Newborn Love (BWWM) (Interracial with Baby)

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Newborn Love (BWWM) (Interracial with Baby) Page 8

by Grenier, Cristina

  “What did he say?”

  “He denied it. And he seemed sincere about it too. Although, he really does think you and her have something going on. He even admitted he didn’t see anything but what I think he sees is his woman being interested in another man but blaming the other man for the problems.”

  “So, you do believe me when I say that that I wasn’t doing anything behind your back?” Adrian asked looking Ashley deep in her eyes.

  “Yea, Adrian—I do believe you. And please accept my apology for the way I reacted and behaved in all of this too,” Ashley said reaching for Adrian’s hand to hold again. He leaned in to give her hand a kiss just as the waiter came back to the table with their dinner. The rest of dinner went smoothly as they both felt that they were back on track after having cleared the air. They stayed at the restaurant for another hour or so before Adrian took care of the bill and then walked Ashley to her car. She really wanted to invite Adrian back to her place that evening but she didn’t want to give back in to him that quickly, even if it was obvious that they were going to be getting back together again.

  “Well, I don’t want to assume anything here but is it safe to say that we are back on again?” Adrian said as he stood directly in front of Ashley almost trapping her inside her car door.

  Ashley answered his question by wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a deep, tongue kiss that had them both wanting more. Ashley then pulled away and added with a seductive tone, “Does that answer your question, daddy?”

  “Yes, it does!” Adrian said before pulling Ashley into him trying to get another kiss but only managing to get a quick peck before Ashley stopped him.

  “Wait baby, don’t get anything started that we can’t finish, and since you have to drive back home tonight and we both need to get up early tomorrow for work let’s just call it a night, ok?”

  “I guess I’m ok with that, “ Adrian reluctantly replied. “In a couple of days it’ll be Saturday. How about you packing an overnight bag and driving over Saturday afternoon? I’ll plan something special for us that day. Can we do that?”

  “Yes, we can. Drive safely, babe,” Ashley said before giving him another quick peck on the lips and turning around to get in her car. He watched Ashley as she started up her car and pulled out of the parking lot, waving her off for the evening. Adrian had not felt this good in weeks. It was all because he had Ashley back in his life, and he was not going to lose her again.

  Chapter 4 – Haunting Past

  “So how did it go last night?” Carrie excitedly asked her sister hoping that she and Adrian worked everything out.

  “We are back together—I know that’s what you’re really asking! Ashley responded with Carrie confirming with handclaps on the other end of the telephone.

  “Awesome! Where are you, by the way? I tried calling you at work but they said you were out today. Is Adrian there? Am I interrupting something?”

  “No, unfortunately. I wasn’t feeling too well—I’ve been throwing up all morning. I didn’t even drink that much either but something isn’t sitting right with me from dinner last night.” Ashley, as a matter of fact, was laid out on the bathroom floor by the toilet as she talked to Carrie waiting for the nausea to subside.

  “Do you need me to bring you anything? I’m not working today. Some soup, medicine, anything?” Carrie asked concerned about Ashley.

  “Thanks Sis, but I think I’ll be ok. If not, I’ll call you to let you know. I’ll finish telling you about the date later too,” Ashley said feeling like she was about to be sick again.

  “Are you sure you are not pregnant?!”

  The thought had not crossed Ashley’s mind until that moment, but then her mind started trying to go back to when she had her last period. Ashley couldn’t remember when her last period was, which caused her stomach to turn. She immediately sat up grabbing for the toilet.

  “Ugh, Ashley…” Carrie responded as she heard her sister through the phone.

  A minute later Ashley got back on the telephone with her sister and said, “Sis, I think I might need you to bring a pregnancy test over.”

  “Oh my God—I was just joking when I asked you that!”

  “I know you were but I think that it might be possible.”

  “I’ll be there in an hour!” Carried said before hanging up.

  Ashley raised herself up off the floor and headed back into the bedroom plopping herself on her bed as she opened up an application she kept on her cell phone that she used for keeping track of her periods. Anytime she had her period she would mark it on the calendar in the application and it would automatically calculate when her next period would start. According to the calendar, she had not marked down her period for over two months. “Oh shit! Maybe I just forgot to enter,” Ashley said aloud knowing that she hardly ever forgot to update her calendar.

  Ashley also kept track of all the times she got intimate, as well, just as a precaution just in case she did ever get pregnant. As Ashley looked at the last entry she began to think that she had missed an entry. Had it really been that long since she had sex? Then as the thought entered her mind, Ashley could feel herself becoming sick again. She ran back to the bathroom making the toilet just in time as she released for the last time that morning. Ashley allowed the tears to flow as she remembered that she did, in fact, have sex since then but the last time she had sex was with Eric. She immediately began to pray as she kneeled in front of the toilet, pleading not to be pregnant. Ashley knew that if she was pregnant that she would then have to figure out who the father of her baby was. Now that she had Adrian back in her life, she was now faced with the possibility of losing him again because she knew that he would never forgive her for this.

