Living Dead in Dallas ss(v-2

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Living Dead in Dallas ss(v-2 Page 16

by Шарлин Харрис

  "The werewolf thought you were cute," I said, and sobbed some more. We stepped out of the elevator.

  "The werewolf? Sookie, you have had adventures tonight." He gathered me up like an armful of clothes and held me to him. I got his lovely suit jacket wet and snotty, and his pristine white shirt was spotless no more.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I held back and looked at his ensemble. I swabbed it with the scarf.

  "Don't cry again," he said hastily. "Just don't start crying again, and I won't mind taking this to the cleaners. I won't even mind getting a whole new suit."

  I thought it was pretty amusing that Eric, the dread master vampire, was afraid of weeping women. I sniggered through the residual sobs.

  "Something funny?" he asked.

  I shook my head.

  I slid my key in the door and we went in. "I'll help you into the tub if you like, Sookie," Eric offered.

  "Oh, I don't think so." A bath was what I wanted more than anything else in the world, that and to never put on these clothes again, but I sure wasn't taking a bath with Eric anywhere around.

  "I'll bet you are a treat, naked," Eric said, just to boost my spirits.

  "You know it. I'm just as tasty as a big éclair," I said, and carefully settled into a chair. "Though at the moment I feel more like boudain." Boudain is Cajun sausage, made of all kinds of things, none of them elegant. Eric pushed over a straight chair and lifted my leg to elevate the knee. I resettled the ice pack on it and closed my eyes. Eric called down to the desk for some tweezers, a bowl, and some antiseptic ointment, plus a rolling chair. The items arrived within ten minutes. This staff was good.

  There was a small desk by one wall. Eric moved it over to the right side of my chair, lifted my arm, and laid it over the top of the desk. He switched on the lamp. After swabbing off my arm with a wet washcloth, Eric began removing the lumps. They were tiny pieces of glass from Luna's Outback's window. "If you were an ordinary girl, I could glamour you and you wouldn't feel this," he commented. "Be brave." It hurt like a bitch, and tears streamed down my face the whole time he worked. I worked hard keeping silent.

  At last, I heard another key in the door, and I opened my eyes. Bill glanced at my face, winced, and then examined what Eric was doing. He nodded approvingly to Eric.

  "How did this happen?" he asked, laying the lightest of touches on my face. He pulled the remaining chair closer and sat in it. Eric continued with his work.

  I began to explain. I was so tired my voice faltered from time to time. When I got to the part about Gabe, I didn't have enough wits to tone the episode down, and I could see Bill was holding on to his temper with iron control. He gently lifted my blouse to peer at the ripped bra and the bruises on my chest, even with Eric there. (He looked, of course.)

  "What happened to this Gabe?" Bill asked, very quietly.

  "Well, he's dead," I said. "Godfrey killed him."

  "You saw Godfrey?" Eric leaned forward. He hadn't said a thing up till this point. He'd finished doctoring my arm. He'd put antibiotic ointment all over it as if he were protecting a baby from diaper rash.

  "You were right, Bill. He was the one who kidnapped Farrell, though I didn't get any details. And Godfrey stopped Gabe from raping me. Though I got to say, I had gotten in a few good licks myself."

  "Don't brag," said Bill with a small smile. "So, the man is dead." But he didn't seem satisfied.

  "Godfrey was very good in stopping Gabe and helping me get out. Specially since he just wanted to think about meeting the dawn. Where is he?"

  "He ran into the night during our attack on the Fellowship," Bill explained. "None of us could catch him."

  "What happened at the Fellowship?"

  "I'll tell you, Sookie. But let's say good night to Eric, and I will tell you while I bathe you."

  "Okay," I agreed. "Good night, Eric. Thanks for the first aid."

  "I think those are the main points," Bill said to Eric. "If there is more, I'll come to your room later."

  "Good." Eric looked at me, his eyes half open. He'd had a lick or two at my bloody arm while he doctored it and the taste seemed to have intoxicated him. "Rest well, Sookie."

  "Oh," I said, my eyes opening all the way suddenly. "You know, we owe the shapeshifters."

  Both the vampires stared at me. "Well, maybe not you guys, but I sure do."

