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Twitch Page 2

by Claire Marta

  Lexi hurried towards the office. Her father did not like to be kept waiting. He was a powerful male. The Master vampire of London and not even she dared disobey him. Dawn was approaching and the vampires that inhabited the club would soon be settling down for their day sleep. Only the human and shifter staff would remain in the club. Mostly it was just for cleaning up. It was a boring job, but one that always needed attending to.

  Pausing, she checked her appearance in a wall mirror. She could see none of her father’s features in her own. She lacked his tanned complexion and his violet eyes. He always said she looked more like her mother. Dove grey eyes stared back at her above bright pink covered lips.

  She had a curvaceous figure. More hour glass than slim. Her large breasts were captive beneath the black, tight top of her uniform. Tugging the hem, she tried to adjust it. She hated her boobs. They were too big. Men were always staring at them or trying to touch them. Lexi had learnt quickly that giving them some in-your-face attitude usually made them back away. That and the self-defence moves her Father had taught her.

  Leaning forwards, she checked her hair.

  Her glamour was in place. It was a natural disguise her species could call on. No one could see the black demonic horns that poked out from her pink locks. Yet, that did not stop her from being paranoid. Being the only succubus demon in the club was nerve racking enough. She could not imagine anyone’s reaction if they saw them.

  Humans only knew of the existence of Vampires and that was only because they had decided to announce their presence to the world.

  The rest of the supernatural community was not so eager. Vampires had been met with mixed reactions—fear and prejudice. But things would not be kept secret for long. They all knew that.

  Humans would have to know eventually. They were developing too fast with technology not to notice the other beings that blended in among them. It was only a matter of time.

  Releasing a calming breath, she raised a hand and knocked steadily on the closed office door.

  “Come.” An accented, muffled voice called from the other side.

  Pushing the door open, Lexi stepped in. The room was large and open. Book shelves lined the walls. Several paintings of familiar naked women in different poses were hung around the space. She knew these were commissioned pieces. An up and coming artist who was a member of Lust, her father’s BDSM club, had offered her services in exchange for a membership. Asier had been more than happy with the arrangement. Now he showcased her work whenever he could.

  “You wanted to see me, Master?” Lexi asked, drawing her admiring gaze away from the art. She had her own passion for sketching. It was something one day she hoped to pursue.

  Across the large, imposing, wooden desk Asier raised his head. He was lounging back in an expensive leather chair. Thick, long black hair cascaded down his bare shoulders. His skin was bronzed unlike other vampires who were paler. Asier was angelic in his beauty. Like many supernatural males who frequented the club, he was muscled and toned.

  Lexi knew he was attractive. She understood his appeal, but felt nothing more for him than a daughter’s love.

  Asier’s features softened as his amethyst gaze met hers. “We are alone, Lexi. You do not need to call me that, amore.”

  “Sorry, father,” she replied with a smile. It was force of habit. Around the club everyone called him Master. Lexi also knew that Asier had no wish to let anyone know of their true relationship. He had enemies. Ones that she knew would use her to their advantage if they ever found out who she really was.

  “Do you remember the mage I mentioned last night? The one I want you to keep distracted?”

  Lexi nodded. “Yes.”

  She more than remembered. Twitch was a male she had not been able to get out of her head. They had only met briefly, yesterday evening, outside the club. He’d made an impression from the get go. There had been something about him.

  “He’s on his way here. I want you to start today,” Asier told her as he rose from his chair with a grace only a vampire could possess.

  Sucking her bottom lip into her mouth, Lexi tried to contain her eagerness. “I can distract him anyway I want, right?”

  Striding around the table, Asier moved to stand before her. At five foot four, she was not considered short, but the Master vampire managed to make her feel small.

  Lips kicking up into a smirk, Asier rested his hands gently on her shoulders. “Nothing too extreme, amore. I just need you to keep his attention diverted while I seduce his cousin into my bed.”

  “When have I ever gone to the extreme?” Lexi scoffed back, trying not to roll her eyes.

