Unbidden Love (Book Five of the Bidden Series)

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Unbidden Love (Book Five of the Bidden Series) Page 6

by Cierlak, Crystal

  “Things are just fine, Sir. Were you calling to speak with your fath-, I mean, with Mister Fitzgerald?”


  “One moment, Sir,” she said before the line went momentarily silent. Soft piano music began trilling in his ear, like modern muzak in an elevator. He waited patiently as the dulcet tones played on.

  “Mister Fitzgerald is currently on a call on your-, I mean on the private line. He said it would only be a moment.”

  “Thanks, Alice.” He had a second thought. “Is Audra in by chance?”

  “Yes, but she is occupied in her office with Miss Harlow.”

  James’ breath caught in his throat. “Natalie’s there?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He did not know why he was surprised. Every Fitson office had dedicated space for Natalie and all of the Gallo Harlow employees working on the Fitson account. It was his own idea to dedicate the space to them.

  “Would you like me to connect you, Mister Fitzgerald?” Alice asked.

  Yes. No. “No, thank you Alice. I’ll wait for my father.”

  “He is off the line now. I’ll transfer you, sir.”

  “Thanks Alice,” James said before the line clicked over.

  “Well this is a pleasant surprise. Are you calling to check up on me, Son?”

  Not even a phone call spanning a distance of over three thousand miles could make Jackson Fitzgerald sound any less intimidating. Even to his own son.

  “I was just curious how things were going.”

  “Everything is fine, Son. You needn’t worry. How is my grandson doing?”

  James resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “He is great, Dad. Sleeps, eats, poops and cries. Perfectly normal.”

  “Good. I am looking forward to seeing both of my grandchildren when you fly out this weekend.”

  “Uh, actually we have not finalized our travel plans yet, Dad.”

  “You may want to consult with Celine, Son. She emailed a copy of your moving itinerary this morning. I would not have guessed you were uninformed on the matter.”

  James shut his eyes and ran the backside of his thumb against his forehead. “That makes two of us.” When he opened his eyes again it was to glance in the direction of the bar setup on the far side. He should have started drinking before calling his dad.

  “Why don’t we set up a meeting for next week once you have had a chance to settle in? I have some thoughts I would like to share with you.”

  The bar was looking more temping with each passing moment. “Thoughts about what, Dad?” He could only imagine.

  “For starters, the fact that Fitson employees have participated in that establishment you and Audra call a club. Namely you, Son.”

  James burned with the sudden invasion of blood rushing to his face. He took a concentrated breath and focused on his voice so as not to sound obviously agitated. “Where did you hear that?”

  “We will talk about it later.”


  “James, you are on leave. Focus on your family. We will talk next week. I have a meeting to attend. Goodbye, Son.”

  The line disconnected before James could say another word. He grimaced and set his cell phone down on a nearby end table before the urge to hurl it across the room became too strong. Apparently one was never too old to be made to feel like a petulant child by Jackson Fitzgerald. Why was he seeking out information about The Golden Palm? And perhaps more importantly, who was giving it? Only a handful of trusted employees knew James had participated in the auction nearly a year ago. The Concierges, at least one accountant, maybe half a dozen other senior personnel, Audra and… And Natalie.

  "Jack is going to run our West Coast operations from here, which means I am going to have to alternate handling operations in Vegas, Salt Lake, New York and Miami."

  Natalie's heart drooped into her stomach as warning bells fired off in her nerves. “You are leaving?"

  Audra's left hand reached out for Natalie's right as it balanced atop the couch cushion between them. “I am not leaving, per se. L.A. is my home, but I will be out of town three to five days a week for at least-"

  "The foreseeable future," Natalie finished for her. They were the same words used by Jackson Fitzgerald when he informed her that James was on leave. She chewed on the insides of her cheeks in an effort to maintain the impassive look she was trying so hard to convey. But on the inside she was gutted. They barely had any time yet to explore the relationship they were trying to build, and now there would be even less of it.

  Audra pulled her hand back and clasped it with the other in her lap, her eyes cast but unmet in Natalie's direction.

  "It's fine!" Natalie said through a loud exhale of breath before Audra could say another word. It wasn't like she was unfamiliar with dating a Chief-something-Officer of a prominent business. Although when she and James started dating he made it a point to abbreviate three to five days into overnight trips. Not that it was fair to compare the one to the other.

  "It would make me very happy if you could join me." Audra's words made Natalie break away from her thoughts. Join her? As in travel three to five days per week with her? "Not all the time, obviously. You have your own company to run. Since you have clients in Vegas and New York, maybe there is an opportunity to overlap the two. I don't know."

  Natalie's work was portable. She and Joe designed it that way. Whether they were in the comfort of their own shared home or three thousand miles away on the other side of the country, so long as they had WiFi and a device to connect to it with, they could work.

  Audra talked on and on about jet lag, living out of suitcases, the cost of jet fuel when you own a private plane - Natalie decided it was best not to try to wrap her head around that one - and after a few minutes it all started to sound as though it could work. They would still have the weekends, text messaging, and FaceTime. They were not lacking in options for digital communication.