  "Oh, they'll put in a claim," Eric predicted. "Those shapeshifters never perform any service for free. Good night, Sookie. I am glad you weren't raped and killed." He gave his sudden flashing grin, and looked a lot more like himself.

  "Gee, thanks a lot," I said, my eyes closing again. "Night."

  When the door had closed behind Eric, Bill gathered me up out of the chair and took me in the bathroom. It was about as big as most hotel bathrooms, but the tub was adequate. Bill ran it full of hot water and very carefully took off my clothes.

  "Just toss 'em, Bill," I said.

  "Maybe I will, at that." He was eyeing the bruises again, his lips pressed together in a straight line.

  "Some of these are from the fall on the stairs, and some are from the car accident," I explained.

  "If Gabe wasn't dead I would find him and kill him," Bill said, mostly to himself. "I would take my time." He lifted me as easily as if I were a baby and put me in the bath, and began washing me with a cloth and a bar of soap.

  "My hair is so nasty."

  "Yes, it is, but we may have to take care of your hair in the morning. You need sleep."

  Beginning with my face, Bill gently scrubbed me all the way down. The water became discolored with dirt and old blood. He checked my arm thoroughly, to make sure Eric had gotten all the glass. Then he emptied the tub and refilled it, while I shivered. This time, I got clean. After I moaned about my hair a second time, he gave in. He wet my head and shampooed my hair, rinsing it laboriously. There is nothing more wonderful than feeling head-to-toe clean after you've been filthy, having a comfortable bed with clean sheets, being able to sleep in it in safety.

  "Tell me about what happened at the Fellowship," I said as he carried me to the bed. "Keep me company."

  Bill inserted me under the sheet and crawled in the other side. He slid his arm under my head and scooted close. I carefully touched my forehead to his chest and rubbed it.

  "By the time we got there, it was like a disrupted anthill," he said. "The parking lot was full of cars and people, and more kept arriving for the—all-night sleep-over?"

  "Lock-in," I murmured, carefully turning on my right side to burrow against him.

  "There was a certain amount of turmoil when we arrived. Almost all of them piled into their cars and left as fast as traffic would allow. Their leader, Newlin, tried to deny us entrance to the Fellowship hall—surely that was a church at one time?—and he told us we would burst into flames if we entered, because we were the damned." Bill snorted. "Stan picked him up and set him aside. And into the church we went, Newlin and his woman trailing right behind us. Not a one of us burst into flames, which seemed to shake up the people a great deal."

  "I'll bet," I mumbled into his chest.

  "Barry told us that when he communicated with you, he had the sense you were 'down'—below ground level. He thought he picked up the word 'stairs' from you. There were six of us—Stan, Joseph Velasquez, Isabel, and others—and it took us perhaps six minutes to eliminate all the possibilities and find the stairs."

  "What did you do about the door?" It had had stout locks, I remembered.

  "We ripped it from its hinges."

  "Oh." Well, that would provide quick access, sure enough.

  "I thought you were still down there, of course. When I found the room with the dead man, who had his pants open …" He paused a long moment. "I was sure you had been there. I could smell you in the air still. There was a smear of blood on him, your blood, and I found other traces of it around. I was very worried."

  I patted him. I felt too tired and weak to pat very vigorously, but it was the only consolation I had to off
er at the moment.

  "Sookie," he said very carefully, "is there anything more you want to tell me?"

  I was too sleepy to figure this one through. "No," I said and yawned. "I think I pretty much covered my adventures earlier."

  "I thought maybe since Eric was in the room earlier, you wouldn't want to say everything?"

  I finally heard the other shoe drop. I kissed his chest, over his heart. "Godfrey really was in time."

  There was a long silence. I looked up to see Bill's face set so rigidly that he looked like a statue. His dark eyelashes stood out against his pallor with amazing clarity. His dark eyes seemed bottomless. "Tell me the rest," I said.

  "Then we went farther into the bomb shelter and found the larger room, along with an extended area full of supplies—food and guns—where it was obvious another vampire had been staying."

  I hadn't seen that part of the bomb shelter, and I certainly had no plans to revisit it to view what I'd missed.

  "In the second cell we found Farrell and Hugo."

