Rumors: Emerson & Ryder

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Rumors: Emerson & Ryder Page 4

by Rachael Brownell

  Great. So much for that idea. This is what I get for trying to be nice and efficient. I get to spend an extra ninety minutes with Ryder in a foul mood. I’m not sure this is what I signed up for. Angela assured me that he was a nice guy, that I would enjoy working for him.

  Maybe she confused him with Tyler. Or Hunter. They all look alike. I’m sure they act alike from time to time. I’m sure they’re all different outside the confines of the office. I know I am.

  The morning passes with minimal contact from Ryder. His first meeting runs long and then he slips out of the office without a word. Entering the break room, I’m met with accusatory glares from both Justine and Allison.

  The last two days I ate at my desk, knowing that Allison would have something to say about Monday. I was hoping that it would be a distant memory by now, but judging by the look on her face, it’s not my lucky day.

  “Hey,” I greet them as I take a seat next to Allison so I don’t have to feel her stare while I eat.

  “What’s going on with you and Ryder?” Justine asks as soon as I take a sip of my Diet Coke, causing me to choke.

  “Nothing. I have a boyfriend, remember?”

  “One that you’ve been fighting with,” Allison reminds me.

  “That doesn’t mean we’re not working on things,” I quickly retort, lying through my teeth. Thank God Angela isn’t here to call me out.

  “You two look like you’re getting close,” Justine points out, taking a bite of her sandwich as she waits for me to respond.

  “Not the way you’re insinuating. He’s my boss, nothing more.” Anger is rising inside me at their accusations, and it’s obvious that I don’t intend to let them continue.

  “All work and no play…” Allison says, letting her voice drift off.

  I have to take a moment to gather myself before responding. I see this going one of two ways. I can either rip into them, tearing them down with my words. Or I can be the bigger person. Instead of ripping each of them a new asshole, I can kindly remind them, again, that I have a boyfriend at home.

  That’s probably the best way to go.

  Keep the peace at work. I see these girls every day. Sure, they like to gossip and spread rumors, but I don’t want to be part of that. I certainly don’t want to be at the center of the rumors. You would think, at their age, they would realize that what they hear isn’t always what’s going on. That’s the thing about rumors, though. It’s easy to get caught up in them, share it with another person and then suddenly it’s being spread like wildfire.

  The hardest part is laying the rumors to rest. Once they’re out there, people are always going to believe what they want. What’s interesting? The truth is often found boring when compared to fiction.

  “I know it might be hard to believe, but one man in my life is enough for me,” I finally say. “I’m not sure what you think you see going on between us, but I can assure you, it’s nothing more than him barking orders at me as I scramble to do the best I can to make sure he’s happy.”

  Justine shoots a look in Allison’s direction. Slowly shaking her head, she begins picking at her salad. Justine follows suit, returning her attention to her sandwich and dropping the conversation as the room falls silent. Good. Maybe they’ll drop this stupid topic altogether and move on.

  Looking past Justine, I find Helen giving me an optimistic smile.

  Ryder is in his office on the phone when I walk by after lunch. His door is slightly ajar, and I hear him yell as I pass. Stepping back to close the door tight, he looks up, an angered expression on his face as I pull the door closed.

  Is he mad at me or the person on the phone? It doesn’t matter. I have work to do right now and more important things to worry about. Scurrying away from his door, I head to my desk and focus on finishing the list of things he’s asked me to do.

  As I’m getting ready to leave the office, I pray for a better day tomorrow. This is becoming a trend, a daily prayer. I can’t continue to work under these conditions. I feel like every move I make is the wrong move, even though I’m trying my best to make the right decisions. Maybe Ian is right?


  Back up.

  No, Ian is not right.

  This is the best job for me at the moment. My only option. It’s not my career. I don’t plan on being someone’s assistant for the rest of my life, but it is a stepping stone. One that I’m grateful I have, even if my boss is an asshole most days.

  Knocking on Ryder’s door to let him know I’m taking off, it creaks open and I find him with his back to me, staring out the window. I go to announce my presence when he begins yelling.

  “I don’t care what you have to do, this need to be over with. Now. I’m done waiting. Make it happen or I’ll find someone else who will!”

  Turning, he tosses his phone on his desk. That’s when he spots me.

  “I’m sorry,” I start, unsure of what he thinks I’m doing in his office. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop but I’m sure it looks like I was. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m leaving for the night if there’s nothing else you need.”


  “Have a good night,” I say, scooting out of his office before he has a chance to change his mind.

  As the elevator doors close, I catch sight of Ryder leaving his office, heading toward me.

  Please don’t stop me. Please don’t stop me.

  I repeat it over and over again until the doors close and the elevator begins to move toward the parking garage below the building. Once I’m safely in my car I breathe a sigh of relief.

  Walking in the door of my apartment, I hear Ian on the phone. His voice is muffled but it’s clear he’s talking to someone important by his tone. When I round the corner into the kitchen, he’s hanging up, a smile on his face.

  “Guess what?” he says, grabbing my hands and twirling me in a circle.

  “What?” I ask, reaching for the counter to catch my balance.

