Liberated Heart (Windy City Book 4)

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Liberated Heart (Windy City Book 4) Page 24

by Measha Stone

  "Get her out of here," he told them.

  "The cops are on their way," Kendrick said from the doorway. "Erin, are you okay?" He crouched down next to her, but Bradley had already pulled her up into his arms.

  He smoothed her hair away for her face. Seeing the bruise on her chin he growled. "Who did this?" He knew Claudia wouldn't risk breaking a nail to punch someone, no matter how angry she was.

  "The man. I don't know who he is." Erin closed her eyes, needing a minute to process everything.

  "It's okay. Don't worry about that now." Bradley stood up, taking her with him. "We're going to the hospital. The cops can come there to talk with you if they need."

  Kendrick offered to call an ambulance, giving a small grin to Erin.

  "No. I'm taking her." Bradley didn't wait to be argued with, he just walked from the room, holding her close to his chest, needing to feel the beat of her heart in line with his. Claudia had a gun. He'd seen it pointed at Erin. So fucking close he came to losing her.


  Bradley watched Erin sleep in the hospital bed, glad that the doctor finally gave her something to help her drift off. The bruise to her cheek was nothing to be concerned about, but the cut to her arm had been deep enough that they needed to stitch it up. The only thing left was to wait for the results of her CT scan so he could take her home.

  "Erin!" Kelly and Jessica pushed their way past the two police officers standing outside the door to Erin's little room in the ER. They wanted to question Erin, but Bradley wouldn't let them wake her.

  "She's sleeping." Bradley stood from the chair he'd been sitting in for over an hour. How long did it take to read a goddamn CT report anyway?

  Kelly ignored him and ran to Erin's side. "I thought she was okay? Kendrick said she was fine." She picked up Erin's hand and glared over the bed at Bradley. Her attitude toward him sapped the last bit of patience he had.

  "She needed to rest, but wouldn't settle down. The doctor gave her something for the pain in her arm, and she finally fell asleep."

  "Erin can't take pain pills because they make her too sleepy, didn't she tell you that?" Kelly shot at him. For a woman he kept being told was fearful of him, she sure showed her claws well enough.

  "She did." He said and nodded.

  "Kelly." Kendrick's warning came just as the fiery red head opened her mouth again. "Stop being such a mother hen."

  Kelly ignored both of the men and went about checking out her friend. Jessica moved to sit on Erin's bed, resting her hand on her leg. "Royce is with Alex at the police station. They'll be here soon. Alex needed to sign a statement or something."

  "Claudia ratted Travis out right away," Kendrick told Bradley, moving around the bed to stand by his side. "Those two are complete whack jobs. One wanted your money, the other wanted you, and Erin here got caught in the crossfire."

  "Did you call her parents?" Jessica asked.

  "No, not yet. I thought she might want to, you know, so they don't come barging down here." Bradley ran his hand over his smooth head, feeling the weight of the day finally sinking into his body.

  "They won't come running anyway." Kelly shook her head. "Erin's, well, she's never been their favorite."

  "I know." Bradley nodded. Another reason he didn't want to have her parents coming to see her just yet. They would probably set her healing back several days. "I could use some coffee."

  "I'll go get it. Kelly come with me." Jessica hopped off the bed.

  "We just… fine. Fine." She let go of Erin's hand and followed Jessica to the door. Bradley mentally thanked Jessica.

  Once they were gone, Kendrick slapped his back and plopped down in the recliner. "I know that look. She's fine. She's going to be just fine. Don't beat yourself up over this."

  "Did you tell yourself the same thing when Kelly got hurt?"

  "That was different. She charged into a shitstorm."

  "I should have protected her better." Bradley looked down at Erin's sleeping features. If something worse had happened, if he had lost her, how the fuck would he be able to go on with his life? How do you lose someone you love, and just move on?

  "You did protect her. What were you going to do, lock her in your room and keep her hidden? Claudia got to her through her work, not from swiping her off the street."

