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Twitch Page 5

by Claire Marta

  Heaving the back pack more securely onto his shoulder, he hurried down the street. It was time to get home. He didn’t want his cousin, Jasmine, knowing he’d seen Asier about their contract. The less she knew the better.

  Tracing her birth parents was also a priority. It was something he had promised Jasmine he would do. And promises were something Twitch never broke. Even if it was becoming more difficult than he first thought. He glanced back at the club. His gaze searching for any sign of a pink haired girl but Lexi was nowhere in sight.

  Lexi had spent the day obsessing about what to wear. First impressions were important. She knew that. Technically, it was their second date, but she really wanted to look spectacular. After dragging her entire wardrobe out across her bedroom floor, she decided to go with something not too slutty.

  The light, soft pink jumper she was wearing clung to her curves. It extenuated her breasts in a way she did not always like. But if it helped catch Twitch’s attention she was more than happy to wear it. Below that, she had on a pair of black leggings and flat ankle boots. Lexi had decided against jewellery. It was something she did not want to end up fiddling with all night. A slash of her favourite pink lipstick and a light eye shadow completed her look. Pink. That was the colour for her tonight. Maybe it was too much, but she liked it and refused to tone it down.

  Playing with the stork of her drink, she sat waiting at the bar inside the club. Her nervous jitters were back, making it hard for her to sit still. Checking her watch for the hundredth time, she took a calming breath. She needed to relax. Twitch wouldn’t be here for another ten minutes. Hopefully it was enough for her stomach to settle.

  Lexi had never been so nervous in her life. It was something new. Exciting. Something that both thrilled and scared her; the idea of stepping into the unknown. Which was odd. This was only a date, after all. Was it normal to feel this way?

  “Why are you all dressed up?” Kane’s deep melodic voice enquired from behind her.

  Carefully, Lexi swivelled on her chair. “I’m going out.”

  The large vampire was looming over her. Muscles strained beneath the material of his back t-shirt. Suspicion lurked in the depths of his eyes. He did not look happy with her answer. “With who?”

  “No one you know.” Turning back to her drink she ignored him. She had been so swept up in the excitement of another date she had forgotten to mention to her father Kane’s continuing attention. It was something that needed to stop.

  “A female doesn’t get all dressed up like that if she’s not seeing someone they think is special. So, I will ask again.”

  Lexi couldn’t suppress her growl of irritation. What was this an interrogation? Why did he need to know? “None of your fucking business. Go away!”

  Kane moved in.

  The hairs on the back of Lexi’s neck rose as she sensed him. A second later, two huge hands gripped her bar stool and spun her around. With a gasp, she found herself nose to nose with the Viking vamp. His steel-like biceps bulged, making the skull tattoos he had inked there, jerk and jump.

  “Pet. Don’t test my patience. You wouldn’t like the result if you do.” His sky-blue stare bore into hers with such coldness Lexi froze. “Or maybe you would.” Kane’s hand possessively cupped one of her breasts. “Is that what you want, Lexi? Are you waiting for me to get rough with you? To take what I want? Because I will happily drag you out back and fuck you right now.”

  Shock rendered her speechless. The big vamp had never touched her in such a blatant way before. As he fondled she recoiled. His touch made her feel sick. With a sharp intake of breath, she jerked away.


  Kane’s hand snapped back at the sound of Asier’s voice behind them. A moment later he stepped casually to the side. By the look on his face he knew he’d been caught.

  Lexi met her father’s sharp gaze. She was not sure how much of the conversation he had heard, but from the way his lips were pressed into a thin white line it had obviously been enough to displease him.

  “Good evening, Master.” Lexi responded, relaxing with his presence near. There was no need to say anything now. Kane was in trouble. That was clear. Hopefully, this was the last time she would have to put up with him.

  Asier’s gaze was speculative as he surveyed her outfit. “Enjoy your evening off.”

  Lexi couldn’t resist flashing Kane a defiant smile. “I will, thanks.”