  “Mr. Perregrine agreed to give you a job. You have an interview on Monday afternoon.”

  All I can do is stare. This isn’t what we talked about earlier this week. In fact, this is the opposite of what we talked about. When he told me about the job opening, I specifically told him that I wasn’t interested.

  We live together. The last thing I want is for us to work together as well. I only applied to Perregrine because he pressured me to before I moved here. When I wasn’t offered an interview, I was relieved. I knew it would be better to keep our personal and professional lives separate. And now, as much as we have been fighting the last few weeks, I can’t imagine working with him. I wouldn’t want to bring that to the office with us.

  “That’s great,” I say, grinding my teeth together, feigning excitement.

  I have to find a way to tell him, before Monday, I won’t be going to the interview. He needs to know where I stand on this. He needs to hear what I have to say and how I feel about this even if he doesn’t want to.

  “You’ll meet him Friday night, so make sure you’re ready. You want to make a great first impression,” he declares, walking away before I can protest.

  Can this week get any worse?

  Chapter Five

  “Maybe it’s not the best idea for us to work together,” I say to Ian over breakfast. I only have a few days to convince him to cancel my interview with Mr. Perregrine. It’s not going to be easy, but I have to give it a shot.

  He woke up in a great mood this morning. Lucky for me, he always seems to be more agreeable when he’s happy. He tends to listen better, to really hear what I’m saying. I’ve been waiting for this moment to break the news to him. I’m hoping he takes my feelings into consideration and doesn’t blow me off. I have a feeling, since this is what he wants, it’s not going to be easy to get him to see my side of this.

  “It’ll be fine. We can have lunch together every day. Drive to work together and save on gas. Plus, the knowledge you’ll gain from the company is priceless. And… you have your foot i
n the door for when a better position opens up.”

  Yup. This is going to be a challenge.

  “I’ll still be waiting on a better position.”

  “Yeah, but this is Perregrine.”

  “What’s the job again?” I ask, knowing exactly what he’s going to say.

  Executive assistant to the new girl they just hired for the job I want someday. The job Ian never mentioned to me was open. She got hired a little over a month ago, right before I had my interview with Dixon and Sons. A job that I’m qualified for. The same job he has now, making us equals.

  After he’s done sugar coating the job, I jump right in with my rebuttal, knowing it’s going to piss him off even before the words leave my mouth. “So, basically the same job I have right now, only with a different company.”

  “A better company,” he says, setting his jaw, holding back the anger I anticipated.

  “What’s the point in starting over again, though? I’m finally comfortable with my position”—even though my boss has become a huge dick—“and the thought of working for someone else and having to figure out the way they prefer things just doesn’t seem worth it. Not if my only reward is to have lunch with you every day. I already get you for dinner every night.”

  I try to quickly make it a joke, realizing what I said a moment too late. Ian’s stare hasn't changed. He’s making it clear that he doesn’t agree with me. It’s not a matter of if he does or doesn’t. It’s about what makes me happy. And as unhappy and trying as Ryder Dixon is on a daily basis, I’m still not interested in taking my chances that working for someone else won’t be even more exhausting, mentally and physically.

  On top of that, why would I want to work with Ian if all we do right now is fight? Maybe that’s what I should have said. Sure, most of our fights are about my job, his opinion of my job, and the fact that he hates that I’m working for another company. Still, at the end of the day, if we’re not fighting about that, there will be something else to fight about. Living together and working together seems like a bad decision. I just need for him to see that.

  Plus, if something happened and one of us had to be let go, it wouldn’t be him. It would be easier to replace an assistant than an account executive.

  “Just, think about it,” he finally says, dumping the last few sips of his coffee down the drain and setting his mug in the sink. “I have to go.”

  “See you tonight,” I call after him. “Love you.”

  There’s no reply. Moments later I hear the slam of the front door. I immediately call Angela as I gather my things and head to the office, chugging the last bit of my coffee. I’m going to need all the caffeine I can get today if I want to make it through without killing anyone.


  “How are you?” I ask, tucking my phone between my ear and my shoulder.

  “Fine. How are you?”


  “That good, huh? Ian?”

  “And Ryder.”

  “What did Ryder do?”

  “He’s just in a mood. He’s been in a mood all week. Nothing makes him happy. It’s making it hard to work for him and feel like I’m doing my job well. I’m hoping he’ll mellow the fuck out once the divorce is final. If not, I’m not sure what to do. I need this job, but I can’t work in this environment and be successful.”

  Do I mention the gossip sisters? Nah, that’s a topic for another day. I’m sure she knows how the two of them can be. She’s known them longer than I have. A little heads up would have been nice going in, though. Even a “hey, those girls like to talk shit” would have been better than nothing.

  “And Ian?”

  “Where do I even start? He decided that it was a good idea to get me an interview with his boss without asking me,” I say, heading for the front door.

  “What?” Angela screams into the phone, causing me to shift my head and my phone to fall to the ground.

  Reaching down, I flip the screen over to make sure the call is still connected. Angela’s face is staring back at me, a goofy filter giving her puppy dog ears and a giant tongue sticking out of her mouth.

