Scarred: A New Adult Romance (The Anderson Brothers Series Book 1)

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Scarred: A New Adult Romance (The Anderson Brothers Series Book 1) Page 12

by Long, Marie

“Yeah, I know how it goes. I probably won’t stay too long, anyway. I just want to spend some time with William.”

  “All right. Just … don’t do anything you might regret.”

  “I won’t. What about you? Are you going to the party, too? Bringing your girlfriend?”

  Has she thought all this time I had a girlfriend? “Are you talking about the girl from last night? That wasn’t my girlfriend. She’s my roommate’s girlfriend. All I did was set the two of them up. You know. Play cupid?”

  “Look, you don’t need to explain anything. I get it. What you do is your own business.”

  My teeth pinch my bottom lip. She sounds frustrated. I bet she’s angry, too. Maybe jealous. “I may or may not be there. We’ll see.”

  “Okay. Well, I should let you get back to work. Bye, Dominick, and thanks for listening.”

  I say softly, “Anytime, Denise. See you later.”

  I wait for her to hang up first, and the line goes dead. She’s gone.

  I shut off the phone and stare at the screen until it dims.

  Chapter 16

  Friday morning, I lie in bed, stare at the fan, and listen to the steady downpour outside. Tonight’s the party. And tonight, William may do something terrible.

  I’m still not certain if what I heard is true, but I’m not taking any chances.

  Date or not, I’m gonna go.

  * * *

  Later that day at work, while William goes off to talk on the phone in private again, I suddenly feel the urge to call Denise. It wouldn’t be too weird to check up on her, right? Searching my contacts, I find her number.

  She answers on the second ring.

  “Hey, Denise. I hope I’m not calling at a bad time.”

  “Oh, no. Just having lunch before I head out. What’s up?”

  What I wouldn’t give to try some of her cooking. “I just wanted to see how you were doing today, after the talk yesterday.”

  “I feel better. Thanks for listening.”

  “Never be afraid to talk to me, okay? I don’t care if I’m at work or sleeping or whatever. Call me whenever there’s something on your mind.”

  There’s a brief pause. “I will. Thank you, Dominick. That means a lot.”

  “You still going to the party tonight?”

  “Yeah, I promised William I would.”

  I sigh. “You know, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

  “Oh, but I do want to go. I really want things to work between us. It’s been so long. I’m hoping we can pick up where we left off.”

  My stomach clenches. “All right. By the way, I think I might be going to the party, too.”

  “You are? That’s great!” Her voice sounds a little too enthusiastic, and I wonder if she really is hoping to see me there. “So you have a date tonight, then? You know they won’t let you in the party without one.”

  I roll my tongue around in my cheek while I think. I’ll find a way in if I have to. “Yeah, I know,” I say, evading her first question. “So what time are you two going to be there?”

  “William’s picking me up around nine thirty or so. I guess we’ll be there sometime after that?”

  “Okay, I’ll see you then. You take care, okay?”

  “I will. Bye, Dominick.”

  The back of my throat tightens. I hate saying goodbye to her. “Bye, Denise.” I listen for the click on her end before I hang up, too. Sighing, I stare at her name and number on the screen until it dims.

  * * *

  At seven o’clock that night, I’m sprawled out on the living room couch eating a B.L.T. with the TV on, but rather than paying attention to the show, I’m figuring out a way to get into that party without a date. I bet the party will be awesome, but Denise is my biggest concern. If William or anyone else takes advantage of her, I swear I will kill them.

  I finish the sandwich and chug down a glass of milk.

  Chris’s door creaks open from down the hall, and I hear his tromping footsteps enter the living room. I don’t turn to acknowledge him.

  “All right, Dom. How’s this?”

  I shift my gaze to where he stands, dressed like a male model. I’ve never seen him go all out like this. With what has to be the twentieth combination he’s shown me since I got home, I reluctantly play along to keep my mind from slipping into dark places. “I dunno, man. How about long sleeve instead?”

