Life Altering Beautiful

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Life Altering Beautiful Page 7

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  Ladies I just need to run in real quick and talk with Jason for a minute, I’ll be right back. “Oh hell no, I’m not sitting here when I know there is plenty of eye candy for me to partake inside” Tammy says with a dramatic flair to her voice. I can’t help but realize my sister is on the fast track to becoming a slut, and that’s something I’m going to have to talk to her about. “Seriously Tam, can’t you just wait here” as I close the door. Tammy is already out and walking to the door before I can blink, that girl is going to drive me nuts this weekend. “I can just wait here” a small voice comes from the truck. Opening the door again I motion for Seven to join me “come on, I’ll introduce you to the guys before Tammy swallows them whole.” She looks nervous as she slides across the bench to the door, gently I hold out my hand to help her down. Something about her screams she should be treated like a lady, and it’s exactly what I’m going to work on. Seven carefully places her hand in mine and drops out of the truck. She doesn’t pull away and I don’t drop her hand, a comfortable existence between us as I use my free hand to shut Ol’ Red. I can’t help but stare down at her little frame and its then when she glances up at me and smiles. Everything about this moment seems right; Seven looking up at me, us holding hands, it’s like the planets aligned and the world is calm.

  Giving her hand a gentle squeeze we walk over to the gym door, nothing is going to break this connection I am feeling for her now.

  I pull Seven over to where the cage is located in the gym, betting it’s where I will find Jason.I can tell she is nervous about this place, I guess I never really thought that it could be intimidating in here. A bunch of hot smelly dudes beating the crap out of each other could be scary if you’re not the top dog at the gym, I think to myself with a cocky grin. “Wipe that shit eating grin off your face Hastings, you got what I need” Jason asks as he walks over to meet us at the cage door.

  Something in my brain kicks in as I pull Seven behind me a little; I don’t want her out in the open with these horn dogs, not to mention the business deal I have going on with Jason. “Holy shit in an outhouse, does Stone have a women attached to him that doesn’t look like she walked off the pages of maximum” Jason says as he tries to peek around my body and check out Seven. Instantly my body tenses; I really don’t want to knock this fucker out, but if he continues to look at Seven like a piece of meat my hand and his face are going to meet in not a nice way.

  “Hey douche rocket, I’m pretty sure she is hot enough for maximum. Might want to think about your words before they come out of your nasty mouth next time” yells Tammy from over by the counter she is currently sitting on. I can feel my teeth start to grind as Jason throws his hands up in the air surrendering. “My bad bro, I didn’t mean it like that. I just always see you with skanks and this one seems to have some class” he offers apologetically. I glance back at Seven whose green eyes have never looked bigger; I give her a meek smile and squeeze her hand again for a little reassurance.

  Giving Jason the silent fuck with her and your dead look, I turn to introduce Seven. “Seven, this rather rude and highly uneducated asshole is my trainer Jason, Jason this is my sisters roommate Seven.” Seven removes her hand instantly from mine when I mention roommate, fuck this isn’t what I wanted to happen. “I really didn’t mean anything by that comment Seven, forgive me please” as Jason extends his hand towards her. She smiles and gives him her small delicate hand, I can see the look on his face, and it’s not one that I like.

  “Ah a roommate well then that explains why you are hanging around this over grown loser” Jason says still holding her hand. Seven calmly detaches herself from his clutches “He might be a loser, but at least he thinks before he speaks” she says while walking down the steps of the cage smiling. I’m pretty sure I just popped a boner, where did this confident girl come from and how do I get more of that? I can’t help but laugh at the look on Jason’s face, pretty sure he just took a verbal ass kicking to his enlarged ego. Glancing over my shoulder I watch Seven walk over to where Tammy is entertaining some boys, I’m one hundred percent sure that is the women I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.


