Never Ever Satisfied (The Perfect Date Book 4)

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Never Ever Satisfied (The Perfect Date Book 4) Page 14

by Donna McDonald

  Trudy ran her hand over the spot. “Yeah. Mine does the exact same thing.”

  “I know,” Jack whispered. “I love causing it. I love you, Trudy.” He touched their foreheads again. “I hate to say this, but I have to go. I have to fix something.”

  “Go?” Trudy said in shock. “But I’m fixing dinner for us.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. This can’t wait. It’s more important than dinner. Can I come back later? Like maybe in a few hours?”

  Trudy nodded. “Sure. I guess. Is everything alright?”

  Jack smiled. “Better than alright. Everything is perfect. I just became the richest man I know even though it’s quite likely I’m going to lose my job. You’ve brought a lot of excitement to my life, Chef Trudy Baker. Please don’t ever stop.”

  “Jack, is there something you’re not telling me?”

  “Yes,” he said. “I’ll explain later. Don’t go to bed without me.”

  Trudy snorted. “I can’t believe you think I’m the bossy one in this relationship. You’re always giving me orders.”

  “Mostly in the bedroom,” Jack said, defending his right to do so. He laughed at her expression, leaned in, and kissed her hard. “We might have to make a schedule and take turns being bossy. That would be a lot easier to do if we lived together.”

  Trudy crossed her arms. “Live together? Now you want to live together? Isn’t this discussion moving a little fast?”

  Jack nodded and grinned. “Yes. I’m making up for lost time. Living together is just until I talk you into marrying me. I don’t want to rush you.”

  “The hell you don’t. You’re always rushing me,” Trudy said.

  “Because you’re the most fun I’ve ever had and I get a panic attack every time I think of losing you again.”

  “I said I was sorry I hurt you. Are you going to torment me over the past for the rest of our lives?” Trudy demanded.

  “No. I’m going to make you a cougar, even if you’re reluctant. And I’m going to make mad passionate love to you every chance I get and the whole world will be jealous of our ongoing romance. You’re going to be famous for a lot more than your cooking because I intend to tell the world about us. They’ll be saying I’m your love slave and they’ll be right.”

  “Jack—you can’t just drop poetic bombshells like that and walk away from the conversation.”

  “Don’t worry, honey. I’ll be back tonight to make good on the lovemaking. I promise.”


  Laughing at her frustrated swearing when he ignored her, Jack headed to the door.

  Jellica hummed around a bite. She was in food heaven. “Thank goodness the boys went to a night ball game with friends. Chicken with sage is one of my favorites. Though I must say this invitation was quite unexpected given the hot man you’ve been seeing. Why are you not cooking dinner for him on a Friday night?”

  Trudy grunted. “Let the stupid man get drive-through. I don’t care if he eats or not. This dinner was supposed to be for two.”

  Jellica cut a slice of tender chicken and chewed. “Me and you make two. I’m grateful.”

  Trudy grumbled as she ate a bite. “Jack made me tell him I loved him and then he just left me standing in the kitchen. I guess that’s better than the first date Mariah set me up with. At least Jack showed up and then made an excuse to leave. Guys are such jerks sometimes.”

  Jellica chuckled at her friend’s frustration. “I’m sure Jack had a good reason for leaving. Did he say if he was coming back?”

  Trudy nodded. “Oh yes. Mr. Bossy Pants ordered me not to go to bed without him.”

  “Or what?” Jellica asked. A giggle escaped her. “Is there a spatula spanking in your future if you disobey the high lord and master chef? Please tell me there is.”

  Trudy laughed at the image of Jack with a spatula and almost choked. She pointed a fork at Jellica. “Stop channeling Georgia Bates. That comment is so not like you.”

  Jellica giggled and ate more of the delicious food. “I have to channel Georgia or Ann. I’ve been celibate so long my body doesn’t even know what a dirty joke means anymore.”

  “You know the strangest part?” Trudy mused. “I think I actually would have stayed celibate if Jack hadn’t kissed me the way he did. My body was okay having no one, but it sure got addicted fast to him and in just one make-out session. What am I going to do if he ever leaves me, Jellica? I’d need serious rehab to get over a man who kisses like he does.”

