Chosen By The Prince

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Chosen By The Prince Page 8

by Calyope Adams

  "You are very close to disobeying a direct order."

  She looked at him in alarm. He was upset. Very upset. He was staring at her with anger. She hadn't meant to push him.

  "You'd rather be numb that be with me? Is that it Jillian? I'm not sure I would blame you."

  "No! Never... I swear."

  She sat up on the bed and pulled her slip over her head.

  "Can we- can we just pretend that none of this is happening? Please, your Highness..."

  He crossed the room in an instant, wrapping his arms around her. He grabbed her face and stared into her eyes, sorrow and desire radiating out of him in waves. Her eyes filled with tears but she refused to let even one spill onto her cheeks. He loved her. She knew it. No matter what else happened she knew that he loved her back. She felt it in her bones.

  He kissed her then. Ever fiber of her being felt his worship as he tasted and soothed her. He pressed her backwards onto the bed and began making love to her. He lingered over her endlessly, caressing, tasting. He made her climax with his mouth and fingers over and over. She begged him to take her but he only shushed her, lowering his head to her apex again.

  Finally he pulled his body up, pressing his shaft against her apex.

  "You're mine Jillian. You belong to me. Say it."

  "Yes. I'm yours."

  He drove into her sheath, his body filling her with his warmth.



  He plunged into her again and again, making her cry out again with her release. He didn't tarry this time. He let himself go, taking his pleasure from her willing flesh. He stared into her eyes as he shuddered, his seed filling her belly. He held her in his arms, still deep inside her. Then he took her again. Jillian nearly forgot the truth under the tender siege he laid upon her that day and for the next nine. Nearly, but not quite.

  In ten days, his bride would come.

  The Prince's Bride


  Prince Maximilian stood with his father and mother, waiting to greet his bride. His mother smiled at him sympathetically. He felt sick to his stomach if the truth were known. Anyone who knew him well, knew that he dreaded this.

  Because of her.


  His beautiful concubine. She was all he could think about. He'd selected her years ago, one woman from amongst all the women in the Kingdom. She was a high born noblewoman. In the past all the chosen had been pretty peasant girls or the daughters of a merchants. He'd been encouraged to look over some women from the lower classes and he'd agreed, just to pacify his father the King. But it was inevitable. It had to be her.

  Growing up they'd often been thrown into contact. He was the Prince and she was the daughter of an Earl. Spoiled and beautiful, always knowing that she was adored. That she'd always be adored. When her family had finally mentioned her betrothal to the King's advisor, it had been time to take action.

  She had fought him. Once she'd been plucked from her former life and informed of her new responsibilities. Not overtly, she couldn't do that without risking her life or the lives of her family. But he had sensed her anger, her outrage at being forced to serve him.

  He had rejoiced the first time he saw her in her collar, the first time he locked the chain into place. Not that he'd ever used it. The chain was symbolic, like the collar. It was just a reminder to all that she belonged to him. It was a reminder to her.

  From the moment he'd known that he would want a woman someday, he'd known it would be her. Usually the Royal Concubine was selected from the farming class. One pretty and intelligent peasant girl was selected to rise to the highest position, the King's mistress, to ease and comfort him with her body. But he'd bucked tradition and chosen a noblewoman. One who was about to marry his former friend, Duke Henry.

  All the same, he hadn't hesitated. Not for a second.

  The Prince could admit that it had given him pleasure to master her, to tame the girl who had tossed her head at him so many times, singeing him with her fiery eyes. She had never been the type to suck up. But now, she didn't have a choice. Both her life and that of her entire families' rested in his grasp.

  He knew it was unfair but he didn't care. He reveled in watching her fight her instincts, watching her bend to his will. It hadn't been easy but eventually she had bent, surprisingly so. As soon as she'd surrendered, he found that he had as well.

  He'd found passion in her arms and pleasure beyond his wildest imaginings. She was a fierce contradiction of innocence and passion. He was driven to seek her bed again and again. And she had no choice but to accept him. He knew that. He knew it wasn't just. But he did it anyway.

  Last night he had kept them both up until the dawn, taking her again and again. He was always careful not to hurt her, not after the first time when he'd let his eager body override his common sense. But last night had been different. They had been desperate for each other, moving together like a machine whose engine was fueled by fear.

  They hadn't spoken of today. Of the arrival of his bride. But they had both been keenly aware of the significance of today.

