Scottish Church see Church of Scotland
Scroggs, William
Scrope, Philadelphia, Lady (née Carey)
Sealed Knot (royalist conspiratorial group)
Sedgemoor, battle of (1685)
Sedley, Sir Charles
self-denying ordinance
Seller, Abednego: The History of Passive Obedience
sermons; published
seven bishops: consigned to Tower and acquitted
Sexby, Edward
Seymour, Sir Francis
Seymour, William
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st earl of: Charles II attacks; as senior councillor; as controversial figure; supports royal prerogative; on duke of York’s undependability; dismissed by Charles II; opposes Danby; urges dissolution of Cavalier Parliament; followers; objects to long suspension of parliament; sent to Tower; as champion of Protestantism; proposes dismissal of duke of York from king’s council; on election of ‘courtiers’ to parliament; appointed lord president; on Charles II’s proroguing parliament (1679); opposes James II’s accession, 4435; presents Charles II with petition for sitting of parliament; attempts prosecution of duke of York and Duchess of Portsmouth; takes refuge and dies in Holland; ‘Letter from a Person of Quality’
Shakespeare, William; The Tempest; The Winter’s Tale
Sharp, James, archbishop of St Andrews
Sheffield: poverty
Sheldon, Gilbert, archbishop of Canterbury
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Sherland, Anthony
ship-money (tax)
Shirley, James
‘Short Parliament’, see under Parliament
Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, 12th earl (later duke) of
Shrewsbury, Gilbert Talbot, 7th earl of
Sidney, Algernon
silver: minted in England for Antwerp
Sindercombe, Miles
slaves: in Pepys’s London
Slingsby, Sir Henry
soap: manufacturing monopoly
Sole Bay, battle of (1672)
solemn league and covenant; burned
Somerset, Frances Howard, countess of (earlier countess of Essex)
Somerset, Robert Carr, 1st earl of (earlier viscount Rochester): as James I’s favourite; Prince Henry disparages; infatuation with and marriage to Frances Howard; and Overbury murder; breach with James I; as lord chamberlain; draws up self-pardon; trial
Southampton, Thomas Wriothesley, 4th earl of
Spain: peace with England; marriage arrangements for Charles I; Raleigh attacks on Orinoco; and Bohemian crisis; popular hostility to; Prince Charles visits with Buckingham; prospective war with; war with England (1625); secret treaty with England (1634); fleet in English Channel (1639); Cromwell considers alliance with; declares war on England (1655); defeated at battle of the dunes (1658)
sports: controlled under James I
Spottiswoode, John, archbishop of St Andrews
Sprat, Thomas
Stamford, Henry Grey, 1st earl of
Star Chamber; abolished
Stewart, Frances
‘stillborn parliament’, see under Parliament
‘stop, the’
Stourbridge Fair
Strafford, Sir Thomas Wentworth, 1st earl of: opposes illegal imprisonment; titles; as lord president of north and lord deputy of Ireland; and ‘Thorough’ (regime); letters from Laud; and Scottish defiance; returns from Ireland to advise Charles I; unpopularity; and invading Scots army (1640); Commons issue grievances against; joins Charles in London; threatens Pym and Hampden; accused of high treason; trial; Bill of Attainder against; demands for death; executed
Strode, William
Stuart, Lady Arabella
Stuart dynasty: ends (1688)
Stukeley, William
Suckling, Sir John
Suffolk, Thomas Howard, 1st earl of
Sweden: England proposes holy crusade against Catholic powers; under Gustavus Adolphus; in Triple Alliance (1668)
syphilis: spread from Naples
Tate, Zouch
taxation: under James I; under Charles I; after Charles I’s death; under Cromwell; under Charles II; see also excise; ship-money; tonnage and poundage
Temple, Sir William; Memoirs
‘ten propositions’
Tenby Castle
Tenison, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury
Test Acts: (1673); (1678); James II seeks to repeal
Texel, battle of the (1673)
Tey, John
Teynham, Sir John Roper, baron
Thames, river: ‘water-pillar’ (1626)
theatre: in James I’s reign; in Restoration
Thirty Years War (1618–48): beginnings; Catholic advances; Gustavus Adolphus enters
Thirty-Nine Articles (Church of England)
Thoresby, Ralph
