A Devoted Heart (The Heart's Temptation Series Book 2)

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A Devoted Heart (The Heart's Temptation Series Book 2) Page 1

by Genevieve Matthews

  A Devoted Heart

  The Heart’s Temptation Series Book 2

  Genevieve Matthews


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37


  Newsletter Sign-up

  ARC Reader Sign-Up

  About the Author

  Also by Genevieve Matthews

  Copyright © 2016 by Genevieve Matthews.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodies in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email contact@ genevievematthews.org

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Cover Designer: Mayhem Cover Creations

  Chapter One


  May 2015

  Highland High School looks exactly like I remember it. As I stand in the middle of the gym with my best friend, Bree, it feels like yesterday when we were changing into our tiny, red gym shorts and wishing that we could skip class.

  “Wow, they sure did a nice job fixing up the place,” Bree says.

  “They sure did.” I try to focus my attention on the long tables with crystal-clear bowls of bright, red punch to the full sheet cakes that say “Congratulations on 10 years,” but my eyes keep flitting around the room. I’m quickly distracted by the noisy mob gathered to reminisce. “There sure are a lot of people here,” I say as my eyes continue to scan the crowd. I keep alternating between smoothing the fabric of my dress and clasping my fingers together to keep them still.

  “Let’s hope that one really special person is here,” Bree says. She catches my eye and gives me a knowing smile. I want to smile back, but my mouth is so dry it comes off as a half-hearted attempt.

  I link my arm through hers and lead her through the crowd toward the bar. “I need a drink.”

  Bree laughs.

  “You need to calm down, that’s what you need to do. This is a monumental moment in our relationship; I’ve never seen you like this before!”

  “Ugh, I’m not enjoying it. My stomach feels gross—like I either need to throw up or eat something.”

  “Funny, that’s how I feel, too! But for you, I’d say it’s your nerves. For me, it’s the baby talking.”

  We continue to walk toward the bar set up off to the side of the stage. I could enjoy the pretty punch, but it doesn’t have the kick I need for tonight. The largest mass of people so far is hanging around the bar. There is a long line waiting to place orders and then smaller groups socializing off to the sides.

  “I’m going to grab some punch while you get in line. No alcohol for this mama!” Bree says.

  “Sounds good. You know where to find me. This line isn’t going anywhere fast.”

  “Well then I’ll probably also stop and grab some hors d’oeuvres on my way back. For both of us, of course.”

  “Perfect,” I say. I watch Bree walk away, thinking how cute she is as a pregnant woman. She’s already on baby number two with her handsome, doting husband, Heath. I can’t help but smile. She has been my best friend since we were little girls and things haven’t been easy for her. She deserves all of the good that has come into her life in the past year.

  When I get to the front of the line I order a large glass of white wine and a water. I need the alcohol to calm my nerves, but I want to stay alert and clear-headed. There’s only one reason I wanted to come tonight and if that reason happens to be here I want to make a good impression. I take multiple sips of my wine in quick succession. I could have chugged it back, but I’m all too aware of the inquisitive eyes here tonight. It’s the curiosity that comes from knowing someone when he’s practically still a kid and then seeing him again after living life for ten years.

  I look around the room to see who looks bored, who looks way too excited to be here, who is putting on a happy face pretending that life has been kind. A million thoughts race through my mind as I look around the gym searching for Bree.

  I could also be looking for friends from high school but if I’m really being honest, it doesn’t matter to me. None of it really matters to me anymore. My life up to this point has been full and I’m not the type to look back and analyze my past. There’s only one thing I really regret and I hope I can remedy it tonight.

  I start to walk a slow circle around the outside of the gym, casually looking at the clusters of people and waiting to recognize someone that I’d like to catch up with. The music changes and with it, the lights. As a flash of light from the stage washes over the crowd on the dance floor my eyes happen to catch a glimpse of my forever crush.

  Brogan Lockwood is standing on the dance floor in the middle of a crowd. I would recognize him anywhere. Almost as if I’m in a trance, I set both of my glasses down on the nearest table and walk toward the dance floor right into the sea of people.

  I swear he has doubled in size from the last time I saw him about four years ago. He’s built like a freaking Mack truck: six-foot-three and a solid two-hundred-fifty pounds of solid muscle.

  He looks so handsome in his white, button-down shirt and tie. His shoulders and upper body are massive. The muscles press against his shirt enough to outline his taut shoulders and chest. His glorious body makes me unable to stop staring, but it’s his perfect dimpled smile and brilliant, blue eyes that make me lick my lips and go weak in the knees.

