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Belize: Bad Boys on the Beach Book Two

Page 16

by Kimberly Fox

  I laugh. As if it matters. There’s only Megan and Lucas in the audience, the priest and a guy wearing a Speedo watching from the knee-deep water.

  “Sorry, Señorita,” a scared Lupita says. “We only had red. They look pretty close.”

  “Well they’re not close,” Stephanie screams as she scratches the back of her thigh. She spikes her bouquet into the sand like she just made a touchdown. “It’s a completely different color!”

  Lupita steps back with wide eyes.

  Megan pulls out her camera and starts videotaping the meltdown.

  Stephanie’s neck flexes as she sees the gorgeous yellow petals sprinkled on the sandy aisle. “These are supposed to be white,” she screams kicking the petals and sand up. “They were supposed to match my dress! And why am I so itchy?!?”

  “Nice work,” I say, leaning into Chase.


  Aaron sinks down to a squat and pulls off his tie. He’s breathing hard fast breaths and looks like he’s having a panic attack. “I can’t do this,” he says.

  Stephanie spins and points her finger at him. “You’re doing this!” she screams.

  Aaron looks at his wife to be with her hair falling out of her tiara and the crazed look on her face, and he just starts running down the beach.

  “Aaron,” she screams, trying to run after him but she doesn’t get far in her tight dress. “Get back here!”

  Lupita’s mouth is racing as she speaks into the walkie talkie.

  Megan lets out a laugh and Stephanie whips her head around, glaring at her. “What are you laughing at?” she screams. She kicks an empty chair over, pushes past the priest and starts ripping down the arch.

  “Look at him go,” Chase says, pointing at Aaron who is three resorts down and still running strong.

  The archway is a mess of broken plastic and colorful flowers when two security guards race up the aisle to where Stephanie is flipping over the nice table.

  The skinny security guard tackles her first and then the larger one lands on both of them. She’s surprisingly strong for such a small girl and it takes them a while before she has her hands cuffed behind her back.

  We both wave as she looks up and sees us watching as they drag her under our balcony towards the lobby. Cameras click and videotape as the security guards pull her through the resort in her wedding dress.

  A full minute of stunned silence pass before Chase and I look at each other in shock.

  He speaks first. “That. Was. Awesome.”

  “How is Tanya and Ethan ever going to top that wedding?”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Day Six

  “Don’t fuck up my hair!” I say in a panic as Chase yanks up my dress and presses me against the wall of the janitor’s closet.

  He looked too hot in his linen pants and white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to resist. Apparently I looked just as irresistible in my light pink bridesmaid dress because as soon as he saw me he pulled me into the nearest janitor’s closet and locked the door.

  His mischievous hands crawl up my dress and he yanks my panties down my leg. He leaves them around my ankles like shackles, and pops back up, too excited to slide them off my feet.

  “Not very romantic Mr. Taylor,” I tease as the harsh smell of bleach and lemon assaults my nose.

  “The wedding starts in ten minutes,” he says as he races to unbutton his pants. “There’s no time for romance. Only time for fucking.”

  That’s fine with me.

  He pulls out his long hard cock and steps towards me as I hold my dress up around my waist. He kisses me deep and passionate as he traces the head of his cock up my wet pussy lips and then slides it in.

  I’m so wet and I take him in easily. I don’t even need foreplay with this guy. Just a look of his hard muscles pressing out against his tight button-up shirt and the way he looks at me with his fuck me eyes is enough to make me dripping wet.

  He’s so hard in my softness as he pushes me against the wall, thrusting up with his powerful hips. I can’t separate my legs very far with my panties wrapped around my ankles but the extra stimulation on my clit from it feels heavenly.

  He grunts in my ear as he grabs my ass cheeks and plows into me. I want to throw my head back and moan but I keep still. Julia spent all morning taming my curly hair and she’ll kill me if I show up and it’s all fucked up. Not to mention how Tanya will freak out if Chase fucks all of my curls out and ruins her wedding photos.