‘Thorough’ (principles)
Thurloe, John
‘Tom-Tell-Truth’ (writer)
Tomkins, Thomas
tonnage and poundage (tax)
Tory: as term
trained bands: raised (1642)
Tresham, Francis
Trevor, Sir John
Triennial Act (1640)
Triple Alliance (England–Dutch Republic–Sweden, 1668)
Tuke, Sir Samuel
Turner, Anne (née Norton)
Turnham Green
Twysden, Sir Roger
United Provinces see Dutch Republic
Uxbridge: peace negotiations (1645)
Van Dyck, Sir Anthony: portrays Charles I; portrays Wentworth (Strafford); portrait of Laud
Vane, Sir Henry
Venables, General Robert
Venn, John
Verney, Sir Edmund
Verney, Sir Ralph
Villiers, George see Buckingham, 1st duke of; Buckingham, 2nd duke of
Viner, Sir Robert
Wakeman, Sir George
Wales: revival of civil war
Waller, Edmund
Waller, Sir William
Wallington, Nehemiah
Walpole, Horace
Walters, Lucy
Walton, Valentine
Warton, Philip, 4th baron
Warwick, Sir Philip; Memoirs of the Reign of Charles I
Warwick, Robert Rich, 2nd earl of
Waterford, Ireland
Watkins, Daniel
Webster, John: The Duchess of Malfi
Weldon, Sir Anthony
Wentworth, Thomas
West Indies: Cromwell’s venture in; parts conceded to France (1667)
Westminster Assembly
Weston, Richard see Portland, 1st earl of
Wexford, Ireland
Wharton, Philip
Wharton, Thomas
Whigs: as term; oppose James II’s rights to succession; support Shaftesbury; and Rye House Plot
White Mountain, battle of (1620)
Whitehall, Palace of; Banqueting House; Charles II occupies
Whitelocke, Bulstrode: on beginnings of civil war; on Cromwell; on starvation in Cumberland; advises Cromwell against becoming king
Whitgift, John, archbishop of Canterbury
Wight, Isle of: Charles I in
Wightman, Edward
William, Prince of Orange (later King William III): marriage to Princess Mary; and Charles II’s proroguing of parliament (1680); Calvinism; observes situation in England during James II’s reign; invited to invade England; lands in England and advances on London; guards take up London posts
Williams, John, bishop of Lincoln
Willis, Dr Thomas
Wilson, Arthur
Wilson, Jackie (singer)
Windebank, Sir Francis
Windsor Castle: Charles I in
Winter (or Wintour), Thomas
witch trials
women: delegation demands peace in civil war; role in civil war; maltreated at Naseby; use of cosmetics under commonwealth
Wood, Anthony
Woodford, Robert
Worcester: battle of (1642); Charles I escapes to from Oxford
Wren, Sir Christopher: on Prynne; in Royal Society
Wren, Matthew, bishop of Ely
Wycherley, William: The Country Wife
York: Charles I raises forces at (1639); great council of peers meet at (1640); Charles I travels to (1642); support for Charles I; royalists capture; besieged and surrenders (1644)
York, Anne, duchess of (née Hyde)
York, James, duke of see James II, king
Also by Peter Ackroyd
The Canterbury Tales: A Retelling
The Trial of Elizabeth Cree
The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde
First Light
English Music
Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem
Milton in America
The Plato Papers
The Clerkenwell Tales
The Lambs of London
The Fall of Troy
The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein
The Death of King Arthur
The Collection: Journalism, Reviews, Essays, Short Stories, Lectures
(edited by Thomas Wright)
London Under: The Secret History Beneath the Streets
Dressing Up: Transvestism and Drag: The History of an Obsession
London: The Biography
Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination
Thames: Sacred River
Venice: Pure City
T. S. Eliot
The Life of Thomas More
J. M. W. Turner
Poe: A Life Cut Short
Foundation: The History of England from Its Earliest Beginnings to the Tudors
Tudors: The History of England from
Henry VIII to Elizabeth I
An imprint of St. Martin’s Press.
REBELLION. Copyright © 2014 by Peter Ackroyd. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
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First published in Great Britain under the title Civil War by Macmillan, an imprint of Pan Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited
First U.S. Edition: October 2014
eISBN 9781466855991
First eBook edition: September 2014
Rebellion: The History of England from James I to the Glorious Revolution Page 58