Catch of a Lifetime: A Cricket Creek Novel

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Catch of a Lifetime: A Cricket Creek Novel Page 23

by LuAnn McLane

  “Hey there,” Jessica called with a wave, and then squeezed in next to Madison.

  “It’s about time,” Madison complained with a good-natured shove to Jessica’s shoulder.

  “How are you doin’, little mama?” Jason asked with a big smile. He and Madison looked cute in their Cougar baseball caps. They were holding hands, and it just warmed Jessica’s heart to see her daughter so happy. And Jason was a fine young man!

  “Better now that I’m finally here.”

  “Mom, you should have let us help you close up,” Madison protested.

  “Then you wouldn’t have gotten this premier spot,” Jessica replied with a shake of her head. “Isn’t this just so exciting? And what a beautiful day we have here!”

  “I’ve been guarding this here corner with my very life,” Aunt Myra said with a flip of her long braid over her shoulder. “I had to karate chop two little kids and shove an elderly lady who tried to get past me with her walker.”

  Jessica laughed. “Thanks, Aunt Myra.”

  Owen shook his head. “And you think she’s joking?”

  Jessica laughed harder. She thought it was simply amazing how much Aunt Myra had brought shy Owen out of his shell. “I guess Olivia is riding in the parade with Noah?”

  “No.” Owen shook his head. “Olivia’s on a big float that the drama club and glee club helped her build. But she’ll catch up with us over at the ballpark.”

  “I know Olivia has been waiting for this day with such anticipation,” Jessica said, and gave Owen a huge hug. When she pulled away, she wasn’t surprised to see him grow misty-eyed.

  “It’s so wonderful to see my Livie so happy. She deserves the best,” Owen said.

  “It’s crazy how far we’ve all come in the past year, isn’t it?”

  Aunt Myra nodded. “Noah Falcon sure did shake things up when he roared back here last spring in that red Corvette of his.” She smacked her thigh. “Sure is funny how Olivia was his high school tutor, he bein’ the football star right here in Cricket Creek. And after all these years, they ended up together. Who would have thought?”

  Owen smiled at Myra. “Yep, funny how love can be right under your danged nose and you don’t even know it.”

  Jessica was delighted to see Aunt Myra blush. Those two were proof positive that opposites attract and yet could bring out the best in each other.

  “And then again, some people are just a bit hardheaded,” Jason commented, and got a shove from Madison.

  “Hey, what made you think I was talking about you?” Jason asked with raised eyebrows, only to be rewarded with another shove.

  “Were you?”

  “Yeah.” His comment got him another shove, followed by a giggle. The sunlight caught the diamonds in Madison’s engagement ring and tugged a smile from Jessica. They had all come such a long way in a year’s time, and today was shaping up to be just perfect. This parade was a celebration of more than just opening day. It was a new beginning for the entire town. Their lives seemed to be coming together like scattered pieces of a big jigsaw puzzle, and it was going to be interesting to see how everything fit together as time moved on.

  “Bella and Nicolina better get here soon, or we won’t be able to watch together,” Madison commented, and got up on tiptoe to look around. “I texted Bella where we’d be watching.”

  “Yes, I’m looking forward to seeing them,” Jessica commented. As if on cue, Bella and Nicolina hurried across the street just before the police closed off the intersection from traffic.

  “Jessica!” Nicolina shouted, and gave Jessica a big squeeze. “It’s so nice to see you. And don’t you just look amazing.”

  “Thank you, Nicolina. So do you,” Jessica said, and it was true. Like her daughter, Nicolina Diamante was movie-star gorgeous and had the attitude to match. She was drawing stares from the crowd but didn’t seem to notice.

  “I’m looking forward to a tour of Wine and Diner. Bella says it’s lovely and has your special touch.”

  “Why, thank you, Bella,” Jessica said, and turned toward her. “Are you ready for some baseball?”

  “Yeah, baby!” Bella replied, and Jessica thought there was something different about her young friend. The cloud of depression had dissipated and was replaced with a bright smile and a spring in her step. Jessica had to wonder if Bella had been bitten by the love bug as well. Jessica looked at matchmaker Madison and arched a questioning eyebrow, and she immediately caught her drift.