  “Yep. My interview is Monday, but I get to meet his boss tomorrow night at this stupid shindig the company is hosting.”

  “Did you tell him you didn’t want to take it?”

  “I’m pretty sure I made myself clear. If it was a promotion, I might think about it. It’s the same damn job, just with a different company. And get this, it’s for a woman they just hired for a position I had no idea was even available. Why didn’t he tell me about that job? Why was I not interviewing for that position? She’s only been there a month. That means the job was available back when I was looking.”

  “You know why,” she interrupts.

  “Of course I do! He’s afraid of putting me on a level playing field with him, that’s why.”


  I’m getting fired up just talking about it. He’s unbelievable. One moment he’s trying to keep me down, the next he’s trying to lift me up. As long as he’s on top, that’s all that matters. I can’t be his equal and I can’t exceed his stature.

  Knowing I need to cool down and mentally prepare to deal with Ryder, I let Angela go as I pull into the parking garage.

  Walking in, I glance at my phone to see that I have more than enough time to grab a cup of coffee and beat Ryder to the office. Hoping to improve whatever kind of mood he’s in this morning, I grab one for him as well and head upstairs.

  The light in his office is on but the door is closed. I knock lightly before opening it to find Ryder asleep on the couch. Unsure if I should wake him or let him sleep, I gently set his coffee on his desk before retreating to my own to get started.

  Ten minutes later, Ryder shuffles out of his office looking disheveled. When he spots me, his eyes go wide in the cutest of ways.

  “What are you doing here so early?”

  “All the meetings you had me reschedule are for today, so I thought I’d get an early start,” I reply, forcing myself to look away from him.

  His hair is sticking out in every direction. His shirt is wrinkled and he’s wearing running shorts again. They’re hanging low enough on his hips that there’s a tiny fraction of skin showing between his shirt and his shorts. Biting down on my lip to keep from licking them, I look away, down at the stack of folders on my desk.

  “Since you’re here, can you grab me coffee before you get started? I’m going to get cleaned up real quick.”

  “It’s on your desk.”

  “What? Coffee?”

  Nodding, I see Ryder disappear back into his office out of the corner of my eye. Moments later, he returns, thanks me, and the elevator doors close behind him.

  Gathering everything he needs for his first meeting, which is in less than an hour, I head into his office. After placing the stack of paperwork on his desk, I turn to find the couch still resembling a makeshift bed. Unsure of how long it will take him to return, I fold the blanket and place it in the wardrobe along with the pillow.

  “Thanks,” Ryder says from behind me just as I’m closing the doors.

  “Sure. That’s what I’m here for,” I say, moving toward the door.

  Ryder blocks my exit with his large body, the scent of his aftershave washing over me for the second time this week. He needs to stop doing that. He has to know how great it smells on him.

  “You’re here to help me with business. This is personal.”

  His tone has gone from grateful to hateful in the blink of an eye.

  “I apologize if I overstepped.”

  “Just… don’t worry about it. This is my problem.”

  His words plague me the rest of the day. A million questions run through my mind as I prepare for meeting after meeting. Every time I see him I want to ask him something, anything, but I don’t. Instead, I trade him stacks of files and presentation materials. He takes his things for the next meeting and I begin working on the follow up for the one he just finished.

  We fall into step effortlessly throughout the day. I’m beginning to figure out what he needs before he needs it.

  By the end of the day, I’m exhausted and thoughts of Ryder’s current predicament are still weighing heavily on my mind.

  It’s clear he’s sleeping here. It wasn’t just a one-night thing like he claimed the other day. I have a feeling he’s living here right now. I’m not sure why he doesn’t get a hotel room if he doesn’t want to go home. It’s not like he can’t afford it. That’s the main question on my mind.

  Walking into Ryder’s office to gather all the material from his last meeting, I find him on the phone, per usual these days. He waves me in, pointing to the couch.

  Taking a seat, I wait for him to finish his call.

  “I’ll be home soon, sweetie. I promise. Love you too. I’ll call you tomorrow. Good-night.”

  There’s only one person I imagine he calls sweetie right now. His daughter, Amara.

  Covering his phone, he says, “One second.”

  Was I looking impatient? I hope not. I would never ask him to put me before his daughter. You can tell how much he adores her. He’s probably a great father. I can see him doting on her and treating her like a little princess. I just hope she doesn’t turn out like her mother.

  “I’m not ready yet,” Ryder says, his tone changing from loving to flat and emotionless. He must be talking to Megan now. “Look, we agreed not to tell her until it was final. You can wait a little while longer.

  “She thinks I’m on a business trip. What’s the big deal? No, Megan, that’s not what we agreed on. We are going to tell her together. I don’t want this to make her sad. She needs to know that no matter what we both still love her.

  “Stop! Don’t do anything tonight. I’ll have it for you tomorrow. No, I’m not putting it off. I haven’t had time. I’ve been in meetings all day. In fact, I have one more and it starts in five minutes, so I need to let you go. No, I’m not lying to you. My client is in the lobby right now.”

  He has another meeting? Shit! I missed something. He doesn’t normally take meetings after five o’clock. I have nothing prepared. How did I overlook this?


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