Defensive Heart: The Donnolleys, Book 2

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Defensive Heart: The Donnolleys, Book 2 Page 24

by Dorothy F. Shaw

  “You want to come, mo chroí?”

  Sonja rolled her hips. “Yes! Please, yes!”

  With an abrupt shift, James moved from between her legs and stood. Shoving the dinner plates aside, he picked her up and placed her on the table. He moved between her thighs. “I think I need to feel your tight cunt ripple over my cock when I let you come. Unbutton your blouse. I want to see your fine tits when I fuck you.”

  Her hands shook and Sonja fumbled with the buttons. James opened his pants, freeing his engorged cock. Finally getting the last buttons opened, she removed her shirt and bra. “I want to suck you.”

  “Oh yeah?” He palmed himself and stroked from base to tip. A bead of arousal oozed from the tip and dripped down the head. He swiped it up with his thumb and brought it to her lips. “Lick it clean.”

  She moaned and sucked, swallowing his arousal. Pulling his thumb from her mouth, he ran his palm down her jaw to her throat. He gave her neck a light squeeze before continuing to her chest. With the flat of his palm, he pressed her to lie back on the tabletop.

  Fire blazed over Sonja’s skin when he bent over her and took one tight nipple between his teeth. With his length pressed against her core, she tilted her pelvis back and his shaft slid across her clit. She moaned, aching for him to be inside her.

  James growled against her breast and twisted her other nipple between his fingers. It stung, and Sonja cried out and grabbed hold of his hair, pulling the strands hard. But he didn’t move away, instead he bit her nipple harder, then sucked it into his mouth while he pinched the other, and continued stroking his length back and forth through her folds.

  Sonja arched against him, giving over to the insane pleasure the sting of pain brought her. “James, please don’t stop. It stings, my God, but don’t stop!” She raised her legs and spread them wider. Reaching between them, she took his cock in hand. She positioned him at her entrance and waited.

  Releasing her nipple, he dragged his tongue over the tip. “Tell me.”

  “Tell you what?”

  He grinned, then tugged and twisted the other nipple. “Tell me what you want.”

  His piercing hazel eyes held her captive and she was terrified she’d drown in them. Sonja swallowed. “I want you to fuck me.”

  James gave her nipple one last lick before he straightened. Running his palms over her inner thighs, he looked down between them. “Baby, your pink pussy’s sucking the tip of my cock.” He shifted forward, penetrating a little deeper. “Fuck, yes. So hot how you draw me right in.”

  Sonja’s skin prickled with goose bumps. “James.” His name came out on a harsh breath, sounding more like a plea than a command. She didn’t care; she needed him inside her. Now. Moving both hands between them she spread her labia. “I ache for you.”

  James gripped her chin in his hand. “I ache for you too, mo chroí.” He kissed her and slid his length deep with one thrust.

  Sonja gasped against his lips and then sucked his tongue into her mouth. James glided out, and back in again. Yes! This was what she needed. This was what she had to have.

  Her fix.

  Her addiction.

  The drug she couldn’t live without.

  He continued to kiss her while he fucked her. Keeping his pelvis tight against her core, James thrust his hips and ground against her clit. Sonja drowned in him—her fear and her salvation—and a million sensations assaulted her body from the inside out. His tongue in her mouth quenched her thirst. His cock buried deep in her core fed her craving.

  Her orgasm rose, fast and hard like a rocket. She exploded, soaring higher than he’d ever taken her. All Sonja could do was wrap her arms and legs around him and hold on for fear she might shatter into a million pieces.

  James broke the kiss, and she dragged in a breath. Sliding his hands down her body and then under her bottom, he raised her hips off the table and slid his length out before slamming deep again.

  “Oh God!”

  “Mine!” He thrust again, bouncing her beneath him on the table. “Say it.”

  The room spun and her channel spasmed. “Yours!”

  He pressed his forehead against hers, and bored his gaze into her eyes with an intensity she’d never seen from him before. Her breath caught in her throat and with one final thrust, James climaxed.