  She watched as her father moved through the crowd, parting for him like a curtain. They both feared and respected him. He was Master here and they all knew it. No one disobeyed him. Not even his second in command. Kane followed in silence. As ever, her father’s hulking shadow. Head tilting to the side, he gave her one long menacing look.

  With a shaking hand, Lexi tried to rub off Kane’s touch where it lingered. It made her want to get changed. Left her feeling tainted. But she didn’t have time to choose a new outfit.

  Tucking a curl of pink hair behind her ear, she glanced towards the entrance. People were eagerly streaming in. Twitch was standing by the steps. He was without his long, velvety coat tonight.

  This evening he was wearing a smart, satiny, black shirt more figure hugging than she had seen before. It was untucked and hung down casually. Lexi’s gaze roved over the muscles the material gave a hint at. She hadn’t noticed before how broad of a chest he had. Snug, black trousers showed off his long legs. He was still wearing his black army boots. But it looked like he had made the effort to lace them properly this time.

  Twitch looked as nervous as she felt. Eyes wide with apprehension, his chin was dipped down so his messy, cinnamon coloured curls created a protective shield from anyone who looked his way. It was cute. But Lexi liked it better when she could see his handsome face.

  Attention dancing over the crowd, he found her. A spark lit up in his period depths. Appreciatively, he surveyed her. He liked what he saw all right. She could tell by the way his eyes dilated and the slight parting of his lips.

  The sensation of butterflies in her belly went wild. Feeling giddy, she sat waiting for him as he made his way towards her. Her mouth became dry and she wasn’t sure what to say. This was another first. Normally, she was bubbly and chatty. Hands clammy, she rubbed them against her thighs.

  “Hi,” Twitch purred as he reached her side.

  “Hi, yourself,” Lexi replied, trying not to grin like a lunatic.

  “Do you want to finish your drink or are you ready to go?”

  “I’m done,” she told him as she slipped off her stool. Collecting her small black purse, she looped it over her shoulder.

  A figure on the edge of the dance floor caught the corner of Lexi’s eye. Kane. He was watching them and blocking the way out. She felt the heat of his gaze the moment his attention zeroed in on her face. A chilling malice was held in his stare even when he was being playful. She knew how ruthless the titan male could be. Even witnessed it the few times she had accidentally ventured into the basement below the club when they were in the middle of business. The vampire lacked compassion. Pain was something he got a kick from and he enjoyed terrorizing anyone stupid enough to cross him.

  She could see the anger as he realised who she was with. Lexi shot him a glare. This evening was hers. Her special moment. And the jealous vamp was not going to spoil it.

  Grabbing Twitch’s hand, she dragged him through the crowd and away from the front doors. Letting Kane catch up to them was not an option. No way would she let him near the mage.

  “Hey, where are we going? I thought you were ready to leave,” Twitch asked in confusion.

  His hand was warm and slightly calloused in hers. Squeezing it tighter, Lexi continued to tow him along.

  “I need to get something before we go,” she told him as she pushed her way through the crowd.

  Kane was gaining on them. Standing head and shoulders above everyone else, he was easy to see. Trying not to panic, Lexi steered them towards a doorway. It led into the staff area and where they kept most
of the stock for the BDSM side of the club.

  Flinging open a door, she hurried inside. Twitch’s brow was furrowed in growing bemusement. Not giving him time to think Lexi flung open another one and shoved him inside. The enclosed space was dark and confined. It was a place she had hidden from the domineering vampire before. Not that she would ever admit that to anyone. Reaching to her left, as she had done many times before, her hand found the small night light she always left plugged into the wall. With a flick of her finger, the soft dim glow sprung to life. It was enough to see what they were doing, but not enough to give them away.

  “Sugar pants, why are we in a store cupboard?” Twitch muttered in bewilderment behind her. Cardboard boxes were stacked around them giving them barely any room to move.

  Lexi clicked the door closed. Without turning, she shushed him. Kane would hear them if they didn’t stay quiet. The vampire’s hunting instincts were probably already aroused. Shuffling back her leg, knocked a box.