  "It doesn't matter. I should have done more."

  "Mr. Sorenson?" The doctor walked into the room, noticing Erin still sleeping, he lowered his voice. "I have her results."

  Erin's hand started to move, then her head turned to the side. They were waking her. Bradley pointed to the door and followed the doctor out into the hall.

  "She's okay?"

  "Yes. Nothing to be concerned about. Other than being shaken up by the whole event, she'll be fine in a few days. She will need to have the stitches removed from her arm in a week. In the meantime, keep it clean. I'll have a nurse come with her discharge papers and written instructions for her care."

  "Thank you." Bradley turned to look back into the room. Erin was sitting up, rubbing her eyes with Kendrick leaning over her while she said something to him. Kendrick waved his hands in the air, as though exasperated.

  "I'll also have the name of a good trauma counselor in the paperwork. Talking to someone will help." The doctor shook Bradley's hand and gave the police officers a nod and told them, "When she's up to talking with you, I have no objections."

  "Thanks, Doc." Two pairs of eyes glared at Bradley, letting him know he couldn't keep them out of her room for much longer.

  Kendrick came out of the room and slid the glass door closed. Bradley looked over his shoulder into the room and for a brief moment caught Erin's eyes. Tears brimmed her lids and before he could move Kendrick out of the way, she'd turned her head to look away.

  "What's going on?" Bradley demanded when Kendrick wouldn't budge from the door. "Why is she crying?"

  Kendrick let out a long breath. "She doesn't want you to go back in there."

  "What? Why?" Bradley felt the muscles in his chest tighten. Of course she was upset with him, it was his fault she found herself where she was. She'd had her arm cut open because he didn't get there in time, because he hadn't figured it all out before something horrible happened.

  "Just give her some time, Bradley. She's not thinking straight right now." Kendrick nodded to the officers. "She'll talk to you now."

  Bradley didn't miss the smug smirk on their faces as they walked past them and into the room. "I want to be in there with her when they talk with her, I need to know what else happened."

  "Bradley, just give her today, okay? I can't talk any sense into her right now. I'll get her home and then you two can talk."

  Watching her talk with the police officers, Bradley could see that she was struggling. Her hands were fidgeting in her lap, and she began to chew on the inside of her lower lip. She needed him, dammit.

  Pushing her though, that could make it all worse. "I'll wait out here."

  "Let me take her home." Kendrick shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on in her head, but she said she just wants to go home. Alone."

  "Fine, I'll see her at home." Kelly and Jessica came walking toward them. Not wanting to have another run in with Kelly and upset Erin even more, he pulled his ego out of his ass and walked away.

  He heard the girls ask where he was going, but he ignored them. Ignored everyone and headed out of the ER and out of the hospital.

  When Kendrick brought his girl home, she would have a lot of explaining to do. And he had a lot of apologizing to do, as well.


  Erin opened another box, discarding the used tape onto the floor of her new apartment. Not entirely her own. It really belonged to Jessica, but she managed to get her to sublet the place to her while she waited for her lease to be up in six months.

  It hadn't taken very long to get Royce to agree to it either, as she told him either to let Erin sublet the apartment or she would be moving in with them. Although he didn't min
d having her for a few days after being released from the hospital, he could see having her live with them wouldn't solve anything.

  Bradley tried valiantly to get to her. He sent text after text, called a dozen times, and even showed up at Royce's, but Erin didn't want to see him. She couldn't. It hurt too much to see him. If she looked at him, she'd lose her resolve. And she needed to keep the course she set for herself.

  She hadn't kept him in the dark, not entirely. Failing to call him out of fear of hearing his voice, she sent him a text message. Not her finest move, but it was for the best. That's what she continued to tell herself. She'd told him how sorry she was, but that they just weren't going to work out. Of course that caused a flurry of messages to come flying her way and several calls she needed to ditch. He was angry. Hurt. But he would move on. That had been the plan anyway, it was easier this way. For both of them. He wouldn't have to kick her out, and she wouldn't have wait for him to tire of her and break her heart.

