, but it was hard to walk, so it really slowed me down.”

  Her tale was so incredible that no one said a word when she had finished. Although many of Paul’s questions were not answered, it was starting to make more sense. Paul got up and poured everyone some more coffee to drink. “I don’t know what to say Katie. I never go there. It was actually Colt that found you. It was like he knew you were there, going straight towards the woods.”

  “However you found me, I am thankful you had. It had been a long night and when I saw you there, I thought I was imagining you all of a sudden. It was pretty surreal.”

  Paul couldn’t imagine such a dainty looking woman doing any of what she had described, but the marks were there to prove it. It made him realize that there was far more to her than what had initially met the eye. Paul was even more intrigued, silently hoping that she would stay a little while and he could get to know her better.

  Chapter 4

  “I can’t thank you enough for letting me stay Paul.”

  He waved her off. “I insist. You are in no shape to be traveling and this old house always has an extra room available nowadays.”

  It was well past ten and he was helping her into the bed in the downstairs spare bedroom. It was the easiest place for her to get around, but Paul had promised to get her some crutches in the morning to help her move around. Since Carol wasn’t a regular doctor, she didn’t have anything like that to use. Paul knew of a friend down the road that had used some for a time and he hoped that he had held onto them.

  Once he had her in bed and nothing else needed, Paul stole over to Jimmy’s house and after a few beers and chat, went back into the spare room and laid the crutches against the night stand so she could use them in the morning. He found himself looking down at her sleeping form, the innocence in the open expression making her seem younger than he knew her to be.

  She moved and made a small sound in her sleep, reminding him he was not supposed to be there with her. Paul walked back out, fighting the urge to move the red curl out from her face. He finally went to the kitchen to clean up after dinner. Scott was already in there and that was more surprising than anything else that had happened that day.

  “What are you doing in here? I don’t think you have washed a dish since it was your chore when we were kids and you didn’t have money to pay me to do it.”

  Scott chuckled. “It’s woman’s work. I keep telling you that you need to get a maid in here, then none of us would have to do it.”

  Paul didn’t say anything. He knew that Scott was not the type and as soon as he was close enough, he handed him the wash rag. “So what were you doing in there?”

  His head moved towards the rom he had come out of. “I was bringing her those crutches, but she was already sleeping.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “About what?” Paul didn’t understand what he was talking about. “You can help dry and then I am going to bed. We still have work tomorrow.”

  Scott nodded, but it wasn’t the subject he wanted to talk about. What he wanted to talk about was the woman in the other room. “I am talking about Katie.”

  “What do you mean? She is hurt and can stay as long as she likes.”

  There it was and Scott pounced. “So you want her to stay?”

  Paul turned the water off and sighed loudly. “What are you getting at?”

  “Just admit that you are in love with her.”

  Scott felt almost jealous that she was not for him and the way Paul looked at her. H wanted to feel that way as well, but there was something holding him back. He had never felt that way for his girlfriend and he was starting to feel the empty need that Paul had talked about. Scott was happy for his brother, but at the same time he wished it for himself as well.

  “I don’t even know her, but I will admit I feel something for her, some kind of draw.”

  “It’s like what Marcel described isn’t it?”

  Paul finished the dishes, not saying anything else until they were all put up. “Are you trying to tell me that you have never been in love Scott?”

  Scott hadn’t, but he wouldn’t admit it. There were a couple of times that he had thought he was, but it was lust. When Marcel had talked about his new wife, there was never a time where either brother could say they had felt that way. Paul wasn’t sure what he felt, but he knew that it wasn’t something he had experienced before.

  “I don’t know, have you?”

  “Once, but it didn’t work out.”

  “And what of Katie? Is she open for me to try for?”

  Paul’s blue eyes narrowed and his brother laughed at the sudden change of his expression. “That’s what I thought.”

  Scott left the room and didn’t help with the rest of the cleaning, he never did and Paul was left to think about his brother Marcel and how much he wanted what he had. Paul had always lamented that there were no women around that he wanted, but that was no longer true. It didn’t come into his mind then that she was not from there and when she was better, would surely be back to her life that he had no part of.

