Life Altering Beautiful

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Life Altering Beautiful Page 12

by T. A. Hardenbrook

Walking up to the house I feel like a momma dog protecting her puppies, it’s just my puppy was a five foot something red headed firebomb. Seven has never looked this good, almost to the point where I know she will turn every head in this place and my fist would be meeting a lot of skin tonight if I wasn’t careful.

  Placing a kiss on her cheek I open the front door and guide her in, setting my eyes in the ‘try it and I’ll kick your ass look’. The music is loud and the front room is cramped, stepping in front of Seven I pull her to the kitchen to hopefully find us a drink and with any luck only a few drunken eyes to fawn over her. “What do you want babe?” I nod over to the bar stocked with several bottles and mixers. “Whiskey sour?” I nod and start mixing her drink, all the while keeping her in my side vision. “Seven you are absolutely a hot tamale tonight” Hunter says while smashing her little body into a hug. Seven giggles and tries to detach herself from the already plastered Hunter. “Thanks Hunter, don’t you look dashing yourself” as she turns to wink at me. This woman knows how to make me feel comfortable in any situation, I wasn’t the jealous type but the protective side always seems to rear its ugly face when she is around.

  “Where’s your date Hunter?”

  “You know man; I never bring a date, just clean up the fine ladies once the losers pass out” as he bumps into the side of Seven wiggling his eyebrows. “Please Hunter, you’re no Casanova” Seven takes a sip of her drink, giving me an evil smile with it. Hunter laughs and walks away “Baby I’m no Casanova, I’m like Zorro! Leaving an H wherever I go.”

  “Yeah leaving Herpes” Seven mumbles into her cup. I can’t help but laugh at that last comment, spitting my crown all over myself in the process. “Oops I didn’t mean anyone to hear that” she says with a reserved smile.

  Several drinks later Seven and I are back in the living room that is turned into a makeshift dance floor. I love the way she feels so comfortable tonight; showing all the skin is definitely a turn on for me, however I have a feeling it is the same for the rest of the male species at this party too. “Dance with me Senorita” Hunter slides his hand out in front of Seven, his eyes begging her to join him on the dance floor. She glances over at me with a questioning look. “Have at it babe” I lean down to whisper in her ear. “You sure?”

  “Babe, you’re coming home with me tonight. At least let Hunter have his thrills with you out there. Besides, have you seen his dance moves?” Seven smiles and lets Hunter pull her onto the dance floor. I trust that man with her; gosh he is like a brother. Completely stupid when it comes to women, but I know he would never cross the line with her. I see Travis and his date walk through the room as I give them a nod and a smile. “Hey man how’s it going?”

  “Good man, real good” I can’t help but smile and look over at Seven as she laughs at Hunter’s amazingly awful dance moves. “You flying solo tonight bro?”

  “Oh shit no man, I’m with Seven. She’s out there dancing with Hunter right now” I laugh at my best friend who is doing his best Michael Jackson impersonation. “Dang man, now I know where you’ve been hiding” Travis comments as takes a drink of his beer. “Hi I’m Savannah” the tiny blonde pushes her hand out for me to take. Shit this girl looks familiar; I really hope I didn’t bag her last year. “Stone” I shake her hand. Pointing out to the dance floor I inform her that’s my girlfriend Seven, hopefully this puts up a block for further interaction between us.

  Travis heads snaps in my direction when he hears the word girlfriend. “Yeah I know, I said girlfriend” as I roll my eyes at him. “Well I never thought I would live to see the illusive Stone settle down” as he wraps his arm around his date. Looking back at Seven dancing away with Hunter still looking like a fool I couldn’t be more right in my proclamation. That is my girlfriend and eventually she will become my fiancé then hopefully my wife. All in good time of course.

  I notice my sister walking in the door with Trent, oh fuck I completely forgot to warn Seven that the douche had pledged KT. I really tried to get the brothers to deny him, but some of the stupid sophomores bought the load of bullshit he had gift wrapped for them. Tammy looks already smashed as she holds onto Trent walking through the living room. I catch Hunters eyes and quickly let him know about the dumbass walking through. Hunter wildly starts throwing his arms around like a monkey, basically flailing about to take up as much space as possible. I love that man for looking like an idiot just to block the sight of Tammy and Trent from Seven.