  Now she was inside, locked in her chamber. Normally he would have her with him, the slender gold chain that bound them wrapped around his hand. She was his. But the King's advisor had decided it was better to keep her out of sight for now.

  Her carriage arrived. Letticia, Princess of Haight. He'd met her before, at the betrothal, though they had barely spoken a word to each other. She was a beautiful woman, with a tiny waist and icy blond hair. Her blue eyes had fluttered at him with a coy flirtatiousness that left him cold. She wasn't her.

  The Princess stepped out of her carriage and walked up the stairs to meet them. His parents greeted her and then she turned to him, expecting some show of gallantry. The wedding was to happen in less than a week. He forced himself to wear a mask of bland graciousness, but all he felt was despair.

  He offered her his arm and led her into the castle.

  Prince Maximilian stood outside her door. He had flatly refused to keep Jillian hidden for dinner. That was sure to set a bad precedent. He took a deep breath, realizing he was nervous. The guards opened the door and stepped aside, letting him see her for the first time all day.

  She was glorious.

  Her maids had outdone themselves this evening. Her hair was caught up in the topaz headpiece he had given her, the one that matched her eyes. She wore the matching earrings and bracelets as well. The bracelets reminded him of the cuffs he had made for her, the ones he could use to arrange her body for his pleasure. He felt his groin tighten. She aroused him by simply standing there.

  He stepped forward and fitted the chain into her jeweled collar. He gripped the chain tightly. The weight of it felt reassuring in his hand.

  She was his.

  "Come, Jillian."

  She lifted her eyes to his briefly and glided past him. She looked calm. He was relieved, fearing that she'd be angry at him... or ashamed. He knew it was cruel, forcing her to parade her half naked flesh in front of the Princess. It was so obvious that her beauty was displayed solely for his eyes. But it was the law that he could select a woman for his pleasure and he had done so. The sooner the Princess adjusted to the situation the better.

  He watched his love slave's hips sway gently as he followed her through the castle. He would have her tonight, right after dinner he decided. Tonight and every night, marriage be damned. If he had to visit his bride once or twice a month to impregnate her, so be it. It would be Jillian he imagined beneath him. Perhaps with the lights off it wouldn't matter.

  Tonight he would use the cuffs. He smiled, imagining her tied spread eagle on the bed. He'd tease her at first, and then-

  "Good evening, your highness."

  The Prince nodded to the courtiers as he followed Jillian into the dining room. She took her seat at the table with Sephina, his father's woman, and he joined his parents on the raised dais where they ate. A moment later
his bride arrived. Everyone stood as Princess Letticia came into the room.

  She looked particularly lovely tonight, her blond hair artfully arranged. Her figure was on display in a tight fitting icy pink gown. She certainly knew she was beautiful. She smiled at the Prince, expecting to be lavished with compliments. But his eyes were on Jillian. He couldn't help but want to gauge her reaction to the Princess's arrival.

  His love slave was staring down at her plate. She looked outwardly composed but her face was white. He knew she hated this. She had been about to marry a Duke after all. She is the one who should be a bride, not this sniveling Princess he was being forced to wed.

  He kissed the Princess's hand, noticing the malice in her eyes as she stared at his Sofriquette. It twisted her features, making her ugly. They sat down and were served wine. The Princess sipped hers quietly for a moment. He felt his eyes slipping to Jillian again. Sephina was speaking to her in a low voice. He wished he could hear what they were saying.

  "Must we dine with your whore?"

  The Princess's voice rang out over the room. Everyone froze, even the servants who were carrying platters of food. Maximillion found it difficult to breath for a moment. He closed his eyes, afraid to look at his sweet girl. He knew he would shatter if he saw pain on her face.

  "She's not a whore."

  It was his mother. His mother had leapt to Jillian's defense before he could react.

  "We are very lucky to have Jillian and Sephina here. I suggest you never use that word again."

  The Princess huffed a bit beside him but the Prince's eyes were on his Sofriquette. He saw the humiliation wash over her. None of this was her fault. He had done this to her. Put her in this untenable position. Because of his desire.

  Sephina's hand was covering Jillians. He reminded himself to thank her. Thank God she was there. Jillian's beautiful head was held high, her chin raised slightly. He wondered what it cost her to sit there, unmoving.

  He deliberately ignored Letticia for the rest of the meal, making no effort to conceal that his attention was elsewhere. She fumed beside him silently. The marriage was off to a miserable start but he didn't care. He didn't care about anything.

  They were just serving desert when he stood abruptly. He'd had enough. He wanted to claim his woman and take her upstairs. He wanted to lose himself in her.