  "Was Hugo alive?"

  "Just barely." Bill kissed my forehead. "Luckily for Hugo, Farrell likes his sex with younger men."

  "Maybe that was why Godfrey chose Farrell to abduct, when he decided to make an example of another sinner."

  Bill nodded. "That is what Farrell said. But he had been without sex and blood for a long time, and he was hungry in every sense. Without the silver manacles, Hugo would have … had a bad time. Even with silver on his wrists and ankles, Farrell was able to feed from Hugo."

  "Did you know that Hugo was the traitor?"

  "Farrell heard your conversation with him."

  "How—oh, right, vampire hearing. Stupid me."

  "Farrell would also like to know what you did to Gabe to make him scream."

  "Clapped him over the ears." I cupped one hand to show him.

  "Farrell was delighted. This Gabe was one of those men who enjoys power over others. He subjected Farrell to many indignities."

  "Farrell's just lucky he's not a woman," I said. "Where is Hugo now?"

  "He is somewhere safe."

  "Safe for who?"

  "Safe for vampires. Away from the media. They would enjoy Hugo's story all too much."

  "What are they gonna do with him?"

  "That's for Stan to decide."

  "Remember the deal we had with Stan? If humans are found guilty by evidence of mine, they don't get killed."

  Bill obviously didn't want to debate me on this now. His face shut down. "Sookie, you have to go to sleep now. We'll talk about it when you get up."

  "But by then he may be dead."

  "Why should you care?"

  "Because that was the deal! I know Hugo is a shit, and I hate him, too, but I feel sorry for him; and I don't think I can be implicated in his death and live with a clear conscience."

  "Sookie, he will still be alive when you get up. We'll talk about it then."

  I felt sleep pulling me under like the undertow of the surf. It was hard to believe it was only two o'clock in the morning.

  "Thanks for coming after me."

  Bill said, after a pause, "First you weren't at the Fellowship, just traces of your blood and dead rapist. When I found you weren't at the hospital, that you had been spirited out of there somehow …"


  "I was very, very scared. No one had any idea where you were. In fact, while I stood there talking to the nurse who admitted you, your name went off the computer screen."

  I was impressed. Those shapeshifters were organized to an amazing degree. "Maybe I should send Luna some flowers," I said, hardly able to get the words out of my mouth.

  Bill kissed me, a very satisfying kiss, and that was the last thing I remembered.

  Chapter 7

  I turned over laboriously and peered at the illuminated clock on the bedside table. It was not yet dawn, but dawn would come soon. Bill was in his coffin already: the lid was closed. Why was I awake? I thought it over.

  There was something I had to do. Part of me stood back in amazement at my own stupidity as I pulled on some shorts and a T-shirt and slid my feet into sandals. I looked even worse in the mirror, to which I gave only a sideways glance. I stood with my back to it to brush my hair. To my astonishment and pleasure, my purse was sitting on the table in the sitting room. Someone had retrieved it from the Fellowship headquarters the night before. I stuck my plastic key in it and made my way painfully down the silent halls.

  Barry was not on duty anymore, and his replacement was too well trained to ask me what the hell I was doing going around looking like something a train had dragged in. He got me a cab and I told the driver where I needed to go. The driver looked at me in the rearview mirror. "Wouldn't you rather go to a hospital?" he suggested uneasily.

  "No. I've already been." That hardly seemed to reassure him.

  "Those vampires treat you so bad, why do you hang around them?"

  "People did this to me," I said. "Not vampires."

  We drove off. Traffic was light, it being nearly dawn on a Sunday morning. It only took fifteen minutes to get to the same place I'd been the night before, the Fellowship parking lot.

  "Can you wait for me?" I asked the driver. He was a man in his sixties, grizzled and missing a front tooth. He wore a plaid shirt with snaps instead of buttons.

  "I reckon I can do that," he said. He pulled a Louis L'Amour western out from under his seat and switched on a dome light to read.