  “Brother” Tammy snarls as she passes still clutching to Trent like he is her lifeline. “Seems you brought the trash with you tonight.”

  “Whatever man I’m a brother now, get used to it” Trent growls.

  “Actually not yet pledge, I would tell you to go get me a beer, but that would require you to come back and I would rather not see your face again tonight.” Trent flips me off and keeps walking to the kitchen, it’s a good thing I’m trying to keep Seven away from that man, cause I would kill to smash his face in right about now.

  Hunter glances over his shoulder and gives me a wink; kisses Seven on the cheek and plows his way through the group to a couple chicks dancing with each other. I mouth ‘outside’ to Seven as she nods and walks over to the front door. Grabbing her hand I pull her outside and over to the side porch to have a seat.

  “You were totally sexy out there” licking my lips while I watch her pull the hair up off her neck.

  “You’re ridiculous Mr. Hastings, did you not see who my dance partner was?”

  “The monkey?”

  “If that’s what you want to call it” as she uses her hand to fan her sweaty body. Her dress has ridden clear up her thighs, stopping just a couple inches from the sweet spot I was going to claim later tonight. I can’t help but touch her leg, letting my hand wander up and down the soft dewy skin. Seven’s eyes catch mine and the look of lust was evident, she wants me just as much as I need her in that moment. Dropping her hair she stands up to straddle my legs.

  “Baby can we go now” she leans over giving me an ample view down the front of her dress. Grabbing either side of her legs I pull her in closer to me, lifting my face up to hers to taste her sweet lips. She eagerly accepts my kiss as she glides her hands into my hair, pulling my face deeper into hers. I can’t help but let me hands wander further up her legs, stopping at the tight end of her dress, waiting for the okay before I took the plunge. Seven lets out a little moan when my tongue slips into her mouth, giving me the verbal pass to let my hands wander freely. Carefully I slide them under the tight dress, rolling my fingertips over the lace edges of her panties. Seven slowly lowers herself onto my lap, pressing her sweet spot harder into my dick, almost forcing my fingers inside of her. “Baby I’m going to get naked if those fingers get any closer” she mummers between kisses. Slowly tracing the outside of her panties I let them toy with the edges of her thong; I’m betting I can make her cum with just this little connection. I can feel her breathing start to gain speed and her body tenses a little, I’ve got this woman so worked up right now she is going to explode.

  Nipping her bottom lip, I grasp it between my teeth and gently give it a pull, causing her to grind her hips further into my hands, I’ve got this as I try not to let a smirk escape on my face. “Well look who’s being a slut now” comes the icy voice of my sister behind Seven.

  Chapter 9


  My body instantly reacts to hearing the words Tammy spews, like sliding down an ice luge buckass naked. I’m pretty sure I stop breathing as I scramble off Stone’s lap, desperately pulling my dress down and my neckline up. Stumbling a couple steps back I collide with Stone’s chest, instantly the confidence I was rocking all night long is trashed and the meek little girl inside is looking for the quickest route to retreat.

  “Seriously Tammy what in the hell is wrong with you lately? You’ve turned into a psycho bitch”

  Stone’s voice is laced with anger directed at his sister. Tammy just glances over at Trent who is attached to her hip as his eyes
sparkle with evil. “Give it a rest Stone, she’s just calling it like she sees it” as he looks directly at me. I can feel Stone’s body tense behind me and I know he is going to smash this fucker into the ground. Reaching my hands back I grab each of his arms as if I could stop this pissed off freight train.

  “Get the fuck out Trent” his voice is forced out between his gritted teeth. Tammy could tell her brother is about to lose it as she tugs on Trent’s arm. “Let’s go baby, I’m sure we can find something else we can do” a suggestive tone pours out of her lips. Never taking his eyes off me Trent forces an evil sounding “Baby we know Seven is a slut. Remember making a pass at me Seven? I could have sworn that was the reason Anderson got mad and made you leave prom.”