  His shaft pulsed and spurted within her. She closed her eyes, unable to hold his gaze, squeezing him tighter against her. With her eyes shut tight, realization, and a little bit of fear, obliterated the haze in her mind and struck deep in her gut.

  James had already stolen her body, and now, she was more than convinced, he was trying to steal her heart. She couldn’t let that happen, but Sonja was no longer certain she could stop him.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The sound of Jimmy’s cell ringing roused him from the deep sleep he’d been in. The kind of sleep that happens after you’ve had some really intense sex. Speaking of…spooned up behind her, he pulled Sonja’s body closer. He must’ve dreamt that his phone was ringing because the room was silent—until it rang again.

  Rolling over he reached, blindly, for the device. He squinted at the bright screen. What the hell? “Hello,” he whispered.

  “Jimmy, I need you to come get me!” Casey let out a loud sob, sounding like she was in a complete state of panic.

  He could barely understand her. “Slow down, Casey. One sec, honey.” Careful to move without jostling the bed, he got up, walked into Sonja’s closet and shut the door. “Okay, where are you. What the hell is going on? Are you hurt?”

  “No. Well, I don’t— Please, can you come get me?” Her voice hitched before breaking into more sobs.

  Jesus, fuck. “Calm down, honey. Where are you?”

  “Um,” She sniffled. “I’m down in the Village in some shit-hole apartment.”

  “What the fuck, Case? You were supposed to be sleeping at your friend’s house two blocks from here.” Jimmy ran his fingers through his hair and his “duh” moment struck. “You’re with that fucking Drake, aren’t you?”

  She let out another sob. “Yes.”

  “Did that fucker hurt you? Dammit! Look, I’m hanging up so I can get dressed. Can you text me the address? I’ll be there as fast as I can.”

  “I think so. Hurry, okay?”

  “Yeah. You got two seconds to send me that text, Casey. Hear me?”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Jimmy disconnected the call and retrieved his clothes from the bedroom. Moving back to Sonja’s closet, he dressed and his phone beeped with the expected text message from Casey. He replied as he headed out the door to get her. Christ, Sonja was gonna bust an artery over this. He didn’t wake her, just snuck out, hoping like hell she’d stay asleep. At least until he got back.

  The cab pulled up in front of the address Casey had sent him. After asking the driver to wait, he entered the building. Taking the steps two at a time, he climbed four flights of stairs. Adrenaline coursed through him, and he stalked down the hall with his hands balled into fists. If that douchenozzle-punkdick hurt his girl, he was going to make him suffer. Slowly. Jimmy didn’t care if the kid wasn’t eighteen yet, he’d had about enough of the asshole.

  Banging his fist on the door, he crossed his arms and waited. When no one answered he pounded harder, and again, several more times, until finally the door swung open.

  “What the fu—?” A skinny kid with greasy blond hair greeted him.

  “Where the fuck is Casey, is what.”

  “Uhh… Who?”

  “Who, huh? Get the fuck out of my way.” Jimmy shoved the kid aside and stalked in, hollering for Casey. A quick scan of the small living room turned up nothing, so he moved down the hall to the left. “Casey? Where are you, honey?” He opened a door— And there was Dickfazio, lying on a bed, sheets and blankets hanging off the end, joint halfway to his lips…and som
e young girl curled around him. What. The. Flying. Fuck! “Where is she?” Jimmy rushed forward. “And so help me God, you lie to me and it’ll be the last time your jaw works for a long fucking time.”

  Drake raised his hands in surrender. “Dude, I swear— Ahhh!”

  Jimmy grabbed him by his shirt, hauled him off the bed and then slammed him against the wall. “Wrong. Answer.” He yanked Drake forward, then banged him against the wall again. “Now, before I beat you within an inch of your pathetic life, I suggest you try again.”

  “Christ, wait—”


  He snapped his head around to find Casey standing in the doorway. Black eyeliner and mascara streaked down her cheeks from her tears and her hair was a tangled mess. “Oh thank fuck.” Jimmy blew out a breath. “Get your stuff. Now.” Turning back to Douchnozzle Dickfazio, he narrowed his eyes and got nose to nose with him. “Listen up, dickhead, and you better hear me good because this is the last time I’m gonna say it. You stay the fuck away from Casey! If you don’t I will make you wish your mother’d swallowed the night she got knocked up with you. Get me?”