  Under the glare of the sodium lights, the parking lot showed no visible traces of the events of the night before. There were only a couple of vehicles remaining, and I figured they'd been abandoned the night before. One of these cars was probably Gabe's. I wondered if Gabe had had a family; I hoped not. For one thing, he was such a sadist he must have made their lives miserable, and for another, for the rest of their lives they'd have to wonder how and why he'd died. What would Steve and Sarah Newlin do now? Would there be enough members left of their Fellowship to carry on? Presumably the guns and provisions were still in the church. Maybe they'd been stockpiling against the apocalypse.

  Out of the dark shadows next to the church a figure emerged. Godfrey. He was still bare-chested, and he still looked like a fresh-faced sixteen. Only the alien character of the tattoos and his eyes gave the lie to his body.

  "I came to watch," I said, when he was close to me, though maybe "bear witness" would have been more accurate.


  "I owe it to you."

  "I am an evil creature."

  "Yes, you are." There just wasn't any getting around that. "But you did a good thing, saving me from Gabe."

  "By killing one more man? My conscience hardly knew the difference. There have been so many. At least I spared you some humiliation."

  His voice grabbed at my heart. The growing light in the sky was still so faint that the parking lot security lights remained on, and by their glow I examined the young, young face.

  All of a sudden, absurdly, I began to cry.

  "That's nice," Godfrey said. His voice was already remote. "Someone to cry for me at the end. I had hardly expected that." He stepped back to a safe distance.

  And then the sun rose.


  When I got back in the cab, the driver stowed away his book.

  "They have a fire going over there?" he asked. "I thought I saw some smoke. I almost came to see what was happening."

  "It's out now," I said.


  I mopped at my face for a mile or so, and then I stared out the window as the stretches of city emerged from the night.

  Back at the hotel, I let myself into our room again. I pulled off my shorts, lay down on the bed, and just as I was preparing myself for a long period of wakefulness, I fell deep asleep.

  Bill woke me up at sundown, in his favorite way. My T-shirt was pushed up, and his dark hair brushed my chest. It was like waking up halfway down the road, so to speak; his mouth was sucking so tenderly on half of what he
told me was the most beautiful pair of breasts in the world. He was very careful of his fangs, which were fully down. That was only one of the evidences of his arousal. "Do you feel up to doing this, enjoying it, if I am very, very careful?" he whispered against my ear.

  "If you treat me like I was made of glass," I murmured, knowing that he could.

  "But that doesn't feel like glass," he said, his hand moving gently. "That feels warm. And wet."

  I gasped.

  "That much? Am I hurting you?" His hand moved more forcefully.

  "Bill" was all I could say. I put my lips on his, and his tongue began a familiar rhythm.

  "Lie on your side," he whispered. "I will take care of everything."

  And he did.

  "Why were you partly dressed?" he asked, later. He'd gotten up to get a bottle of blood from the refrigerator in the room, and he'd warmed it in the microwave. He hadn't taken any of my blood, in consideration of my weakened state.

  "I went to see Godfrey die."

  His eyes glowed down at me. "What?"

  "Godfrey met the dawn." The phrase I had once considered embarrassingly melodramatic flowed quite naturally from my mouth.

  There was a long silence.

  "How did you know he would? How did you know where?"

  I shrugged as much as you can while you're lying in a bed. "I just figured he'd stick with his original plan. He seemed pretty set on it. And he'd saved my life. It was the least I could do."

  "Did he show courage?"

  I met Bill's eyes. "He died very bravely. He was eager to go."

  I had no idea what Bill was thinking. "We have to go see Stan," he said. "We'll tell him."

  "Why do we have to go see Stan again?" If I hadn't been such a mature woman, I would've pouted. As it was, Bill gave me one of those looks.

  "You have to tell him your part, so he can be convinced we've performed our service. Also, there's the matter of Hugo."

  That was enough to make me gloomy. I was so sore the idea of any more clothes than necessary touching my skin made me feel ill, so I pulled on a long sleeveless taupe dress made out of a soft knit and slid my feet carefully into sandals, and that was my outfit. Bill brushed my hair and put in my earrings for me, since raising my arms was uncomfortable, and he decided I needed a gold chain. I looked like I was going to a party at the outpatient ward for battered women. Bill called down for a rental car to be brought around. When the car had arrived in the underground garage, I had no idea. I didn't even know who had arranged for it. Bill drove. I didn't look out the window anymore. I was sick of Dallas.


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