Leaving Triad

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Leaving Triad Page 6

by K. D. Jones

  She climbed on the thing behind him. She was grateful that she wore her jeans and a tank top. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pushed up against his back as close as she could.

  Zor wasn’t sure how he was supposed to concentrate on operating the thing with her body pressed tightly against his. He wanted so badly to be inside of her. She consumed his every waking thoughts and invaded his dreams. She owned him. One word from her would crush him. Shit, was this what love did to a person? He had never felt anything like it before. It was scary and thrilling all at once.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, leaning closer so he could hear her over the engine.

  “Just a little bit away from the business district. I hear there is a hilltop that overlooks everything.”

  She squeezed him tighter just because she could. She pressed her face against his wide back and watched the scenery. If he did nothing but drive them around, she would be happy with that.

  Zor parked the transportation device on the side of a huge rock. He helped her off and then turned to the container attached to the back. He pulled out a basket and pointed to a well-worn path that would lead them up to the top of the hilltop.

  “This is beautiful.” Emily looked out and could see for miles in either direction. She could see the business district buildings in the distance. On the other side was nothing but overgrown trees and bushes. Wildflowers grew all over the little hilltop they stood on.

  “It is,” Zor agreed as he spread a blanket for them on the soft, grassy bed. He opened the basket and took out two covered containers with delicious smells coming from them. Then he pulled out two bottles of beer.

  “You have thought of everything.” She was impressed. No one had ever done anything like this for her before. The most Jeremy did was take her to a movie, which she paid for or out to a nice restaurant, which she also paid for. This was more than she would have expected. It brought a tear to her eye.

  “Is something wrong?” Zor stood and was at her side in a fraction of a second.

  “No. Everything is perfect.”

  “Then why are you almost in tears?”

  She reached up and cupped his cheek. “No one has gone to so much trouble for me before. I really appreciate all of this.”

  “You deserve it, and so much more.” He took her hands and led her over to the blanket. They sat down and he handed her the container with her food and her beer.

  “It all looks so good.”

  “Only the best for you.”

  They ate in silence with only the sounds of nature going on in the background. It was peaceful and romantic. The weather was perfect for a picnic.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off Zor. His every move seemed to draw her attention. He lifted a piece of cheese to his lips and took it into his mouth with such grace. Then she found herself mesmerized whenever he took a swig of his beer. She followed the throat muscles as they worked. A drop drizzled down the side of his mouth.

  She couldn’t resist, she leaned forward far enough to lick the drop from his mouth. The small taste she had of him wasn’t enough. She wanted more—needed more.

  “Emily?” his voice was hoarse. He wanted her with everything in him, but he wanted to make sure she was ready.

  She crawled all the way over into his lap. Her lips took his in a surprising kiss. She whimpered with need.

  Zor wrapped his arms around her, bringing her to him tightly as he took over the kiss. He took her lips with a burning desire. His hand went to her hair to hold her closer and his mouth became more insistent. His other hand turned her on his lap until she was straddling him.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. Emily was on fire for him. She felt her juices gathering at her apex. She grinded her crotch against his, moaning with need.


  “Are you sure?”


  He held her as he moved forward lowering her to the blanket. He leaned back up so he could pull his shirt over his head. He almost ripped the buttons from his pants in an effort to open them so he could push them down his hips. He had forgotten about his boots and had to quickly pull them off. The whole time he kept his eyes on hers as she watched him.

  He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. His body glistened in the sunlight. His usually pale blue eyes darkened with desire. She wanted to reach out and touch every inch of him. His large cock was fully aroused and stood waving at attention for her. It wasn’t until he was completely bare to her that she realized she was still fully dressed.

  Nervously, she moved into a sitting position and reached for the hem of her tank top. She slowly moved it up, exposing her flat stomach and bra-covered breasts. She tossed her shirt to the side and reached behind her to unhook her bra. Her breasts spilled forward and she heard his breath catch.

  Emily looked up at him with concern. She had only ever been with Jeremy. What if he didn’t like what she looked like? What if she was as bad as Jeremy complained she was?

  “You are…exquisite.” He crawled closer so he could cup one of her breasts in his hand. His thumb rubbed her nipple to a hard point.

  She shivered at his touch. She reached for the buttons of her pants with shaking hands, struggling to undo them. Her breathing became labored as Zor pinched and massaged her breasts.

  Her struggles to free herself of the pants was halted when his hands covered hers. He moved them aside and undid her buttons. Then he hooked his fingers in the waist of her jeans and slowly, gently, pulled them down over her hips. He helped remove her boots and then she was finally free of the pants. She was now only in her white panties.

  The temperature wasn’t cold, but goose bumps developed all over her delicate, pale skin. She leaned forward enjoying the heat that radiated from Zor’s body. She took the opportunity to reach out and caress his chest. So hard and smooth to her touch.

  “Lay back and let me look at you,” Zor said with a growl.

  She blushed but did as he asked. She lay on her back feeling completely exposed and vulnerable. His eyes devoured every inch of her and she loved it. She loved him. With that sudden realization she gave him a smile she hoped would turn him on even more.