  Jimmy had such a tight hold of Drake’s shirt, the kid’s feet weren’t touching the ground. He slammed him against the wall one last time for good measure. “Don’t forget it.” He dropped him, then left the room and found Casey waiting at the front door. “Let’s go.”

  The retreat out of the building and the entire cab ride to her home was in silence—which was good because it gave him time to cool down. Jimmy was tempted to bring her back to his loft to talk it out, but figured it was better to get her home.

  On their way up the elevator of her building, she finally spoke. “Thanks for coming to get me.”

  “You gonna tell me what the fuck happened?”

  She glanced up at him briefly before looking away, twisting her hands in front of her. Dread and fear burned the back of his throat and he blew out a shaky breath. Shit. Maybe she shouldn’t tell him because he might end up doing something to Drake that could really land him in jail.

  “If I tell you, are you going to tell my mom?”

  He stepped off the elevator, and she followed. “I don’t know. I guess it depends on what happened, Case.”

  “Mmkay.” She unlocked and opened the door for them.

  He patted her shoulder. “Go get your PJs on and meet me in the kitchen. I’ll make some hot chocolate.”

  “Mmkay.” She shrugged before disappearing down the hall and into her bedroom.

  Jimmy made his way to the kitchen and grabbed the container of gourmet cocoa from the pantry. He set a pan of milk on the stove to warm and then pulled two mugs from the cabinet. Dragging his fingers through his hair, he yawned and glanced at the clock on the microwave. Four fifteen a.m. It was going to be a long night…or morning, rather.

  Casey came into the room, clad in her jammies and fuzzy slippers, looking a whole hell of a lot better than when they’d gotten home. Jimmy wasn’t sure if she trusted him enough to share what went down, but he hoped so. She’d trusted him enough to call him for help, so maybe he’d get it out of her. Bottom line, he wasn’t going to let it go, and not understand exactly what they were dealing with. He spooned cocoa into a mug. “Glad you got all that black crap off your face.”

  She took a seat at the island and smiled, but he could tell it was forced. “Yeah, makeup remover wipes are like magic.”

  Jimmy slid the mug her way and then worked on making his own cup. “Magic…I guess that’s one way of looking at it.”

  “Did you grab the marshmallows?”

  “Nope. I didn’t see any in there.”

  “I’ll get them.” Casey stood, shook out her hands, and grabbed the bag of mini-marshmallows from the pantry and brought them to the island. After dumping a handful into her mug, she offered some to Jimmy.

  “I suppose cocoa is better with little puffs of sugar.” He smiled and dropped his own handful into his mug. “Although this gourmet stuff you got here is pretty damn sweet all on its own. Haven’t you ever had Swiss Miss? It’s what us average peeps drink.” He winked and took a sip.

  They sat in silence for a little longer, both sipping their cocoa. Casey drew in a deep breath and focused on the dark liquid in her mug. After a few more beats, she spoke. “You’re waiting for me to start talking, aren’t you?”

  Jimmy leaned forward, resting on his forearms. “Yup.”

  “I figured.” Casey blew out a breath. “I was at Trina’s, like I told Mom I’d be, but then Drake texted and said there was a party. Trina didn’t want to go though.” She glanced up at him.

  Jimmy tried like hell to keep his expression relaxed, calm even, but he knew his eyes probably had a fire blazing in them. “And?”

  Casey glanced back down at her mug. “I snuck out after Trina fell asleep.”

  “Okay, go on.”

  She shrugged. “Well, the party was fine, ya know? I mean, only a few people there.”


  “Some.” She took a sip of her cocoa.

  “Drugs too?”

  She flinched. “Some.”

  Fuck! “Casey, listen, you look like you’re crashing really hard right now from whatever you took. Kinda hard to fool me where that’s concerned, so just get on with what happened.”

  “Are you pissed?”

  “No. Not pissed. Worried and scared for sure. But not pissed.”

  She stifled a yawn and rubbed her eyes. “Are you gonna tell my mom?”