  He looks dumbfounded and does an abrupt about-face. “Dude! Make up your mind. You said short sleeve would be better last time.”

  “Yeah, but that shirt had a pocket in the front. Made you look like a poindexter.”

  “Argh! Fine! I’ll find another damn shirt.” He marches back to his room.

  I’m sure my opinion won’t matter in the end, anyway. It never does. He’s just doing this to calm his nerves, but damn, is it annoying. “Why don’t you just pick something you like instead of consulting me?” I call. “Do I look like a fucking fashionista to you?”

  “Well, yeah? You always dress sharp when you go out. Besides, I got a hot chick to impress. And I’m not about to look like shit in front of all those Xi guys.”

  I roll my eyes.

  Shirtless, he comes out of his room, holding up a short-sleeved, dark green shirt. “How about this one?”

  I slam my fists down on the couch cushions. “Damn it! Quit asking me! Do whatever the hell you want!” I spring up. “Just please. Do me a favor. Don’t fuck up with Adrienne.”

  “What? Of course not! Why do you think I’m doing all this? I’m not even sleeping around any more. I mean, seriously, dude, everything about her is amazing.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him. Chris? Not sleeping around anymore? This has to be some sort of apocalypse. He’s never talked like this before. “That’s a bold statement, Chris. You really think you’ll be able to refrain from sleeping around?”

  He nods curtly and lays the shirt on the back of the couch. “I know I can. So far, I haven’t looked at another girl the same way I look at Adri. She’s got the whole package and more. Kinda like how you feel about Denise, you know?”

  His mention of Denise makes me tighten my jaw. “Denise is a different story,” I say, and leave it at that. “Anyway, this isn’t about me or Denise. This is about you.”

  “Ohhh no.” Shaking his head, Chris waggles a finger at me. “You and Denise have everything to do with this.”

  Grumbling, I push my way past him to the kitchen, and he tails me. I rummage in the fridge for more milk.

  “You haven’t said much about Denise,” Chris says, as I pour a glass. “Hell, I don’t even think I’ve seen her before. Does she even exist?”

  “Oh, she exists, all right,” I say, sticking the carton back inside the fridge. Chris slides his hand past me and grabs a beer before the door closes.

  “Okay, then. Show me her picture.” He pops open his beer and guzzles it.

  “Don’t have one.”

  Chris looks at me stupidly. “No picture? Dude, What the hell?”

  I finish the milk and set the glass in the sink with the rest of the dirty dishes. “You need to get on these dishes, Chris. It’s your turn.”

  “I’ll get to them when I—hey! Don’t change the subject.”

  I head for the stairs.

  “We’re not done with Denise!” Chris yells, following me. “So you don’t have a picture, but what does she look like?”

  I stop at the foot of the stairs and think about her. That smile, her trendy clothes, her ebony eyes, her braided hair. “Words can’t describe how beautiful she is, Chris.” Leaving it at that, I begin climbing the stairs. Chris keeps following me.


  I scowl. “I’m not telling you her measurements.”

  “Dude, come on! Not like I’m gonna go after her or something.”

  I say nothing and head toward my room.

  “Just tell me one thing, Dom,” Chris says.

  I stop at the doorway and spin around as he chugs down the last o
f his beer.

  He gives me a serious look. “Are you taking Denise to the party tonight?”

  My mouth twitches. He’s really pissing me off. “No, all right? No, I’m not taking her to the fucking party! Now enough with the damn interrogation, understand?”

  He shifts his weight, thumps his chest with his fist, and burps. “Capisce.”

  I slam the door in his face and lie on the sheets of the unmade bed. I don’t have a date for the party and consider calling Trinity, but I don’t want to use her like that. But she knows I’m into Denise, so maybe it could work.

  I dial her number, and she picks up on the second ring.

  “Hi, Dominick!” she answers in a bubbly tone.

  “How are you, Trinity?”

  “I’m good. Don’t you have a party to get to or something?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t have a date. I can’t get in without one.”

  “Oh.” Suddenly her bubbly tone dulls.

  “You wanna go with me?”