  I can’t catch my breath, or maybe I’m holding it all together, while I wait for Brogan to turn my way and have his eyes light up with recognition.

  Everything around me fades into the background and all I can focus on is this feeling inside of me and trying not to seem like I’m beaming with adoration when he turns my way. Playing it cool has never seemed so important.

  “Catey?” His eyes have finally found mine and I’m sure I’m beaming because he remembers me. His hesitation quickly turns to playfulness and excitement as he scoops me up in a huge bear hug and spins me around. I hold onto him tightly and enjoy the euphoria of being held in his arms. “Catey Mercer, where have you been all of my life?” He sets me back down but holds me in his arms for another moment. “It’s so good to see you.”

  “It’s so good to see you, too! I didn’t actually think you’d be here, being the big football star th
at you are now and all.” I’m mortified when I realize that I rubbed my hands up and down his biceps to emphasize his impressive status. I quickly put my hands in front of me and link my fingers together.

  “You look beautiful, Catey. You’re all grown up.” He has always been the only one to call me Catey. It’s something that only the two of us share.

  His compliment makes me blush and I look down at my empire dress as I fluff out the skirt. I thought the dark raspberry color would look nice next to my brown hair, but now I think it matches the color on my cheeks.

  “Thank you. You look so nice, too. Well, nice isn’t the right word, but I can’t seem to think of the right word.” My voice trials off to more of a whisper as all of my eloquence goes out the window. “It’s been a long time, but you’re still my Brogan.”

  Oh my God! Did I say my Brogan? I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me right now. I’m acting as if he’s the first man I’ve ever had contact with.

  “It has been a long time.” He chuckles and I hate how calm and unruffled he is. I’m sure he has had a lot of practice talking to adoring women and fans. But he seems genuinely happy to see me and it makes me feel like I’m floating on air. “So what’s new with you, Catey?”

  “Ah, well, my friend Bree and I—do you remember Bree Collins from high school?”

  “Yeah, I remember Bree. You two were close.”

  “Yes! We still are actually and we own a few coffee shops together.”

  “That’s awesome! So where—“ Before Brogan can finish, a group of four girls comes over and stands next to us. We turn to look at them and they immediately ask if they can get his autograph and a few pictures. He obliges and as they take a few pictures another group joins in the fun and asks for autographs and pictures as well. I step back to make room for the men and women desperate for their chance to meet last year’s defensive player of the year. Before long I’m lost in the sea of people, standing at the back of the crowd catching glimpses of him as he appeases his fans.

  I walk back to the table where I left my drinks and sit down heavily. There it is, that feeling in my stomach again. I pick up my glass of wine and take a sip. This time, I hold the wine in my mouth and let it roll around on my tongue. With my eyes closed, I take a deep breath through my nose and swallow the wine.

  “Cate Mercer, the prettiest girl in high school.” Realizing that I’m not alone, I turn and look at a familiar face sitting in the chair next to me. It takes a minute for his name to come to me.

  “Jake Ballard,” he says as he puts his hand on his chest as a way of introduction. He offers me a weak smile and I can tell from the look in his eyes that he expected more from me.

  “Of course, Jake, it’s nice to see you. Sorry about that. I was distracted.” My eyes trail back to the crowd of people surrounding Brogan and I tip my glass of wine back and empty it with one big swig.

  “How about another glass?” he asks.

  “That would be perfect,” I say.

  A moment later Jake is back, handing me another glass of white wine. I hold up the glass to clink it with his beer bottle and say, “Cheers.”

  I have the worst habit of drinking too quickly in social situations. I tried to make a good decision tonight by ordering water with my wine, but the ice cubes are melting and the glass is sweating as it sits untouched.

  “So,” Jake says and once again I snap back to attention. “It has been a long time since math class, Cate. How are things?”

  It’s such an innocent question. How are things? Pretty darn good in every area except love, I suppose.

  “Things are good, Jake. How are things with you? Did you end up doing something to put all of your impressive math skills to use?”

  “No, I didn’t actually. Those skills remain fairly untouched.”

  “That’s surprising. You always seemed to really get into math. At least that’s how I remember it.”

  “Yeah, I guess I did really enjoy it. I ended up following a different path. I know you went into business management and ended up opening a coffee shop. Now that’s impressive.”

  As I smile at Jake I can’t help but glance back at the dance floor. Brogan is laughing and living it up with his football buddies from school, while I’m once again forgotten in the background. It really shouldn’t bother me after all of this time but it does. Maybe I’m holding onto the childhood memories we shared too tightly. Maybe it’s time to let it all go once and for all.

