Life Altering Beautiful

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Life Altering Beautiful Page 16

by T. A. Hardenbrook


  “I can’t go out there” Seven crawls under the covers to hide. I can’t help but laugh at her, I mean come on we are adults and basically she has been living with me for the last couple weeks, my dad knows that I’m not saving myself for marriage. I throw my clothes back on and pull the covers off her head to give her a quick kiss. “I’m going to head out. I’m sure dad has things for me to do before tomorrow” giving her ass a swat as I head for the door. “This sucks” she mumbles as I close the door, what a pansy I think to myself as I walk into the kitchen to find dad. She is going to have to face the family sometime, and does she really expect them to think she is a virgin dating me?

  “Stone” my sister’s ice cold voice comes from over at the breakfast bar. “Nice to see you Tammy” turning to give the jackass sitting next to her a scowl. “What’s the deal with you two?” Dad says as he gets himself a glass of water. “It's Tammy Dad, she always has a problem.”

  “Whatever Stone” my sister barks, she really needs to work on that attitude of hers. “Where’s Seven” dad asks as he gives me a sly grin. “Uh napping?” That totally doesn’t sound very convincing but oh well. “You brought Seven” Tammy’s eyes grow huge. “Well she is my girlfriend” I stare at my sister in disgust. She brought the jerk off she calls a boyfriend home, and he was the one that started all the shit with Seven at date night. “What a great holiday weekend” Trent says with an evil look on his face. I can hear Tammy’s hand connect with Trent’s leg; I was really wishing she would punch him in the nose too. I let out a sigh as I walk out the back door with dad, wishing that the jerk would get what he deserved all over again. I could add a broken jaw to the list of ailments he could receive if he mouths off once more around me.

  “What’s going on with your sister” while dad opens the big barn doors. “Seven and her got into a fight about the guy she is dating” I say with a shrug, hoping he doesn’t press the situation further. “Wait Seven knows her boyfriend? I thought she wasn’t from here?”

  “They knew each other in high school” as I grab a tool bucket from the shelf and load it into the gator. “You’re telling me they both ended up at the same school and then you started to date Seven and Tammy is seeing Trent? Small world son” as he shakes in head in disbelief. The story was strange and it made me question the details of the past, but Seven wasn’t up to sharing just yet so I didn’t pry. “So it’s going to be a little tough with both of them in the house together then.”

  “You could say that” I mummer as I turn the key into the gator. “Wish I would have known, I like Seven a whole lot better than the guy Tammy brought home. Could have been a peaceful thanksgiving” dad laughs while smacking my shoulder. “Since when has our holiday gathering ever been quiet dad” I mention as I slip my sunglasses down on my face and head out to fix another fence.

  After what felt like hours pounding and sawing at pieces of the fence we finally nail the last bit together. “Good job old man” I joke while picking up some tools and throwing them into the bucket. “Is your sister on her horse?” dad squints to see the paint coming up in the distance. I knew instantly it wasn’t Tammy from catching a glint of her red hair in the light, I didn’t realize she knew how to ride. “I don’t think your sister has been on him since before mom passed” he finishes loading up remainder of the tools and tosses the bucket into the back of the gator. “It’s not Tammy dad, its Seven” I say with a smile, seeing her on a horse does all sorts of things to my manhood. “Seven? Does she know how to ride” the look of question thrown about his face. “I guess so” as I fire up the gator and drive over to see what Seven’s been up to.

  As we get closer, Seven stops Romeo and gives a slight wave. “Well my dear you look mighty fine up there” dad says with a large smile. “I asked Tammy if it was okay and she said I could take him out. I use to ride, so Tammy showed me where all the tack was and then helped me saddle him up” she says while biting her bottom lip. I silently thank my sister for not being a total bitch and actually helping her out, I doubt with her hand she could have gotten the cinch tight enough to be safe. “I’m sure Romeo is happy you saddled him up, he doesn’t get much riding unless the nieces come out of the weekend” dad exclaims as he gives her a wink. “Yeah it’s been awhile since I’ve been up here, but it comes back real easy when it used to be second nature years ago” her eyes sparkle while patting Romeo’s neck.