  Zor could wait no longer. He crawled over her body. His mouth claimed hers again as he pressed his bare flesh against hers. He pushed her thighs apart and as he moved between them, the tip of his manhood brushed her soft nether lips.

  “Zor,” Emily moaned his name as she touched his back and skimmed her hands over him.

  His hands were all over her body, not an inch went unexplored. She arched her back, pressing her breasts against his chest. She loved everything about him. His platinum hair, pale blue eyes, and his strong, determined hands.

  Zor touched her thighs again, reaching higher until he reached her pussy. She was dripping wet for him. He inserted one finger, then another. He pumped his fingers in and out of her making her juices flow even harder.

  He lowered his head so he could capture a pert nipple with his mouth. He gently nibbled and suckled on her.

  She whimpered as she felt the tightening of a band inside her body. It got tighter and tighter until she felt it finally snap. “Fuck!” She came hard. Nothing had felt like that before.

  Zor removed his fingers and put the tip of his cock at her entrance. He slowly entered her pussy, squeezing through the tight walls. She felt so damn good. Tight, warm and wet. He had to pause to catch his breath, she gripped him like a vise. Then he began to move.

  In and out, back and forth, thrust and recede. He claimed her with each movement he made. Each sigh and whimper she made fueled him more. They fit perfectly as if made for one another.

  She panted and moaned his name, holding his sides to keep him close to her. She began to tighten, the band inside of her was pulled even tighter. Then all of sudden, the band snapped and she started to come.

  Zor could feel her inner walls tighten up. He changed his angle, pounding harder into her as she came. His release soon followed and
his seed poured into her. He called out her name and she scored his back with her nails, calling out his name at the same time while she shook.



  They held each other while their bodies were still connected. Their breathing was rapid and heavy. Emily sighed with relief and contentment. She felt like she belonged for the first time in a long time.

  Chapter Nine

  “So, Emily,” Bethany saw that Emily was walking like she had had some amazing sex. She had to ask, “What was it like being taken by an alien?”

  “I never said we did anything,” she answered. Her cheeks flared red while waiting for Henry to fill up her tray.

  “It’s written all over your face, sweetie,” Talia teased her as she headed toward a table to take orders.

  “I’ve got nothing to say,” she answered saucily with a smile as she headed out to serve her tray of drinks.

  “I knew you two were going to get busy, it was just a matter of time, sugar,” Henry mocked.

  Emily grew to love her job more and more every day, all the people she worked with treated her like family, and she loved it. “Henry, you don’t know everything,” she joked.

  “Emily, sweetie, you were the only one that didn’t know it,” Talia teased.

  “Need a tray of beer down in the casino level,” Henry hollered out.

  “I’ll take it,” Emily answered as she walked over to him.

  “What if your lover boy comes in while you’re gone? He might miss you,” Bethany said mockingly, winking at her.

  Henry filled her tray. Emily stuck out her tongue at Bethany as she walked out of the bar, making her way down to the Casino Level. She served the beer to the customers quickly, glad she didn’t see Jeremy anywhere, and then headed back up to the bar. She never lingered down on the casino level like a few of the other girls. They liked to sit and watch who won the bet when they got down there. Emily could care less. The only time she had ever stayed down there was if Zor was there, which he hadn’t gambled since he won her in the bet with Jeremy. She rarely went down there now and if she did, it was a quick five minutes at the most, serving the drinks and leaving.

  She got to the hallway that led to the bar door and got pushed against the wall. The force from the shove made her drop the empty tray. Her head hit the wall but she shook it off quickly.

  “You little slut, I knew you were sleeping around on me.” She heard as she smelled alcohol.

  “Jeremy, I never slept around on you.”

  “Bullshit, you lying little slut.” He turned her around forcefully and slammed her back up against the wall. “Was he bigger than me?”

  “Nothing I do concerns you anymore, remember, I was just a wager to you so you could continue gambling.”

  “If you weren’t already acting like a whore I wouldn’t have treated you like one!” he yelled as he smacked her cheek.

  “Jeremy, I have to get back to work.” Trying to stay as calm as possible even though her face burned from how hard he slapped her.

  “I doubt you even have to work since you're slutting around with that alien scumbag.”

  “Fuck you, my personal life is none of your business!”

  He pushed her up against the wall then, started fumbling to get her shorts off her. “Jeremy, stop!” she yelled, trying to push him away.

  He pushed his body against hers. Tears started filling her eyes as she continued to fight, screaming, but no one could hear her. He took her lips in a rough kiss. She slapped him as she pulled away. She tried to run while he was in a state of shock over her hitting him back. Then he snapped out of it and she saw that she had just made him angrier.

  He grabbed her by the back of her shirt and threw her against the wall, causing the back of her head to slam into the wall. She gasped but wasn’t ready to give him the pleasure of hearing her scream and cry out. He tried pulling her shorts down but she fought with him, not allowing him to get them down even an inch. She kneed him in the groin, hard and he fell to his knees grabbing himself.

