Text 'Yes' if You Love Me

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Text 'Yes' if You Love Me Page 16

by Toye Lawson Brown

  “I am happy. Logan, don’t give up your passion and dreams because of me. I’m fine waiting for you here. Plus, you bring me food to eat.” She stayed at his loft three or four nights out of the week. She didn’t realize how convenient it was. She walked to work, and he fed her.

  “Stepping away is benefiting me.” He ran his hands through her hair. “My parents have worked side by side for thirty years, and I have never seen them fight. I’ve been doing it alone for three years and can’t keep a girlfriend. I want to keep you, baby.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Logan. Heck, you might get sick of me.”

  “Never,” he chuckled.

  “You’ll never have to worry about me cheating. I’m a very honest person.”

  “Babe, where is that coming from? I trust you.”

  “My mother is not a trustworthy person, and I’m nothing like her. You have to know that about me, Logan.”

  “I get it.”

  She ran her tongue across his chest, and he moaned, and she moved lower, past his belly button. He held onto her head until she used her teeth to pull his boxers down his athletic hips. Logan fisted his hands beside him on the bed. She looked at him and noticed he was watching her with his clouded, dark eyes.

  Using her hands, she pushed his shorts lower until she saw all of him. He was bigger than she imagined, and she was starting to have second thoughts. But she never backed away from a challenge. Well, she did and had in the past, but not now.

  As she took his length into her hands, she felt shy, like she’d do something wrong any minute. Running her hand over the length of him, she noticed that he was holding his breath and watching her carefully. She ran her fingers up and down him lightly, and he almost jumped in her hands.

  Smiling, she leaned over and placed a soft kiss on the head of his penis, and then using her tongue, she rolled her mouth around the tip until she felt him go stiff.

  She licked the entire length from bottom to top and then took him into her mouth, deep into her throat, until she felt his hands in her hair again.

  He tasted funny to her, sort of sweet with a hint of salt. She wasn’t sure what to expect it to taste like since she’d never done it before. However, she refused to let inexperience stop her from enjoying him. Rolling her tongue around as she took him deep, she enjoyed the feel and taste of him as she pleased him.

  He moaned her name, and she heard him begging her. “My God, Nikki, I’m going to come in your mouth if you keep that up.”

  His hands were in her hair. His hands tightened in her hair slightly, and she could tell he’d forgotten that he still had a hold of her. His length was warm and hard in her hand; she enjoyed the soft skin and marveled at the contrast.

  She looked up into his eyes, “You promise?”

  She then went back to torturing him until she felt his hot seed flood her mouth, and the sweetness of him undid her. She lightly licked every inch of him clean. Then she moved up the bed and whispered, “Was that bad?”

  He chuckled. “No, not even close,” he said, and he pulled her to him.

  “I’ll get better. Just teach me what you like.” She continued to stroke his flaccid penis.

  “Babe, you did that perfectly. Come up and snuggle with me. We have to get some sleep. We have to work in the morning.”

  She looked at him, and he seemed satisfied by the glow on his face. “I want to clean up first. Keep my side of the bed warm.”


  Work had been brutal for Nikki. The morning was busy with meetings with Brand's supervisors, coordinators, and lead operators from other offices. It appeared that every one of them had suddenly turned computer illiterate overnight. If they had their way, she would be flying from city to city, personally teaching these people how to use a computer.

  She closed the door to her office to shut out the noise for a few minutes. Staying with Logan was fun, but exhausting. Since cutting back on his hours at the restaurant, his energy levels were on a high. They were always gone. She had seen more movies, art exhibits, ate at different restaurants, and went to a jazz concert in Cincinnati. In a few words, she was just tired and wanted to sleep.

  Logan was making up for all he’d missed by working non-stop for years. He was in the planning stages of their first vacation together. She didn’t know where they were going but was sure it would involve comfortable shoes and very little sleep.

  She reached for the caffè latte she’d got from Starbucks earlier. Taking a sip, it was cold. Pushing the cup away from her, Nikki found walking to the lunchroom to heat it up too much work.

