Michael Jackson, Inc.

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Michael Jackson, Inc. Page 32

by Zack O'Malley Greenburg

  One and, 239

  to Thriller (album), 65–69, 71, 73–77, 91, 112

  to “Thriller” (song), 5, 74  –77, 91, 93, 116, 139, 157, 227

  My Friend Michael (Cascio), 162

  “My Girl,” 17–18


  Nas, 207

  Neverland Valley Ranch, 9, 210–14, 236

  and child molestation allegations against Jackson, 165, 176, 193, 196

  children at, 142–43, 161–62, 185, 192–93, 196, 198, 201

  Dangerous and, 153–55, 157

  foreclosure of, 211–13

  Jackson family visits to, 142–43, 198

  and Jackson’s appearance on Winfrey’s special, 160–61

  Jackson’s death and, 224

  Jackson’s debts and, 201, 205–6

  Jackson’s expenditures on, 157, 185, 203

  Jackson’s purchase of, 136

  and Jackson’s search for new home, 221–22

  and Living with Michael Jackson, 192–93

  physical appearance of, 135–36

  value of, 5, 143, 207

  New Balance, 145

  New York Times, 65, 118, 128, 140, 156, 176, 187, 237

  Ne-Yo, 216, 232

  Nielsen Company, 40, 160, 224, 249

  Nike, 3, 124  –26, 145–47

  “No Diggity,” 176

  Notorious B.I.G., 175


  Obama, Barack, 95, 219


  Off the Wall, 43, 48–51, 54  –55, 57–59, 64

  Onassis, Jackie Kennedy, 45, 139

  One, 234  –35, 238–42

  O’Neal, Shaquille, 175–76

  Ono, Yoko, 100–101, 104, 106, 124  –25

  Ortega, Kenny, 219–21


  Parker, Tom, 148

  “Penny Lane,” 100, 105

  Pepsi, 249

  BAD 25 and, 231–32

  Jackson’s endorsement deals with, 2, 68, 86–88, 121, 125, 150, 173, 182, 231

  Perry, Katy, 127–28, 233

  Petrucci, Ottaviano, 36

  Petty, Tom, 125–26

  Phillinganes, Greg, 48, 236–37

  Phillips, Randy, 215, 217, 220–21

  Picasso, Pablo, 101–2, 185

  Pittman, Bob, 66–67

  Porcaro, Steve, 60

  Prefontaine, Steve, 145

  Prescient Acquisition, 200, 202, 205–6

  Presley, Elvis, 96, 230

  comparisons between Jackson and, 115, 136–37, 148, 163

  Jackson’s song acquisitions and, 5, 98, 181, 204

  Viva Elvis and, 235, 241

  Presley, Lisa Marie (first wife), 167, 207

  Jackson’s divorce from, 179–80

  Jackson’s marriage to, 52, 171–72, 178–79

  Prince, 6, 108, 121, 127, 160

  Propofol, 220–21, 223, 230

  publishing rights, 36–37, 56, 97, 141

  Purple Rain, 121


  Reagan, Nancy, 73

  Reagan, Ronald, 78, 224

  Regal Theatre, 19, 21–22, 25

  “Revolution,” 124  –26

  Richards, Keith, 65

  Riley, Teddy, 153–55, 215, 268n

  Dangerous and, 153–54

  HIStory and, 176

  Roberts, Kenny, 98–99

  Robinson, Smokey, 4, 21, 26, 34, 41, 50, 69

  “Rock with You,” 49

  Rolling Stone, 30, 50, 62, 64, 128, 157