  Jellica snickered. “You’re just worried because of the age difference. He won’t leave you, Trudy. The man is ga-ga-goo-goo over you. Anyone watching you two on his show knows that. Feeding you that éclair was so hot… and when he ate the rest himself while staring at you?” Jellica fanned herself with a hand. “I had to walk out of the room. My face turned red.”

  Groaning, Trudy took another bite before pushing her food away in frustration. “Now I can’t eat because I’m worried what he’s up to. Is this really what love is like? I hate this. How do Georgia and Ann put up with this crap?”

  “Georgia bitches and lashes out at Brent until he takes her to bed. Ann broods and gets emotional until Cal is willing to do pretty much anything to soothe her which generally ends with him taking her to bed. See? There are upsides to the crappy parts. There’s a lot of sex.”

  “Why am I listening to you?” Trudy asked.

  Jellica laughed, happy for her friend’s misery. It was the right kind to have. “My advice is to not go to bed without him tonight. Save the spanking for later in your relationship and keep to the missionary position with him on top for a while longer. It will meet his obvious need to dominate a woman he perceives as being stronger, smarter, and more successful than he is. You need to play all that male angst in your favor while stroking his ego whenever it comes up.”

  “Comes up… Ha. Ha. I get your innuendo. Since when did you become a sex therapist?” Trudy asked.

  “Once upon a time I wanted to get a degree in it. Now I read about relationships because I can’t really have one. It’s called transference—I think.”

  “No, dear, it’s called being horny. Let’s call it what it is. And why can’t you have a relationship?” Trudy demanded.

  Jellica shrugged. “Two big reasons—they’re both sixteen.”

  “Excuses. Excuses. You didn’t let me make them. Maybe Mariah will find you someone perfect who won’t mind a ready made family with two teenage boys.”

  Jellica chuckled and made a circle with both hands. “The great and amazing Dr. Bates is 0-for-3 with the women in our group. The odds are not in my favor. I’m not a CEO, not wealthy, and not twenty with perky boobs. But I am lithe and lean and sexy. I can put my heel on a guy’s shoulder standing up. That’s a talent not many women possess. Let’s see those skinny twenty year olds do that.”

  “My joints and I are totally jealous of your incredible flexibility,” Trudy admitted, chuckling over their silly conversation. “I don’t think the four of us are typical among the women in Mariah’s database. But you might as well make the best of things. You know the guy will have money if he pays the fee to meet you. What kind of guy do you want to date?”

  “Someone who keeps his commitments, shows up on time, and can inspire my children to get real jobs. Smart would be nice because I’d like my sons to learn better life skills before they go to college. My eclectic jobs have put food on the table, but they’re not the best example of financial stability. Handsome would be a nice perk, but he has to be fit. That’s my primary thing. I need someone who can keep up with me. A boring personality is okay—not great—but I can deal if he’s good to the boys.”

  “Sounds totally doable,” Trudy assured her. She waved a hand over Jellica’s face. “Presto change-o, your perfect date will soon appear.”

  When the doorbell rang, Jellica’s eyes grew large. “Wow, you’re good.” Laughing at the coincidence, she shoveled the last bite into her mouth and grabbed her purse.

  “No. Do not run o
ff. There’s no need,” Trudy ordered.

  “You want me to watch? You are a cruel, cruel friend. It was bad enough watching you two on TV.”

  “Fine. Coward. Get out of my house,” Trudy said.

  Snickering over their teasing, they walked to the door together. Jack had lifted his hand to ring the doorbell again when he froze at the sight of Jellica beaming at him. Trudy rolled her eyes.

  “Hi Jack. Bye Jack. There’s a spatula in the kitchen with your name on it. You’ve been a bad, bad boy tonight.” Giggling at her own joke, Jellica skipped down the driveway and climbed into her aging, but well-maintained Lincoln.

  “Is she drunk? Should she be driving?” Jack asked.

  “Not drunk, just ditsy and charming. The bad teasing is Georgia’s fault. I’m currently making plans to kick her irreverent ass. Are you back for dinner? Can you actually stay this time?”