  The phone on the desk rang. “No, not another problem,” she whined. Putting on her best professional voice, she answered after the second ring. “Nikki Graham; how may I help you?”

  “Hello, Nikki; it’s Kenya.”

  Her eyebrow distinctively shot up. The day kept getting better. “Hello, Kenya. Is everything okay?” She cradled the handset tight in her hand, waiting for the shoe to drop. Kenya had to be calling to complain about Judith. Why else would she call? How did she know where she worked?

  “I’m still sane considering the wedding is down to the wire. Anyhow, I won’t keep you away from work. I’m calling because I noticed you didn’t RSVP. Are you not coming to the wedding?”

  Good grief, she needed that coffee more than ever. “I had planned to come but had a huge fight with Judith. I can’t be in the same room with her.”

  “Yes, I agree. Judith is an overwhelming person, but I want you to come, Nikki. I’ve accepted a position at Cleveland Clinic and would love for us to connect.”

  “Congratulations, Kenya. Sure, we can get together; I’d like that.”

  “No, I want us to be sisters again. I’m not saying it will be an instant melding of hearts, but we are family. We’re older and should be able to talk, shop, and do what sisters do together.”

  Tears welled in Nikki’s eyes. Kenya reaching out to her could not have come at a better time. She and Gayle’s relationship was nonexistent. Gayle hadn’t made an attempt to make any contact, not even at work.

  “Definitely, we should do that. Kenya, I should have reached out to you long before now. You were in another state, and Judith is not a person that shares information.”

  “She never has shared anything with us. I found you through Brand’s Facebook page. There were so many days I wanted to call and check on you. I remember asking my dad if you could live with us.”

  “You are making me cry. I didn’t feel anyone cared about what I went through in that house.”

  “Every night I prayed for you; I still pray for you, Nikki. So please come to the wedding.”

  Pulling tissues from the box, Nikki wiped her eyes. “Of course, I’ll be there. I have a boyfriend now; can he be my plus-one?”

  “I can’t wait to meet him. I’ll make sure you aren’t seated with Judith at the reception. But be prepared Nikki; I will be introducing you to a lot of people as my sister.”

  “Oh boy, as a true introvert that will be a challenge, but I’ll get through it for you.”

  “You’ll be fine. I hate to cut it short, but I have rounds to make. Nikki, I can’t wait to see you Saturday. Bye for now.”

  Nikki hung up the phone just as her door opened, and Leo, from the mailroom, entered carrying a large arrangement of flowers. “Leo, if those are for Gayle, can you take them to her, please?”

  “These are yours, Nikki. Be careful; the vase is heavy,” he said, putting them on a vacant spot on her desk.

  She never had flowers delivered before. Plucking the card from the arrangement of red, yellow, and white roses, Nikki opened it with shaky fingers: “Hope these flowers brighten your office and day the same way your smile brightens mine, love Logan.” She clutched the card to her chest and smiled; Logan Sloan was definitely a romantic man.

  “Feinberg is having issues with his computer. He wants you to fix it.” Gayle’s voice was dry but harsh.

  Nikki looked up at her and returned her answe
r, flatly, “Any of the techs can fix computers around here.” She saw Gayle eyeing the flowers. The smirk on her face was priceless. All she had to do was apologize. Nikki would be open to repairing their relationship.

  “He wants you. Better get up there before he blows.”

  She started to get up from the chair, then changed her mind. “You handle it.”

  “He requested you; I’m not going to his office to be yelled at.”

  Nikki put her hands on her hips. “I’m your boss and gave you a direct order. Fix the damn computer, or I’ll report you to HR. Am I clear on that, Gayle?”

  Gayle glared at her. “Very clear.”

  Nikki held her stare knowing she was waiting for her to back down. Not this time. She was the boss, and it was time people in the IT department realized she was not a pushover.

  Gayle’s full lips pouted. “I’ll handle it. Lovely flowers by the way.” She left the office before Nikki could respond.