  Madison shot Jessica a discreet, I-knew-it nod before giving Nicolina a hug. “You are as gorgeous as ever. You and Mom are such cougars!”

  “Oh stop,” Nicolina said, but Jessica could tell that she was pleased at Madison’s comment. Like her, Nicolina had dedicated her life to her daughter and work. Jessica had never known her to be in a steady relationship and had to wonder if she was willing to give it any consideration now that Bella was an adult. “Now introduce me to this handsome young man of yours.”

  Madison took a step back and gestured toward Jason. “Nicolina, I’d like you to meet my fiancé, Jason Craig. Jason, this is Nicolina Diamante.”

  “Nice to meet ya, Ms. Diamante,” Jason said, and politely shook her offered hand.

  “Same here. Congratulations, Jason. Madison is a lovely, talented young woman.” She took a step back and smiled. “My best to you both!”

  “Thank you,” Madison and Jason responded.

  Nicolina grabbed Madison’s hand and squeezed. “You must be having such fun planning the wedding!”

  Madison shrugged and then glanced up at Jason. “We’ve been so busy that it’s been put on the back burner.”

  “I would love to help,” Nicolina offered.

  “Mom!” Bella said brightly. “That’s an excellent idea.”

  Jessica nodded. “Oh yes, we would love that. Wouldn’t we, Madison?”

  “Absolutely,” Madison agreed.

  Jessica motioned toward Aunt Myra and Owen. “I’d like you to meet my aunt Myra Robinson and our friend Owen Lawson.”

  “Lovely to meet you too,” Nicolina said, and extended her hand. “Such a friendly atmosphere,” she said, and turned to Bella. “No wonder you love it here.”

  “We’ll give you the grand tour tomorrow,” Madison said.

  “And of course you’ll have to eat at Wine and Diner!” Jessica said.

  “I can’t wait!” Nicolina raised her voice over the sound of the approaching marching band. “I am sure the food is amazing.”

  “Thank you, Nicolina. We still have all of Aunt Myra’s classics on the menu, but we’ve added a modern flair. And Jason did an amazing job on the remodeling.” She nodded toward Owen. “Owen and Jason created an outdoor patio that is fabulous. It opens tomorrow.”

  Nicolina smiled and took a step closer so that only Jessica could hear. “And I wanted to thank you for giving Bella a job. I sure do miss her, but she needed this change of atmosphere.”

  “Oh, it was my pleasure hiring her. She is a hard worker, and I look after her as if she is my own daughter. It’s been nice for Madison too. They get along like sisters.” She placed a hand on Nicolina’s arm. “But I can understand how it must be hard for her to have moved here. I would miss Madison.”

  “It’s been tough,” Nicolina admitted. “Bella wants to show me a storefront located by the stadium.”

  “To open your own jewelry store?” Jessica felt a surge of excitement and smiled brightly.

  “It’s just a thought, but yes.”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful!” Jessica felt like jumping up and down with childlike joy. Could this day get any better?

  “I would ask you if you’re content living here in this small town, but happiness is radiating from you, Jessica.” She sighed. “I just don’t know if I could make the adjustment. I’ve lived in Chicago all my life.” She glanced over at Bella, who was laughing at something Aunt Myra said, and shook her head. “But it seems like Bella is embracing life here, so I should at least give it some serious
consideration. It’s a big decision.”

  Jessica put her arm around Nicolina and gave her narrow shoulders a quick squeeze. “We have more in common than I ever realized. I would enjoy having you around.” She removed her arm and then shrugged. “Sometimes we make some decisions more difficult than they need to be. Madison has told me a number of times that I’m the queen of overthinking. Just go with your gut. That’s what I did with Wine and Diner.”

  “Thanks. That’s sound advice.”

  Jessica grinned. “Oh yeah, and you have to work your ever-loving tail off.”

  Nicolina laughed. “Well, we were both single moms. I’m no stranger to hard work.” She looked in the direction of Bella and Madison and then turned her gaze back to Jessica with misty eyes. “We did a good job, didn’t we?”

  “Yes, we did.” Jessica reached up with her palm. “Give me a high five, girlfriend!”

  Nicolina smacked her hand hard, drawing the attention of their daughters.