  Tears now start to fall down my cheeks; I refuse to let his man drag my past out in front of me. “Fuck you Trent! It’s your lies that caused him to get mad at me, I told you no and you couldn’t accept that. Yes I’m the reason he left and got into that car, but it was your lies that caused the fight!” I was sobbing at this point, my whole body wracked with guilt and pain. “He was your best friend Trent and I loved him, how can you live with yourself knowing how much extra damage you have caused with all these lies” I scream as I let go of Stone’s arm and get inches away from his ugly face.

  I have no clue what came over me, maybe it was the pain I’ve felt for the last year. The fact that I have been carrying around this guilt all alone without anyone to help me deal with it made my mind snap. Bringing my arm up I curl my fist and let it draw back then fly forward to connect with the fucker’s nose. A sickening crack was heard and instant pain shot through my hand and arm, however the satisfaction of hitting him dulled the agony when I realized the fucker was gushing blood out of his nose. Wincing I let my hand drop as I turn back to Stone who is standing there mouth wide open catching flies.

  “Mother fucker, she broke my nose” Trent screams as his face continues to spill blood all down the front of him and the porch. “Oh my gosh, what do I do?” Tammy shrieks as she jumps back trying not to get blood on her dress. “Fuck” Trent scrambles to the door, pushing his way inside and through the crowd. Tammy instantly follows him still in shock from the incident. I can't help but laugh looking down at the pool of blood on the concrete; damn it felt so good when I smashed into that stupid idiot.

  “Seven are you okay” Stone finally speaks while grabbing my arm to look at the damage. Glancing at my hand I notice it’s a pretty shade of purplish blue and has already swollen to twice its normal size. Suddenly my head starts to swirl and the world slowly goes black, well wasn’t that a nice parting gift tonight?

  “Seven wake up little one” I feel Stone gently shake my body. I can still feel the intense pain in my hand, but now there is a cold sensation on top of the throbbing. I sluggishly open my right eye, realizing I am sitting on the ground with several people hovering over me. “Welcome back slugger” Hunters voice falls over me; shit did I really pass out? “Can you open both of your eyes for me Seven” Stone’s voice has a little panic wrapped around his carefully chosen words. I nod my head as I open my other eye, looking up to see several of Stone’s friends and their dates standing on the porch around me. “Want to try and stand up?”

  “Yeah” I manage to croak out as Stone slides his hand under my injured arm and Hunter grabs the other. I use my good hand to steady the ice someone brought out for me on my hand and shake my head to try and clear the cloudiness of the situation. “Dude you totally broke his nose” Hunter says with excitement. Groaning I lean into Stone who carefully wraps his arms around me, taking caution to not bump my hand. “The little pansy came running into the house bleeding all over the place looking for a towel, that dumbass pledge is going to have to clean it up later now” he chuckles as he pats Stone on the back. “A doctor’s going to have to look at that” Stone says while lifting the bag of ice off my damaged hand. It is now swollen to elephant size status, almost too gross to be looking at it.

  “I’m sorry Stone” I whimper, I totally ruined the night with this little stunt. Pulling my chin up to look at him in the eyes he says, “Baby if you didn’t hit him I would have caused way more damage than that” and the panty dropping smirk I love from him appears.

  “Stone take Mike Tyson to the E.R, I’ll deal with pansy ass inside” Travis says while giving me a weak smile. “Thanks guys” Stone says while guiding me down the steps to the truck. Sure I wasn’t good for much, but at least I brought some entertainment for the guys this evening.

  Sitting in the waiting room of the E.R I rest my head on Stone’s shoulder as he flips through a magazine.

  “How’s the pain little one?”

  “Hurts like hell, but totally worth it” I say sheepishly. I’ve never hit anyone before, but I remember the pointers Anderson use to give me about throwing a punch. I notice Stone’s phone has vibrated several times since we got here, but he just keeps hitting ignore. I don’t know if I should bring it up or let it go like the last time it happened, but then an older nurse calls my name to head back to the exam room.

