Chronicles of Nick 02 - Invincible

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Chronicles of Nick 02 - Invincible Page 16

by Sherrilyn Kenyon

  Man or a mouse, Nick?


  As if. Cowardice wasn’t in him. With a deep breath to brace himself for the additional pain he was about to be in, Nick ran at them. He caught the first one with fist to the gut.

  It laughed like he’d tickled it.

  Ah, snap. This was going to hurt, real bad.

  But when it lunged at him, something miraculous happened. The same force that had taken control of him when he’d fought off the Mortents came back with a vengeance.

  “No, Nick! Stop!” Caleb shouted.

  Easier said than done. Whatever the power was, it radiated through him, raising his hair on end and washing him in a soft warm blanket of light. It was as if a part of him craved it and suckled on it the same way a baby craved his bottle. He needed this … whatever this was.

  Caleb spoke in a language he couldn’t decipher. Suddenly a cloak appeared in his hands.

  One second, Nick was hovering in the hall, beating off the sprout demons; the next, he’d been shoved into a locker. “Hey!” he shouted at Caleb. “I’m not Madaug! Why did you do this?”

  Outside, he heard Caleb continue fighting Bricis and his blood minions.

  “Where did he go, Malphas?” Bricis asked, as if he couldn’t hear Nick calling out to them.

  Caleb drew his swords and twisted them around his body in a beautiful and flawless display of power and skill. “He’s no concern of yours. He’s not what you think.”

  Bricis snorted a denial. “You wouldn’t defend him unless he was.”

  “You don’t know me. At all.”

  Bricis laughed as it and its offshoots pummeled Caleb with everything they had.

  Nick struggled to get out of the cloak and rejoin the fight, but the harder he fought to escape, the tighter it wrapped itself around him. When he tried to call out to Caleb again, the cloak covered his mouth and stifled him.

  What the—?

  Angry and desperate, he had no choice except to eat this degradation while Caleb fought alone.

  I have to do something. Wait. He knew.


  I know what you want, Nick, and I can’t interfere.

  Even though he knew it was futile, Nick continued to struggle. “What do you mean you can’t interfere?”

  There are rules, and if I intervene for Caleb, it would endanger you more. No offense, but you mean a lot more to me than he does.

  “I don’t care about me. Caleb’s my friend. I don’t want to see him hurt for trying to help me.”

  Ambrose snorted. Caleb is not your friend. Never, ever make that mistake, or you will be sorry.

  Nick didn’t buy that for a second. He knew better. “How do I know you’re not the one lying to me?”

  He could feel the presence of Ambrose’s disgust with him. Do we have to play this game again? I’m tired of it. No wonder Kyrian was always losing patience. Now I’m surprised he never killed you over it.

  That sent a shiver over him. “What do you mean?”

  Patience, Nick. Patience. Caleb can hold his own. Believe me. He’s fought much bigger and badder and meaner.

  It didn’t sound that way to him. It sounded like a bloodbath.

  Nick leaned forward so that he could look out the metal slits. There was blood all over the hallway and on the walls. It poured out over Caleb’s armor from numerous wounds.

  Look, kid, I can’t stay here. The longer I do, the more dangerous it becomes.

  “Coward!” But it was too late. Ambrose was already gone. “Yeah, run. You’re just like your brother, you worthless scum! Leave a friend to die for you. You sicken me!”

  Still Ambrose didn’t answer.

  Fine. Not like he meant anything to Nick, anyway. His uncle was cut from the same wicked cloth as his father. They deserved each other.

  All of a sudden, it was quiet again outside. Leaning forward, he had to squint to see what was happening.

  A giant green blob sizzled against the far wall, smoldering against the light blue cinder blocks. Between Caleb’s bleeding form and the blob, purple stains marred the tan tiled floor. Panting and clutching a bloodied sword, Caleb looked straight at him. He tucked his wings in as his armor melted into clothing. His scales flipped back over into human skin. The last things to change were those eerie serpentine eyes that glowed bright.

  Caleb ran his hands through his hair before he closed the distance to the locker and opened it.

  Nick fell out at his feet.

  With a sound of disgust, Caleb stared down at him. “Was that really necessary?”

  Nick tried to respond, but the cloth was still in his mouth.

  “I know I’m going to regret this, but—” He snapped his fingers and Nick was released.

  Nick came to his feet ready to choke him as he shoved the cloth away. “What do you think—?” He broke off as he realized Caleb was badly wounded. “Dude, you all right?”

  “Need a minute to push the pain down before I free the others.”

  “Free—?” Again, Nick hesitated as he realized the students around him were moving so slowly now, you could barely detect it. They appeared caught in a time warp of some kind. “What’s going on?”

  “It’s the same concept that will one day allow you to fly. You can manipulate time and move through its stream unseen. I slowed them so that we could battle and they wouldn’t freak and be hurt by it.”

  Nick was aghast at what he described. They could really do that?

  Wicked fun.

  Except for the stain on the wall. He inclined his head to it. “What was that thing?”

  Caleb leaned back against the wall. “Fringe Hunter. Nasty one, too.”

  “He wanted me?”

