Love Takes Time

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Love Takes Time Page 7

by Adrianne Byrd

  Kitty spent most of the time slipping Billy Dee Williams the third, her much-beloved and bejeweled Chihuahua, pieces of filet mignon and cooing, “Aw. That’s a good mama’s baby.”

  Alyssa shook her head at the way the woman continued to baby that dog.

  The food was rich and bountiful. The laughs were loud and contagious, but most of all, Alfred and Estelle were happy. Wasn’t that all that mattered?

  Forever on a diet, Alyssa and Tangie picked over their food and instead just indulged in how wonderful everything smelled.

  To Alyssa’s surprise, Sterling made an effort to include Tangie in conversation. “So what is it that you do, Ms. Graham? I seem to remember you and Alyssa being quite the dynamic duo when you were younger. Like the time when you two had a giant bubble bath in the Jacuzzi.”

  Alyssa and Tangie glanced at each other and giggled at the memory.

  “You remember that?” Tangie asked.

  “It’s kind of hard not to remember half the back lawn overflowing with strawberry bubble bath,” he chuckled.

  “It was Alyssa’s idea,” Tangie confessed, pointing at her best friend. “She poured the whole bottle in there.”

  Alyssa gasped. “Judas!”

  They laughed. When they’d calmed down, Tangie answered Sterling’s question. “Well, actually, we’re still a dynamic duo. I’m Ally’s assistant.”

  “A wonderful assistant at that,” Alyssa said, pumping up her friend. “She keeps my head and my schedule straight. I would be completely lost without her.”

  “Oh, is that right?” Sterling said, nodding. “Have you thought about modeling yourself?”

  The question clearly surprised Tangie. She had long thought that the extra weight on her short frame disqualified her in the modeling profession. Alyssa lost count how many times she’d tried to open Tangie’s eyes to her own beauty, only to have her friend find fault with everything from her slight double chin to her thick thighs.

  Sterling’s innocence and sincerity would no doubt do wonders for Tangie’s self-esteem, and Alyssa was grateful to him for that. Of course, Sterling had always had such a kind heart, though he usually buried himself in work so very few people got a chance to see it.

  She watched him out of the corners of her eyes for a few seconds.

  “You sure are quiet,” Quentin said. His warm breath rushed against her ear and sent a delicious thrill through her.

  “I’m just enjoying the evening,” she answered, taking a quick glance over her shoulder. “What about you?”

  Quentin eased in close. “I’m enjoying myself now and, of course when I won that kiss this afternoon.”

  “You didn’t win,” she reminded him.

  “You have your version and I have mine. Either way, I walked away with a kiss.”

  “I felt sorry for you.”

  “Then maybe I should fall down more often.”

  Alyssa chuckled and shook her head. “You know you would have never won that race. Everyone knows you’re a lousy rider.”

  “Aha! So you were setting me up to fail. You never intended for me to win my prize.” He cocked his head. “Unless you were going to throw the race.”

  Her face darkened with guilt.

  “Ah.” The corners of Q’s lips quirked up. “Not only has little Alice grown up, but she’s learned how to play the games women play. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.” He shook his head, but his eyes remained mischievous. “How disappointing.”

  Alyssa lifted a delicate brow. “And what about the game you were playing?” she challenged. “You really could have broken your neck riding like that.”

  Q’s smile remained playful. “Maybe.” He leaned in close. His seductive and heady cologne engulfed her. “But frankly, I think it was well worth it. Who knows, maybe we can do it again?”

  Speech eluded Alyssa as Quentin’s bedroom eyes dragged her under a spell. She reached for her wineglass in hopes of dousing the flames now licking the insides of her belly, but one sip of her drink only caused them to roar more out of control.

  “So tell us, Alyssa,” Mrs. Hinton nearly shouted from across the raucous table. “Have you given much thought to going from modeling to acting? Lord knows you have the face for it.”

  “You certainly do,” Quentin whispered.

  His praise only caused her blush to deepen. “I, um, haven’t really given it any thought,” she answered shyly.

