Forever Spencer (B&S Series #3.5)

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Forever Spencer (B&S Series #3.5) Page 4

by Kimberly Knight

  “Yes, I’m definitely not thinking about Ryan right now,” I said, looking down at Spencer’s hand, stroking me.

  “Well, that’s good,” she chuckled. “You know, I’ve always wanted to get married in the fall.”

  “Fine with me. Pick a date in October and tell everyone.”

  “This October?”

  “Yes,” I said, pressing my lips to her skin and kissing my way down her body.

  “You mean—the October that is in five months?”


  “Don’t you think that’s too soon?”

  “You don’t want to marry me?” I asked, lifting my mouth from her body.

  “Of course I do. But…”

  “But nothing. You said so yourself two minutes ago that you can plan it in twenty-four hours. I’m giving you five months.”

  “Fine, I’ll look at the calendar in the morning and pick a date in October.”

  “Now that that’s settled,” I said, moving our bodies under the spraying water to wash all the soap off, and then I returned my trail with my mouth, not stopping until Spencer could barely stand.


  Five months.

  Five months and Spencer would finally be my wife.

  Ever since we’d finally spoken, things seemed to progress rapidly, and weirdly enough, I wasn’t scared. Spencer had my heart in the palm of her hand, and deep down, I knew she wouldn’t crush it.

  She had every opportunity, every reason to leave me six months ago when Christy threatened her life. She had every opportunity and reason to leave me two months ago when Michael and Colin kidnapped her.

  But she didn’t.

  She didn’t leave me, and she agreed to marry me. Marry me!

  “Hey!” I shouted as Becca walked by my office.

  “What’s up?”

  “Have you talked to Spencer today?”

  “No. Why?”

  “Wedding’s in five months.”

  “Really? When?”

  “I don’t know. Sometime in October.”

  “You don’t know?” Becca asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Spencer’s picking, and she’ll let me know. I told her to pick a date in October.”

  “I’m so happy for you,” she said, walking over with open arms.

  I stood, hugging her back. “Thanks.”

  “Better get to planning that honeymoon,” she said.

  Ah, yes. The honeymoon. I didn’t care where we ended up, but I knew we wouldn’t need much clothing. I wanted it to be just Spencer and me. No Blake. No Jason and Becca. No Ryan and Max. No worrying about Christy, Michael, and Colin. I wanted us to escape from everything and everyone.

  “Want to help me?”

  “Oh my God, I thought you’d never ask!”

  “You’re just like your husband. You know that?”

  “Is that a compliment?” she asked, sitting in a chair in front of my desk.

  I laughed. “Not for him. He can be sort of feminine. He loved coming with me to get Spencer’s engagement ring.”

  “You know he’d kick your ass if he heard you say that, right?”

  “He could try.” I smiled.

  “True. Okay, let’s brainstorm.”



  “Wait, no. She went to Hawaii with Travis right before she found out he was cheating on her.”

  “Okay, yeah. Not Hawaii, but one day, you need to take her back, because Hawaii is too beautiful not to love.”

  “I will, but not for our honeymoon.”

  Becca leaned back in her chair, staring off in space. “Paris?”

  “Isn’t that the city of love or some shit?”

  “I’ve heard that.”

  “The problem with Paris is that I was hoping not to have to wear clothes on my honeymoon.” I smirked.

  Becca held her hand up for me to stop. “Enough said. But they have nude beaches in France.”

  “Hairy French women naked on the beach? Pass!”

  I knew Parisians had a thing about not shaving, and personally I didn’t care, but I didn’t need to see it on my honeymoon. I liked my women—my Spencer—to be smooth in all the right places.

  Becca laughed. “Okay, let’s stick to somewhere tropical then.”

  “Yes, let’s,” I said, opening up Google to search for a tropical destination that wasn’t Hawaii.



  “Ever heard of an underwater resort?”


  Jason and I were outbid on the warehouse space that we wanted to buy to start another Club 24 location. Technically speaking, we could afford it, but the space wasn’t worth what they wanted for it, so we backed off.