  Jillian stood as the guards approached her. She looked bewildered at their early departure but she did as was expected. She walked slowly from the room. He knew she would want to know why they were leaving before the meal was finished. He debated about telling her. He certainly didn't have to answer to her or anyone.

  His eyes roamed over her bare back as they walked through the caste to her chamber. As soon as they reached her door, he was pushing his way inside. He pulled her in behind him and slammed the door, pressing her up against it.

  His mouth was on her in an instant. He kissed her deeply, feeling her reticence. He pulled back and looked down into her beautiful face. She was looking down and away, anywhere but at him.

  "Look at me."

  She seemed to brace herself before she lifted her eyes to him. They were awash with tears.

  "It doesn't matter. None of it. Do you hear me?"

  He held her chin, forcing her to keep her face raised. She shifted her eyes down, ashamed. Hot rage filled him. She wasn't going to melt into his arms tonight. He could tell. But she would do as she was told.

  "Fine. Sulk if you want. But you will be of service to me. Take your clothes off."

  Her startled eyes found his but he did not waver, looking at her coldly. She inhaled and stepped away, her hands going to her collar.

  "Leave it."

  She said nothing, her hands slipping to her dress where it was tied at her shoulders. She opened it and stood in her flimsy underthings, the firelight highlighting her perfect body. She was so lovely. And mutinous. She simply stood there, waiting. If she was going to make him spell it out, he would. He narrowed his eyes.

  "The rest."

  She stared ahead stonily as she peeled her camisole off her breasts and reached for her panties.


  She froze, her hands on her lower stomach.

  "Touch yourself for me."

  She closed her eyes and slid her hands up to her breasts.

  "Your nipples. Play with them."

  She closed her eyes and made small circles on her nipples with her fingers. He knew she was aroused. They fed her aphrodisiacs at every meal. And she was primed from all the sex they'd been having. It didn't take much to make her ready for him. Still, he decided to delay things.

  If she thought he treated her like a whore, he'd show her the difference.

  Either way, he was going to have her. Again and again. It was going to be a long night. He smiled, feeling his cock swell in his pants.

  "Help me undress."

  She dropped her hands and walked to him, her hands going to his clothes and pulling them away efficiently. Coldly. He watched her dispassionately, hiding the emotions that were pinching his throat. She was trying to numb herself to him. But he wasn't going to let her do that. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the bed.

  He lay down on the silk blankets, his nude body in the middle of the bed.

  "You can take those off now."

  She stood by the side of the bed uncertainly. He'd never done anything like this before. He knew she had no idea what he had in mind. He was being cruel he knew, but he couldn't stop. He wouldn't stop. She belonged to him no matter what and she would be reminded of that. Now.

  She slid her panties down and waited. He looked her over, sliding his hand up and down his shaft. He was surprised at how aroused he was considering the mulish behavior of his bed slave.

  "Come here Jillian."

  She glanced at him, the nervousness in her eyes pulling at his heart strings. He squashed the feeling immediately. She would learn to be obedient, regardless of the cost. She was crawling up the bed beside him but he stopped her.

  "That's far enough. Take me in your mouth."

  She froze and looked at his stiff prick, inches from her face. Then she lowered her head and pulled him into her mouth.

  "Hmmmmm... yes, that's good. Work me with your tongue."

  She complied, her tongue stroking his shaft as he resisted the urge to tousle her silky hair. He put his arms behind his head. He was going to distance himself from her if that's what she wanted. Every part of him except his cock.

  He moaned as Jillian performed skilled felatio on him, her lips gripping his shaft as her beautiful head moved up and down on his groin. She had really improved at this. Not that she required skill to arouse him. Her touch was enough.

  "Enough. Take me inside you now."

  Her eyes were adorably confused as she considered how to accomplish this. She moved above him uncertainly. He took pity on her and spelled it out.

  "Straddle me."

  He watched as she did as he asked, her tiny body stretched above him. He stared at her tight slit as she pressed it against the tip of his cock.

  "Hmmm... yes... now hold yourself open so I can watch."

  Her horrified eyes snapped to his. He stared into her eyes, making it clear that he meant what he said. Then he let his eyes drift down lazily over her lush body until he was staring at her cleft. Her fingers slid down and lifted her plump nether lips up and away. She was so small down there that it was only a small difference but the effect was incredibly erotic. She was totally exposed to him. He could see his shaft disappearing as she pressed her tight sheath down onto him.


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