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Delilah Page 19

by Shelia M. Goss

  A man like William didn’t make idle threats. If Samson didn’t do what he wanted, he had no doubt that William would tell Julia everything. Granted, it would be William’s words against his, but in light of how Delilah boldly came to his office time after time, Julia would side with William.

  He loved his wife and wanted to make sure they had a long life together. He had to do whatever he could to protect his family. Samson sat on the bench and shook his head. His parents would be disappointed. He could hear his mom chastising him now for allowing himself to be caught up in an affair. What-ifs floated through his mind. Would his congregation forgive him? Maybe he should tell Julia about it because he was not going to let William have leverage over him for the rest of his life. His mind filled with endless possible outcomes of his selling or not selling the land. None would result in a happy ending for him.

  As much as he hated to give in to William’s request, he had no choice. He had to convince the board to sell. Now he had to think of the right words to say to convince everyone else that it was a good idea.

  Samson dialed Calvin’s number. “I need to see you as soon as possible. It’s about the church land.” Samson and Calvin made plans to meet at his house for dinner.

  When he hung up with Calvin, Samson called Julia. “Hi, baby. Add two more names to the pot. I’ve invited Calvin and Michelle over for dinner. Calvin and I need to discuss some church business.”

  A few hours later, Calvin and Samson were seated in his study with the door closed. “I know I’ve been adamant against it in the past, but now I feel we should sell our land to Trusts Enterprise.”

  Calvin had a shocked look on his face. “Man to man, what does William have on you?”

  “Nothing,” Samson lied.

  “I never saw why we couldn’t sell in the first place, but you’re our church leader, so you know I’m going to go along with whatever you think we should do.”

  Samson rehearsed what he would say earlier and repeated it verbatim. “I figured we should not turn away the blessing. We’re being offered three times what the property is worth. We have enough land here to expand and build the community action center right in our own backyard.”

  “True. But I know William. He’s known for doing some underhanded things.”

  Samson looked Calvin straight in the eyes, hoping Calvin wouldn’t be able to read between his lies. “He’s not my favorite person, but in the end I must do what’s best for the church. Selling the land would be in our best interest.”

  Calvin stood up. “If you think it will be, then, Samson, you will have my vote. We can call a special board meeting and get this thing rolling.”

  Samson shook Calvin’s hand. “I knew I could count on you to have my back.”

  “That’s what friends and lawyers are for.” Calvin chuckled.

  Later that night, while in bed, Julia said, “You and Calvin sure had a lot to talk about. What’s going on?”

  “You’re going to find out about it soon enough, so I might as well tell you. The land that Trusts Enterprise has been looking to buy, well, we’re going to sell it.”

  Julia curled her body into her husband’s. “But you said the Lord had told you not to sell.”

  “I’m a man. I can change my mind.”

  “And y’all want to talk about women.”

  Samson wasn’t in the mood to be intimate with his wife, so he just held her as she slept. Sleep evaded him, however, as he thought about something Delilah said—she accused him of being selfish. A small voice inside confirmed her words. Selling the land to Trusts Enterprise would allow him to keep the life he wanted—a loving wife by his side and a devoted church following.

  Chapter 55

  Delilah hadn’t had a drink since joining Peaceful Rest Missionary Baptist Church a year ago. Now she was sitting in a restaurant with Keisha drinking her third daiquiri. “Girl, he had the nerve to compare me to his holier-than-thou wife, like he was appalled that he ever laid hands on me.” She motioned for the waiter.

  “Oh no, you need to slow down on those,” Keisha said. She turned toward the waiter who was approaching them. “We’re fine.”

  “No, I want another drink,” Delilah insisted.

  The waiter looked from one to the other because he didn’t know whose cues to follow.

  Keisha asked, “Do you want to be responsible for her getting in an accident?”

  “No, of course not,” the waiter replied.

  “Then I suggest you not bring her another drink.”

  After the waiter left the table, Delilah said, “I didn’t drive. You did.”