  Now we were searching for another property in the Bay Area to expand. I was done expanding in other cities. Seattle was far enough, and given all the shit that had gone on with the ghosts from my past and Spencer, Jason had travelled to Seattle to handle problems. I didn’t have time. Spencer was my priority, and it wasn’t fair to Jason, so we’d hoped that we could find a good space locally.

  Engrossed in monthly reports, I barely heard the faint knock on my office door. Looking up, I saw Spencer’s boss, Skye, standing in the doorway.

  “Mrs. McAdams…”

  “Skye, please,” she said, stepping into my office with her hand extended.

  I took it, shaking it back. “What do I owe the pleasure?”

  “No need to be formal. Is this a good time? I’ve come with a business proposition.”

  “Oh?” Business proposition? This took me by surprise.

  “May I?” she asked, gesturing to a chair in front of my desk.

  “Please,” I nodded, extending my arm for her to sit.

  “Actually, Spencer has told me that you own your franchise with someone else?”

  “Yes, that’s correct.”

  “Is he available, too?”

  I buzzed Jason, and he came into the office, sitting next to Skye after introductions. I was dying to know what business proposition she had and why she wanted to deal with two gym owners.

  “First I want to make sure that this conversation stays between us. Please don’t tell Spencer,” Skye said.

  “Sure.” I nodded. “Of course.”

  She sighed and then began. “I started my company, Better Keep Jogging Baby, when I lost a hundred pounds after getting off my ass and started to run. It seemed like it took forever, but that experience changed my life—made me feel better about myself. I wanted to help other people, so I started to blog, and before I knew it, I couldn’t keep up with all the questions pouring in and had to hire people, and BKJB turned into what it is today.

  “Anyway, I’ll just get to the point. My boyfriend proposed to me, and I’m moving out of the country. I’ve thought long and hard about it, and even though BKJB is my baby, people grow and change and want different things in life. I don’t want to run BKJB anymore; I want to sell it.”


  They say things happen for a reason. I thought the reason why we didn’t get the warehouse we wanted to buy was because there was a better one out there for us. I had no idea that the reason was because we weren’t meant to expand, we were meant to change.

  “What do you think?” Jason asked as we walked back to my office after accompanying Skye to the front doors.

  “I think… damn, I think it’s perfect.”

  What Skye was offering would allow us to go virtual. It was a way for our clients to take Club 24 with them. Of course, they could sign up for BKJB now and have all the information they needed at their fingertips, but combining Club 24 with BKJB would provide more exposure to our physical gyms, and one benefit would allow people to attend classes when they were on vacation or not able to come into the gym by having a live feed to the class.

  “I agree. Let’s talk to Bec,” Jason said.

  I wanted to call Spencer and tell her, but I promised Skye I wouldn’t. If Club 24, LLC bo
ught Better Keep Jogging Baby, Spencer would become her own boss when we got married.


  I made the introductions for Blake as Ben and his friend, Vince, arrived at my house for our weekly poker night. Blake already knew Jay from work; it was only the six of us including Jason. Even though I had moved forty-five minutes from the city, we still switched off each week.

  I wasn’t sure why these guys wanted to spend the gas money to drive to my house, because at the end of the night, it would be more than just gas money. The only person to beat me at Hold’em has been Spencer—that one time.

  Just thinking about that bet was making my dick hard. Even though Spencer had won, she rewarded me by wearing no underwear on New Year’s Eve.

  Spencer was upstairs planning our wedding. She’d picked October twelfth for us to get married, and I couldn’t wait. In the midst of her telling me the date via text, I’d asked her for naked pictures to get me through the day. She never sent them.

  “Anyone want another beer?” Blake asked.

  We all agreed. Blake returned with six beers and six shots.

  “Oh no,” Jason said. “Last time we had beer and vodka, I puked out the window of my car.”

  “Don’t be a pussy,” Blake said.

  “I agree. I’ll stick to beer,” I said.

  “We’re at home; you can take shots,” Blake said.