  As I’m about to turn my attention back to Jake, Bree finally resurfaces and sits down at the table with us. She has two plates of food and a glass of punch. That’s my girl.

  Bree is already extending her hand to say hello to Jake as I say, “Bree, this is Jake Ballard. We were math buddies in high school.”

  “Yes, I remember you Jake. We had an American Lit class together, or something like that.”

  “Yeah, that sounds right. Nice to see you again. Well, I’ll leave you ladies to it.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to go,” Bree says, “I need to sit down and get off my feet before my ankles swell up like watermelons tonight. Don’t mind me!”

  I can see him glance in my direction, maybe to get a sense of whether I want him to stay or not. To stall I grab my wine and tip it back again.

  “It’s not a problem, really. It was really nice to see you two again. Maybe the next time I’m near Winterhaven I’ll stop by for a visit.”

  “That would be really nice, Jake. Nice seeing you again.” We both say our polite goodbyes and I turn back to my glass of wine. Bree is quiet but I know she’s patiently waiting for me to spill all of my thoughts.

  Finally, once I swallow down the last sip, I’m ready to share. “It wasn’t how I thought it would be. He’s so much like the guy I grew up with, but at the same time if feels like he has changed so much. Does that make sense?”


  “And I guess I feel foolish for holding onto hope all of these years that eventually the timing would work out and we’d be together. Like it was always meant to be.”

  “It’s not foolish. You have a huge heart and you feel things more intensely because of it. It isn’t a waste of time loving someone.”

  “I know. The problem is that I can’t stop loving him. And I don’t know where that leaves me.”

  Chapter Two


  Being in this gym again feels stifling.

  The world has become such a big place for me over the last few years. One roller coaster ride after another. I’ve been riding the wave of success and stardom and it’s hard to ever imagine going back to living a “normal” life.

  But that’s my reality now. No one knows anything about it yet. The media hasn’t grabbed hold of the story, which is a God-given miracle. Nothing has really sunk in. It won’t hit me until the morning when I’m supposed to be at training camp, and instead I’ll most likely be lying in bed unable to face the day.

  I have to question for a moment whether this was a good idea or not. I was in such a funk when I got the news from the team doctor that I figured I needed something to distract me. And that made me think about the one person who is never far from my thoughts. And if life is being kind to me, she’ll be here tonight.

  “Brogan Lockwood. The man with a plan. How the hell are you?”

  When I see who it is I can’t help the smile that plants itself on my face. Before I have a chance to respond, one of my best friends from high school is slapping my back and giving me a friendly chest bump.

  “Holy shit, what a blast from the past! How are you, Mikey?”

  “All of my dreams have come true now that I’ve hugged Brogan Lockwood,” he says. He mimes a damsel in distress and I have the urge to laugh hysterically and smack him all at the same time.

  “What do you say, Brogan, will you take a picture with me?” He takes out his phone and pulls me in for a selfie. “I can’t wait to post this!”

  “Oh my God. I see you haven’t changed a bit. Once
the class clown, always the class clown I see.”

  “Yeah, I’m totally messing with you. Seriously though, it has been way too long. I want to hear the wild and crazy stories that you must have from being in the NFL these past few years. How many years is it for you now?”

  “Six years already. Crazy how the time flies.”

  “Man, you are fun to watch. I should have taken football as seriously as you did in high school and maybe I could be living the sweet life with you!”

  “That would be trouble. Can you imagine? So what are you up to these days?”

  “Ah, you know, working to pay the bills. It’s one of those places that is slowly sucking my brain right out of my head, turning good men and women into zombies.” He leans in close and whispers, “I’m sure it’s some sort of government conspiracy. It’s better if you don’t get involved.”

  I don’t know what my face looks like right now, but I have to admit I’ve completely forgotten what a freaking riot this guy is.

  “I’m totally fucking with you, buddy!” He laughs and tries to pull me in for a headlock, but I’m way too fast.

  “Oh, I know. I’m not that far removed that I don’t remember the crazy shit that comes out of your mouth.”

  “Yeah, we had some good times. How about a drink? You look like you could use one.”


  Just a few minutes with an old friend and I can already feel the anxiety melting away. I don’t know what I was so worried about when I decided to come tonight. I mean, things have changed a lot since high school and I wasn’t sure how people were going to act toward me.

  Things end up being crazier and busier than I thought. I am in the middle of a crowd of people, taking pictures and signing things for people’s kids when I look up and she is standing there. All long legs and wavy brown hair.

  A smile plays at her lips as she stands in front of me, confident and strong like the badass beauty she is. It’s possible I am in the middle of a sentence when I stop and stare. And then I’m moving for her before I even think it through.


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