  Jack grinned and stuck a hand in a pocket. “I thought maybe I missed my chance for food. Guess I should be grateful you at least called a girl friend instead of a guy friend to eat with.”

  Trudy fisted a hand on her hip. “Tell you what—you leave your self-doubt about your value to me outside and I’ll leave my doubts about our age differences right beside it. I saved food to cook for you. I always make extra. I called Jellica because I was missing you and feeling sorry for myself. Friends are the way I handle being lonely. Some of them are guys. Some of them are guys I might have once slept with. None of them were like you or they’d be more than friends by now. I already admitted I loved you, Jack. Be grateful.”

  He snickered at the fire dancing in her eyes. “I’m grateful, Mistress. And I’m willing to meet all your demands. I’m sorry I argued with you. I’ve been a bad, bad boy… evidently,” Jack stated, rubbing a hand over his jaw.

  “Stop…” Trudy said, face heating at his teasing.

  Jack chuckled. “Is there really a spatula in the kitchen with my name on it? I told the makeup crew if you improved my ratings I’d let you spank me on TV. At the time I was mad at you and being snarky, but now that I’m sleeping with you the idea has some genuine appeal.”

  Trudy collapsed into giggling and left Jack standing in the doorway. She was never, never, ever, confessing this conversation to Georgia Bates. Chaos. The man brought nothing but chaos to her simple existence.

  “I’m sorry if I’m not bad boy enough for you,” Jack yelled through the house. “But I can always learn, Mistress. I hear that’s the best part of dating an older woman. She can teach you all kinds of wicked things.”

  Jack’s grin got wider when he heard Trudy laughing hysterically in the kitchen.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “A suit?” Trudy asked, raising her eyebrow at how Luke was dressed.

  “Yes. A suit. This is a business meeting,” Luke said. “I’ve got something important I need to discuss with you and Jack. Have a seat, Gertrude.”

  “Gertrude?” Trudy said, fisting a hand on one hip. “Do you have a death wish?”

  A grinning Jack sat down in one of the chairs and patted the back of the other one. Rolling her eyes at his silent bossiness, Trudy walked to the chair beside him and sat. She looked at Jack, snorted, and then turned a warning glare in Luke’s direction.

  “Okay. We’re both here. The door’s closed. What’s on your mind, Lucas-not-as-in-George?”

  “Is that wisecrack your way of getting even for me calling you Gertrude?”

  “You know it,” Trudy said.

  Beside her, Jack snickered. “Gertrude,” he repeated, shaking his head.

  “Do I laugh at your name, Jackson?”

  Jack held up a hand. “No. No, you don’t.”

  Trudy gave him a smug look and then turned her determined gaze back to Luke. “Spill it,” she ordered.

  Luke put both hands on the desk and leaned towards them. “Okay. Here it is. Jack’s show got a chance to go national. They wanted both of you, but…”

  “Whoa. Whoa. Whoa,” Trudy said, holding up a hand. “Twelve weeks, Luke. I said twelve weeks and I meant twelve weeks.”

  Luke nodded. “I know. The network knows it too. Can I finish?”

  Trudy snorted. “You can talk all you want. I’m not changing my mind.”

  “I know,” Luke said, emphasizing his words. “Jack’s already declined on your behalf. He’s not willing for you to be part of the offer. He told them he would invite you to guest as much as you wanted and you could come at your discretion or not at all.”

  Trudy turned to Jack. “Thank you.”

  Jack lifted a shoulder. “You’re welcome. If they make you any offers, it needs to be in a separate deal. That gives you the right to accept or decline as you wish.”

  “Agreed,” Trudy said. She looked between the two men. “What?” she asked. “What are you not saying?”

  Luke leaned back in his chair. “I’m glad that works for you two, but they rescinded their national offer based on Jack’s adamant position about your contractual exclusion from the deal.”

  Trudy frowned. “Rescinded their offer? That’s not good. What’s going to happen to Jack’s show?” When Luke shrugged, she turned to Jack, who seemed to be taking this a little too well. “What’s going on Jack? Why aren’t you livid?”