  “Are you family” the gray haired nurse glares at Stone walking next to me. “Yes ma’am, he’s family” I quickly stutter. She gives me the look of sure he is honey and directs me to sit on the bed and points to a chair for Stone to occupy. “What happened my dear” she asks while removing the bag of ice from my hand. The look she gives me says it all as she places the bag of ice back on it and walks over to scribble something on the chart. “I’ll send the doctor in right away, but I’m betting they will come get you for an x-ray before that” she walks out and pulls the curtain. Stone just shakes his head as I lean back on the bed, cautious to not move my hand too much. “I can’t believe you hit him.”

  “Truthfully me either, I really thought I was going to have to stop you from pummeling the asshat.” Stone just laughs and pulls his phone out of his pocket again, this time typing something quickly. “You don’t have to stay, I’m totally okay here” I say glancing at the white curtain separating the room into two. Stuffing his phone into his pocket, Stone glares at me and leans back in the stiff chair. “It’s nothing really. Just stuff for Jason at the gym and then Hunter telling me about the stupid story Trent is blabbing to people about what happened tonight.” I can’t even image what Trent was making up, after all this is the man who claimed to Anderson that I came on to him in the bathroom at prom.

  “Knock knock” a tall older man appeared after pulling back the curtain. “Your chariot awaits to whisk you off to x-ray” as he motions to the wheelchair in front of him. “Oh okay” I carefully slide off the bed and walk over to him. “You need me to come with you” Stone asks shifting in the chair. “We will be real quick, just wait right there for her” the man smiles. I nod at Stone as I sit down; I already know this bitch is broken as I set my hand gently in my lap. Let’s just hope it’s not ruined to the point where I will have to have surgery. I really don’t want a huge bill from the insurance company to be sent to my parents. They know I still exist, hell they still foot the bill for my college tuition. But for the rest of life I am on my own; the trust fund they had set up for me when I was little had finally been open to use when I turned eighteen and in reality I never needed to attend school or work ever again. I just wish we could still have a relationship, even if our family was always a little messed up I still missed them. However the night that Anderson died so did the only remaining chance at continuing a relationship with them. No longer was I the perfect little daughter that was going to marry the country club owner’s son and play the flawless trophy wife like I was destined to be. Nope I was the shameful little hussy who broke Anderson’s heart and caused him to wreck the car, black sheep was an understatement in their community.


  It felt like forever waiting there for Seven to get done with x-rays. I knew Jason had a job for me to do tonight, but it was just going to have to sit till we got Seven straightened out. Pulling out my cell I type out a quick message to Hunt
er on what’s going on then decide to wander out and find a vending machine of some sort.

  Swinging by the nurses’ station I asked which direction the machine is, totally ignoring the passes from several of them offering to help me in my quest for sustenance. As I stand there debating on Doritos or Cheetos my stupid phone goes off again.

  *Jason* Seriously why in the hell do you work for me if I can’t ever get you to do a job!

  This fucker is starting to piss me off as I hit the call button to rip him a new one. It only rings once before the ticked off voice of Jason yells out the speakers. “Hold up a second okay. Seven is in the hospital. No, she is not dying, just broke her hand after socking some jerk in the face tonight.” It takes several minutes for Jason to stop laughing before I can get another word in. “I’ll hit you up tomorrow okay, just text me the info alright” as I quickly hang up the phone and glance around wondering if anyone heard our conversation. What we do is illegal but it’s on a smaller scale so no one really bothers us too much. Besides Jason is careful about who he deals with, not normally taking new clients and then only when they come with a referral. I am just the pick-up guy anyway, basically a smash and grab kind of job with less smashing if I can get away with it.

  Wandering back to the room my phone vibrates for the millionth time tonight, I think about throwing it into the damn wall but wisely look at the message that was left.

  *Jason* Bring that girl into the gym when she heals; let’s get her to throw a punch without breaking her hand lol

  Taking Seven to the gym with me wasn’t a bad idea, she could use the confidence boost and I’d get to spend more time with her. I think that’s an all-around winning situation right there. I would tell Jason it was a great idea, but I’m sure his ego would swell even larger than it already was.


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