  “I know, and I’m too cute to be dragging out a slush. If you drink any more double barrel daiquiris, that’s exactly what I will be doing.”

  Delilah raised her glass in the air and moved it from side to side. “I had stopped drinking and now look at me.”

  Keisha picked up one of her chicken wings and took a bite. “You’re wrong, and he was wrong.”

  “This is payback for my life in the fast lane,” Delilah slurred.

  “Girl, God doesn’t operate like that. If He did, we all would be dead. Now, don’t get me wrong, the Bible says you reap what you sow, but this here, what you’re going through, you brought on yourself.”

  Delilah couldn’t disagree with her. “Samson made me sound like some whore.”

  Keisha stopped eating. She looked around the restaurant and then back at Delilah. “What I’m about to say must stay between us, okay?” Delilah shook her head in agreement. Keisha went on to say, “The only reason why I’m telling you this is because I’m tired of you having a pity party.”

  “That’s why you’re my best friend.” Delilah had a half smile on her face.

  “Julia and I used to go to Huntington together. Let’s put it like this, she’s like that Hurricane Chris song says, ‘Loose as a goose.’”

  “No, not Ms. Sanctified and Filled With the Holy Ghost Julia.” Delilah held her hand up and then placed it on her chest.

  “Every boy on the football team hit it, and when we were sixteen she had a baby. She got sent to ‘school away from school’ and came back to Huntington the following year. Nobody ever knew what happened to the baby. Someone said she lost it, but I heard her cousin tell someone that she had to give the baby up for adoption because she didn’t know who the baby’s daddy was.”

  Delilah sobered up as Keisha spilled the gossip on Julia. Delilah had done some things in her life she wasn’t too proud of. She would feel uneasy sometimes when people like Julia and her clique looked down at her because they didn’t think she was of their caliber. Learning that Julia had been pregnant at sixteen and didn’t know who the baby’s daddy was shocked Delilah. Never again would she let Julia turn her nose up at her.

  “Thanks for letting me know. If Samson only knew, he wouldn’t have married her.”

  “Oh no, you don’t. What I told you is not for you to go run tell Samson. If she wants him to know, let her be the one to share the information with him. Understood?”

  “Yes, Keisha.” She wouldn’t tell Samson, but if Julia stepped to her the wrong way one more time, she wouldn’t hesitate telling her a thing or two about herself.

  The waiter brought the check. Keisha reached for it, but Delilah snatched it. “I got this. That’s the least I can do for you hearing me whine about Samson.”

  “I’m used to it. My title should be beautician/counselor because I’m telling people how to run their lives and styling their hair all at the price for one. I need to up my prices.”

  They both laughed as Delilah paid the bill and the two headed out the door. Keisha dropped Delilah off at home. Delilah felt better after talking with Keisha. She fumbled for her keys and made it inside her home just in time to catch her ringing phone.

  “Your boy has agreed to meet with me tomorrow. You did it, baby girl. And your bonus will be on hand as soon as he signs those papers.”

  “William, I’m glad you got what you wanted,” Delilah said

  “Cheer up. You can still get your man. Blackmail always works for me,” William laughed.

  Delilah hung the phone up while William was still laughing in her ear. What Delilah needed now was to talk to Samson. She needed to be assured he was doing okay. She knew they both said some bad things to each other, but they were spoken in the heat of anger. She still loved Samson, and she wanted him to know it. Delilah picked up the phone and dialed Samson’s number.

  Samson answered, “What do you want?”

  “I wanted to apologize for earlier. I understand your frustration, but William threatened to send pictures of me to everyone in the congregation.”

  “Because of you, I now have to sell the church land.”

  “Samson, I’m sorry. I really am.” Her words were met with a dial tone.

  Delilah was tempted to call Samson back but thought twice about it. Samson needed time to cool down, and she would give it to him. Once he did, Delilah knew he would understand why she did what she did—at least that’s what she hoped.