  Ben, Jay and Ben’s friend, Vince, all took their shots not complaining.

  “I have to work tomorrow,” I said.

  “I do, too,” Blake said.

  Jason and I hired Blake while he saved up his money to move out. I wasn’t sure how he was going to buy a bar like he wanted, but it wasn’t my problem. My problem was getting his ass out of my house so Spencer and I could be alone.

  “Yeah, you better or your boss might fire you.” I joked.

  “Just take your shot,” Blake said, picking it up off the green felt and handed it to me.

  The vodka burned as it slid down my throat, and I chased it with a swallow of beer.

  “I finally told Stacey that I wasn’t coming home,” Blake said.

  “Finally? You’ve known this for a few weeks now,” I said.

  “It’s complicated,” Blake said. “Actually, I don’t want to talk about it.” Blake stood and walked into the kitchen.

  “So, are you going to have more work for me soon?” Ben asked.

  I looked to Jason. I couldn’t tell Spencer, but could we tell other people that we were buying BKJB? Jason slightly shook his head no.

  “Not sure, yet; we’re still looking for a space,” I answered.

  “Let me know soon if you can. Allison and I are trying to have a baby,” Ben said.

  Blake returned with another round of shots. I watched as everyone took it and then decided I should join in and not be a pansy.

  “Congrats, man,” Jason said. “I remember those days.”

  “Don’t get me wrong. I love all the sex, but fuck, I’m tired.”

  “I feel ya,” Jason said.

  “You need to build up your stamina, man,” Blake said.

  “I could help with that,” Jay said. “I have no problems keeping up with all the ladies I’m fucking.”

  “Jesus, how many?” I asked.

  Jay thought for a moment. “If I tell you, you promise not to fire me?”

  “Oh God,” Jason groaned.

  “Oh shit, you’re fucking your clients?” Blake asked.

  I couldn’t fire Jay for sleeping with clients, because I had done the same thing with Spencer. A lot of things could go wrong, especially since he was apparently screwing multiple women.

  “Yeah, don’t do it at the gym. Do it on your own time,” I said.

  “Not a problem,” Jay said. “So let’s see… there’s Callie, Renee, Barbie, and Teresa.”

  “Teresa? As in Teresa Robinson?” Jason asked.

  “Yep. That’s the one.”

  “I’d hit that,” Blake said.

  “Well, this explains why I haven’t had to deal with her for a few weeks,” I said.

  “So, how is she?” Blake asked.


  Me: I’m still thinking about those pictures…

  I wasn’t sure how many beers I’d had or how many shots Blake had ended up giving me, I was having a good time—and I was horny as fuck.

  Spencer: Definitely not sending them now!

  Me: Please?

  “Your deal,” Jason said to Ben.

  Spencer: You’re crazy. I’m not sending you naked pictures while you’re surrounded by a bunch of guys!

  I looked at the shitty seven and two Ben dealt me and tossed them into the middle of the table, folding.

  Me: They won’t see. Promise.

  Spencer: Um…no. Why don’t you send the boys home and come up here?

  I looked at the chip count for everyone, comparing it to my stack.

  Me: They’ll be leaving soon. Talk dirty to me. ;)

  Spencer: You’re crazy!

  Me: I can’t wait to have your wet mouth around my cock!

  I adjusted myself under the table.

  “Stop sexting and deal,” Ben said to me.

  I dealt the cards then glanced at my phone to read Spencer’s reply.

  Spencer: What’s going on? You never text me while you’re at poker.

  Smiling, I wrote back.

  Me: I’m drunk and I want to fuck you!

  “Seriously, turn the flop over or leave. I have a fuck schedule to keep,” Ben said.

  “Fuck off,” I slurred.

  I finished my deal, returning to my sexting with Spencer. I needed to take these fuckers’ money stat, or I’d lose and they’d know that Spencer’s my kryptonite when it came to Hold’em.


  I felt a hand shaking me, trying to wake me up. The motion made me want to hurl like I was on a tilt-a-world at a fucking amusement park.