  When Carrie arrived to Ashley’s with the pregnancy test, she decided that she needed to tell Carrie the whole story. After the turn of events that took place with her and Adrian, Ashley did confide in Carrie but she decided to leave out the part about letting Eric come over that night and having sex with him. She had been embarrassed to share that side of herself with her younger sister, although they both had shared intimate, private details about their lives and relationships before. Still, Ashley knew how much Carrie liked Adrian and was rooting for them to get back together after all of that confusion. Also, Carrie would not have been happy about Ashley becoming involved with Eric again anyway; she had never met Eric before but Carrie was not impressed with what she had heard about him.

  After following the instructions of her first pregnancy test, Ashley sat down with Carrie on the love seat in her bedroom and opened up to her sister about what happened with Eric the last time she saw him. The more Ashley spoke the more animated Carrie’s facial expressions became as she let everything out, revealing for the first time to anyone about having sex with Eric. Ashley felt relieved to get everything off her chest about that night, but she was a wreck waiting to not only hear what Carrie’s reaction would be but also to find out the test results.

  “Well, aren’t you going to say something?” Ashley asked Carrie as she prepared herself for what she knew would be disappointment and disapproval from her sister.

  “Wow…I do have to say I am surprised, Sis. But the thing about it is that we’re all human. I have been hurt before and as a result I have acted out and done things that I should not have down. I can’t even imagine how you felt after all of that drama, so I can’t judge you and say what you should have or should not have done. I am glad you chose me to be the one to open up to about this though. And if you are pregnant, you need to definitely come clean to both of them because everyone involved needs to know the truth,” Carrie said as she held her sister’s hand.

  For sure, I know that’s the best thing. And thank you for not making me feel like the slut I know that I was in that instance. I was surprised at myself for responding to that situation like I did but I guess I just didn’t want to be alone. All my mind kept going to was leaving Adrian there at that house with that bitch and how I did
not want to be alone. Then Eric shows up and…you know.”

  “But the most important thing now, Sis, is that you know what you did was a mistake, you let Eric know that it wouldn’t happen again, and now that part of it all is closed. We just now need to deal with moving forward. Let’s see if you’re about to be a mommy.”

  Ashley hesitated for a moment but then realized she was ready to get this over with. She rushed into the bathroom to get the test while Carrie remained seated on the love seat waiting for Ashley to reveal the results.

  “Do you know how to read it?” Carrie shouted out to Ashley.

  “Yea, I do. Let me let you confirm it though,” Ashley said as she walked back toward Carrie handing the test over to her sister.

  Carrie looked down at the test, and then looked back up to her sister. Her eyes began to water as she noticed the tears forming in Ashley’s eyes. She stood up and hugged Ashley tight. “Sis, regardless of how this happened, I am thrilled for you right now. We’re going to get through this regardless ok?”


  “So, the next thing you might want to do is schedule a doctor’s appointment,” Carrie suggested.

  Ashley nodded her head as she searched for her telephone and looked through her list of contacts to call her doctor. She scheduled an appointment for the middle of next week to confirm what she already had a feeling the test her sister was holding had already told them—that she was going to be a mother.

  For the rest of that afternoon, Carrie hung out with Ashley to console her and make sure she was feeling better; she did not want to leave her sister alone until she knew and felt confident that she was in a better place, emotionally. Before Carrie left, she prayed with Ashley—something that they learned to do back in their years living with their parents—and told her that she would check on her that night. When Ashley checked her cell phone after Carrie had left, she noticed that Adrian had called and also sent her a text message over the past couple of hours. The text message stated that he wanted to drive over for the night to spend some time with Ashley, and then take her back with him Saturday to treat her out to a romantic day and night. Usually Ashley would have been excited about this, but she was concerned about Adrian catching on to her mood and figuring out that something was wrong. Still, she wanted to be with him so she texted him back letting him know that she looked forward to seeing him that evening. Adrian responded minutes later that he would be at her place by 8:00 pm with Chinese takeout in hand. Ashley decided that she was going to enjoy the time with Adrian and not worry about anything until she went to the doctor next week.

  Adrian made it to Ashley’s place right on time bringing the scent of Chinese food in with him as he gave her a quick peck on the lips before rushing off to the kitchen to put the bags down. Ashley followed Adrian to the kitchen admiring his physique in his fitted t-shirt and shorts. She was dressed equally casual since they planned on a fun evening together enjoying one another’s company inside. Of course, Ashley still had to keep it a little sexy by making sure her little summer, tank dress showed off her pretty legs and accentuated her curvy figure. Adrian noticed, too, as he turned around to find Ashley standing a few feet away shyly smiling back at him.

  “Why are you standing over there? Come here...” Adrian requested extending his arms open waiting to wrap his arms around her.

  Ashley slowly walked into his arms, extending her own arms around his neck, as she slightly lifted her lips toward his for a slow, deep, intimate kiss. They had missed each other during the little break away from one another, which each could tell from the body language of one another.

  “I have been waiting all day to kiss your sexy lips,” Adrian added.