  “No.” Caleb wiped a hand across his damp forehead. “He was after another.”

  “That’s not what he said. He kept asking if I was the one.”

  Caleb squinted at him. “That was something else that was aside from you. He wouldn’t have gone after you at all had you not exposed yourself to him.”

  Excuse me? I do believe I kept it in my pants. “Meaning what?”

  Caleb gestured toward the remains. “You cannot use your powers unless you’re around someone who can shield you. Dammit, Nick! You could have died. Do you not understand that? When I tell you something, you have got to listen. You idiot.”

  He remembered what Ambrose had said about Caleb’s loyalty. “Why do you care?”

  Caleb curled his lip into an expression that was purely demonic. “I don’t. Really. You die and I walk free. To me, that would be a great day.”

  “Then why protect me?”

  Caleb looked away from him as if the sight of Nick sickened him.

  But Nick wanted answers, and he wasn’t going to stop until he had some. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “It’s like a bad movie, Nick. You were born the most cursed and blessed of any creature. An abomination that should never have been created, and yet, here you are. Like an unprotected infant who has no understanding of the world that created it. No understanding of the power and destruction you’re capable of. That you’re destined to kill everyone who loves you. Everyone you love.”

  His heart pounded at what Caleb described.

  No, it wasn’t true. He refused to believe it. He would never kill the people he loved. It wasn’t in him.

  “You’re lying to me,” he accused Caleb.

  “It’s true. You’re a plague, Nick. A pox on the—”

  “Stop it, Malphas! Don’t you dare.”

  Nick gaped at Kody’s outraged tone. Astonished beyond belief, he turned to see her approaching them from the south hallway.

  Why wasn’t she frozen like the rest of their school? Instead, she was moving every bit as freely as they were.

  Caleb sneered as she joined them. “I would suggest you leave us. This doesn’t concern you.”

  She scoffed at his curt dismissal. “Of course it does. What are you trying to do?”

needs to know the truth. Not glossed over and prettied up. The pure, unvarnished truth of what he is and what he will do. If we were smart, we’d kill him now and do the world a favor.”

  She gestured at Caleb. “Do you hear yourself?”

  “Like you wouldn’t cut his throat if you were told to do so? Go ahead, Nekoda. Tell him who you work for.”

  Panic darkened her eyes as she refused to meet his gaze.

  This wasn’t good. Just when he thought he could trust someone, they turned out to be …


  “Kody? Are you a demon, too?” Nick asked, desperate to know what he was dealing with now.

  “No,” Caleb said in a breathless tone. “She’s something that makes us look kind.”

  Nick swallowed hard with that realization. There was something worse than a demon? That thought was highly sobering. “What are you, then?”

  Caleb raked her with a smirk. “Humanity doesn’t have a word for her. She’s absolute agony.”

  Kody glared at him. “And what are you?”

  “In a word? Damned.”

  Nick had heard enough. “And I’m gone.” Before he could move, they both threw their hands out and froze him in place.

  This feeling of being a fly trapped on flypaper was getting really old. If they kept this up, he’d start charging them rent for the time of his they were eating alive with nonsense.

  Kody shook her head. “This is not how I wanted him to find out about me. I was supposed to be incognito. Thanks for outing me, Malphas.”

  He gave her a fake bow. “My pleasure. Anything to ruin your day.”

  She cast a meaningful glare at his groin. “Yeah and I’m about to ruin your nights, lover boy. For eternity.”

  Caleb snorted. “What else is new? Not like I have free time, anyway.”

  “I don’t understand where your head is,” she said in a disgusted tone. “How can you be so cold after everything?”

  “I’m tired, Nekoda. Unlike you, I don’t get a break from my hellish existence. And I don’t see why we’re doing this ridiculous dance when we both know how this play ends. Prophecy is prophecy. Nothing ever changes it. Nothing.”

  She disagreed. “And human will is the strongest force ever created. There are those born to succeed and those who are determined to succeed. The former fall into it, and the latter pursue it at all costs. They won’t be denied. Nothing daunts them.”

  Caleb rolled his eyes. “Do you really believe what you’re spouting?”


  “Look me in the eye and tell me that you’ve never once had a single doubt.”

  She screwed her face up. “Of course I have. Without doubt there can be no faith.”

  Shaking his head, Caleb stepped around her. “And I grow sick of your pithy little sayings. Really. Change your tune, hon.”

  Kody didn’t try to stop Caleb from walking away from them.

  “What’s going on, Kody? Who are you? What are you doing here?”

  She appeared heartsick. “Think of me as a guardian.”

  “For what?”

  “I can’t tell you that. It’s forbidden.”

  Like everything else seemed to be these days. It was really getting old to have no real answers. “Are you here to kill me?”

  She shook her head. “I’m an observer who reports your progress to others.”


  “It’s true, Nick. Like Caleb, I’m here to watch over you, but for a whole other reason. We have to make sure that you stay human and that your feelings don’t wither and die.”


  “Because when you stop caring about anyone or anything, Nick, you will become a pawn and a slave to some of the darkest powers ever created. When that happens, you will destroy the world.”