  His grunts become louder and more urgent in my ear and I know that he’s about to come. I’m not quite there yet but I don’t mind. We’ll have all night. This is just an appetizer.

  His back muscles tighten under my fingers and he grunts loudly, signaling his release. He was way quicker than usual. I must look fucking hot.

  The warmth of his seed flows into me and his body relaxes. He looks around and grabs the brown paper towels off the shelf behind me. He rips off a piece and carefully wipes up the mess as he pulls out of me. Neither of us wants to walk down the aisle with any telltale stains on our outfits.

  “Did I say that you look phenomenal?” he asks, breathless as he wipes his softening cock down.

  “I don’t think you have to,” I say with a smile. “That was all the confirmation that I needed.”

  Chase hands me a wad of paper towels and I clean up but leave a bit of his warm seed. I pull up my panties and moan softly as I feel it still inside me. I want to walk down the aisle like that, with a part of him in me. It will be our little secret.

  “We’re going to be late,” he says, tucking his shirt back into his pants. He opens the door and we slide out, trying to look inconspicuous, but looking totally conspicuous. He gives me a quick peck on the lips. “I’ll see you later,” he says and then runs off to meet Ethan.

  I take a deep, satisfied breath and return to where Tanya and the girls are waiting in Lupita’s air conditioned office. The whole wedding party is there except for the groom and best man who are waiting at the altar.

  I had just run out to the bathroom and ran into Chase by lucky coincidence. That’s when he pulled me into the janitor’s closet.

  “Where were you?” Megan asks with a raised eyebrow. She has a sixth sense for these kinds of things. It’s like she can smell the sex on me or something.

  “Just the bathroom,” I say, smoothing out my dress and trying to act casual under her scrutiny.

  “Right,” she says, nodding sarcastically. “The bathroom.” She slaps Lucas’ arm. “How come you don’t take me for quickies anymore?”

  Lucas looks at her with confusion plastered across his face. “Do you want to go back to our room?” he asks, looking around.

  “No,” Megan snips. “The wedding is about to start you dolt. Plus it has to be spontaneous.”

  I leave the bickering newlyweds and walk over to check on Tanya. She’s standing with her parents who are gushing over how pretty she looks. Pretty is not the word. She looks hot as fuck.

  “You look amazing!” I say.

  “Really?” she asks, looking down at her white dress. “Do you think Ethan will like it?”

  I lean into her ear and whisper. “I’m worried that he won’t make it through the reception before he rips it off you.”

  Lupita, the resort’s wedding coordinator, comes over with her walkie talkie. “Ready?” she asks.

  Tanya takes a nervous breath with her eyes closed.

  “Yeah she’s fucking ready,” I say, grabbing Tanya’s arm. “Let’s do this!”

  Everyone in the room cheers, including her parents and she opens her eyes with a huge smile on her face. She’s ready.

  Lupita speaks Spanish into the walkie talkie and opens the door of her office. The warm Caribbean breeze flows into the cool room and our faces light up with excitement.

  A few seconds pass and the soft music starts. Tanya chose Somewhere over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole, a beautiful song to walk down the sandy aisle too.

/>   “You go,” Lupita says, pointing to Julia. She turns around and smiles at all of us before strutting out the door and around the building to where all of the guests are gathered on the beach.

  “I can’t believe you’re about to walk down the aisle!” Megan says, grabbing Tanya’s arm.

  “Me too!” Tanya says with wide eyes. “I’m freaking out!”

  “You two are up next,” Lupita says pointing to me and Lucas. He holds his arm out like a gentleman and I hook my arm around it.

  “Mind if I borrow him?” I ask Megan with a grin.

  She smiles. “Have him home by eleven.”

  “No, I’m keeping him forever,” I answer. Lucas grins.

  “Go,” Lupita says and we walk out of her office and around the building. The wedding guests are sitting in the rows of chairs watching behind sunglasses and cameras. My eyes dart up to Chase who is standing beside Ethan at the altar. The archway full of bright tropical flowers is bent out of shape thanks to Stephanie’s little temper tantrum yesterday.