  “Have you now?” Ashley asked seductively before leaning forward for another quick peck.


  “Well here’s a little kiss for now—maybe I’ll have more for you later, depending on how good you are during dinner.”

  As Ashley turned around to grab plates for their food, Adrian playfully hit her on her butt, which made her respond with a seductive yet playful growl. They both laughed and continued to get everything set up for a nice romantic yet casual dinner in front of the television in the movie room. Adrian had decided on takeout from a restaurant that was new to both of them, but they were not disappointed—the food was delicious. Since Adrian had picked the restaurant, Ashley picked the movie. She decided on an old 80s horror flick, an oldie but goody from their childhood days. Ashley reminisced with Adrian about how her mom would drop her and her friends off at the late-night movies, purchase tickets for them because they were underage, and then leave them there to watch the movie for the next couple of hours. This was something he was also very familiar with himself. They were having a wonderful evening filled with laughter, great conversation, great food and plenty of drinks. Before they knew it, they were into a second movie and dozing off stretched out on the floor leaning up against the couch. Adrian was using Ashley’s shoulder as his pillow as he snored through most of the second movie.

  “Babe, come on and let’s go to bed,” Ashley said as she lightly nudged him and lifted herself off of the floor. She grabbed his hands to try to pull him up directing him to follow her to the bedroom, which he did without any hesitation. Adrian was slightly buzzed from the liquor he had after dinner so once his body hit the bed it did not take long for him to fall right back into his slumber. Ashley, on the other hand, had not drank anything but pop—explaining to Adrian that the liquor would not mix well with her chocolate dessert she had—so she was completely sober. She changed out of her dress into her short little nightie before getting on her side of the bed and placing a light cover over their feet. Ashley kissed Adrian lightly on the lips and fell off to sleep minutes later, thinking about how perfect the night had been. She managed to not worry or think about the day’s events from earlier that had her upset. Ashley told herself that she would not worry about anything until she was given a reason to, meaning that until she got confirmation from the doctor of what the test results would be.

  Hours later, Ashley was suddenly awakened out of her sleep by Adrian who was calling her name while lightly shaking her.

  “Ashley baby, wake up!”

  “What is it, babe?” Ashley finally responded after fully awaking. The clock on the nightstand said 4:54 am. “Do you realize what time it is?”

  “I’m sorry baby but we need to talk now. Is there something you need to tell me?” Adrian said as he lifted his hand closer to Ashley’s face to show her the pregnancy test he had in his hand. Ashley sat there stunned unable to say a word. “I saw this on top of the garbage in the bathroom. This is saying what I think it is saying, right?”

  Ashley was still silent as she sat up in the bed realizing that her sister was the last one with the test. She thought about how she would have made sure to put the test down at the bottom of the trash just to avoid such a thing from happening but it was too late now. “Yes babe, that says it’s positive.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” Adrian asked.

  “I wanted to be sure first. You know these store pregnancy tests aren’t always accurate. I have an appointment with my doctor next week so I can get tested. I was going to wait until after then to even bring it up,” Ashley said choosing to not even go into the other part of the story that she knew Adrian would not be pleased to hear about. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry? Are you kidding me? There’s nothing to be sorry about baby—do you know how happy I am right now at the possibility of us being parents?!” Adrian asked with a big grin on his face.

  “Really, you’re ready for this?” Ashley asked in surprise thinking that even if the baby was Adrian’s that he still was not quite ready for this type of responsibility and future with her, at least not this early on in their relationship.

  “Yes, you bet I am. I love you, sweetheart. I thought I made it very clear to you that I want a future with you in it. You have made my night—this sobered my ass ri
ght up when I saw this in the bathroom!”

  Ashley forced a chuckle to join along in Adrian’s obvious excitement about possibly becoming a father. That little voice inside kept telling her to go ahead and tell Adrian the truth, but she did not want to risk making him lose the big grin that was sprawled across his face right now. Then there was the fact that she was terrified of confessing this to Adrian and risk losing him. She was truly in love with this man and genuinely felt with all of her being, this time more than any other times, that Adrian was the one.

  “Baby, is everything ok? How are you feeling about all of this?” Adrian asked noticing that she seemed a little down. The thought crossed his mind briefly that maybe she might not be ready for a baby.

  “Oh, I’m a little nervous but please don’t think it’s about a future with you. That’s all I’ve wanted with you since I met you,” Ashley said smiling at Adrian speaking from her heart.

  “Ok, I just wanted to be sure.”

  “I have been sick already, morning sickness I guess—I don’t care for that so far! But I’m looking forward to this motherhood journey. And I can’t imagine not having you here by my side experiencing it with me.”

  Adrian wrapped his arms around Ashley positioning her to lie back against him on the pillows affectionately resting his hands on her stomach. At first touch it made Ashley flinch having him touch her stomach, but then she relaxed and enjoyed Adrian’s arms around her and the comfort she was feeling. She decided to stick with her original plan and wait to see what the doctor’s test would say. If confirmed that she was pregnant, Ashley would then tell Adrian the truth.


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