  I’m pretty sure I’m a definite badass walking away from Stone and Jason. The old me couldn’t resist throwing a little jab in there at Jason, smug little bastard knows nothing about me. “Well hello roomie, let me introduce you to Matt and Ayden” Tammy says while patting the counter next to her. I carefully pull myself up to sit with her while still keeping my eyes on Stone in the ring. “Gentleman this is Seven, my I don’t realize I’m gorgeous and ridiculously nice roommate.” I flash the boys a sweet smile, I can’t help but be in a good mood after my kickass interaction with Jason.

  “Matt was just telling me about the fight he is in next Friday night, I’m sure Seven would love to come watch it” Tammy says while wiggling her eyebrows at me. I can’t help but let out a small laugh, my roommate is absolutely boy crazy, and will stop at nothing to get a little attention even if it means pimping me out to the friend. “I would love to watch you fight Matt, seems so primal and barbaric.”

  Matt’s lips turn upwards in a smile, and I catch Ayden wiping the drool off his face from staring at Tammy. That poor boy doesn’t even realize that she will eat him up like a seal on shark week. “Can I get your number so I can text you this week with the details” Matt asks while digging for a piece of paper beneath the counter. Shit, I really didn’t think I was going to have to give him my actual number. It’s been so long since a man has really showed interest in me, how do I tell him my hearts broken into a million little pieces and what is left is already infatuated with someone else?

  I’m sure my eyes are a dead giveaway; Anderson always said he could tell exactly what I was feeling by looking into my eyes. I’ve gotten so good at hiding my emotions since prom night, but the eyes issue was one thing I’ve still got to master. Tammy sensing my insecurities quickly pulls out her phone “Here give me your digits, little red over here still has yet to get a local number. I’ll text ya and then maybe we can meet up on Friday” she says without batting an eyelash. I slowly release the breath I was holding as Matt takes the bait, I’ve got to remind myself to kiss Tammy’s ass today. Glancing back over at Stone I notice the conversation with Jason looking a little hostile, all the muscles in his arms seem to be clenched, giving him amazing definition along those tattooed arms. I can’t help but chew on my lip, wondering if I should go over there and try to defuse the situation, but then again who the hell am I to get in-between those two. I had no clue what they are talking about let alone the fact that all five foot nothing of me couldn’t step between those two gigantic towers of men.

  I watch Stone throw his hands in the air and walk away from Jason, if steam was coming out of his ears I’m betting the fire alarms would have gone off by now. “Matt Ayden, get the fuck away from Seven and my sister” Stone barks like a rabid dog. “Ah boys, don’t let my dickhead of a brother scare you, he is more bark than bite” Tammy says with an evil smile. “I’ve had my ass handed to me several times by your brother” Ayden mentions as he takes a step back from Tammy. I quickly clamber off the counter and follow Stone out the door. I’m like a lost little puppy dog wanting him to notice me, however seeing that his head might explode I’d rather keep a few steps back. Stone almost rips the door off his truck then looks over at me. It hurts to see the pain in his eyes; like there is a secret he wants to tell someone. I know that feeling all too well, but I also know what it takes to face that skeleton. Something that I myself am not ready to deal with let alone share, and I’m betting he is in the same exact boat with me. Let us just continue to float down the river of denial together, row row row your boat.

  Stone offers me a small smile and a head nod to climb in. I can’t help but return the gesture, this man has a way to my heart, now I’ve just got to find a way into his.

  The hour drive to their parent’s ranch is really pretty, nothing but fields for miles and miles. There is a calmin
g sense about being out in the middle of nowhere, almost like a patch for broken soul. Besides Tammy replaying the entire conversation she had with the two muscle dudes in the gym, I actually was enjoying the drive. I can tell Stone is getting irritated with Tammy, so I reach over and turn up the radio. Eric Church’s warm voice blares out the speakers, instantly causing the tension between the brother sister combo to fade into the soft melody. Tammy is quietly staring out the window and Stone keeps his eyes trained forward on the road, how the easy factor of music seems to calm both of them. I work on pulling my hair out of the ponytail I had been sporting and let it fly around with the wind. Glancing over at Stone I can see a small smile on his beautiful face; I would kill to know what he is thinking, what was making that man grin.