  “Your tenth birthday party.” He responded without hesitation. “I seem to remember someone deciding to try and eat her body weight in chocolate ice cream that evening.”

  Groaning at the memory, Lexi pulled a face. “Gods, please don’t remind me. I was sick as a dog the next day.”

  “Hmm, Si, but you learnt the lesson not to indulge too much,” Asier countered. His amethyst eyes held a warmth that was only reserved for her.

  “Always a lesson in something.” Lexi smiled back. Her father had always been big on teaching her new things. He was proud when she mastered something for the first time. It made Lexi just as happy.

  “I would not be a good Papa if I did not.” He chuckled as he drew her close for a hug. Burying her face against his bare warm chest, Lexi squeezed him back affectionately.

  Asier had always been kind to her. From the day her mother abandoned her on his doorstep at the age of five he had done nothing but go out of his way to make her feel loved. As fathers went, she knew she was very lucky.

  As the ground began to seesaw beneath their feet the vampire’s arms tightened protectively around her. “Cazzo, not again.” He muttered darkly.

  Clinging to his muscled form, Lexi felt a sense of panic. She hated these mini quakes. For the last two weeks centre London had been plagued with them. No one knew why they were happening. All the experts were stumped. It was mystifying.

  “Still no news on what’s causing them?” she asked, as the quakes ebbed. Lexi knew her father was concerned. This city was his. His home. His domain. What went on within it was his business. It was not always pleasant and she did not have a stomach for the bloody side of what he did, but it was all she knew.

  “Not yet.” Loosening his embrace, he turned back to the table. Expression hardening, the affection between them was gone in an instant. “I need to get back to work. Why don’t you get ready to meet the mage.”

  The interior of the club was just as glitzy as Twitch remembered. An impressive dance floor stretched the length of the space. It was ringed with booths where people could sit and relax while enjoying a drink.

  Empty, apart from a few staff, it did not hold the same excitement as the night before. It felt hollow of life. Sucked dry of its buzzing energy. The faint smell of perfume, aftershave, and stale alcohol still lingered as an indication of how successful the place had turned out to be.

  Twitch’s attention was trained on the titan-like vampire who stood beside the bar. Kane was built like a line backer and the biggest male he had ever seen. A Viking on steroids was putting it lightly. Tattoo’s decorated his arms. Skulls and axes now that he took the time to notice them. Ash blond braids rested against Kane’s shoulders which with any other vamp would have looked girly, but on him they added to the scary-as-fuck factor.

  “Hello there, Brunhilda, I would like to see your Boss,” Twitch announced, not allowing any fear to show. Standing a few feet away, he knew it was not wise to get too close. Vampires could be unpredictable.

  Turning slowly from talking to a pretty blonde putting away glasses, Kane fixed him with a glare. “You’re not funny, little mage.” He boomed back, one hand tugging on his neat goatee.

  “Not even a little bit? You look so pretty with your pigtails and all,” Twitch persisted, unable to help himself. Wise cracks were automatic when he was nervous. He just couldn
’t help it. They were a defence mechanism. Not that anyone noticed, as the wise cracks merged in with his fucked-up sense of humour.

  “You know what would be funny? Me ripping out your spinal column.”

  Twitch pursed his lips thoughtfully before shaking his head. “Hmm, I think you’re down trodden staff would revolt at that not-so-good idea.”

  Kane eased himself off the bar stool he occupied. “Oh, they get paid well to clean up our messes.” Straightening to his full intimidating height, he glowered coldly at the mage. “Even the ones that get more than bloody.”

  The blonde woman behind the bar shot them a nervous look. By the way she was acting it looked like it was true. Twitch was not sure he wanted to see first-hand the messes the vampire had mentioned. It sounded…painful.

  “As I said, I’m here to see Asier,” he responded, clearing his throat. There was only so long you could tug on a tiger’s tail before it turned around and mauled you. Maybe it was better not to antagonize Kane.

  “Straight down there, take the door on the right. Go along the corridor and it’s the third door.” The big vampire pointed before turning back towards the bar.