  There’s a brief pause. “No offense, Dominick, but there will be people there that I don’t particularly get along with, and I don’t want that to ruin everyone else’s night.”

  “You know, I don’t really wanna go, either, but Denise’ll be there, and I need to keep an eye on her and William. More so William.”

  “That’s sweet, in a creepy kind of way.” She sighs. “Since I can’t be there, I hope you can be Denise’s wingman instead. I bet you can find a way into the party without a date. In fact, I know you can.”

  I purse my lips. Now I have to go no matter what. “All right. I’ll talk to you later, Trinity.”


  That tone. It’s similar to Denise’s cry for help. “Yeah?”

  “Take care of Denise, okay? Please?”

  What does she mean by that? As I’m about to ask, I’m met with a click on the other end.

  Maybe she’s counting on me to make things right. I stare at the phone screen. I’ll make it work somehow. I run my finger through the contacts and dial Kevin’s number. Five rings. Straight to voicemail. Grumbling, I hang up and text him:

  Call me ASAP

  I call Shane next.

  “Hey, Genius!” His voice is always excited and happy—always in a partying mood.

  “Hey, Shane. Are you still gonna be manning the door at tonight’s party?”

  “Sure am. Why?”

  “Good. ’Cause I need a favor. I need you to let me in.”

  He laughs. “That’s not really a favor, bro. You’re invited to the party. Just come with your girl, and—”

  “I’m coming alone.”

  There’s a brief moment of silence. “What?”

  “Long story short, my ‘date’ is going with someone else, and I need to be there tonight to make sure nothing stupid happens.”

  “I thought you said you had a date?”

  “I said it was complicated.”

  “Sorry, man, I can’t let you in without a date. It’s the number one rule of this party.”

  “Shane, I wouldn’t be calling you like this, asking a favor like this, if it wasn’t important. Please do this for me.”

  He grumbles. “You know you’re gonna get me in serious trouble, right? Probably kicked out of the frat?”

  “I’ll take the heat for you. Please do this for me, bro.”

  He heaves a huge sigh. “Fine. What time are you coming?”

  “Around nine forty-five or so. If you see William there, then I won’t be too far behind.”


  I shake my head. “Don’t ask. You’re doing this for me, right?”

  “Yeah, sure,” he says, a little less enthused. “See you around nine forty-five.”

  I hang up and exhale. Sometimes it’s great to have friends in high places.

  Kevin’s ringtone suddenly goes off, and I hastily answer it. “Kev, I need a favor,” I say, foregoing the greetings.

  “Well, hello to you, too, Dom,” Kevin says, sounding annoyed.

  I exhale and gather my thoughts. “I’m going to a party, and I need to keep an eye on Denise, but—”

  “What’s going on?” he says in a low, serious tone.

  “To put it simply: frat party, drugs, and virgin.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “I can’t let whatever stupid shit William intends to do with Denise happen.”


  “Can you take me to the party tonight? I don’t know what’s gonna happen, and I probably shouldn’t be taking my bike.”

  “Naw, don’t ride. I’ll come and get you. I’ll call one of my buddies to fill in for me at the club tonight.”

  I smile. I can always count on Kevin for anything. “Thanks, bro, you’re the best.”

  “I know.” I can imagine him smirking at that.

  Chapter 17

  Kevin honks his horn around nine thirty and I rush out the door, all dressed to impress. I hop in the passenger’s side of Kevin’s car, and he and I exchange our secret handshake.

  Kevin looks me up and down and then raises his eyebrows. “Damn! Looking good, li’l bro.”

  “Thanks,” I say, though my mind is still too scattered to really appreciate his compliment.

  Kevin puts the car in gear. “So where we goin’?”

  “Windermere, east of campus. Just drive.”

  Kevin pulls out of the complex. We ride along in silence, and I stare out the window at the passing streetlights as we head toward the 513 overpass.

  Crossing the Montlake Cut, Kevin asks, “So what do you intend to do, anyway?”

  I look to my brother. “About what?”

