By the Light of the Moon

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By the Light of the Moon Page 1

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  By the light of the Moon By: Sandrine Gasq-Dion ~Dedication~ To my Family Jen and Kim

  My readers at LRO © Copyright 2011

  All persons in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. ~~Chapter One~~ “ God, I’m really going to miss this place.” Sam took in the beautiful untamed landscape of Denali National Park. Snow blanketed the ground and tree branches bent low to the ground from the weight of it. This was heaven, pure and simple. Two weeks spent in it was not enough. When his friend Josh had suggested Sam take a vacation at the Park helping out Wayne, the Park Ranger, Sam had laughed. Who wanted to spend vacation working? One day in the park had changed his mind. Sam had spent a few days out on his own, just hiking and taking in the pristine scenery and fell in love. He and Wayne had patrolled a two mile area of the park by Wonder Lake for a week, checking traps and looking for poachers. Mainly poachers looking for the Grey wolves, Sam had been fortunate to see the Grey wolves up close.

  “ I know, I took this job many years ago just for the summer.” Wayne zipped up his parka some more and adjusted his gloves. “There’s nothing else holds a candle to this.” Wayne shielded his eyes from the sun with his hand. “It’s going to get dark soon. I’m going to go check on the night campers in the cabins, make sure nobody needs anything.”

  Sam smiled and zipped his own jacket up tight, the winters in Alaska were brutal. The high temperature today was negative twenty, and that was warm. It was three in the afternoon and the sun was going down fast, leaving a thick shadow over the park. The temperature was dropping at an obscene rate and Sam was glad he’d put the little warmers in his jacket pocket. He turned to face Wayne and shook his hand; he’d miss the guy. Josh was always saying that Wayne sounded like Hoss from Bonanza, and he was right. “I’m sure I’ll be back someday, and soon. You don’t come to this park and leave without an impression. It’s been good working with you Wayne, take care of yourself.”

  Sam watched Wayne leave on the four wheeler and headed back up the trail to the cabin to grab his bag. He took a long look around the warm cabin he’d stayed in for two weeks, no TV, no phone, just silence. Sam took one last look around before closing the door and making his way back to the truck. Closing the door, Sam flipped the heat to high and waited for the truck to warm up. He’d parked in the only heated garage near the lodge. Most of the parks trucks were either plugged in or stored in the garage.

  Sam had laughed when Wayne asked if he had a plug. Hell, Sam had never even heard of plugging in a vehicle, much less adding additive to your fuel tank to avoid frozen gas in your lines. Alaska was its own country as far as Sam was concerned. He pulled out of the garage, waving at the lodge staff on his way out and turned onto the long stretch of highway that would eventually take him to Fairbanks. Tour buses passed by him on the way to the park and Sam realized he already missed it. He waved at the bus driver and turned his eyes back to the road.


  Shit.The wind was whipping him in the face as he ran;

  no amount of protection was going to help him. It was twenty below and Dakota was out in the elements, running for his life. The shots were still going off behind him and he could barely make out the highway ahead. Dakota dug in and gave a last burst of energy, trying to make it. His left leg had been shot and the pain was so bad he didn’t know if he could hold out much longer. Fuck, he’d been an idiot. His hunger had driven him further than he’d ever gone and he’d walked right into a mess. The highway was finally in view and Dakota knew they were gaining on him. Footsteps sounded in the snow behind him. He hit the last bit of snow and launched himself into the road. The pain was overwhelming, the loud screech of tires registered and his body flew a few feet hitting the ground and sliding across the concrete.

  “Oh fuck!” Sam got out of the truck and ran around to

  the front. Fuck, he’d hit a wolf, a pretty small one too. It lay on the road on its side breathing heavily. Sam had heard stories about what happened to people who’d tried to help a wounded animal. You usually got bit for your efforts. He kneeled down and kept some space between them. The wolf was solid black with deep grey eyes. Jesus, it was a beautiful animal. Its size suggested it was female. “Hey there, I’m not going to hurt you, okay?” The wolf’s head moved slightly, its eyes focused for a brief second on Sam, then closed again.

  Dakota cocked his head back and took a good look at the face behind the sultry voice, he was beautiful. Tall for sure, dark hair he supposed. Black and white vision made it hard to determine anything else. The man’s hand was up, letting him know he wasn’t going to hurt him and Dakota’s ears picked up the sound of boots coming. The men with guns were coming; Dakota looked up and whined at the man.