  A doorway opened further along the corridor. Lexi could hear the familiar squeak. It had to be the Viking. Or maybe she was being paranoid. Maybe Kane hadn’t noticed their escape.

  “Lexi...” Twitch persisted.

  Snagging the first thing at hand, from the open box beside her, Lexi slapped it backwards in his direction. He needed to be quiet. If Kane found them now it was going to get ugly.

  A stunned silence followed.

  Heavy footsteps were muffled by the door. Ears straining, Lexi listened with a chilling sense of dread. Was it Kane? She knew what he was capable of. What she had seen in his eyes tonight had frightened her. Hadn’t her father warned him off? Why then, was he still pursuing her? It made no sense. Unless he was persisting behind her father’s back.

  Whoever it was continued on their way. A moment later, Lexi heard the sound of another door opening. Holding her breath, she waited for the bang as it closed. That had been a close one. But she could not afford to take any chances. Not with Twitch.

  Turning with a sigh of relief, she found her date standing with a comical expression on his face. The twelve-inch, purple, plastic dildo she had smacked him with was still pressed against his chest. Without warning it started to vibrate. Lexi sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, but it didn’t contain the giggle.

  “Is this some kind of kinky foreplay?” Twitch asked, as he eyed the object. “Or are you bringing that to dinner?”

  “” Lexi laughed. “I was just trying to avoid someone.” Lowering the sex toy, she met his inquisitive gaze.


  It was something she did not want to talk about. Not tonight. “Just a vamp who likes to cause me trouble. No one for you to worry about.”

  The mage’s attention moved to the object still vibrating away in her hand. “Can you put the dildo down, please? It’s making me feel inadequate.”

  “Sorry.” Lexi giggled. At least he hadn’t freaked out about the dildo. Finding the knob, she switched it off and dumped it back in the box with the other brand-new sex toys.

  Now that her panic had dissolved she was aware of their intimate confinement. Twitch was so close. His chest was inches from her face.

  Lexi’s fingers itched with the urge to explore what lay beneath his satiny black shirt. To discover the hard plains that awaited. What kind of things did Twitch like? Working in the club she had witnessed a lot of kink. Sometimes even taken part. Would he be into it? Or was he more of a missionary guy?

  Lexi bit at her lip. She hoped to fuck he liked to experiment.

  “Do you still want to go out?” Twitch’s question snapped her out of her horny, hot thoughts.

  “Yes!” Eyes sparkling with arousal, her cheeks heated. He was the only male who could embarrass her about sex and she was no prude. What was he doing to her? It wasn’t like her at all to get all giggly.

  Checking the coast was clear, she led him from the store cupboard. From there, they could take the back door out of the club. It was less likely Kane would spot them.

  A few minutes later they stepped out into the dark. The breeze held a slight chill, but it was nothing uncomfortable. This evening the streets were busy. Tourists were eagerly roaming the city with cameras in hand. Lights from the shops dazzled the darkness.

  “Where are we going?” Lexi asked, as she followed Twitch. He was walking with purpose and seemed to know where he was going.

  “China town. You like Chinese food, right?” he asked, sliding her a sideways glance.

  “I love Chinese food!” She enthused with a slight bounce in her step.

  It did not take long for them to weave their way to their destination. The club was only a few streets away. Not going out much, Lexi hadn’t explored this area even with it so close.

  In and around Gerrard Street were numerous Chinese restaurants, bakeries, supermarkets and souvenir shops. The glow of neon lights shone brightly from many of the windows. Each shop was painted a bright colour. Blues, yellows, but red seemed to be the most dominant.

  It was busier here then the street they had come from. A tourist spot. People bustled beneath the red oriental gate which stood guarding the walk way.

  “The archways mark the boundaries of China Town,” Twitch told her conversationally as they paused to stare up at it.

  “I can’t believe I have never been down here before!” Lexi responded in awe. What else was she missing out on?