  Chapter 56

  Samson and Calvin sat in the church conference room the following morning. Elaine had been directed to bring William and his attorney to the room when they arrived. “Let me do most of the talking,” Calvin told Samson.

  “They’re right in here,” Elaine said as she opened the door.

  William wasn’t dressed in a flashy suit, nor was he carrying his customary cane. His attorney extended his hand. “Thank you, gentlemen, for meeting with us today.”

  After the obligatory greetings, Calvin got straight to business. “My client, Peaceful Rest Missionary Baptist Church board, will be meeting to take an official vote. We wanted you to know that although Samson Judges has the right to sign over the land, he cannot do so without the board’s approval. Saying all of that, an emergency board meeting has been called.” Calvin handed William’s attorney a legal document.

  William’s attorney reviewed it. “This looks to be in order.”

  William asked, “What is it?”

  “This is an intent to sell, pending the board’s approval,” Calvin answered.

  William’s attorney’s cell phone rang, and he took a quick look at the display screen. “Gentlemen, I must take this call. I’ll be right back.”

  Once he was out of earshot, William said, “You two aren’t trying to pull the okie doke on me, are you?”

  Samson looked at Calvin. Calvin shook his head to indicate it was okay to speak. “William, I gave you my word; now I hope you’ll keep your word.”

  Samson and William had a staring match. “What we discussed will stay between us,” William assured him.

  “Good. Then as soon as your attorney approves the document, we can go on to the next step, right, Calvin?”

  “Correct,” Calvin nodded.

  Less than thirty minutes later, Samson sat alone in the conference room. He held on to one of the copies of the pending sale. “Lord, please forgive me. I know you told me not to sell the land, but I had no choice.”

  “Good. There you are. Now I don’t have to argue with Elaine to let me in to see you,” Delilah said as she came in and shut the door.

  Samson didn’t have the strength to fight Delilah. He let her talk.

  “Can you forgive me?” Delilah asked.

  “Delilah, it’s a done deal. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got things to do so I can get home to my wife.” Samson started packing up his stuff so he could leave.

  “It’s only noon.”

  “Bye, Delilah.”

  Delilah blocked the door. “Hear me out first.”

  Samson looked down in Delilah’s face. The desire he once felt for her had dissipated. When he saw her now, he saw doom. He saw the manipulation, the reasons he was selling the land God had told him not to sell. He grabbed hold of Delilah’s shoulder.

  “Ouch,” she said.

  “Sorry.” He didn’t mean to hold her so tight. He released his grip. She moved out of the way. He felt guilty for playing with her emotions just so she wouldn’t tell Julia about their affair, so he stayed to listen to her. “You have five minutes,” he said.

  “I haven’t slept since this happened. I need to know where all of this leaves us.”

  Frustrated, Samson threw his hands up in the air. “There is no us. There will never be an us, so get over it and move on.”

  Delilah’s cheeks turned red. “I’ve tried to move on. Do you think I like feeling this way about you? Do you think I like spending my nights alone wondering what you and your wife are doing?” She laughed. “You’re the reason why I’m like this.”

  Samson hung his head down and shook it from side to side. “I know I’m going to regret this, but tell me. How am I responsible for your delusional state of mind?”

  “Are you calling me crazy?” Delilah asked. Samson looked at her and didn’t say a word. “Well are you?” she asked again.

  Samson tapped on his watch. “Your time’s running out, sweetheart, so I suggest you hurry it up.”

  Delilah blurted out, “If you hadn’t slept with me, then I wouldn’t be feeling like this.”

  “I’ve never given you any reason to think it was more than what it was—two people comforting each other during a time of need.”

  Delilah’s eyes darkened. “You’re a cold-hearted S.O.B. I can’t believe I fell in love with you. I might just tell your wife myself.”

  Samson grabbed Delilah’s arms again, and this time he didn’t loosen his grip. “If I catch you near my wife, you’ll regret it.” He pushed her away and watched her stumble.