  It wasn’t every day you found out that you were destined to destroy the world. And as those words slammed into Nick, he felt as sluggish and lost as the people barely moving in the air around him. Like he was going in slow motion, attempting to catch up.

  “What are you saying?” he asked Kody, trying to get a handle on this moment.

  “It’s true, Nick. It’s why so many creatures are after you right now. If they can capture you while you’re weak, they can harness your powers and use them for their own gain.”

  “I won’t let them do that.”

  She inclined her head to him. “That’s what we’re here to ensure. Caleb and I are your protectors. He for your body and I for your mind.”

  Huh? Other than the fact he was insane, there wasn’t anything wrong with his mind. Why would it need its own protector. “That doesn’t make sense.”

  “Of course it does. Think about it for a second. Your goodness and your free will are all that keep you from breaking and becoming apathetic. You have to hold on to that part of yourself always.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “You know the answer.”

  He would kill everyone, and all the people around him would cease to exist. He shook his head. “I don’t think I like this. I don’t want this power. Take it away from me.”

  “I can’t. No one can. And right now, you don’t have the power either. You’re just an embryo.”

  Maybe there was time. Maybe …

  “Then I won’t learn it.” If he never embraced his powers, they couldn’t be used by anyone, not even him. That should protect everyone.

  Kody gave him no reprieve. “You have to. If you refuse, your hand will be forced one way or another, and everyone you love will pay the price. You have to become strong enough to protect yourself and those around you. It’s the only hope any of you have. It’s the only hope any of us have. Don’t you understand, Nick?”

  “No. I don’t understand.” He felt like the entire world was caving in on him. He had a principal dying to send him to jail. A coach out to kill him. A boss who was an immortal vampire slayer. His two best friends were certifiable, and a pseudo girlfriend who’d just told him he was the ultimate bomb that would end the world.

  I’m not old enough to cope with this.

  He was just a kid.

  Unable to breathe, he met Kody’s gaze. “I want to go back and be normal again. Forget all this. I want to spend mindless hours playing video games and—”

  “Nick, you’ve never been irresponsible, and you know it.”

  It was true. But …

  He could learn. He was willing to.

  Stop it. Since the moment he’d been born, he’d had to take care of his mother. Watch out for her.

  And …

  The spell on his classmates broke. In the blink of an eye, everything went back to normal with a loud, angry rush. None of them the wiser for the battle that had been fought right in the middle of them while they scurried along, trying to make class before the next bell. None of them seeing the remains that had already faded to nothing more than his bad memory.

  Except him.

  Nick knew, and he’d never be normal again.

  It’s a lie. She’s messing with you.

  But deep down inside, he knew better. This wasn’t a lie. It felt like the truth.

  I won’t do it. I won’t.

  You said that about stealing, and what are you doing?

  Given the right stimulus, anyone was capable of anything. Bubba had hammered that thought into him repeatedly. Even Mother Teresa could be moved to violence if the right buttons were pushed.

  Nick had never been too sure of that analogy, and yet …

  “I need a break for minute.”

  Kody moved toward him. “You want me to stop—?”

  “No!” he snapped, terrified of what she might do. “I don’t want any kind of hocus-pocus or anything else. I just want to sit here for a minute and think.”

  The bell sounded.

  He needed to get to class and start his day. He had a list of things to steal for his coach.…

  That was laughable, given everything else going on. “Can I be killed?
” he asked her, wondering exactly who and what he was.

  “Oh yeah.”

  “What happens if I die?”

  “Honestly, we’re not completely sure. Other than your father’s powers will continue to grow until—”

  “Wh-wh-whoa-what? My father?”

  She nodded. “Where do you think all of this came from? You were born to be your father’s replacement. Once you are safe, he will have to surrender.”

  “Surrender or die?”

  “If he doesn’t yield his title willingly, he will be killed.”

  Well, that explained why the man hated him so badly. Why he couldn’t stand to even look at him. Out of everything else he’d learned, that actually made him feel a little better. For the first time in his life, he understood his father.

  And …

  “The stuff my dad told the police about demons attacking him—”

  “All true, and those forces will now be after you, too.”

  “Move, Gautier, you worthless hobo.” Stone shoved him hard as he passed by.

  Nick started after him, only to find Kody in the way. “That’s the kind of reaction that will cause you to fail. It will lead your enemies to your door. Is Stone really worth that?”



  “What about my mom?”

  “You already know the answer.”

  He was her protector, too. Always the man of the house. “If I died—”

  “Your father would have another child. That one won’t have your humanity. Your mother is what makes you special, Nick. Adarian’s next woman wouldn’t be her. His child wouldn’t be you. All of us are a culmination of vital parts of our parents and their pasts. A vital part of the circumstances we were raised with. Everything that happens to us, good and bad, leaves a lasting impression in our souls. You take one part of that out, and you can completely rewrite something crucial about us. By and large, we’re not shaped by the big things. It’s the little, day-to-day moments that make us who we are. Who we’re going to be.”

  His head was pounding from trying to digest all of this.

  “I’m so overwhelmed.”

  “Most of us are, Nick. Even though we look calm and peaceful on the outside, most of us are barely hanging on by our fingernails. You know why Bubba watches Oprah every day?”


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