  Twitch watched the child-like joy that lit up Lexi’s face. He liked the way her grey eyes shone with happiness. How in the hell had she never been down here before? She’d said she’d lived in the city for years, but never explored it. Was she some kind of hermit? Lexi looked at ease out here among the Londoners and tourists. No, that couldn’t be it.

  Maybe working at the vampire club made her too exhausted to do anything else. Asier probably worked his staff hard with long hours. Twitch imagined the Italian vampire Master being a harsh employer. Was he the vamp giving her trouble? Asier seemed happy to seduce females at the drop of a hat. Was bedding his staff something he did, as well?

  Distractedly, he fingered the buttons on the front of his new satiny shirt. The material was smooth against his fingertips and he enjoyed the sensation.

  He hadn’t forgotten the incident in the store cupboard. Lexi had been frightened. Not that she would admit it. Twitch recognized a stubborn, strong-headed female when he saw one. His pink haired girl might act all sweet, but he had glimpsed the steel a few times that lay beneath.

  He frowned at that thought. Lexi wasn’t his. This was just a date. One that would probably end disastrously wrong. Pinning his hopes on something more was something he knew he shouldn’t do.

  But it was hard though, when she was dressed so sexy. Sighing, he pushed down the urge to bury his face in her hair. Gods, what was happening to him? He was acting like a creepy pervert more than usual. Curling his fingers around the smart phone in the pocket of his trousers, he began to wander down the street.

  Lexi followed, her head pivoting from side to side as she took in all the sights.

  Excitedly, Lexi peered in through each shop window. Red lanterns hung above the doors of the restaurants. Fairy lights gave the feel of enchantment among the rest of the buildings. It felt as if she had stepped out of London and into another city; somewhere exotic and playful.

  The aroma of spices and cooked food made her mouth water. Everything smelled so amazing. It was a place bursting with sounds, colours and smells. A pleasure for all the senses. One that Lexi found herself enjoying more and more.

  Where was Twitch going to take her? She glanced at another restaurant as they passed it by. They had already been past a dozen, but the mage continued to walk on.

  When they finally stopped, it was outside a compact shop. A queue was already waiting outside. It looked as if the place was popular.

  Red, cheerful paint covered the window and door frame. In the window, red, roasted ducks hung on spits along with an assortment of meats. Lexi stared hungrily. Just the sight o
f the barbecued food had her drooling. There was no way she could ever be a vegetarian. She loved meat far too much. Quickly, she moved towards the menu board which was nailed onto the side of the shop.

  A strong, firm hand laced with hers. Glancing down, she discovered Twitch had taken her hand. The butterflies inside her stomach beat erratically again. Lexi liked how their hands fit together. Liked feeling the warmth of his skin and the way he gave it a squeeze.

  “Don’t waste your time looking at that,” he told her as he tugged her along. Frowning, she followed him a few paces. The next thing she knew they were headed down a narrow alley beside the building. A red door was further along. An oriental lantern was glowing softly above it.

  Reaching it, Twitch raised his other hand and rapped on it several times. Silence followed. The murmur of the busy street behind them was all Lexi could hear as she glanced nervously around. What was he waiting for? This didn’t look much like a place to eat.

  Twitch glanced down at her and flashed his mischievous grin. A moment later the door before them swung open.

  A well-built Asian man stood staring at them from the doorway. He was wearing a white cotton apron over a pair of jeans and a white shirt. His expression was coldly severe. Beneath his features, Lexi thought she caught the shimmer of scales. But when she looked again they were gone.

  A smile broke across his lips. It lightened his expression, banishing the coldness and replacing it with a warmth that drew you in.

  “Twitch. Your table is ready, my friend!”

  “Thank you, Chen.” Twitch greeted, shaking the offered hand.

  “Anything for you!” Chen replied, enthusiastically. He continued to pump the mage’s hand up and down vigorously. “You know you are always welcome here! And my daughter thanks you for fixing her laptop. She was driving us all crazy.”

  Twitch winced as he retrieved his hand from his friend’s grip.


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