  “You been out long” I ask as Romeo starts to get anxious to get moving. “I don’t really know maybe an hour or so” she says self-consciously, keeping a tight grip on the reins to reel in the antsy horse. “Well head on in, I’ve got to make a run into town for some supplies and stuff for dinner tomorrow, and I’d like your company” as I lick my dry lips. She looks so good up on that horse, so natural like she belongs out here. “Okay” she smiles and gives some slack to Romeo who immediately takes off in a gallop.

  I can see the smile expand on Seven’s face, her hair flying behind her as she races back to the barn. “That girl reminds me so much of your mother” dad says as he watches Seven in the distance. I nod my head and take my foot off the break, springing the gator back to life. She is everything I never thought I wanted; she is the one in all my visions of the future, and I was just wasting time with everyone else till she came into my life. That woman is my entire world.

  By the time we got back to the barn Seven had Romeo tied up by the tack room and was starting to remove his saddle. Quickly shutting the gator off I run over to her to lift the saddle off and carry it over to the room. Giving me a grin she grabs the pad and blanket and follows suite. Throwing the saddle over the mount I reach out to grab Seven’s arm. “Do you know how incredibly sexy it was seeing you up on that horse?” as I pull her in close. “Well, let me tell you what riding did to my girly parts Mr. Hastings” giving me a seductive look while wrapping her arms around the back of my neck. I smash my lips into her feeling the need to be greedy as I force my tongue into her mouth. Seven melts in my arms as our lips work over each other’s; it’s like fireworks going off in my head every time we connect.

  I slide my hands down her arms and under the bottom of the long sleeve she was wearing. “Stone your dad” she mumbles not breaking the contact of our mouths. Groaning I reluctantly pull myself back from her. “I didn’t mean for you to completely stop” as she inches closer again. “If I keep going there would be no stopping Seven. You would be ass naked bent over this saddle, and as much as I’d like to do that we do have things to do.” Seven shoots me a frown as she adjusts her top and reaches down to grab a grooming box.

  “Don’t look at me like that little one” I beg as she walks out the door to groom Romeo. “I’m going to go change, meet me up at the house when you’re done” walking by her to head on up to the house. “I can help you change if you want” she says with a mischievous grin on her face. I can’t answer her knowing that my dick will do the talking and my head will mentally curse me out. What I would give to get all reckless with her right now; but someone has to go to the store, and we all know how worthless Tammy has been lately.

  “So what are we shopping for” Seven asks as she pushes her sunglasses up on her head. “We need some more wire for the fencing and then we will hit the butcher block up” reaching over to flick the radio on. “Are we getting a turkey at the butcher?”

  “No little one, we don’t do birds on thanksgiving. We throw some beef on the grill” I say while trying to give my voice a macho sounding tone. “Ah caveman style, I get it” she giggles and hits the cd button on the faceplate. “Mom was never big on turkey, so we always grilled some steaks on most of the holidays. We still do all the fixings like mashed potatoes and green bean casserole, but nothing that walks on two legs.”

  “I walk on two legs, will you still do me” Seven asks with a straight face. I can feel the heat in my cheeks rising, this woman has got me there. Sliding her sunglasses back down on her nose Seven lets the edges of her mouth curl up into a small smile. “I
plan on having you down on all fours tonight Seven, so two legs won’t do” as I bite my tongue to try and keep a stoic face. Glancing over I can see the shock of what I just said register; letting the smile escape on my lips. Score one for team Stone tonight.

  Chapter 12


  We get back to the house and I start to unload all the groceries while Stone grabs the fencing and heads back out to the barn. I realize this is going to take a couple trips since my right arm still doesn’t have the strength built back up yet to load that many bags on it. Wiggling the screen door open with my foot I head for the kitchen to throw the stuff on the counter.

  Sitting in the living room Tammy and Trent are cuddled up on the couch, I roll my eyes at them and let the bag of cans drop loudly to the floor. “Oh Seven I didn’t hear you come in, are you all done riding” Tammy asks as I shuffle the bags on the counter. “Actually I’ve been done for a while now. Stone and I headed into town for stuff for tomorrow” apparently the friendly help she extended to me earlier is all used up now. “Well I’m going to go grab the rest of the groceries from the truck” I yell as I walk out the kitchen.