  The ocean background is beautiful with the turquoise water and white powdery sand but it pales in comparison to the sexy bad boy at the altar. Chase’s eyes are locked on me as I walk with Lucas through the rows of guests. He’s staring at me in awe as if he’s watching an angel walk down the aisle.

  Ethan smiles at me and gives me a little wink as Lucas and I unhook arms and stand where we’re supposed to. Ethan looks handsome as usual with his beige tie and vest. I might be his sister-in-law one day if things go as planned.

  Don’t get too excited. Chase is still living in Chicago and long distant relationships are hard.

  I stand beside Julia and she taps me with her elbow. “What’s up hot stuff?” she asks.

  I slap her ass in response and she laughs.

  Megan walks up the aisle next looking radiant in pink with the matching flowers in her bouquet.

  I glance over at Chase and he’s staring right at me, biting his bottom lip as he looks me up and down. I hide my laugh with the large flowers in my bouquet, pretending to smell them.

  Megan joins us at the altar and smiles. “What’s up chiquitas?”

  Ethan stiffens as all of the guests rise to their flip flops. Tanya turns the corner looking stunning in her wedding dress. Her beautiful auburn hair is raised with a gorgeous red flower tucked behind her left ear. She insisted on the flower because Ethan had put the same one behind her ear on the first night that they had met.

  Her mom is walking on her right and her dad on her left. Mr. Prentis’ chin is up and he’s looking proud. Mrs. Prentis sniffles as she tears up.

  A tear rolls down Ethan’s cheek as he watches his bride walk towards him. He looks so happy and utterly in love. Those two are definitely soulmates.

  Chase is still watching me and I’d bet my meager life savings that he hasn’t even so much as glanced over at Tanya.

  “Don’t fall, don’t fall,” Megan whispers as the bride approaches.

  She arrives at the altar without falling and Ethan steps forward and reaches out to shake Mr. Prentis’ hand. He ignores his outstretched hand and swallows Ethan in a bear hug.

  “Take care of my little girl,” Mr. Prentis whispers, tearing up. I’ve never seen him so emotional and it brings tears to my eyes as well. “She’s yours now.”

  Ethan swallows hard. “I will.”

  He takes Mrs. Prentis’ hand and kisses her on both cheeks. “Thank you,” he says, getting choked up, “for this gift.”

  “Treasure her forever,” Mrs. Prentis says with a serious face.

  Ethan nods as his thankful eyes gloss over.

  I know that Ethan will treasure Tanya for the rest of his life. That’s clear.

  Tanya and Ethan step onto the altar facing each other with smiles on their lips and happy tears in their eyes. Ethan is looking at her with pure love oozing out of his dark eyes. I want someone to look at me like that; like I’m the most special person in the world.

  Not many people find their soulmates and I’m so happy that Tanya and Ethan were lucky enough to find theirs.

  The priest starts the ceremony speaking in a Spanish accent that’s so thick that I’d be surprised if anyone can understand him. I certainly don’t.

  I just zone out and think of what next week is going to be like. Will Chase call? Will I hear from him again?

  But if the way that he’s staring at me is any indication of what’s to come then I think next week is going to be just fine.

  I try to focus on the bride and groom but it’s so hard with Chase standing in my view, taunting me with his good looks. I squeeze my thighs together feeling his sticky warmth from our quickie still in my panties.

  I take a deep breath as nerves flutter back in my mind. Just take it one day at a time. You don’t know what’s going to happen. And that’s the problem: I always like to know what’s going to happen.

  Ethan and Tanya exchange rings and repeat the vows that the priest says. I’m starting to get a bit too sweaty in the hot, late afternoon sun and just as I feel a bead of sweat snake through my breasts and down my stomach the priest announces that the bride and groom are now husband and wife.

  Everyone cheers as they kiss to make it official. Tanya raises her bouquet in the air as Ethan kisses her long and hard. Mr. Prentis looks away as he claps but Mrs. Prentis hollers and claps her hands together over her head.