  Samson left the conference room and didn’t breathe easily until he reached his office. He looked at the mirror. He didn’t like the man staring back at him. His anger had gotten the best of him, and he hoped and prayed that he would not live to regret it.

  Chapter 57

  Delilah couldn’t stop pacing the floor. After the incident at church with Samson, she could not think straight. Keisha was on the other end of the phone trying to calm her down. “I can’t believe he grabbed you. Are you sure that’s what happened?”

  “I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true. I think I was more in shock than anything else.”

  “Well, don’t do anything without thinking things through,” Keisha said.

  “I should march over to his house and tell Julia all about us.”

  “Don’t do that. It might make you feel better right now, but tomorrow you’ll regret it.” Keisha attempted to be the voice of reason.

  “I would feel better if I hadn’t let myself fall in love. He’s just like every other man I’ve met.”

  “Don’t fault the man. You’re the one who put him on a pedestal.”

  “But he’s my pastor. He’s supposed to do better than the men in the streets.”

  “Delilah, you’re not looking at your part in all of this. You purposely set out to seduce the man. He’s a man, not God. All men have their Achilles’ heel, and apparently you were his.”

  Delilah agreed with Keisha on that fact. If she tried, she was sure she could seduce him again. Yes, that’s it. She would get him to see that he still wanted her. All she had to do now was get him over to her place.

  “Keisha, I’ve got to go. I need to make a phone call,” Delilah said.

  “Remember, don’t act right now. Let things simmer down.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Delilah ended the call with Keisha and then dialed Samson’s number. When he answered, she said, “You owe me for hurting me.”

  Samson apologized for his actions earlier but didn’t agree to come see her. Frustrated, Delilah used her ace in the hole. “Either you come see me or I’ll meet you at your house.”

  Samson used a few curse words, words Delilah didn’t know he knew. “I’ll take that as an ‘I will see you later.’”

  “Yes, I’ll be there in thirty minutes,” Samson responded.

  Delilah took a quick shower and sprayed her favorite perfume over her body. She dressed in a long sp
ring halter dress. “Perfect timing,” she said when she heard the doorbell ring. “Glad you could make it,” she answered the door.

  Samson stormed in. “What is it, Delilah? These games need to stop now!”

  Delilah didn’t waste any time. She threw herself into his arms and started kissing him. As much as he tried to protest at first, Samson took the lead and passionately kissed Delilah back. An hour later, Samson was pushing Delilah off him and looking for his clothes.

  Delilah watched with a huge grin on her face. “Now that we’ve made up, can we start back up my counseling sessions?”

  Samson pulled on his pants and looked at her. “You just don’t get it, do you?”

  Delilah pulled the cover up over her chest. “As much as you act like you’re the one in control, Samson, I’m the one who holds all the chips. See, I have nothing to lose. You, on the other hand, could lose it all.”

  “I knew I shouldn’t have come over here.” Samson scrambled and looked around for his keys.

  “Payback is something else.”

  “Vengeance is Mine, said the Lord,” Samson said.

  “The Lord also said thou shall not commit adultery, but you don’t seem to have a problem doing it over and over again, now do you?” Delilah couldn’t help but sneer at him.

  “You’re an evil woman, Delilah. I’m glad I finally see you for what you are.” Samson was upset with himself for allowing his flesh to overrule his sound judgment. If he hadn’t been messing with Delilah, he would not be in this predicament.

  “Oh, baby, you should have thought of that before you put your hands on me.”

  “I apologized for it earlier,” Samson said while standing in the doorway.

  “I’m not your wife. She might believe you’re all of that, but mister, the veil has been lifted from over my eyes.”

  “Bye, Delilah. I think it’s best you find yourself another church home.”

  “Oh, I’m not going anywhere. I like Peaceful Rest.”

  “But—” Samson stuttered.

  “Every time you walk through the church doors, just know I’ll be sitting right there. I’ll be right there watching you and watching your wife. I dare you to try to have me removed because not only will your wife know about us, I’ll let the entire congregation know about how their pastor likes to get his freak on.”


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