  Riding in the bitch seat is starting to take its effect on my knees, so slipping my feet out of the flip-flops I gently place them on the dashboard, wiggling my toes in the sunlight. Tammy whips her head from looking out the window to gawking at my feet. “What” I ask her. Looking over at Stone still paying no attention to us in the cab, Tammy just shakes her head. “It’s apparently nothing, I guess not for you anyways. Actually you have tamed the beast” she mutters and leans her head back while closing her eyes. Beast? What in the world is she talking about? Realizing my roommate is good at talking in code and apparently I suck at deciphering, I decide to close my eyes and let the sunshine and heat just take me away.

  The sound of gravel brings me back from my heat induced mini coma and I open my eyes tothe most beautiful sight in the world. A large white farm house sits down at the end of the road with a wraparound porch; behind it is a picture perfect red barn complete with white trim. It’s like a movie set, everything perfect and exactly how you would envision a farm to be. My eyes dart around to take it all in; the fencing, cows out in the pastures, gigantic trees in the front yard, shit all there needs to be is a dog running in the yard. “You like” comes Stones voice. I can’t help but wipe the Cheshire cat grin off my face, this place is perfect.

  “You grew up here?”

  “Yeah, it’s been in my family for ages. My grandparents started raising Angus back in the fifties and my dad took it over about twenty or so years ago.” I noticed the sparkle in his eyes as he spoke about the place, I’m betting there is some amazing memories here.

  Tammy finally wakes up when the truck comes to a stop, stretching her arms she flings open the door and climbs out. “Hey be nice to my baby or your ass is walking home tomorrow” Stone glares. “Right, cause daddy would make me walk” she throws over her shoulder as she heads up to the house. “I know my truck is special and all, but you really should come inside and meet the old man.” I didn’t realize I was still lost in this place till Stone’s voice brought me back. “Sorry, I don’t know where I was” I say sheepishly.

  Stone extends his hand again for me to take, and I just can’t resist another excuse to touch this man. Gliding out of the truck he starts to pull me to the front door, still holding tight to my hand. I can feel the heat between us and its mesmerizing. Watching his ass in front of me I almost trip over my own two feet when I hear a loud slam and look up. “Sorry” I hear Tammy yell from inside the house, “She is going to get an ass chewing for that one” Stone chuckles. He drops my hand to hold open the door and instantly my body temperature plummets, the things that man does to me ugh.

  “Hey old man” Stone calls out while walking through the living room. This place is so charming, it’s like little house on the prairie style mixed with a manly flare. I shake my head at the large TV mounted on the opposite wall, it goes so well with the floral couches and chairs. Their mom must be a saint to deal with a man’s decorating, because the TV and the deer heads on the wall are not exactly delightful. “We’re in here you lazy bum” comes a man’s voice from the other side of the wall. The voice is low and gruff, but surprisingly comforting as it reminds me of Stones. I follow Stone into the kitchen and see a large tall man standing at the sink washing his hands, he is basically a carbon copy of Stone just an older version. “Daddy this is my roommate Seven, Seven this is the best man in the whole wide world Steve Hastings” Tammy says while plopping herself in a kitchen chair.

  Steven’s eyes meet mine and I can instantly see into this man’s soul. His eyes are crystal clear and hold no secrets, someone who is completely comfortable with the man he has become. He quickly dries off his hands and walks around the island to embrace me in a hug. My body tenses as contact wasn’t something my family shared very often, hell they never hugged me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Seven, glad to have you home with us this weekend” he says while releasing me. “Uh, it’s nice to meet you too sir” I manage to stutter. “It’s either Dad or Steven, take your pick but sir won’t work in this house” he says with a smirk. Glancing over at Stone bracing himself in the doorway he has the exact same look as his father, now I definitely know where he gets it from. I manage to get a smile out to his dad before Tammy is grabbing my hand and pulling me down a hallway. “Nice to meet you Steven, and thank you for letting me stay tonight” I manage to say before Tammy pulls me into a room and slams the door.