  “Mom, here come Noah and Ty!” Madison shouted just as Noah’s red Corvette convertible turned onto Main Street. A handsome silver-haired man she didn’t know was driving, and Noah and Ty were perched up on the back of the shiny car, waving to the cheering crowd. When they reached the corner, Ty turned and tipped his cap directly at Jessica, who in turn blew him a kiss. They were tossing out wrapped candy from a bucket and showered the crowd with Tootsie Rolls.

  Nicolina accepted a piece of candy from Jessica. “Oh, so Bella was right. There is something going on between you and Ty McKenna.”

  Jessica felt herself blush, but gave Nicolina a nod. “Who would have thought, huh?”

  Nicolina wiggled delicate auburn eyebrows. “He is one fine-looking man,” she commented, just as the driver of the Corvette looked their way. He was wearing aviator sunglasses, but it was obvious that his gaze lingered on Nicolina. “Who is he?” she asked casually, but Jessica noticed the feminine interest.

  “To tell you the truth, I don’t know. I’m guessing he must be a baseball friend of Noah and Ty’s. She tipped her head sideways. “But, you know, Ty did mention that there would be someone sitting in the section we’re sitting in. . . . Hmm . . .”


  “He looks so familiar. I know I’ve seen him in Chicago Blue many times. . . . Oh!” Her eyes widened and she suddenly knew.

  “Do you know him?”

  Jessica nodded slowly and then leaned close to Nicolina’s ear. “If I’m not mistaken, that’s Mitch Monroe. He’s a big-business tycoon from Chicago. I knew there was a silent investor in the baseball complex, and keep it on the down low, but I just bet it’s him.”

  “Oh . . .” Nicolina nodded thoughtfully and then shrugged slightly as if she weren’t all that interested, but Jessica made a mental note to make sure the two of them were seated next to each other. After the parade ended, they followed the boisterous crowd over to the baseball park. Although the league that the Cougars competed in was a step below actual minor-league baseball, the stadium was state-of-the-art. The complex hugged the banks of the Ohio River, and new developments were springing up everywhere, including the strip of shops Nicolina had been referring to earlier as a potential location for Designs by Diamante. Future plans included several shops and maybe even a hotel connected to a small-scale convention center. Jessica smiled at the transformation that was putting Cricket Creek back on the map.

  Bright sunshine glinted off the river, and for the first time in a long while, there were lots of boats out on the water. The marina had also been spruced up in hopes of a good season, and Jessica’s smile widened. Good things were yet to come. She could feel it!

  “Owen, the landscaping is lovely!” Jessica commented, and noticed that Aunt Myra beamed up at him. Jessica knew the feeling. She was proud that Ty was not only manager of the team, but part owner as well. He and Noah had certainly outdone themselves. The Cricket Creek Baseball Complex was stunning.

  “Thank you, Jessica,” Owen replied. “It sure was a labor of love.”

  “And to top it off, it is such a gorgeous day!” Bella gushed, and linked her arm with her mother’s. “It’s so great that you could make it, Mom.”

  “Thank you, sweetie! I am having so much fun.”

  “Now all we need is a win!” Jason declared, and they all agreed.

  “Anybody hungry?” Aunt Myra asked, and got nods all around. They headed for one of the many long lines for theconcession stands, but the time went fast since they were chatting with everyone in sight.

  After a round of hot dogs, they made their way toward their seats just before the Cricket Creek High School band marched onto the baseball diamond to play the national anthem. They all paused and proudly sang along with the standing-room-only crowd.

  Their seats were directly behind home plate. Rows were staggered in a V behind the backstop, and Jessica made sure that she and Nicolina sat in the first row of only four seats. “Nicolina, let’s you and I sit here in the middle and keep the outside seats vacant for Olivia and Mitch Monroe. It will be easier that way.”

  “Okay.” If Nicolina was on to her little matchmaking scheme, she didn’t let on, and nodded.

  Jessica put her jacket over the seat next to her so that Mitch would have to take the seat next to Nicolina. She had no idea if anything would come of this, but something in her gut told her to do so. “Besides, we don’t want to be sitting next to Aunt Myra, since she yells at the umpires.” Jessica turned and winced at Owen. “Sorry about your luck,” she said, but he only laughed. Madison shot her a what-are-you-up-to look, but when she spotted the silver fox Mitch coming their way, she gave Jessica a discreet, oh-I-know-where-you’re-going-with-this thumbs-up.