  He didn’t want to think about that though. All Paul wanted to think about instead was the possibilities that could come from it. He wanted more than anything to feel the way he did in that moment, forever.


  Paul stayed around the house as much as he could. He chose to train one of the horses in the closest stable, instead of taking care of the fences. When Scott told him that he would take care of it instead, he was relieved beyond words. It was trying to ignore the woman still asleep in the house. He knew that she needed time, but he had so many things to ask her and he wanted to know everything. As the day wore on and he still hadn’t seen her, Paul started to worry and he finally went back in.

  He heard a sound coming from the back of the house where she was and as he got back there, he was shocked to see her trying to get dressed. She had dropped a crutch and only had gotten her undergarments on by the time he had come in. Katie was balancing on one leg, trying to reach it when he came in and made a sound behind her.


  He was backing up when he heard his name, trying to look away because he knew he was supposed to. It didn’t matter though, her body burned into his memory always. “Sorry I was just coming to see if you needed help with anything. I didn’t realize you were not dressed.”

  “Don’t go, please hand me that crutch. I was trying to get it, but it’s just not happening.”

  She looked back and saw the look on his face. “I’m pretty much covered. About the same as if I was at the beach.”

  Paul tore his gaze away and moved to get the crutch that had fallen away from her. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks Paul. Always coming to my rescue.”

  Their hands touched briefly and he was frozen to the spot. Was he supposed to offer her more help?

  “Did you uh, need anything else?”

  She shook her head, but then changed her mind. “I was wondering if you had anything I could wear. Anything would work, but my clothes are so dirty and torn, I just don’t want to put them back on. It took almost an hour to wash it all off of me. I don’t think I’ve ever been so dirty in my life.”

  “Well you look great.”

  His eyes were back on her long, curvy body and the panties that were too thin to be worn on the beach. She was standing towards him now and the bra was like the panties, far too thin to be having any kind of conversation with her. Katie finally cleared her throat a little and he remembered that he was supposed to be getting her something to wear. There was plenty of clothing from his sister and in laws that seemed to be left at the ranch for them and going upstairs he quickly found what he was looking for. She was about the size of Leanna and she had several cotton dresses that would fit her fine. In truth, he wanted to see her in it.

  He wen
t back upstairs and ended up helping her put on the dress. Paul was made uncomfortable by the time the deed was done and he had to get out of there to give himself time to settle down his raging hormones. His body didn’t care that he didn’t really know her or that she was hurt, he could care less. When he went back in with the first-aid kit, he was more settled, but it was still hard to concentrate with her leg in his lap.

  Paul tried to keep her talking to make it less awkward, but she only had short sentences. He realized then that it was hurting her, though it looked better, he imagined it was going to hurt for some time. “Sorry, I am not trying to hurt you.”

  “I know, your hands are very gentle. It hurts to even look at it, but at least it doesn’t look infected.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  He finally seen what was in front of him, too focused on the feel of her against him to really look before. On closer inspection, he was still surprised that she had made it that far and was still on her feet when he found her. She had an inner strength that he hadn’t usually associated with females. Unlike his brother he didn’t feel like they were better or worse, just different. Strength and perseverance were usually attributed to men, but Paul wondered if he would have been able to do the same. The only saving grace was that she had been spooked in the beginning, making her not seem too perfect to want.

  “I would like to meet the person that stitched it up. I would like to thank them.”

  “You will see her today if you want to try going out for a bit. She will be here at two for an appointment.” Paul didn’t mention that she was there to help with a cow that had just given birth and was having complications. Paul wasn’t so sure that she would want to know her stitches were from a vet and not a real doctor. He figured she would find out soon enough.

  “That would be great. I remember her voice talking to me at one point, but I don’t remember seeing her. It was such a weird time. I don’t think I have ever fainted like that before. How did I get here?”

  “I rode you back on my horse and you were out the whole time.”


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