  The front door swung open and Kelly walked in with a few bags of groceries, with Kendrick behind her carrying the last box from his car. "Kitchen please," she said to Kendrick.

  "You know; this is just stupid." Kelly put the bag of chips and cereal on the dining room table. Kelly hadn't let up on the conversation of their breakup since she arrived that morning.

  "I thought you didn't like him," Erin said to her while removing the towels from the box.

  "He's not for me, but of course he needs to know I'm watching him, so he doesn't get too high and mighty. But you were happy with him, Erin."

  "I don't want to talk about it anymore." Erin turned her back on Kelly and went down the hall to put the towels away. Her house had sold after one week on the market. She counted herself lucky that Jonathan hadn't wanted to wait for a higher bid. He seemed fine with getting it over with. Even when it came time to split the things in the house, he didn't argue with her over anything. Several times he tried to broach the subject of their failed relationship, but she kept him at bay. It looked like things weren't as great in the greener pasture as he thought they'd be, and he wanted to keep her around as an option to fall back on. She wasn't allowing that.

  "Talk about what?" Kendrick walked through the swinging door of the kitchen.

  "How stupid she's being by not even talking to Bradley. I mean, I get having your own place. You moved in pretty quick with him as it was, but not talking to him at all?"

  "I said I don't want to talk about it." Erin said again as she passed them with another handful of towels to put away.

  "What happened anyway? I don't really get it." Kendrick leaned against the wall with his arms folded.

  "It's quite simple. We weren't suited." Erin moved the empty box from the table and went about unpacking the groceries.

  "Not suited?" Kendrick's brow wrinkled in confusion.

  "What she means is she's gotten it in her damn head that Bradley didn't want her for the long term. He was just playing with her, cause—oh how did she put it—oh, yes, he was getting his jollies off on training a newbie and would dump her as soon as the novelty wore off."

  Erin pinched her before picking up the second bag of groceries. "It's a bit more complicated than all that."

  "Oh yes, because he gave her a book. That's what it was." Kelly rolled her eyes and jumped out of the way when Erin went to pinch her again.

  "A book?" Kendrick looked more lost than before.

  "I'll explain it later." Kelly waved her hand through the air. "Where's Jessica? I thought she was coming by."

  "She called. Her brother surprised her this morning with a visit, so she's stuck for the day. Royce, too, though he sounded a little happier than she did about the whole thing."

  "Alex said he'd stop by tonight to help put the entertainment center together." Kendrick pushed off the wall. "Erin. Call him." He finally told her.

  "No. I'm fine. It's for the best. I'm sure he's already moved on." A sharp pain gripped her at the mental image of Bradley standing before a woman on her knees.

  "Stubborn bitch." Kelly shook her head.

  Erin laughed, wishing she could make the sound a bit more natural and a hell of a lot less forced. Kelly just rolled her eyes. "Really. I'm fine. You guys should go, you have a tasting to get to, don't you?"

  "We can reschedule." Kelly shrugged.

  "No. Go." Erin gave Kelly a shove toward the front room. "I'm fine."

  Kendrick followed them to the front door and gave Erin one more reproachful look. "I'll tell you once more that you have everything wrong about him. Whatever you've cooked up in your mind is all ass backwards. Call him."

  "Thanks." Erin opened the door. She couldn't stand another minute of hearing a push for her to call or see Bradley. The decision had been made, why was she the only one who understood that?

  Kelly rolled her eyes again and tossed her purse over her shoulder. "Stubborn bitch," she muttered again before giving Erin a quick squeeze and heading out of the apartment. Kendrick nodded in agreement but at least dropped the subject and followed his fiancé out.

  Once the door was locked, Erin took a look around her new home. Except for the entertainment center everything was unpacked. She was finally alone.

  Completely alone.

  The thought ripped through her, dragging tears to her eyes. She missed him.