  “Give her some tongue!” Ophelia screams out from the crowd.

  Some upbeat music rings out through the speakers and Tanya and Ethan dance down the sandy aisle with their clasped hands in the air.

  Megan and Lucas follow them, shaking their hips as the crowd claps to the beat.

  “It was torture being that far from you,” Chase whispers in my ear as he hooks his arm around mine. I grab Julia and pull her toward me, sandwiching myself between the two of them.

  Waiters and waitresses appear at the back of the chairs with trays full of sweating Champagne flutes waiting for us to drink.

  “This is going to be a blast,” I say.

  Julia throws her arm in the air. “It’s party time!”

  After a barrage of pictures from the photographer, we sit down for dinner on the beach. There’s a beautiful head table full of spectacular flowers in front of a half-dozen circular tables for the other guests.

  It’s beyond words. The sun is setting and there’s a nice breeze cooling us off. The smell of the salty ocean mixed with the dinner cooking is making my stomach groan.

  “Hungry?” Chase asks as we sit down.


  Tanya set up the seating so that I’m sitting beside Chase who’s sitting beside Ethan. Julia is on my other side with poor Matt sitting by himself at a table among the other guests. Julia doesn’t seem to be too disappointed to be apart from her date.

  “Are you going to miss Matt?” I ask with a grin.

  “Are you kidding me?” she asks like I’m crazy. “As soon as the plane lands I’m jumping out of the window, changing my name and moving.”

  “So the whole soulmate thing didn’t work out?” I ask taking a sip of cold white wine.

  She closes her eyes. “I refuse to believe that I’m soulmates with a guy who drinks Pepsi for breakfast. What is he twelve?”

  Matt bends down and grabs something in the sand by his foot. He comes back up with a seashell that he wipes off and stuffs in his pocket.

  “What is he doing?”

  “Don’t ask,” Julia says with her hand on her forehead. “He collects shells.”

  “Really?” I ask trying not to laugh. There’s just something funny about a grown man who collects seashells.

  She takes a huge gulp of her wine, emptying half her glass. “He has a bag full of them in our room.”

  “Seriously?” I ask.

  She rolls her eyes. “A crab ran across the floor this morning.”

  Chase chats with Ethan as we sit there enjoying the view of the ocean and the sounds of the soft music mixed with the gent
le waves.

  “So you and Chase?” Julia whispers. “Is that ending tomorrow?”

  I take a hiss of breath. “I guess we’ll find out tomorrow."

  Megan clears her throat loudly and stands up. I ching my glass with my fork and everybody stops talking and turns to watch her.

  “As you all know I’m the maid of honor for our beautiful bride,” Megan says. “Doesn’t she look hot? Come on give it up.” The crowd claps and cheers as Tanya turns a bright shade of red.

  “I’m not one for speeches so I thought that I would tell Tanya how much she means to me with a song.”

  “Of course, you will,” Julia says and we both chuckle.

  Megan flashes us a look and clears her throat. Lucas sits down beside her with a guitar over his knee.

  Julia groans softly. “I begged her not to do this,” she whispers.

  “Quick,” I whisper back. “Cut the wire to her mic.”

  She just ignores us and starts singing softly to Tanya as Lucas plays guitar:

  “You are my lifeline, my only lifeline

  You make me happy, every single day

  You'll never know Tanya, how much you mean to me

  Ethan please treasure, my lifeline, each day

  I'll always be your best friend, and make you happy

  We will laugh, and dance, and sing

  And though we may have children, and families

  Our love, won’t change, for anything

  You are my lifeline, my only lifeline

  You make me happy, every single day

  You'll never know Tanya, how much you mean to me

  Ethan please treasure, my lifeline, each day”

  We all clap as Tanya gets up with teary eyes and hugs her best friend. That was actually really cute. Megan sticks out her tongue at us as she sits down.

  “I guess it’s my turn,” Chase whispers to me as he puts his napkin on the table.


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