  “What is it, girl?” The man asked.

  Dakota cocked his head to the side at the man’s

  reference.Girl?Dakota huffed and snorted, nodding his

  head in the direction of the boots. Dakota watched as the man that hit him stood straight up, feeling for something in the back of his jeans. Dakota saw the butt of a gun and his head turned at the sound of approaching footsteps. The boys reached them quickly and the man spoke to them.

  “Hello boys, something I can help you with?” Dakota didn’t hear much more of the conversation between the man and the boys with the guns, but they left and then he was being hoisted into a warm truck.

  Dakota sat in the front seat of the heated truck and closed his eyes, his leg and head were killing him. He needed to shift and he couldn’t, because that would be a bit much for the nice sexy man to take. A wolf turning into a human in his car, he might as well just throw himself out of the truck. He felt fingers in his fur and looked up at the man. One hand on the steering wheel; he was alternating between watching the road and watching him. Dakota scooted closer, loving the feel of strong hands on his body; he pushed his muzzle into the man’s crotch and

  inhaled deep.Oh wow…Dakota looked up, meeting the

  man’s gaze. “Hey there, little girl, I’m flattered, but we aren’t the same type.” Dakota whined and tried to get closer to the man’s heat, damn he smelled so good. Why did he keep calling him a girl? He knew he wasn’t as big as the rest of the pack, but he was twenty one, not some ten year old. Didn’t this guy know a wolf’s anatomy? He did have balls for Christ sake. He sat with his head in the man’s lap and closed his eyes.

  The drive seemed to go on forever, but then they were pulling into a motel and Dakota tried to place it. He really must have run off the beaten path, because nothing looked familiar. The man stopped the car and got out. He opened the motel room door, and then came back for him. Dakota thought about making a run for it, but he knew he couldn’t. His leg was in bad shape and now he had some serious pain in other places as well. The man kicked the door shut and laid him on the floor on a motel towel. He took his jacket off and grabbed his bag. Sitting down cross legged in front of Dakota, he smiled. “Okay girl, I just want to see how bad it is, ok?” Dakota sighed.

  Oh, for crying out loud. It took a great deal of effort, but

  he rolled onto his back and proudly displayed his male parts to the man. If he could’ve smiled in this form, he would have. The man just stared at him with a look of shock, then smiled and ran a hand over his belly. “Well now, little girl is a boy. My name is Sam and I’m going to take care of you.”

  Sam. Dakota liked it. He pawed Sam’s hand and let out a soft whine, letting him know he did need help. Because he couldn’t shift, Dakota would have to depend on Sam to help him. Sam’s touch was very light and he made sure he talked to Dakota the whole time, like Dakota would understand him somehow. Which in a way, was funny, because he understood every word Sam said
. The man was gorgeous. Sam was welcome to touch Dakota wherever he wanted. Sam was on the phone talking to a vet, at least that’s what Dakota gathered from the phone call. Dakota tried to get up and felt his back leg give out. Sam dropped the phone and was over him in an instant. “Hey there guy, just lie still. I’m going to put you on the

  bed, okay?” Dakota whined and tried to lift his head.Hellyeah it’s okay… shit, I don’t have thumbs.Dakota let out

  a sigh and went limp.

  He must have fallen asleep, because when he opened his eyes Sam wasn’t in the room with him. He could hear

  the sound of the shower running. Dakota’s leg feltmuch

  better at the prospect of seeing Sam naked. He jumped off the bed with minimal pain, to get a good look. Dakota’s head came up and cocked to the side, Sam was indeed a stunning sight to behold. Long legs and sinewy muscles covered the man’s body from head to toe. Dakota actually felt himself panting, tongue hanging out of his mouth like a rabid dog. Sam man was perfect. Now, if he could only see him in color.

  Dakota watched as Sam washed his hair and soaped up his cock. He wasn’t playing with it, but the damn thing

  had to be at least eight inches andthick. Dakota rolled

  over on his back and watched Sam upside down. “Well, someone likes to watch.” Sam winked at him and Dakota wished he could smile as a wolf. “Are you hungry?” Sam turned the water off and grabbed his towel, drying off in the shower. He put the towel around his waist and got out, stepping over Dakota who was sprawled out in the

  middle of the floor.Uh huh.Dakota had a nice view

  underneath Sam’s towel; he rolled back over and shoved his muzzle in Sam’s ass. “Whoa!” Sam almost fell over and hung onto the towel bar. “I’m starting to get the idea you like me, little guy.”