  “Because I’m not going to let anyone blackmail you into work you don’t want to do,” Jack said. “I’ll work the local show until they replace me. Then I’ll find something else to do. I want our relationship far more than I want to be a national celebrity. I’m completely at peace with this decision.”

  “But their decision’s not fair to you. You’ve earned the national spot. You’ve done well for years. You’ve made the network tons of money from advertisers. Jack, your career speaks for itself. That was the case before Luke asked me to do Baker’s Dozen. I was supposed to make things better and boost their interest. I’d have never agreed to the guest spots if I’d known this would happen.”

  “Trudy, it’s okay. I got way more from you doing Baker’s Dozen than any network could give me. I got a second chance with you. That’s priceless to me.” Jack leaned forward and took her hand. “Will you still love me even if I’m a man without a career tomorrow?”

  Trudy stared at Jack who was staring back. “That’s why you said that stuff yesterday. You were trying to figure out what to do. That’s why you left last night. You called Luke with your decision.”

  Jack nodded in answer, his chocolate gaze somber. She thought of being with him. How could she give him up? She wanted their second chance too.

  There was never, ever going to be another man who fit so well in her life. Why did her fame have to have such a negative impact on his? It wasn’t fair. Nothing in the entertainment industry was. She knew that. God, she knew that. It was one of the reasons she had been glad to pass the show off to Jack.

  A lone tear ran down her cheek. Trudy brushed it away and swallowed back the building anger. It wouldn’t change anything for her to start yelling at the two men in the room with her.

  She looked at Jack. “I meant every word I said to you yesterday.”

  Jack cupped her cheek. “I know. That’s why I refused to let them make you part of any offer they made to me. The shows we did together were fun and I know the fans love them. I’d be happy to do more. That’s still no reason to let them dictate our lives. The only contract I want with you is a very personal one.”

  Trudy sighed and studied the shirt Jack wore. She knew how to make the heartbeat under it race. Jack was more important to her than some point of pride she was hugging to herself. “What if I said yes to just a few more shows? I could do that. I don’t really mind.”

  Jack shook his head. “Do you think they’ll accept a few shows? I don’t. I think any willingness you show them at this point would play into what they really want. They’ll just continue to squeeze until they coerce us. I don’t want fame that badly.”

  Trudy looked at Luke who shook his head as well. She looked back at Jack. “You’re right. They w
ant what they want. That’s all they can see. When they get an idea, they’re like pit bulls after a meaty bone.”

  “I find it hard to fault them. We want what we want too,” Jack reminded her. “The difference is that we can actually have what we want since what we want is each other. Right?”

  Eyes burning with more emotion than she knew how to hide, Trudy nodded at his words, fighting back more tears. “I’m so mad right now. I always cry when I’m mad. If one of those idiots was here, I’d probably punch them.”

  Jack leaned closer. “This will be alright—one way or the other. Just don’t let my show come between us. That’s all I need to hear from you today.”

  Trudy swallowed. “The show won’t come between us, but you should exercise your silent producer clause. You can make some money from it and get to pick your replacement. The money from the residuals will tide you over while you look for different work.”

  Jack snorted. Now he understood what Brandon had been trying to explain. “That’s a great idea, but I don’t have that clause in my contract. I wasn’t as smart as you were, Chef Baker.” He looked directly in Trudy’s eyes. “You picked me to replace you, didn’t you? You’re the reason I have this job.”

  Trudy closed her eyes. “Yes, but I never meant for you to find out.” Jack squeezing her hand made her open her eyes again.

  “It was inevitable. They made me the offer because they were counting on you making a deal for me again. I only love you more now knowing what you did for me. Maybe I’m still a bit mad about the years we lost, but I’ll be damned if I let anything come between us and our second chance. I would make just about any sacrifice to protect it.”

  Trudy sniffed and shook her finger. “This is not the time to be making me feel guilty about the past. Keep up that poetic stuff and I’ll be begging Luke to make a deal for both of us the minute your back is turned.”

  Jack grinned. “Then you’d give me no choice, Mistress. I’d have to use my spatula on you. In that case, I might actually do it.”

  Trudy sniffed again and then giggled. “I’m being bad. Sorry, Master.”


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