  “Babe, come get in the bed,” Spencer said.

  I groaned, lifting one eye open, realizing she was trying to shake me awake.

  Not again!

  “I’m gonna go get you some water. Try to make it to the bed. If you can’t, I’ll help you when I get back.”

  Bed? I was in the… nope, I wasn’t in the bed.

  I don’t know how I made it upstairs, but waking up on the bathroom floor was… bad. My head hurt, my back hurt from being curled into a ball on the hard tiled floor, and my mouth was drier than the Mojave Desert in the middle of July during a heatwave.

  I tried to stand, and the room immediately started to spin. I didn’t know when I had fallen asleep on the bathroom floor, but when I woke up at Jason’s the time before, it felt like I had more hours of sleep, and the alcohol was almost out of my body. This time it felt like I had no sleep and was crashing into the black hole of regret as I fell face first onto my pillow.

  “Here, Babe,” Spencer said.

  “I’m going to kill Blake!” I mumbled into the pillow.


  Did she just laugh?

  “He kept pouring shots, and I was winning and not paying attention. Next thing I knew, you were waking me up on the bathroom floor.”

  I rolled over, watching Spencer disappear into the bathroom and return holding out her hand with a few aspirins.

  “Thanks, Baby,” I said.

  “So… are we still getting our weekly massage tonight?”

  I groaned. There was no way I could make it to work. “I don’t think so.”


  The more time progressed, the closer the trial date neared. I tried keeping Spencer’s mind off of it, but if I was thinking about it, I knew she was, too.

  As soon as we flipped our kitchen calendar from June to July, I saw Spencer’s façade go up. The façade she had up each time she struggled with herself to overcome what Christy, Michael and Colin did.

  I felt like Spencer had just dropped her façade, only to put it back up because the situation we were in f
elt like it was never-ending. We didn’t know how the jury would see the events of what happened. We didn’t know if any of the assholes would get prison time. They were in jail, but if they weren’t convicted, they would be out. We just wanted this nightmare over with.

  What I did know was that whatever happened, whatever the verdict was, I would be there for Spencer. I would be there forever.


  I couldn’t wait until we arrived in Tahoe for the Fourth of July weekend. I wanted Spencer to relax, forget about the upcoming trial, and just have fun.

  Christy’s attorney was seeking an insanity plea, and while we all agreed that she was insane, I didn’t want her to get off that easy. For months, she tried to ruin my life. If Spencer wasn’t as strong as she was, she would have left me—I had no doubt.

  “You know, Ryan, I’m glad your husband couldn’t make it,” Blake said as we drove to Tahoe.

  Max wasn’t able to come due to work, but we still had six of us since Blake was coming. We’d never gone away as a group, but I knew we all had the agenda to keep Spencer’s mind off the upcoming trial.

  “Blake!” Spencer yelled, her head snapping around to face the back seat where Blake and Ryan were sitting.

  I looked in the rearview mirror at Blake. “What?” he asked, smiling at Ryan.

  “Don’t. Just don’t,” Spencer said.

  My eyes drifted to Ryan, and she was smiling back.

  Oh God!


  “What’s this I hear about you and Ryan staying up all night?” I asked, glaring at Blake.

  “It’s not what you think,” he said, putting a bottle of Captain Morgan in the shopping basket.

  “And what do you think I think?”

  Jason’s eyes were going between the two of us, probably waiting for fists to start flying. Of all the women, Blake was hitting on Ryan, Spencer’s best friend who had just gotten married.

  “We talked about Stacey and Max all night. Nothing else.”

  “Nothing else?” Jason asked.

  “No,” Blake said, shaking his head. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d hit that. But I know she’s married. She wants to have a baby, and I’m not getting in the middle of that. I have my own problems.”

  “You were flirting with her yesterday,” I said.

  “It was harmless flirting.” Blake put a few cases of beer in our cart, and Jason put six bottles of lemonade in as well. “Every woman likes to be flirted with. I was just trying to make her happy. She looked bummed that her man couldn’t come.”


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