  “Well, if you ask me,” Mrs. Hinton continued, “you’d be a natural. Now back when I was on Broadway, stars were really stars. They had mystery and class.” She leaned toward her husband. “Isn’t that right, honey?”

  “That’s right, pumpkin.” Roger lifted her hand and placed a kiss against her wedding ring.

  Turning her broad smile back toward Alyssa, Mrs. Hinton’s eyes glossed over. “It was truly like being a part of American royalty.”

  Alyssa bit her lower lip and judging by a few amused gazes, she realized that Mrs. Hinton was just getting warmed up for her stroll down memory lane, retelling stories her family had all heard a million times. From her heyday as an understudy in August Wilson’s Fences to how Isaac from The Love Boat made a pass at her in front of her husband. Of course Mrs. Hinton’s rendition never included the absolutely horrid reviews she received for her performances, but the family, as well as the staff, just exchanged knowing looks.

  The minute there was a pause in the conversation, Alfred jumped in. “Well, I have an announcement to make.”

  Alyssa blinked and then inched down in her seat. Was he about to announce the pregnancy to the whole group? Her stomach muscles looped into tight knots as everyone gave Alfred their undivided attention.

  Her father smiled and looped his large arm around Estelle’s shoulder. “I received a call this afternoon about a job in Atlanta.”

  A job? Alyssa frowned.

  “I thought you were just retiring,” Roger cut in, looking put off. “If you wanted a new job—”

  “This is more than just a job—it’s an opportunity,” he said, still smiling.

  It was clear by Roger’s expression that he didn’t like the sound of that. He was a very competitive man and the idea of someone luring his favorite chef from his employ was infusing red heat into his cocoa complexion.

  “I’m going to have my own cooking show,” Alfred announced.

  Alyssa gasped in surprise while the rest of the table exploded with applause. “Daddy, are you for real?” she asked, jumping to her feet.

  He bobbed his head as his eyes shone with unmistakable pride.

  “Oh, I’m so thrilled for you,” she said, rushing around the long rectangular table so she could wrap her arms around his broad shoulders.

  “Well, well. That’s quite a different story,” Roger Hinton said, beaming across the table. “That deserves another toast.”

  “Hold on.” Quentin stood and brought Alyssa her wine.

  She remained locked in her father’s arms while she accepted the offered glass. Their eyes met with a smoldering heat. A second later, her father’s arms tightened against her waist.

  “To the Jansens,” Roger saluted. “May your good fortune continue to reign.”

  “Here! Here!” everyone chorused.

  “And while your stars continue to rise, I hope you don’t forget about your friends,” Quentin added and the group chuckled.

  Though his words were simple enough, there was a wild fluttering in her center that caught his double meaning.

  “Amen,” Beatrice shouted.

  She had him, she realized, right in the palm of her hand.

  Chapter 8

  “Isn’t Sterling absolutely dreamy?” Tangie said the moment she and Alyssa returned to her small bedroom.

  The question elicited a reflexive laugh from Alyssa. Sterling? Dreamy?

  “He is,” Tangela insisted. “He’s handsome, studious, nice…and rich as hell.”

  “I guess. It’s just…”

  “It’s just what?”

  “I don’t know.” S
he shrugged. “He always just seems so stiff and so serious about everything,” she said, even though she knew that wasn’t quite true.

  “Whatever. You’re incapable of noticing anyone else whenever Quentin is around.”

  Alyssa smiled at the obvious truth. Tonight she had practically clocked Q’s every move in the restaurant, even when she was pretending not to. By the end of the night, Quentin had flirted with practically every woman in attendance, whether they were married or not. It was part of his charm. No one took him seriously.

  So why did she? What made her think that he was really interested in her?

  “Hello. Earth to Alyssa.”

  Tangie waved her hand in front of Alyssa’s face. She jumped. “What?”

  Her best friend laughed and shook her head. “Girl, you really got it bad. We’ve traveled all around the world and you have given every gorgeous, rich and not-so-rich bachelor one excuse after another. The minute we arrive back here, you’ve been behaving like a lovesick teenager. Snap out of it!”