  Sitting down in her chair, the aroma from the flowers filled the small office. Logan was such a sweetheart. She had to find a way to return the gestures he’d shown her. Sadly, she would have to Google how to do that.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Logan and Ron relaxed in the office drinking their morning coffee and not rushing around in the kitchen for once. Hiring more staff was a blessing and didn’t mean they were lazy. They were busy with other restaurant work.

  “How is life with Nikki?” Ron asked leaning back in the chair and propping his feet on the edge of the desk.

  “Awesome man. Nikki is not just sweet but smart as hell. She’s designed a software program that will help school-age kids with math and science. And, it doesn’t have those annoying cartoon characters singing and dancing trying to get kids to memorize stuff, but an actual teaching aid that breaks it down for them. She’s gonna make a killing on it. She even has a teaching aid for kids who suffer from learning disabilities.”

  “She has made an impression on you if nothing else. I’m happy for you, bro.”

  “I don’t want to call it too soon, but she is the one, Ron. I see myself with her for the rest of my life.”

  Ron raised his brow. “Don’t jump into marriage after a month, Logan. You have a lot to learn about her, and she has to get to know your habits.”

  “Yeah, it will be hard, but I know what I want.” He took a sip of coffee. “With the extra free time, I’m getting to know her. Nikki is afraid she’ll be like her mother.”

  “What’ wrong with her mama?”

  “From what I can drag from her, I think she is a heavy partier and likes to entertain if you know what I mean.”

  Ron chuckled. “As long as she isn’t a paid entertainer, I don’t think Nikki has anything to worry about.”

  Logan dragged the back of his hand across his brow and furrowed his eyebrows. “That bothers me. She looks for validation when we make love. I want her to be more confident in the bedroom. She’s an amazing woman; she has to see it, though.”

  “So she needs validation; give it to her until she stops asking. Logan, bad parents usually raise bad kids. Nikki is smart, has a job, and is a homebody. Be grateful for those attributes. She could be a woman you’d have to worry about catting around.”

  He nodded. “You’re right. I’m more angered she missed out on a childhood. There is so much I want to do for her.”

  “If you peak too soon, you’ll be scrambling on what to do to keep the relationship spicy down the road.”

  “Um, I sent her flowers this morning… too much?” Logan asked.

  Ron shook his head. “Really, Logan? You gotta play it cool, bro. I know it’s been a minute for you too, but relax and enjoy getting to know her.”

  Ron was a walking encyclopedia when it came to women. He proclaimed to know the ins and outs of how women worked better than any man should. It was probably because he had five older sisters and experienced a lot of that knowledge firsthand.

  “How are things on the home front with Vonnie? She has to be excited you’re home more with them.”

  “She is loving it. She gets to pamper herself at the spa, and I get to toss the ball around with my boy. And I was a guest speaker at career day for my daughter. We did right hiring another chef.”

  “We don’t want the customers to get too attached to him and forget about us,” Logan said.

  Ron folded his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. “We won’t. We’ll get back in the swing in another week or two. Right now, let’s enjoy the peace and quiet.”

  Logan’s phone vibrated. Checking it, he received a message from Nikki. He chuckled and quickly replied. “Yeah, I’m gonna need the weekend off. Nikki wants me to attend her sister’s wedding with her. That should be fun.”

  “Do you dance? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dance before,” Ron said jokingly.

  “Best I can do is a two-step. Not a lot of smooth moves go with rock music.”

  “Then do what I do—make sure to dress sharp. If you look good, it will draw attention away from your off-beat feet.”

  Logan laughed. “You’re joking, but that’s a damn good idea. And I do look good in a tux.”

  “You know that means you have to meet the crazy mother. Since she is a drinker, that reception is going to be off-the-hook. Man, make sure you take pictures.”

  “Nah, man. Her sister is a doctor. This will be a classy affair; none of that jump-off crap will happen.”

  “Hah! I bet Nikki’s mama is a card-carrying prime member of the beer and tequila club. She is not a tea-toddler or fine wine sipper like those doctors. I’m telling you, she will be loud; you will turn red and Nikki will be embarrassed. Wanna put a small wager on it?”