  “You’re not going to hold my hand all the way there then?” Twitch couldn’t help jesting as he plodded in the direction given.

  “You wouldn’t make it in one piece if I did.”

  Pausing, Twitch brushed some wild, knotted curls back from tickling his nose. For a moment it was successful before it flopped back down into his eyes. “Are you naturally this grumpy or are you just over tired and psychotic today?”

  “This is me on a good day.” Kane remained where he was, not bothering to look at him. “Now fuck off.”

  Resisting the urge to flip him off, Twitch continued across the empty club.

  Would Asier be in a similar mood? The vampire had been too charming the evening before. Twitch was certain it had been done with only one aim in mind. To get Jasmine into bed. Luckily, she was aware of that fact. The problem was she was not immune to the Master vampire of London. Twitch had been aware of something sparking between them. He could only hope to the Gods it did not turn into something serious. Jasmine did not need another vamp in her life. Eric had already hurt her. Her heart was guarded and broken.

  Wandering into an elegant hallway, he counted the doors. Mirrors had been stationed on the walls every few spaces down.

  Twitch frowned. Was Asier really that vain? Yes, the vampire was panty wetting gorgeous, but did he need to check his appearance every five minutes?

  The third door along had a gold plaque with the words ‘Manger’ engraved across. Without hesitation, he rapped on it using his gloved knuckles.

  Twitch knew they would not have long. The sun would be up soon. All the vampires would be slinking back to their lairs for day sleep.

  “Entra,” Asier’s familiar Italian voice called. “I’ve been expecting you.”

  Pushing open the door, Twitch took a moment to cautiously looked around. “Have you now?” He could detect the faint odour of wood polish and a heady incense.

  The office had an assortment of bookcases. Ignoring them, Twitch’s attention was drawn to the pictures of the naked chicks lining the walls. Seriously? Not only did this vamp run BDSM clubs, but he had to have nude paintings in his office as well? Everything about him screamed sex.

  Ignoring the question, the vampire Master got straight to business. “You could have had it couriered back after Jasmine signed it. There was no need to bring it yourself.” He was sitting behind a large, imposing, wooden desk. Elbows resting on the surface, his fingers were steepled.

  “Oh, for the love of fuck,” Twitch snapped as he stomped towards him. “Do you really think I’m going to let you chain her up in fine print? You’re going to have to do a lot better for that to happen, Vamp. It’s not signed.” Twitch dumped the bundle of papers onto the desk with a thud.

  A look of displeasure tightened the angelic features of Asier. Twitch knew this would make him unhappy.

  “What? No sexy smirk for me because I don’t have a vagina?” Twitch quipped. “You can’t seduce me with your smarmy charms?”

  Asier leaned forward, his violet gaze clashing with the mage’s. “Be careful, boy. You might not like what you are stepping into.”

  Twitch’s gaze wavered from his. “May I remind you, Mr. Smooth, that you are in the process of trying to seduce my cousin.” There was a chair beside the desk, but he decided against taking it. Standing, he felt less vulnerable. Instead, he discarded his bag on it before he tugged of his coat and lay it neatly over the top.

  Asier’s eyebrows rose slightly. “And?” Leaning back, he continued to survey Twitch with a frightening intensity.

  “One word from me and Jazzy won’t come near you ever again,” he informed the Vamp, hiding his nerves.

  A knowing smile curved the Master vampire’s lips. “She needs my bite, remember?”

  “I hate to burst your egotistical bubble, but any vamps’ bite will do.” Twitch was unable to keep the smug tone out of his voice. For a moment, he let that fact sink in.

  Gracefully, Asier rose from his chair. His long, silky, black hair rippled around his shoulders. Hands resting on the desk, he leaned over it, his features taunting. “Vero? Do you really think another vampire in my city would touch her now that she’s been seen with me?”

  “Oh, Eric would,” Twitch countered. Curling his fingers into his palms, he rubbed the material of his gloves soothingly. It was a familiar gesture. Reassuring.