  “Sure Tammy, I would love help” I mutter to myself as I toss the screen door open and sulk down to the truck. Grabbing another round of bags I turn to head into the house and almost run into Trent. “Let me help you with those, considering your hand and all” Trent says with a nasty grin on his face. “I wouldn’t want you to strain yourself or anything” I bark at him and walk around his stupid body. “Whatever Seven, I’m trying to do something nice” he grabs the remainder of the bags from the bed and follows me inside.

  “Feeling guilty about something Trent” I sneer as I start to unpack the bags. Trent sets the bags on the floor and gives me scowl as he walks back to the couches where Tammy still has yet to move from. I hope the fucker feels bad; it was his lies that caused Anderson to get into that car that night. His lies that made everyone including my parents hate me. His stupid fucking lie that is the reason I am alone now.

  I finish putting away all the stuff we need for tomorrow’s dinner and wander outside to search for Stone. “Hey little lady, let’s go into town for dinner tonight” Steven says as he watches me walk down to the barn. “Sounds great Mr.….” I start to say before he cuts me off. “D-A-D, you are family now Seven, its dad” he argues. Flashing him a smile I can see so much of Stone in him, I need to remember to thank that man for raising such a great son. This man was more of a father then my own flesh and blood right now.

  “Do you know where Stone is” I ask taking a seat on a hay bale. “He went back out to fix the last fence, should be back in a little while” dad says as he hangs up another tool on the rack on the wall. “Oh okay” as I kick at the dirt floor with my boots. “Seven I’m sorry Tammy isn’t being her normal southern self” he says and takes a seat next to me. “It’s okay, it was just nice to have a friend” I shrug my shoulders as I try and force the tears back. “What happened between you two my dear? You ladies were having so much fun together last time you were here” he says while draping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his side.

  “There is some ugly history with the guy she is dating” I manage to choke out while quietly letting the tears trail down my cheeks. “I knew there was something wrong with that jerk when he has yet to look me in the eye or offer to help out around here” Steven scoffs as he holds me tighter. “I know my daughter, and eventually she will pull her head out of her ass and see the where the problem lies” as he wipes the tears from my cheeks. “I hope so Mr. Hastings” I utter softly. Steven places a soft kiss to the side of my head “its dad” and he gives me another squeeze. How is it that I’ve felt more at home with this family in the few weeks I’ve known them then in the entire eighteen years I spent with my own namesake?

  I walk inside to pull myself back together before Stone got done with the fence. “Your dad is taking us to dinner in like an hour” I mention as I walk by the loving couple who has still not moved from the couch. I shut the door to Stone’s room and started to dig through my bag to find something to wear tonight. Suddenly the door flies open and Tammy walks in. “You could have told me where” she hisses. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath in, I need to choose my words carefully before I spoke to her cause I know my anger for Trent could get the best of me easily.

  “I don’t know where, he just asked if we would like to do dinner tonight and I said yes. You don’t have to come with us if you would rather stay here” as I pull out a black long sleeve and a pair of clean jeans. “I’m sorry I’m such a bitch” Tammy says while sitting down on the bed. I bite my lip to reduce the urge to shout at her, she was being a bitch and for no fucking reason other than I don’t like her boyfriend. “I know you guys have some sort of bad blood together, but I shouldn’t let that interfere with our friendship.”

  “Tammy I know the secrets he is hiding, he isn’t a good person” I let slip out. “He says the same things about you Seven. Can I just keep my friends and my boyfriend separate, I miss you” her eyes begging for me to forgive her. I push the bag out of my way and sit next to her “If you can handle that, then I’d rather not lose you as my friend.”