  Rolling Stones, 1, 65, 147, 160, 230

  touring of, 95, 213, 241

  Rosemount, 208–9

  Ross, Diana, 121

  Jackson’s relationship with, 28, 46–47

  Motown and, 24, 29

  The Wiz and, 45–47, 49

  Rowe, Debbie (second wife), 180, 197

  royalties, 4, 40, 97–99, 146, 172, 215, 249

  BMI and, 54, 204

  Jackson’s debts and, 203–4

  Jackson’s Sony deal and, 156

  Motown and, 26

  songwriters and, 36, 54

  Thriller and, 73

  Rudin, Mickey, 72–73

  Run-D.M.C., 69, 145


  Saemann, Sandy, 146–47, 150–51

  Santa Barbara, Calif., 165, 176, 198

  Santa Maria, Calif., 194  –96

  Schaffel, Marc, 194

  Schumacher, Joel, 179–80

  The Wiz and, 7, 44  –46, 50, 179

  “Scream,” 176

  Sega, Sega Genesis, 3, 139, 170–71

  September 11 attacks, 187, 189

  “Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground),” 43, 56

  Sharpton, Al, 85, 188–89, 195, 226

  Sheldon, Dom, 176

  “She’s Out of My Life,” 49

  Shields, Brooke, 87, 160

  Sinatra, Frank, 72–73, 136, 147

  Sinclair, Catherine, 18

  SK Energy, 152, 249

  Skywriter, 34

  Sly and the Family Stone, 5, 98–99, 126

  “Smooth Criminal,” 128, 130

  Sneddon, Tom, 176

  songs, songwriters, songwriting, 48, 97

  Bad and, 127–28

  and Blood on the Dance Floor, 181

  controversial lyrics in, 176–77

  Dangerous and, 153, 155

  Gordy and, 32, 37

  of Jackson, 37, 40, 43–44, 49, 54, 56–60, 81–82, 116, 121, 127–28, 135, 149, 153, 155, 170, 176–77, 180–81, 215–16, 232

  Jacksons and, 40, 42–43

  monetary value of, 36, 56

  royalties and, 36, 54

  Thriller and, 58–61

  see also music publishing; specific music publishers

  Sonic the Hedgehog 3, 170–71

  Sony, Sony Music, 8, 172

  in attempt to acquire ATV, 166

  ATV’s merger with, 3, 6–7, 173–75

  CBS acquired by, 128–29

  Invincible and, 184  –86, 188

  Jackson’s feud with, 188–89

  Jackson’s record deals with, 156, 177, 184, 187

  Yetnikoff and, 140, 148, 150

  Sony/ATV, 107, 188–89, 211–13, 232, 251

  Barrack on, 212–13

  and child molestation allegations against Jackson, 195–96

  creation of, 174

  EMI acquired by, 240

  Jackson’s death and, 226–27

  and Jackson’s loans and debts, 186, 188, 200–202, 212–13, 228, 230

  songs owned and administered by, 52–53, 57, 96, 108, 181, 204

  value of, 6–7, 97, 108–9, 175, 195, 207, 212, 227, 252

  Spann, Pervis, 19–20

  Spielberg, Steven, 63, 111, 115, 177, 190

  Springsteen, Bruce, 63, 67, 108, 121, 128–29, 160, 185

  Stabler, Donald, 200–202, 205–6

  “State of Shock,” 81, 88

  Steeltown Records, 20, 25, 27

  Stiffelman, Gary, 102, 149

  “Stranger in Moscow,” 170, 176, 239

  Sullivan, Charles:

  background of, 80, 84  –85

  Jackson’s clothing line and, 93–94

  physical appearance of, 80, 84, 92

  Victory Tour and, 80–81, 84  –86, 88, 90–91, 93–95

  Sullivan, John Jeremiah, 180

  Sullivan, Pat, 95

  Super Bowl, 89, 94

  Jackson’s halftime show at, 158–60

  Swedien, Bea, 48, 127, 129

  Swedien, Bruce, 88, 127, 129, 153, 268n

  Invincible and, 185

  Jackson’s relationship with, 48–49

  Thriller and, 60–62

  Swift, Taylor, 7, 97, 228, 233, 237


  Taylor, Elizabeth, 160

  and child molestation allegations against Jackson, 167–68

  Jackson’s relationship with, 137, 142, 167

  “Tell Me I’m Not Dreamin’ (Too Good to Be True),” 88–89

  Temperton, Rod, 48, 58

  Temptations, 12, 17, 37

  “They Don’t Care About Us,” 176

  This Is It (album), 227–28

  This Is It (concert series), 217–21, 232

  Jackson’s death and, 225

  Jackson’s health problems and, 219–21

  rehearsals for, 8, 127, 218–21, 227

  This Is It (film), 8, 227–28, 232

  “Thoughts on Work and Secrecy” (Jackson), 122

  3T, 172

  Thriller (album), 7, 46, 58–69, 71–80, 84, 114, 137, 149, 152

  awards and honors of, 71, 77–78, 87, 141

  Bad and, 126–28

  Dangerous and, 156, 158

  music videos to, 65–69, 71, 73–77, 91, 112

  profitability of, 121

  promotion of, 65, 67–68, 73

  recording technology and, 60–61, 184

  reviews of, 64  –65, 77

  sales of, 2, 4, 33, 64  –65, 71, 73, 79, 81, 87, 121, 148

  Victory Tour and, 80, 89, 92

  “Thriller” (song), 159, 215, 218–19

  budget of, 74  –77

  Jehovah’s Witnesses and, 75–76, 91

  music video to, 5, 74  –77, 91, 93, 116, 139, 157, 227

  TimeOut, 49

  Tohme, Tohme, 210–11

  Tokyo, 129, 131, 157, 164

  Tompkins, Dennis, 114, 130

  “Torture,” 81

  Tree of Hope, 22–23

  Triumph, 81

  Tucker, Chris, 196–97


  United Kingdom, 33, 79, 99, 192, 218–19


  Van Halen, Eddie, 60

  Vanity Fair, 190

  Victory, 81, 88

  Victory Tour, 80–86, 88–95, 103, 129–30, 143

  fans’ reactions to, 89–90

  financing of, 80–82, 84  –85, 90, 93–94

  gross earnings of, 80, 92

  Jackson’s disappointment with, 91–92

  merchandizing for, 84, 90, 92

  promotion and marketing of, 85–86, 88, 94

  staging shows in, 88–89, 92–93

  threatened boycotts and protests on, 85–86

  ticket sales of, 81–82, 84, 86, 90, 92–93

  Viva Elvis, 235, 241

  Vogel, Joe, 121, 126

  voodoo story, 190


  Warner, Warner Music, 67, 99, 138, 227

  “We Are the World,” 121, 159

  Weinberg, Neil, 35

  Wenner, Jann, 62

  Westlake Recording Studios, 58–59, 126–27

  “What More Can I Give,” 187

  White, Barry, 41, 131

  White, Chris, 226

  “Who Is It,” 170

  Wiener, Jon, 125

  Wiesner, Dieter, 178, 181, 191–92, 194, 271n

  Williams, Pharrell, 4, 216

  Winfrey, Oprah, 95, 137, 162, 172, 207, 219

  Jackson’s appearance on special of, 9, 34, 70, 137, 158, 160–62, 192

  Wiz, The, 7, 44  –47, 49–50, 57, 65–66, 112, 179

  Wonder, Stevie, 24  –25, 35

  World Food Programme (WFP), 249


  “Yesterday,” 1, 100, 108

  Yetnikoff, Walter, 41, 50, 71, 89, 117, 217

  apology to Branca of, 78–79

  ATV acquisition and, 102, 109

  “Billie Jean” video and, 66–67, 73

  CBS and, 2, 7, 39–40, 44, 51, 63–65, 67–68, 72, 78, 91, 98, 102, 106, 129, 141

  and Days of Thunder soundtrack, 141–42

  firing of, 148, 150, 157

  Geffen’s relationship with, 140–42, 148

  Jacksons and, 40, 91

  Jackson’s awards and, 77–78

  Jackson’s business acumen and, 39, 42, 51, 109

  Jackson’s E.T. project and, 63–64, 79

  Jackson’s master recordings ownership and, 79, 260n

  Jackson’s relationship with, 7, 43–44, 73, 77–79, 184  –85

  Thriller and, 61–62, 65, 67–68, 73–74, 77, 79

  “You Are Not Alone,” 176

  Yu, Susan, 194  –95, 198, 200

  A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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  New York, NY 10020


  Copyright © 2014 by Zack O’Malley Greenburg

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Atria Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

  First Atria Books hardcover edition June 2014

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  Interior design by Paul Dippolito

  Jacket design by Anna Dorfman

  Jacket painting by Borbay

  Author photograph by Michael Letterlough, Jr.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Greenburg, Zack O’Malley.

  Michael Jackson, Inc.: the rise, fall, and rebirth of a billion-dollar empire /

   Zack O’Malley Greenburg.

     pages cm

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

  1. Jackson, Michael, 1958–2009—Finance, Personal. 2. Popular music— Economic aspects—United States. I. Title.

   ML420.J175G75 2014

   782.42166092—dc23        2013045449


  ISBN 978-1-4767-0596-5

  ISBN 978-1-4767-0638-2 (ebook)




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