  As though she were reading Natalie's mind at that very moment, Audra handed over the phone and swiped her finger up the screen. "I was looking at a few options for dinner tonight. What do you think of this place?"

  Natalie quickly glanced over the app. "Contemporary French cuisine in Santa Monica," she read.

  "Two Michelin stars!" Audra beamed, as though that one fact would be the deciding factor.

  "What is contemporary French cuisine?" Natalie asked, biting her lip to hide the dumb smile that spread across her lips. Before Audra could answer there was a brisk knock at the office door, and a moment later Alice poked her head through the small opening she created.

  "Miss Robertson? Dana is setting up in the conference room and is ready when you are."

  Audra's head fell back in defeat. “Shit! I forgot. Okay I will be right there."

  "Who is Dana?" Natalie asked as she tapped the restaurant's name into Google for more information.

  "My stylist." Natalie's eyes went wide as she abandoned her search and looked up at a blushing Audra. "I don't always have time to shop!"

  "So you have the shopping brought to you? Oh my god I am so jealous right now. Okay, I have to see this!" Natalie got up and practically pushed Audra out of the office and towards the conference room.

  James poured the contents of a crystal decanter into an ice-filled glass and sipped deeply, ignoring the burning sensation the liquor created as it slid down his throat. So his father knew about his participation in the auction at The Golden Palm. Someone had to have told him, and for the life of him he could not picture that someone being Natalie. He could not even imagine them being in the same room together, let alone having any type of conversation. They were from separate worlds. Audra, on the other hand, had more access and opportunity to tell Jackson. But was she motivated to? And to what end?

  He downed the last of the liquor and poured himself another glass before grabbing his phone and taking a seat at his computer. He typed in a web address by heart and waited for the page to load, only to receive a login screen first.

nbsp; “Damn it,” he cursed under his breath. He scrolled through the contact list on his phone, then tapped the name he was looking for.

  “Security, this is Peter.”

  “Hi Peter. This is James Fitzgerald. How are you?”

  “I am doing well, Mister Fitzgerald. What can I do for you, Sir?”

  “I am trying to get remote access to the live security feed on the executive level. I need a username and password.”

  “Um, well, Sir… I-“ the man stammered. “One moment please.” The line didn’t go completely silent, and he did not hear the dulcet tones of the phone system’s hold service. Who or what was he consulting with? Peter would not actually deny James access to his own security system?

  “Mister Fitzgerald?” Peter asked, suddenly back on the line. “I will give you my login credentials. Are you ready?”

  “Go ahead, Peter.” James reached for a pen and jotted down the provided information. “Thank you.” He hung up and entered the username and password into the computer. Less than ten seconds later the screen split into two sections - a thin column on the left field with thumbnails labeled with various names from the executive floor, and on the right a black screen waiting to be loaded with video.

  He selected ‘J. Fitzgerald - Office’ first and watched as the feed came to life before him. There in his office was his father, gathering stacks of paper and placing them inside a leather briefcase.

  Beneath the thumbnail of his office was another, labeled ‘A. Robertson - Office’. His finger hovered above the trackpad, ready to click down and select the feed. But he hesitated.

  ‘James, you are on leave. Focus on your family.’ His father’s words. James knew he should take the advice, shut the computer and go back to Celine to have lunch and pack up for the move. But his curiosity was too strong. And after all, Audra was family.

  He clicked the thumbnail and watched, mesmerized as Audra’s familiar office came into full color view. His eyes searched the screen, stopping at the far left corner where two figures were seated on a couch.

  Audra and Natalie. They were leaning in towards one another, looking at something in Natalie’s hand. A few inches away the office door opened and someone's head peeked through. James stabbed at the volume key on the keyboard, but the feed remained silent. He watched as Audra and Natalie stood and left the office, and James’ sight.

  “Shit,” he cursed to himself again. He scrolled through the aisle of thumbnails until he found the hallway just outside their suite of offices. Natalie was leading Audra by the hand; it looked like they were heading towards the conference room. He found the corresponding feed, labeled under ‘Conf Rm A - Executive’ and loaded it.

  Natalie’s jaw dropped at the sight of the lush conference room outfitted into a pop-up shop complete with designer clothes, shoes, handbags, jewelry, and a half dozen other accessories. A lanky woman dressed in head to toe black was barking orders at two college-aged girls Natalie assumed were assistants or interns.

  It was like watching something out of a glossy reality show. Dana was a walking encyclopedia of fashions past, present, and future, and had hand selected a large assortment of clothing and accessories that looked quintessentially Audra.

  When one of the assistants-slash-interns uncorked a bottle of champagne, Natalie went from reality show to Hollywood movie in one golden sip.

  "Victoria had these overnighted specifically for you today," Dana explained as she fingered half a dozen dresses in various shades of white, black and navy. "Very classic but contemporary. And the fabric is just to die for," she swooned.

  Audra zeroed in on one dress in particular - a bright pink that practically vibrated against the more solemn and stately dresses in darker hues.

  "Really?" she asked through an amused smile.

  “Oh, please try this one on!" Natalie begged as soon as she saw the garment. She was trying - and failing - to not burst with laughter. Audra Robertson in a pink dress? She grasped for her phone in her pocket in case the opportunity came to snap a quick photo.