  Tammy wraps her arms around my body and gives me a firm squeeze, “gosh I’ve missed you something fierce” she blurts out. “I’ve missed you too” as I pull out of her embrace. “Just please don’t let him hurt you” I beg. “Oh Seven, have I ever told you that you worry way too much. It’s going to cause some major wrinkles my dear, and creams for that can get costly” she winks at me while leaving the room. I’m glad we are talking again, but I doubt our friendship will ever survive if she still insisted on dating enemy number one.

  “Damn little one, are you trying to kill me” Stone says as I walk out to the truck. Looking down at my clothes I was nothing special tonight. Blue jeans and a long sleeve black shirt with my hair pulled up wasn’t something to get all crazy about. “Whatever Stone” I shake my head at my crazy boyfriend. “Baby you’re my blue jean princess” he says while opening the door for me to climb in. “I prefer queen” while patting the side of his face. “Oh good lord” he mutters and shuts the door.

  “Where we going old man” he yells out as he dad climbs into his truck with Tammy and Trent. “I think Donna’s is open, that sound alright?”

  “Sure thing old man!” Stone climbs in the truck and fire the piece of metal up. I’m glad there isn’t a vehicle that we all can fit into, it’s great that Tammy apologized but being stuck watching her and Trent for longer than I had to was just too much for me to take. Stone pushes the radio button and a little Aaron Lewis came through the speakers. Looking out the window I watch as we drive by the vast fields mouthing the lyrics to the smooth song on the radio. “Feel good to make up with Tammy” Stone says breaking the silence between us. I nod my head and quietly start singing to myself. “Will you sing a little louder” Stone asks. I instantly feel embarrassed; I really thought I was singing quietly enough to not torture anyone with my screeching like a seagull voice. “You sound amazing Seven” Stone steals a quick glance in my direction. I shake my head no and pull my legs up on the seat. The only person I used to sing for was Anderson, I know I can carry a tune but it was something we shared. It didn’t feel right to do it with anyone else just yet. “Well then if you won’t sing, I will serenade you with the amazing vocal styling’s of Stone Hastings” as he tries to sound absolutely horrid during the chorus. I quickly bring my hands over my ears and start to laugh.

  “Oh it can go on forever babe; I suggest you stop me now before the next song comes on. I’m really itching to sing some Carrie Underwood” he threatens. Reaching over I turn the radio up as loud as I could stand and roll my eyes at the man sitting next to me. ‘Nice try’ I mouth at him and hastily go back to watching the world pass me by.


  I always loved coming to Donna’s as a kid. Mom and her were best friends and she always let me pick out a piece of pie after di
nner even if mom and dad told me no. We haven’t been back here since before mom died; it’s not like we avoided it, but we just never really went anywhere as a family anymore. I kill the engine and climb out of Ol’ Red, shutting her door carefully. “Stone Hastings, you better get your college ass over here and give me some loving” a familiar voice yells from the sidewalk.

  Walking around the truck I see Donna standing there with her hands on her hips, waiting for my embrace. I scoop her into my arms and give a hard squeeze. “Put me down you buffoon” she swats my backside with her hands. Gently setting her on the ground I place a kiss to her cheek “I’m starving” giving her a smirk. “You and your dad only think about one damn thing” she scolds and glances back at the truck. “Um, forgetting something” she glares at me. “Oh shit” as I run over and open Seven’s door. “I wasn’t waiting for you to open it, I just figure you need a moment to connect” she smiles and slides out of the truck.

  Grabbing her hand I pull her over to Donna who is standing there with the biggest shit eating grin possible. “Donna, this is my girlfriend Seven. Seven this was my mom’s very best friend” I nod at Donna. “Well look at her, didn’t you do good my boy” Donna replies as she turns her head to watch dad pull his truck in and park next to us. “Oh good golly it’s a whole family reunion” she shrieks and runs to dad’s truck door. “Hey Donna” dad says while climbing out of the truck and embracing the woman. “You’ve stayed away way too long” she pokes him in the ribs. “Get inside so I can feed you all, and Tammy my dear, you are absolutely the spitting image of your mother” Donna beams as she walks back inside the diner. “After you” I gesture at Seven who grabs my hand and starts to walk inside. Besides the dumbass that Tammy lets tag along, it feels great to have all my family here tonight.


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