  She started running but he grabbed her foot and she fell hitting her head on the ground hard. She could feel the blood start to run down her forehead.


  Zor was at the bar waiting for Emily. He had been there waiting for her since right after she left. “Henry, I’ve been here for a half hour, shouldn’t she be back by now?”

  “Yes, but she might have been caught up down there.”

  “Curly, come on. Let’s go make sure she is alright,” Zor said as he stood from the bar. He could feel that something was wrong, he had learned a great deal about Emily and knew she never lingered down in the casino. He was worried.

  He took the quickest way down just like the waitresses did. He didn’t make it around the corner before he heard her yelling, “Jeremy, please stop it!”

  “Shut up, you little tramp.”

  Zor was already running with Curly right behind him. He ran up to see Emily pressed face first in the wall with the human trying to lower her shorts. Emily was putting up a good enough fight to make it very difficult for him.

  Zor didn’t even take time to process what was happening. He walked up and pulled Jeremy away from her, throwing him to the ground. He got on top of him and started pounding into his face with a rage he had never felt before, hitting him well after he was unconscious.

  Zor didn’t even know what had happened until Curly pulled him off the human male. “Don’t kill him, Zor,” he said as he pulled him off taking all of his strength. “You know the code, you can’t do anything to him until he attacks you first.”

  “God dammit, I don’t care. He can’t walk around acting like he has the right to do anything he wants to!” Zor yelled.

  “Zor, you can’t lose your life over him, you know the rules. If you kill him, I am bound by the code to hold you for a hearing or to kill you if necessary,” Curly answered.

  Zor looked over at Emily to see her shaking uncontrollably. He walked over to her, seeing the tears in her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into his chest. He ran his hand down the back of her head, smoothing her hair as he did. He kissed her forehead and rested his chin on the top of her head. He could feel her tears soaking through his uniform.

  Zor was overwhelmed with rage, seeing his Emily hurt like that. He wanted to kill the human scumbag, but he knew he couldn’t. “Curly, take him down to the holding cell and see that he is not released,” Zor requested, knowing if the human was not taken away soon he would just pull out his laser gun and shoot him.

  “Yes, Captain,” Curly said and dragged Jeremy off by his arm.

  “Here, Emily, let’s go back to our room,” he stated. “I’ll take care of you.”

  “I have to finish my shift,” she answered.

  “No, I will talk to Henry,” he answered, “I can’t let you go back so soon after that.”

  He helped her right her clothes and then scooped her into his arms, cradling her, and holding her tightly against him. He didn’t ever want her to leave his sight again. He carried her into their quarters, laid her on the bed, and brushed a strand of hair out of her face.

  “I'll be back,” he stated lovingly.

  “Don’t go yet,” she begged, grabbing onto his wrist with both of her hands. “Please, just lay with me for a minute.”

  He laid on the bed next to her, pulling her close to him. He knew he needed to go and tell Henry what was going on, but he couldn’t stand to leave her while she was so frightened. It took maybe an hour of him rubbing his hands up and down her back to get her asleep. He kissed her cheek and carefully slid off the bed.

  He went down to the bar, still furious at the human male, but calmer than he was and more able to control himself than before. Instead of waiting for Henry, he just walked back behind the bar to the grill. He motioned for Curly to follow, who was sitting at the far end of the bar alone.

  “What’s going on, Captain?” Henry questioned.

; “I want that man off my ship,” Zor stated, still trying to remain calm. “He attacked Emily again and was about to rape her.”

  “Son of a bitch!” Henry was livid.

  “Well what do you have in mind for him, Captain?” Curly asked.

  “It’s too bad we are on an outpost. If we were anywhere in space, I’d throw him out into a black hole. I can’t stand to see him anymore, he went too far this time.”

  “What do you think we should do?” Henry asked.

  “I don’t care, but I want you two to help get him off my fucking ship before I do kill him,” Zor returned, growling at the thought of the worthless being. “Let’s go.”

  Henry called Talia over. “Last call now, and when you’re done, go check on Emily. Make sure she is still asleep, take a six pack in case she’s not.”

  “What’s going on?” she questioned.

  “It’s better that you don’t know,” Zor stated and walked out.


  The brig as they called it, which was where the holding cells were kept, was dark with poor lighting only good enough to see the people in the cells. Zor felt the rage trying to consume him again as he opened Jeremy’s cell. He kicked him way harder than he needed to wake him. “Get up, you worthless piece of shit.”

  Zor yanked him to his feet, tied his arms behind his back and started pushing him toward the cargo hatch. All four of the men walked to the cargo hold and jumped down off the ship. Jeremy had a laser gun to his back so he didn't dare argue, not even a whimper when he twisted his ankle as he landed on the asphalt of the port bay. Zor had thought they were just going to leave Jeremy on the outpost to fend for himself, but something else caught his eye.

  They walked straight over to where the black-market alien slave traders had set up their shop. The slave traders were well-known all throughout the galaxies, but were banned on most outposts. With all the chaos involving the Triad Galaxies, no one was paying much attention to the slave traders.


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