  “I’ll take your word for it, but I still don’t think that will happen.”

  Ron got up from his chair. “Be in the dark if you want, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. I should check on the kitchen staff. You handle the dining room. You can sharpen your charm skills before Saturday.”

  “I’m extremely charming. I don’t need a refresher course.”

  “Bud, you can charm the pants off a hot blonde. This will be a room full of black folks and high-class doctors who will give you the side-eye on why you’re with Nikki. One of those women being Nikki’s mother. I bet she is one judgmental SOB after a few drinks.”

  Logan folded his arms across his chest. “Are you trying to psych me out so I won’t go to the wedding? If you are, it is working.”

  “Nope. I don’t want you to walk in there blinded. And what I’m telling you is based on my experiences. But you could be right, and it will be a classy affair.”

  Logan grabbed his apron from the desk and put it on. “I don’t care about any of that, Ron. My concern is Nikki. As long as she has a good time at the wedding, I’m willing to suffer through any humiliation.”

  “Damn! Nikki is very lucky to have you. Hell, I might have to divorce Vonnie and marry you myself,” Ron said, and then broke out laughing.

  Logan clicked his tongue. “Ugh, not a chance; you are not my type, dude.”

  Later, Logan relieved the bartender for his lunch break. He hadn’t tended bar for a while, and it was a change of pace. But, he’d forgotten how pretending to be interested in every story a customer had to tell grew old.

  Logan washed the few beer mugs in the sink. The bar was empty on a Monday afternoon. The Indians weren’t in town, and the Cavaliers were on a road trip also. The jazz band scheduled to play tonight wouldn’t be in until 3:00 to set up for Happy Hour.

  “Bartender, I’d like a Grey Goose with a twist of lemon, please.”

  Logan raised his head and saw Summer sliding onto a bar stool. He looked into her deep blue eyes and replied, “Coming right up.”

  “How have you been, Logan? Thought I’d ask since I haven’t seen or heard from you in a while.”

  He placed down a cocktail napkin and put the drink on top of it. “I’m still kicking; just busy. How are things with you?”

Obviously, life was good for Summer; she looked gorgeous as ever. As a flight attendant, Logan assumed male passengers kept her hoping just to get a glimpse of her toned ass, shapely legs, and perfect figure.

  “Good, thank you,” she said seductively, as she picked up the glass and placed her ruby red lips gently around the straw.

  Logan felt a rise in his groin and looked away from her. “Great. Are you on a layover again?”

  “Yes, but for twenty-four hours. I’m doing an international flight for a friend. Logan, my flight doesn’t leave until tomorrow afternoon.” She ran a slender finger up the back of his hand.

  Logan removed his hand from the bar. “International flight, huh? Where ya going?”

  “London then to China and back home. I happen to have a buddy pass available. Are you interested in getting away for a few days?”

  If he were the total asshole type, he’d be crazy not to jump on her request. But he wasn’t that type of man. It was also clear his attraction to blonde women wasn’t over either. That would be his demon, but he would fight the attraction because of his commitment to Nikki.

  He inhaled deeply and replied, “Summer, that’s a very tempting offer, but I can’t go with you.” Logan heard Ron clear his throat from the doorway.

  Summer pouted her lips and leaned forward, allowing more of her cleavage to be in Logan’s sight. “Are you sure there is nothing I can do to convince you to change your mind?”

  She looked like a Greek goddess. The ruching of the white blouse enhanced her perky breasts. “Mmm, nope. See, I have a girlfriend now. That wouldn’t be fair to her.”

  Girlfriend. They had never verbally exchanged such labels, but it was mentally known that was their status. Girlfriend… yeah, he had a girlfriend and cheating on her was not an option.

  Summer sat straight in the chair. “Wow; that was fast. Is it the woman you put me out of your apartment that night?”

  “Come on; you don’t really want to know the details. However, I am flattered by your offer.”

  She removed the straw from the glass and downed the vodka. “You’re right; I don’t want any details.” Sliding off the bar stool, Summer wiggled her hips seductively. “Goodbye, Logan.”


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