  Dakota nuzzled Sam’s hand and looked up at him; he made his way back into the room and jumped on the bed lying down. Sam let out a soft chuckle and Dakota listened to him finishing his bedtime regimen. Dakota watched as Sam made his way to the bed, looking at him sprawled out across where Sam intended to sleep. Sam sighed and got in the bed, pushing Dakota over with his leg. Dakota let out a playful growl and nudged Sam with his cold nose. “It’s my bed.” Sam pushed Dakota over and laughed when Dakota came right back and settled under his arm. Dakota let out a soft sigh and Sam ran his hand through Dakota’s fur at the nape of his neck. “If only someone was like you in human form.” Dakota

  watched as Sam lay back and closed his eyes.But I am.

  Dakota nuzzled into Sam’s warmth and closed his eyes.

  I’m just a wolf when I need to be.

  ~~ Sam woke up to heavy breathing, which was odd seeing as how he was alone in bed except for the wolf next to him. He leaned over and saw the wolf was panting. Shit, he wondered if that meant something bad. He got up slowly and the wolf’s head came up, looking at him. “I’m just going to get dressed; I think you need a vet.” The wolf jumped off the bed and snuggled at his feet. “Do you bring the paper in too?” Sam smiled and sat down on the floor. The small wolf was looking at Sam like he understood what he was saying and it was fucking weird. “If I had slippers, I’d have you fetch them.” Sam let out a low grumble of a laugh and the wolf snorted at him. “I swear you understand me, little one. I need to give you a name though if you’re going to hang around sniffing my ass and crotch.”

  Sam looked at the time and decided to call Josh, the friend that’d told him to come to Alaska in the first place to rest and relax. Sam smiled, Josh had finally found love

  and GodknowsSam hated calling his friend on his

  honeymoon…on the other hand, Josh worked up in Denali with Wayne. He may have seen the wolf that currently sat at his feet. Maybe even knew which one it was. He would try Wayne, but god knows if he’d even be near a phone. The phone rang twice before Josh picked up.

  “What’s up?” Josh said.

  “Hey, I know you’re on your honeymoon- ” Sam had to smile, Josh sounded a bit winded on his end, maybe even a bit flustered. “Jesus, Sam, I’m with Mark on a cruise, cut to the chase.”

  “I hit a wolf last night—”

  “Whoa…wait, what color?” Josh was sitting straight up in bed now. “ It’s a male and it’s black with grey eyes, why? You know him?” Sam looked down at the wolf in his lap; his head was cocked to one side like he was listening.

  “That sounds like Dakota, call him by that see what he does.”

  Sam tried it. “Hey, Dakota.” The ears went up and the wolf licked his hand. “I think it’s your guy.”

  “Shit, is he okay?” Josh looked at Mark with his eyebrow raised. “ I think so, I mean I hit him with my truck but he already had a leg wound. He seems okay now, just panting a lot.” Sam tousled Dakota’s fur with his fingers, rubbing behind the ears.

  “Well he’s probably thirsty, ya big lug.” Josh laughed. “Give him water and food, he should be good. He’s no trouble and sweet as can be.”

  And maybe gay. Sam laughed at the thought. “Ok,

  have fun guys and thanks, Josh.” Sam hung up and looked down at the wolf in his lap. “So, Dakota is it?” Sam laughed when Dakota’s ears went up again. “Let’s get you some food and water.” Dakota rolled over and presented his belly to Sam. “Oh, you want more love? Well no can do, I have to feed you first.” Sam picked Dakota up and carried him to the bed, laying him down gently.

  “ Okay Dakota, I’m going out to get food.” Sam cocked his head to the side as the grey eyes looked at him. “I figure you probably want a nice big juicy steak, right?” Sam laughed when Dakota’s ears perked up. “Hmm… steak.” Dakota’s head tilted and he whined. Sam laughed. “Ok, let me get going and I’ll get you a bowl too. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Sam watched as Dakota padded around in a circle, then laid down. “Oh, don’t drink out of the toilet.” Sam laughed and shut the motel room door.