  “What in the hell is going on with you and my brother” Tammy questions. Glancing around the room I can instantly tell it’s hers. There are pictures, posters, cheerleading stuff, and pink frilly things all over this place. Almost like a Barbie explosion, wait that’s a perfect nickname for her! I giggle to myself and sit down on the fluffy pink bed. “Why are you laughing? This is no laughing matter, my brother is a walking cesspool of diseases” she says dramatically. Picking up a furry zebra print pillow I toss it at her head, “There is nothing going on with your brother, gosh we are friends and that’s it.”

  “Right, cause friends gaze at each other like they want to rip the other’s clothes off and do the naughty right then and there. Not to mention you guys have been holding hands a lot today, kind of creepy if you ask me” as she catches the pillow and launches it back at me. “Friends Tammy, just friends” as I lay back on the bed. “Well good, cause we are going to a bonfire tonight! Complete with real cowboys and a keg, basically any single girl’s wet dream” she giggles and walks over to her closet.

  I wonder if her brother is going to come with tonight as I glance over at a picture on her nightstand, it is of Tammy, Stone, and their parents. Gosh could this family get any more perfect?

  Chapter 6


  Being home is just what I needed after the long week of classes. My senior year was really turning out to be decent considering I put a couple of the harder classes off till now. But in a few short months I would walk away with my degree in business management and be able to buy the gym from Jason. “So what’s with Tammy’s roommate and you, sweet spot eh” my dad says while beckoning me out the back door. “Na dad, it’s nothing like that. She’s just so small and you know college can eat you alive if you’re not careful” I mention while following my dad out to the barn. “Don’t think I don’t notice things son. That’s the exactly the way I looked at your ma, and we were married for 26 amazing years.”

  Throwing a couple sacks of feed on the gator, I sigh at my dad. “It’s nothing, leave it at that old man” as dad tosses the keys at me. Catching them I slide into the driver’s seat, “You know I can tell when you lie boy, it’s written all over your face” he says with a twisted grin.

  Driving out of the barn I head to the side pasture, it’s the furthest from the ranch and farthest away from where my father was going to be feeding. Ripping open the feed bags I begin to drive a path to drop the grain, watching as the big black balls of scruff come running. Once the feed sacks were empty I turned off the engine and sat out there staring at the house in the distance. My mind keeps mulling over the thoughts of Seven, and what my dad and sister have been hinting on. I know there is something special about her; we can’t seem to stay away from each other. Or basically it’s me not being able to stay away, I don’t think she has the same feelings as I do. T
aking off my baseball cap I run my hands through my hair, slowly bringing my hands to rest behind my head.

  I watch as Seven and my sister walk outside and sit on the porch swing, I’ve got to make my move. Seeing her out here on the ranch has completely sold me on the idea of us. I want this woman in my life; there is no other way around it. I am balls to the wall falling in love with this girl.

  Parking the gator back in the barn I wander into the house to wash up. Tammy and Seven were still out on the porch swing, so I’ve got a couple minutes to figure out what I’m going to say to get her to spend some time with me tonight. Clutching the counter top with both hands I bow my head and close my eyes. If mom was still here she would tell me exactly what to say, that woman could charm the pants of the president if she wanted to. I can get a girl to have sex with me easily, but trying to find the words to talk to this one woman that I’m totally engrossed by is fucking hard.

  “Hey you feeling okay” I hear as I open my eyes. Seven is walking into the kitchen, stopping right in front of me with a worried look on her face. “Yeah sorry, just a lot on my mind right now” as I shake my head. Now is not the time to say anything to her, my mind is a cluster fuck and the last thing I need is to go off and say something stupid. “Where are the glasses” Seven asks standing in the middle of the kitchen. “Here I got it” as I walk over to the cupboard and pull out a cup. “What do you want?” holding it in my hand while waiting for her response. “Um just water, but really I can get it” she says softly. I walk over to the sink to fill her glass, it’s now or never. “Here, so uh what are you guys doing tonight” I ask while nervously picking at the countertop. Seven takes a long draw from her glass; I can tell she is stalling. “Tammy mentioned something about a bonfire at one of her ex's house tonight; I guess we are going to check it out.”


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