  Jessica watched Mitch look at his ticket stub and up at the occupied seat where he should have been sitting. “Would you mind taking this seat?” She gestured next to Nicolina. “We’re trying to keep the couples seated next to each other, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all,” he said in a smooth-as-silk voice, and then smiled at Jessica before giving his attention to Nicolina. “I’m Mitch Monroe.”

  “Nicolina Diamante,” she said coolly, and extended her hand.

  “What a bracelet,” he said, and she beamed.

  “Thank you.”

  After shaking her hand, he turned to Jessica.

  “It’s one of her designs,” Jessica felt compelled to inform him. “I’m Jessica Robinson.”

  “Ah yes, Ty’s friend and owner of Wine and Diner. He raves about your inventive cuisine. I used to be a frequent patron of Chicago Blue Bistro. It hasn’t been the same since you departed.”

  “Why, thank you. I thought I recognized you. I’d like you to meet the rest of my crew.” When he complied, she introduced everyone, and then they all sat down to witness the first pitch. They were on the second batter when Olivia finally showed up. She waved to everyone and sat down with a long sigh. “Where have you been?” Jessica asked.

  “We had to take the float back to the high school. The parking lot looked packed, so I decided to hoof it over here.” She fanned her face. “Shew! I was kickin’ up some dust.”

  “Well, you’ve only missed one ground out,” Jessica told her. “Isn’t this just so exciting?”

  Olivia’s head bobbed up and down, and she put a hand to her chest. “Yes! I can’t believe this day is finally here.”

  Jessica leaned back in her seat and gestured to Nicolina. “Olivia, I’d like you to meet Bella’s mother, Nicolina Diamante.”

  “Oh, so you’re the jewelry designer? It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise. Bella seems to just love it here.”

  “And to her left is Mitch Monroe. He’s a friend of Noah and Ty and is in town for the game.”

  Mitch stood up and shook Olivia’s hand. “Olivia, it is so nice to finally meet you. Noah speaks very highly of you.”

  “Welcome to Cricket Creek, and thank you for your kind words. Noah sure has given back to his hometown, and we couldn’t
be more proud of this gorgeous complex.”

  “Olivia, I’ve known Noah for a long time, and I’ve never seen the man so happy,” Mitch added before sitting back down.

  At the crack of the bat, all eyes were back on the game. The Richmond Rockets suddenly had a man on second with only one out. Next was a sky-high pop-up to the shortstop and local boy Reed Wilson. The crowd collectively held their breath and then cheered like crazy when Reed caught the ball. An easy fly ball to left field ended the first half of the inning.

  For the next four innings, the game was a pitcher’s duel, and with only two singles from the Cougars, the crowd was getting restless. Jessica noted that Mitch and Nicolina watched the game with interest but also had eyes for each other. She overheard them discussing Nicolina’s jewelry, and said a silent prayer that Bella’s mother would decide to open a shop in Cricket Creek.

  “I hope we start hitting,” Jessica said to Olivia. “I’d love to win this opening game. My stomach is in knots.”

  “Me too.” Olivia nodded, but another inning went by with three quick outs from each team.

  “I’m headed to the concession stand,” Mitch announced when they stood up for the seventh-inning stretch. “Would anyone like anything?”

  Jessica put her hand to her stomach, which was a bit upset. “I’d love a Sprite, if you wouldn’t mind.” Perhaps a cold, fizzy drink will help me, she thought, but had to mask her grimace with a smile.

  When Olivia requested a bottle of water, Nicolina asked, “Mitch, would you like me to go with you to help carry things?”

  “Why, thank you. That would be nice,” Mitch replied with a charming smile. His teeth flashed white against a deep tan, and although his silver hair gleamed in the bright sunlight, Jessica guessed him to be only in his mid- to upper fifties, nearly the same age as Nicolina. Jessica made a mental note to ask Ty more about his intriguing friend.

  As soon as Nicolina and Mitch walked away, Jessica turned to Bella, Madison, and Aunt Myra, who were elbowing one another and grinning. “Interesting,” Jessica commented to Bella. “I do believe you mother has an admirer.”


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