  "Actually that one isn't for Audra. It is for you." Dana arched an eyebrow in Natalie's direction.

  “You are joking," Natalie breathed, suddenly sober at the thought.

  Dana picked up the dress from the rack and held it up to Natalie. "I never joke about fashion," she said with a tone that conveyed she was both serious and self-aware. "T-shirt dress with blush pink double-crepe material. It is fitted, so it will look spectacular on you. Compliments of the designer."

  Natalie cast a side glance at Audra, who was eyeing the same rack of clothing the pink dress came from.

  "Don't look at me! I think the dress would look gorgeous on you. That color suits you."

  Natalie tried to wrap her head around the fact that a world famous designer had even heard of her. It was utterly surreal. She wanted to ask why or even how, but something inside her told her to keep quiet. She reached out to touch the pink fabric, questions circling around in her mind in search of answers. It was difficult to ignore the conclusion that the most obvious question was starting to come to, that she was sent the dress because of Audra. Or rather because she was with Audra. No one ever gifted her free dresses when she was dating James.

  "I love this," Audra mused as she held up a silk wrap coat to examine it closely. "What do you think, Gorgeous?”

  Her questions momentarily forgotten, Natalie flushed at the term of endearment and slid to Audra's side to examine the coat for herself. "It is beautiful." She fingered the hem of the neckline as it dipped deep into the front of the garment.

  "Obviously it needs something underneath."

  "Or not,” Audra shrugged. She turned her head slightly and winked at Natalie. “Help me pick some things out. You have such great taste.”


  “Yes, you. You haven’t noticed me stealing glances at those amazing boots you’re wearing?”

  “No, I noticed. I just assumed you were imagining my killer legs underneath.”

  Audra bit her bottom lip as she smiled at Natalie. “I was.” She leaned in and kissed her briefly on her lips. “Let’s pick out something for you to undress me out of after dinner.”

  Natalie went through individual garments alongside Audra and Dana, picking out her favorites before moving on to shoes. By the time they were browsing through two tabletops merchandised with jewelry, Natalie had the distinct impression someone was watching her. She glanced around, placing everyone in the room - Audra by her side looking at sparkling jewelry, Dana on the opposite side of the table pointing out the names of designers and karat counts, the two interns fussing with the selections they had already made. Still, it was as if someone had their eyes directly on her back.

  Her phone vibrated from its place tucked into the waistband of her skirt, breaking her attention away from the eerie feeling of being watched.

  “Hello?” she greeted without checking the display.

  “Hey, it’s me. Did you see the itinerary I emailed you? I thought it would be nice to have you and Jackson out for brunch on Sunday morning. I have been organizing the catering all day. Even though we are arriving Friday, the truck won’t arrive with our belongings until at least Wednesday.”

  Natalie was utterly confused. “Sorry, who is this?”

  “Audra?” the woman asked, equally perplexed. Natalie brought the phone down from her ear to check the display, only to realize it was not her phone, but Audra’s, and it was Celine’s name sprawled across the device.

  “No, this is Natalie. Just a minute.” She looked up and handed the phone to Audra. “It’s your sister.” As soon as the phone was in Audra’s possession Natalie turned and focused her attention on the colorful display of jewelry. She willed her ears to listen to anything but Audra’s side of the conversation, not that it was an easy task.

  So, Celine and James would be moving to California that weekend. How much would things be changing then?


  The wood- and leather-appointe
d study had become James’ sanctuary since his arrival to New York weeks ago. He often came into the room shortly after putting Frankie to bed, and poured himself a drink before lighting the fireplace and staring at it for hours from the comfort of a deep leather couch. The crackle of the flames and bite of the drink were enough to keep his thoughts trained on as little as possible. But that night, as had been the case the few nights that preceded it, his thoughts were of nothing but Natalie and Audra.

  How many times in the past had he been in a room with both women together, completely clueless as to what would one day become of them? He thought they were barely even friends. In fact on multiple occasions, Natalie had confided in James that she was not entirely sure Audra was fond of Natalie even in the most polite sense; that she was intimidated by the woman. But then again, she said the same thing about him, too.

  What he saw on the Fitson live security feed, however, was not two women who barely knew or did not like each other. There were the small gestures you could really only see if you were looking for them: Audra placing a hand on Natalie’s elbow as they walked around the room; Natalie watching Audra as she swiped through racks full of garments; discreet glances and smiles. He was fixated, replaying them in his mind's eye like a detective looking for clues. There was a shared intimacy between the two women that had never before existed.

  He took a deep sip from his glass, draining it once more in the hope that it would somehow fill in the hollow space inside him that made his chest ache. It was not supposed to happen this way.

  Natalie was supposed to be with him. They should have been engaged and planning a future together. If only Audra hadn’t shown up at The Jacqueline and found Natalie at the bar the night she came to see him in the weeks following her miscarriage. If only he had come downstairs first. Then none of this would have happened. Instead, his last memory of being with Natalie was the night she said she had done and was doing something unspeakable, something she could not help but do. She told him once she walked the path she was on that he would not want her anymore, that he would no longer be able to love her.


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