  “I don’t know. Like I said before, all depends on what happened.”

  “Fine. I took some pills. Two of them. Not sure what they were.”

  Jimmy grunted, but remained quiet. He had no idea if she was being truthful with him. She could be on any number of drugs. He wanted to believe she wasn’t, but there was no way to know for sure.

  “I guess whatever they were, they’re finally wearing off. But I’m okay.” She shrugged and avoided his gaze.

  Jimmy blew out a breath. “Okay.” He blew out another breath and grunted. “What happened with Dic—Drake?”

  “It wasn’t that big a deal.” A tear streaked down her cheek. Turning away, she wiped her face.

  Jimmy’s heart broke seeing her fall apart. He came around the counter and pulled her into his arms. “Hey, hey. Case, it’s okay.”

  Casey wrapped hers around his waist, buried her face in his shirt and cried. He stroked the back of her head, and when she finally got a grip on her sobs, she pulled away. He handed her a napkin and she blew her nose. “Well, that was embarrassing.”

  Damn, he hated that she was hurting, so he did the one thing that always worked with his younger sisters. He cracked a joke. “I’m just glad you didn’t blow all that snot on my shirt.”

  His joke was enough to break a bit of the tension, and Casey giggled. “So gross.”

  “Psshaw, you’re telling me? I’ve lost a few shirts to female snot before. It ain’t pretty, kid.” He cupped her chin in his hand, raising her eyes to his. “Whatever it is, you can tell me, Case. Seriously.”

  “Fine.” She blew her hair out of her eyes. “We started messing around. In the room you found him in. But he always pushes me, ya know?”

  He took a step back as anger bubbled to the surface. “Did he hurt you?” His voice was a low rumble and he knew he sounded pissed.

  “No.” She shook her head. “Not that way anyway.”

  “Okay, then in what way?”

  She covered her face with her hands. “God, this is so embarrassing!”


  “Fine. He’s mean, okay? Because I won’t do it with him. He’s mean. He started calling me names. Told me I was a tease and didn’t say it that nice either. Why do guys do that?”

  Jimmy pulled her into another hug. Jesus hearing this
sucked. “Because, I’m sorry to say, some guys are assholes. Not all, but some.”

  “Yeah well, I guess I picked an asshole.” Casey hugged him tight. “Tomorrow he’ll be all sorry about it.”

  “Uhhh, no he won’t because I told him to stay away from you.”

  She jerked back from him. “Why did you do that?”

  “Because that guy is bad news, Casey, and he’s going to get you into trouble. Were you too high to even notice the chick curled up and cozy with him in bed when I got there? You need to stay away from him.”

  Casey stood. “Well, I’m not gonna. You’re not my father. You can’t tell me what to do!”

  “You’re right; I’m not your father. But right now, I’m the one who’s here, and I’m also the one who came and got your rebellious ass. So yeah, you’re going to stay away from him.” Jimmy stepped back and crossed his arms. She needed to hear this, whether she liked it or not.

  She shot him a glare. “Screw you. Screw everybody!” She turned and stormed out of the kitchen.

  Jimmy blew out a breath and stared down at his feet. “Well, that went well. Not.”

  Casey was tired and upset and, by now, probably hung over. It was best to let her sleep it off. He’d try to talk to her more in the morning. As far as telling Sonja, he figured Casey wouldn’t tell her mother, and Jimmy planned to decide if telling her was necessary in the morning too. For now, he and Casey both needed some sleep.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  In a half-dream state, Sonja felt the warmth of James’s body pressed against her back and then his arm slid around her waist. She covered his hand with hers and scooted her backside closer. “Is everything okay?” she whispered.

  He kissed her shoulder. “Yeah, mo chroí, everything’s fine. Go back to sleep.”

  “Mmm…okay.” Raising his hand to her lips, she kissed his fingers and closed her eyes.

  When Sonja opened them again, the sun was shining through the edges of the drapes. Turning over, she faced him. He was lying on his back, arm draped over his face, still sound asleep. Sonja ran the flat of her palm down his chest to his stomach—and he didn’t so much as flinch. She smiled, guessing she must’ve worn him out more than she thought last night.


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