  When Jonathan had left she felt abandoned, hurt. This was worse. Much worse. Her heart ached with every breath she took. Every smile she managed to form came from a bitter feeling in the pit of her stomach. Nothing tasted right or smelled right or looked the same.

  The rose colored lenses she'd been looking through while hiding away from reality with Bradley had finally lifted and the cold truth of her life came crashing on to her. She was alone.

  Bradley had shown her a side of herself that she doubted would go away, even with her broken heart. But she wouldn't seek it out again, not yet, maybe not ever. Could any other man gain her submission from her with such ease? How could she even think that she'd find in someone else what she had found in Bradley. With just a look he could make her squirm and crave him. Hell, he wasn't even in the room, and she hungered for his touch.

  It never would have worked with him. She was a novelty. A newbie. The shine would wear off and he'd be tired of her. Jonathan had tossed her aside when he grew tired of her, what would make her think Bradley wouldn't react the same way.

  Claudia, as crazy as she was, had a point. He liked the training phase, he excelled at it, but once she was beyond that point why would he keep her?

  The only good thing that came out of having a mad woman abduct her was the clarity it brought to her already muddled thinking. She made the right decision. It was the right thing to do.

  Her phone beeped, signaling a reminder on her calendar. Looking at it she sighed. She'd made an appointment with a trauma councilor at the insistence of her friends, but she really didn't need to go. Her nightmares weren't filled with visions of Claudia or even the dark sound of the horrible man that had been in the room.

  She made a quick call to cancel the appointment, then called Alex to let him know she didn't need him to come over. He didn't sound convinced but didn't give her much trouble over it. She would put the entertainment center together herself, or she'd just put her TV on the floor. Either way it didn't matter, she just couldn't bring herself to be around anyone.

  It was Saturday afternoon. She had plenty to keep her busy in her new apartment.

  She could do this. She could go on alone. She didn't need Bradley or anyone else. She'd manage just fine on her own.

  Her wracking sobs made a liar of her, but she let herself indulge as she lay down in her bed. She just needed an afternoon to sulk, then she'd be okay. Tears burned her cheeks, her chest hurt, her throat burned. She'd be okay. Maybe one day she'd start believing her own lies.


  Bradley stormed through the lounge of Top Floor and slammed his office door as he entered. Claudia's hearing had finished earlier
that afternoon, only a month after her arrest for abducting and assaulting Erin. He didn't need to be there, and probably should have stayed away, but the idea that Erin might have been there, may have shown up, had been too enticing a lure to keep him away.

  It had been a month since he'd seen his Erin at the hospital. An entire month of unanswered texts and voicemails. He stopped calling after the first week, and stopped sending text messages after the third week. If he could just understand, if he could just apologize maybe she would see reason.

  Going to court only turned out to be another day of frustration and anger. Claudia was pleading guilty by reason of insanity, and her trial was set for several months down the road. The only consolation that kept Bradley from storming the room, was that she would be held without bail. He had made sure to stay out of Claudia's eye sight, no need for her start thinking he was there for her.

  Bradley threw himself into his chair just as his office door opened, and Alex waltzed in with Alyssa just a few steps behind him. "Got a minute?" he asked, taking a seat, completely ignoring the scowl Bradley shot at them.

  "We'll make it quick." Alyssa waved her hand at him, as though that would keep his temper in check.

  "What then?" Bradley barked.

  "How did court go?" Alex leaned back in his chair, unfazed by the demand in Bradley's tone. "I know Erin wasn't there." Alex gave a sideways glance at Alyssa. "She hasn't been out of her apartment in two weeks."

  "What?" He had heard she'd gotten an apartment, sold her house and moved into Jessica's old apartment. "Why?"

  "Not really sure. She won't talk to anyone really. Just says she's busy with the move and work. She's been working from home." Alyssa shrugged.

  "She's hiding again," Bradley said. "She's holed up in her apartment, just like when she broke up with that asshole." His chest ached from the knowledge that she found herself right back where he had found her. She had blossomed so much with him, had realized the power she held. How could she just slink back into that pit?


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