  Drink out of the toilet? Pfft….as if.Dakota snorted and

  lay on his stomach, face between his paws. As soon as Dakota heard Sam’s truck pull away, he was down on the floor running his highly sensitive nose through Sam’s bag. God, but the man smelled delicious and Dakota’s body responded sexually. He rolled around in Sam’s clothing, trying to get his scent all over him. Jesus, but it was intoxicating. He wanted more of it. He had no idea how long he’d been laying there, but the door opened and Sam stood there smiling at him. He realized he was upside down and Sam made his way over, pulling his shirt out from underneath him. “You didn’t pee on my bag did you?” Sam laughed. “Marking your territory and such.” Dakota loved his voice; it spiked his heart rate and invaded his senses.

  Dakota sat up and looked up at Sam. He could pee on his leg, but he figured he’d get reprimanded for that. Besides he was a wolf, not a dog. And pissing on someone was just bad form. Dakota wanted Sam to be his, he seemed sad somehow, even lonely. He rubbed Sam’s leg with his head and let out a soft growl. God, but he wanted to smell Sam again. Sam moved away and crouched down in front of him, his hand on Dakota’s head, petting him. Dakota felt Sam’s hand pulling his face up and he realized his eyes were closed; Dakota opened them to see Sam looking at him. “You are one beautiful animal.” Sam smiled and ran his hand up Dakota’s

  muzzle.I hope you think I’m beautiful as a human too.

  Dakota wasn’t very well schooled on the whole mate thing, but he swore Sam was his. His body was reacting every time Sam touched him.

  Sam stood up and grabbed the bag he’d dropped off by the door; he pulled a bowl out and went about filling it with water. Dakota made his way over, sniffing the contents of the shopping bag. He smelled blood and

  stuck his face all the way in, taking a deep breath.Oooh New York strip, the good stuff.Sam pulled the bag away

  smiling and put the bowl down, watching as Dakota drank almost the whole bowl. He went to the sink and filled it again. Dakota looked for the bag and saw it on

  the table.Damn, damn, and damn. Sam came back, p

  the water bowl down and removed the steak from its plastic prison, putting it down on the floor. Dakota picked it up and inhaled it. “Jesus, I guess you were hungry. Good thing I bought two.” Sam took the other one out and put it down. Dakota took his time eating this one, actually slowing down to chew it. Dakota noticed Sam had relaxed now that he was eating and drinking. “So Dakota, I’m going out for a drink. Think you can behave while I’m gone?”

  Dakota looked up and headed for the door. He sat down, looking at it. “Oh, hadn’t thought about that.” Sam smiled and opened the door, letting Dakota out. Dakota stayed around the front of the motel, taking in scents here and there and doing his business in a timely matter before making his way back to the room. Sam stood in the door and Dakota cocked his head, was that relief he smelled? Did Sam think he was going to take off? He walked right by Sam and jumped on the bed, getting comfortable again. Sam smiled and sat on the edge of the bed. Dakota made his way closer, laying his head down on Sam’s thigh. “Looks like you don’t want to leave, almost as much as I want to keep you.” Dakota closed his eyes and rubbed his face against Sam’s thigh. Oh yeah, he wanted to keep him. Sam got up and mussed Dakota’s fur. “I won’t be too long, just a couple beers, okay?” Sam smiled as Dakota closed his eyes; he grabbed his jacket and made his way to the door. “Be good Dakota.”

  As soon as the door closed Dakota was up, listening for Sam’s footfalls and the truck starting. When the tires left the motel parking lot Dakota concentrated on changing. The muscles and tendons stretched and bones snapped back into place with lightning fast speed and Dakota stood in the middle of the room as a human, faster than he ever had in the past. “Okay, that was weird.” Dakota’s own voice startled him and he let out a giggle. Standing on two legs now, Dakota made his way to the bathroom. His black hair was matted with blood and his face was pale, he needed a shower and bad. Warm water massaged his sore muscles and Dakota washed away the blood from his skin. His leg had healed and whatever broken bones he’d had, healed when he changed. At twenty one, he stood at five foot nine. His body was slim, but not skinny. Dakota had definition in his arms and chest, but he didn’t look anything like Sam. God, Dakota wished he could see him again. Wait. He could see him. He just had to find clothes, which meant


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