  “About the situation.” Kevin keeps his eyes on the road.

  “I’m gonna watch him. And her. But mainly him.”

  “And what if shit goes down?”

  “Then I kick his ass.”

  “In front of everyone? That I gotta see.”

  “They’re not gonna let you in without a date,” I say flatly. “I was barely able to get one of my club brothers to help me out.”

  “So you’re saying they’ll turn even DJ Kevitron away?”

  I raise an eyebrow. Was he really going to intentionally show himself like that? “Uh, I dunno. They might. Even if they don’t, it’ll be pretty boring there without a date. I mean, c’mon, it’s a frat party.”

  “I don’t care about the party, man. I’m worried about you.”

  My lips tug into a smile. “I’ll be fine, Kev.” I point ahead. “Turn right on 58th.”

  We weave around the winding residential street of the upscale neighborhood toward a dead-end street, where a bunch of cars are parked. I notice William’s car in front of a blue one that looks just as decked out as his. The only house at the end of the street is lit up like a Christmas tree with multicolored lights and paper lanterns extending from the front door down the length of the walkway. Music thrums from the direction of the house, but it’s not loud enough for neighbors to be calling the cops. Groups of college kids are hanging out around the yard. Kevin manages to squeeze into a spot along the curb, not far from Adrienne’s car, which is parked three cars ahead.

  As we get out, Kevin tips down his sunglasses at a group of girls standing near the walkway, talking. “Holy shit, Dom. You did not tell me there would be some beautiful honeys here.”

  I roll my eyes. “What do you expect at a frat party? Anyway, I thought you were done with relationships?”

  “Who said anything about relationships? I’m simply enjoying the view.”

  “Okay, well, you do that while I take care of business inside. I’ll call or text if I need you.”

  “Mmhmm.” He seems too fixed on the group of curves to listen to anything I have to say, so I leave him.

  I brush past the girls, not even stopping to acknowledge them. Arriving at the doorstep, I tilt my head to Shane, who stands with his arms folded over his chest like a bouncer.

  “’Sup,” I say.

e returns the nod, glances over his shoulder, and then glares back at me. “You owe me big time for this, Genius,” he whispers.

  “Only if I get you in trouble.”

  “They’re gonna find out.”

  “Not if you keep your fucking mouth shut. Now, are William and Denise here?”

  Frowning, he thumbs behind him. “They got here about five minutes ago.” He steps to the side to let me though. “You better know what you’re doing.”

  “Don’t worry, I do.” I pat his shoulder as I walk past. “Thanks, by the way.”

  People are everywhere, drinking, smoking, dancing, socializing. Techno music blares from unseen speakers, and the floors and walls vibrate to the thump of the bass. Christmas lights and paper lanterns strung about the walls and ceiling keep the room dim, colorful, and inviting. Weaving my way through the living room, I notice all the furniture has been shoved against the walls, leaving a wide enough space in the center for people to dance. Couples laze around on the sofas and chairs, either making out, or looking pretty damn close to doing so. I try to act casual and not make eye contact with anyone. But my focus is on Denise and William, who are mingling in the crowded kitchen and bar area, where the drinks flow.

  They stand among a growing crowd, waiting for their drinks to be prepared by the two Xi guys manning the bar.

  “What’s happenin’, Nick?” William says to one of the guys, and they do a special handshake.

  Nick. The guy who called William yesterday.

  William asks for a margarita and a Long Island iced tea. As Nick prepares the drinks, William turns to Denise and kisses her intimately on the lips. William blocks my line of sight to Nick, and I crane my neck, but a group of people push past me and crowd the bar. Breaking the kiss, William turns and grabs the prepared drinks. I stare at Denise’s drink as William hands it to her, making sure he doesn’t discreetly drop something in it. Keeping my head lowered, I blend in with the crowd and make my way to the bar just as they leave. Denise and William wander out to the back patio, where they mingle with more people, some of them frat guys. William gets into some intense conversations with them and shows off Denise.

  Standing at the patio doorway, I continue observing as I down my rum ’n Coke.


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