  Alyssa wished she could, but nothing on earth was going to get her to forget about that kiss—that wonderful, warm, earth-shattering kiss. She sighed and plopped down on the bed. “I just don’t know if I can,” she finally admitted. “I mean…what if this was really meant to be?” she asked, pulling off her shoes. “I used to sit up in this room day after day plotting and planning how to become Mrs. Quentin Dwayne Hinton. When I left for college, I thought I’d grown out of it. But now…” She glanced around. “Something about being here…and seeing him just brings all those emotions back.”

  “All right.” Tangela sighed and then sat next to her. “So what are you going to do about it?”

  “That is the big question.” Alyssa stood and walked over to her bedroom window. The Hinton estate had always reminded her of some grand fairy-tale palace. Her prince was always so close and yet so far away.

  “Well, if you want my opinion,” Tangie said. “I say go for it. Hell, what do you have to lose? You both are adults now. Right? This is the twenty-first century. There’s no rule saying that the servant’s daughter can’t marry up.”

  “Marry!” Alyssa’s smile returned.

  “I can’t believe it. You’re actually afraid of going for it.” Tangie laughed. “I’ve never known you to be afraid of anything.”

  Was she afraid?

  “Plus, judging by the way Quentin couldn’t keep his eyes off you, I’d say you have more than a fair chance of finally snagging him with a sharp hook.”

  Alyssa’s hopes soared, but she tried not to let it show. “C’mon. He was flirting with everyone. Even Estelle got a few winks from him.”

  “He was playing with them. He was flirting with you.”

  It did seem that way, she reasoned. Alyssa closed her eyes and easily recalled the press of his lips against hers. There was something wicked about the way his tongue had slid in between her lips.

  Shaking her head, she erased the image. “You know what? I think I’m going out for a swim. I need to clear my head.”

  “You’re kidding. It’s late.”


  “No. I’m not wrecking my perm. If you’re going, then you’re going by yourself.”

  “Oh, c’mon. The exercise will help you sleep like a baby.”

  “I’m already going to sleep like a baby.”

  “Just for a couple of laps?”

  “No. Besides, we have a full day with the wedding and all.”

  “Well, I’m going. I think I packed one of those swimsuits from the SI shoot.”

  “Whatever. You do you.”

  Twenty minutes later, Alyssa made the perfect forward dive into the Hintons’ twenty-foot pool. The minute she hit the water, she felt as if she was in her element. An all-around athlete in high school, Alyssa had a wall full of trophies she’d won during her time on the swim team. For her, there was absolutely nothing better than swimming by moonlight. There was something about the total body workout that had a way of clearing her mind and working off the day’s stress.

  All she could think about as she made her laps around the pool was that kiss. That wonderful, glorious kiss by a man who had monopolized her dreams for as long as she could remember.

  Go for it!

  There was such a strong part of her that wanted to do just that, but there was that other part that reminded her of just how fast Quentin went through women. Was Quentin even capable of more than a fleeting affair?

  Out of frustration she dived deeper into the pool and swam along the bottom while she mulled over the situation. Could she just accept a small part of him—or could she really go for happily ever after?

  Alyssa kicked toward the surface. When she broke through, she sucked in the much-needed air. However, she immediately sensed that she was not alone. She turned toward the diving board where Quentin stood smiling back.

  “Looks like you’re having fun. Mind if I join you?”

  Almost immediately Alyssa’s heart hammered on her rib cage. Its quick pounding echoed in her ears. “It’s your pool. You’re free to do what you like.”

  Quentin pulled open his white robe and revealed a pair of black-and-white swim briefs.

  Alyssa’s gaze greedily drank in his impressive body: broad shoulders, narrow waist and lean, but muscular legs. The kicker was his impressive abs. She itched to run her fingers along their rippled contours.

  “Do I pass inspection?”

  She didn’t dare answer but quietly treaded water in the center of the pool.

  Quentin stepped onto the diving board and showed off by displaying a perfect arm stand and then dived into the pool.