  The Italian paused, before wary amusement glinted in his eyes. “Cazzo. You are not as stupid as I thought.”

  “And I knew you weren’t going to help Jazzy out of the goodness of your black, bloodless heart.”

  Asier chuckled. “So, we have a stale mate.” Straightening, he manoeuvred around the desk to stand closer.

  Twitch stifled the urge to take a step back. He recognized what the vamp was doing— asserting dominance. He was trying to put him off balance.

  “She’s not signing anything until I'm satisfied with it.” Twitch raised his chin, allowing his face to be seen clearly. “You are going to have to try a lot fucking harder. No sneaky shit or she won’t be signing anything, ever.”

  “How long have you been in love with her?” Asier prowled nearer. Every line in his muscled body was now taut with purpose.

  Twitch pressed his lips together. He was not about to answer that. Not liking where this was going, he gave in and shuffled back until his back hit the wall. Trying not to panic, he tensed.

  A faint, triumphant smirk touched the vampire Master’s lips. Stopping just before the mage, his stare bore into him, searching for clues. “What she needs is a man. Not a weak boy who hides behind his humour and hair.”

  “Really? You think a cockbite like you can make her happy?” Twitch asked defiantly. “I have news for you. Jazzy has already been fucked over by a vampire and she’s not going to let that happen again.”

  Asier drifted closer until they were almost nose to nose. “Does it hurt to not have her love you back? Do you spend your nights crying at the unfairness?”

  “Shut the hell up.” Twitch found himself being sucked into the swirling purple pools. They seemed endless. The steel will behind the vamp’s eyes was merciless as it pressed against his own. A strange heat was coming off Asier, seeping into the layer of Twitch’s clothes.

  “So much anger. So much pain, but not all over your friend,” Asier continued, perceptively reading the emotions Twitch tried not to reveal. “You’ve lost someone recently. The death of someone close to you.”

  The words broke the spell. With one hand Twitch shoved him away. “Nice Jedi trick. You should take it on the road. Far away from London and Jazzy.”

  Lowering his thick, black eyelashes, Asier continued to regard him with a thoughtful look. “I will have my people draw up another contract. Something more to your liking, si?”

  Putting distance between them, Twitch edged to his back pac
k and coat. “I don’t like this situation no matter how you pretty it up. If I could find a way to cure her addiction she would not need you at all.”

  “There is no remedy to end it.”

  Twitch’s mother had told them the same thing, but he did not want to believe it. There had to be some way to help Jasmine.

  “And you know that how?”

  Asier tugged a band from his wrist, before sweeping his flowing black hair up into a messy bun, which he secured effortlessly. “I deal in secrets and knowledge and I have lived a very long time. Not once, have I heard of someone overcoming it.”

  Twitch eyed the vamp’s new hairdo. It was something he did not see the appeal in himself. Women though, seemed to go for it.

  “What a cluster fuck,” he muttered with a sigh. Things on that front were starting to look hopeless. Heaving his bag over his shoulder, he folded his velvety coat over his arm.

  Not even sparing him a glance, Asier settled himself back in his leather chair. “We are done here. You know the way out.”

  Twitch turned as he reached the door, his hand settling on the handle, ready to open it. “All right, Mr. Control Freak, I’m not hanging around. I would work on your attitude though. Not everyone is going to come to your beck and call, forever, especially not Jazzy.”

  The Master vampire’s lips curled up in distaste as he flipped through a file on his desk. “I don’t take advice from children.”

  “Right.” Twitch mumbled, as he opened the door. “Fuck you very much.”

  Lexi watched Twitch as he emerged from Asier’s office. He was just as she remembered—reddish, long, curly locks hung to his shoulders. It was unkempt and wild. The techno mage was as handsome as she remembered.

  He had a strong jaw and high cheek bones; a youthful handsomeness which would only mature with age. Lime green coloured eyes that seemed to hold a wealth of emotions and secrets peered out from several twists of spiralling hair. Burn marks marred his forehead and vanished beneath the collar of his shirt. They were a mix of faded pinks and smooth silvery blemishes.


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