  Alyssa smiled as she watched him glide along the bottom of the pool toward her.

  Being the little devil that he was, Q grabbed Alyssa’s foot and tugged her under the water. He didn’t hold on to her, but instead allowed her to buoy back to the top.

  “Not fair,” she complained, laughing.

  “C’mon. You should know by now that I don’t like playing fair,” he said, invading her space.

  “Oh yeah. It’s coming back to me now.” She dived under the water, giving him a brief glance of her firm, round tush.

  “My, my, my.”

  Alyssa rocketed away, striving to place a little distance between them so she could think better.

  However, Quentin meant what he said about not playing fair and charged after her. When she finally broke the surface again, he was right there. “You’re a good swimmer,” he said. “Your long fluid strokes are quite…graceful.”

  She wanted to thank him, but he’d once again locked her into his dark, probing stare. Words evaporated in her head.

  “My little Alice,” he said softly. His gaze effortlessly caressed her face. “I always knew that you would grow up to be a heartbreaker.”

  “I’m hardly that.”

  “No?” He lowered his voice so that she moved closer. “You mean to tell me that there’s no man out there right now drowning his sorrows in the bottom of a whiskey bottle? No man trying to thaw out from your cold…shoulder?”

  To her surprise, he leaned down and placed a soft kiss against her right shoulder.

  “There’s no man sitting by the phone waiting for you to call?” He kissed her other shoulder.

  Their eyes locked again and Alyssa’s chest burned from lack of oxygen. Instead of answering, she slowly shook her head.

  Quentin cocked his head. “Now why don’t I believe that?” His wicked smile enticed her.

  Self-preservation kicked in and Alyssa leaned back and floated away. “You’re pretty good,” she said.

  He laughed. His deep baritone rumbled across the water as he followed his prey.

  “If I didn’t know any better, Alice. I’d say that you were scared of me.”

  She stopped and treaded water in the pool. “I’m not scared of you.”

  Quentin’s mischievous grin only spread wider. “Liar.”

  “Why should I be scared?” she challenged.r />
  “Oh, I don’t know.” He shrugged, but there was nothing careless about it. “Maybe because that kiss we shared frightened you.”

  She forced out a laugh that sounded a little off, even to her. “My, what a big ego you have, Mr. Hinton.”

  Quentin’s arm snaked out around her waist and pulled her closer before she knew what was happening. “It’s ‘my, what a big ego you have, Quentin.’ I certainly think we’re beyond formalities. Don’t you?”

  Alyssa’s breathing turned choppy. If it wasn’t for him holding her, she was sure that she would have sunk like a stone, since her motor skills suddenly malfunctioned.

  “You’re trembling,” he whispered.

  “I’m cold.”

  “But it’s a heated pool,” he reminded her.

  She shivered some more. “Why are you playing games?”

  “Because I like to win.” He brushed his lips against hers. Gently. “Besides, you intrigue me.” His gaze lowered to her lips. “Fascinate me. Plus, if I don’t kiss you again, I swear I’m going to go crazy.”

  Alyssa held still, neither encouraging nor discouraging his next move. And just like in her childhood fantasies, she watched mesmerized as Quentin’s head descended.

  What the playful couple didn’t realize or even consider was their growing audience. None of them pleased at what they were witnessing.

  Chapter 9

  It had been years since the Hintons had hosted a wedding. And this one, like the last, was equally breathtaking. The late-fall weather was more than accommodating. The orchestra was in full swing in the temporary pavilion while guests and family trickled inside. Estelle masterfully embraced the colors of autumn. The flowers and decorations had hints of gold, rust and emerald-green. Her wedding dress was a sophisticated off-white skirt suit. The bridesmaids were arrayed in gold and burgundy. Only Alyssa wore an emerald-green number with thin spaghetti straps.

  “I know this is last-minute, but I hoped you would agree to be my maid of honor.”

  Touched, Alyssa brushed her fingers against the soft silk and felt tears burn the backs of her eyes. “I don’t know what to say,” she said honestly.


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