CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set

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CW Boys- The Complete Series Box Set Page 51

by C. Shell

  I don’t question them further, too afraid that they might back out. A prom is a rite of passage for high school. I don’t want to leave it with any regrets, and not enjoying prom could fall into that category.

  “Who would you like to formally announce as your date?” Nate asks, sounding hesitant.

  My laughter causes them both to turn and face me. “Didn’t either of you hear a thing my mom said over dinner during Christmas Eve? I’m the kind of girl who likes to have my cake and eat it too.” I shoot them both a sultry smile. “You’ll both be my dates.”


  Dress shopping with Cammy is a chore.

  I’m the type who tries on one or two styles before picking the one I feel most comfortable in. I don’t like strapless because I worry about my boobs falling out, and I never get anything too short because then I’ll worry about my butt showing. As long as it comes in a basic color and not yellow or neon then I’m good to go.

  Cammy makes shopping a workout. She won’t choose a dress until she’s tried on most of the store and even then, she will drag me to at least two different clothing stores to make sure they don’t have something better.

  It’s been four hours of hunting for the perfect dress for her and I’m exhausted. I just want to go home and crawl into bed with a good movie. Maybe a rom-com or something with a hunk in it, like Chris Hemsworth or Zac Efron.

  Sitting on a couch in the dressing room, I’m close to nodding off when Cammy steps out. She looks absolutely stunning in a deep green short number that hugs her frame and shows off her assets. “What do you think?” she asks.

  “It’s perfect,” I tell her meaning every word.

  She does a little twirl in front of the mirror. “But do you think it is more or less perfect than the red one I tried on last?”

  I want to bang my head into a wall. “It’s the most perfect,” I say with meaning. “Choose something else and I am leaving. You need that dress.”

  “You’re being dramatic,” she sighs.

  “And you’re being ridiculous,” I counter. “Now, go change and buy that beautiful dress. I’m ready to get home.”

  “But what about shoes?” She nods to her naked feet.

  “Another day, Cammy,” I warn. “I can’t do any more shopping today or my mind is going to explode.”

  “Fine,” she concedes, tugging on the back of the zipper. “Give me a minute and I’ll be ready.”

  I wait in the front of the store and true to her word, Cammy is done and ready to go within a few minutes. As she’s checking out, I hear the bell over the door ring. I don’t think anything of it until I hear someone saying my name.

  Turning around, I come face to face with Lacey and Lindsey. A shiver races down my spine. “What do you want?” I ask as calmly as if I was buttering toast.

  Her eyes light up with mischief. “A little birdie told me that you’ve been a greedy girl.”

  My breath hitches, but I continue to hold it together. “You’re talking to birds, now?” I ask on a laugh. “You might want to mention that to your therapist the next time you see him. That could become a problem.”

  “You really are a little cunt,” she shoots back, her eyes flashing.

  “And a whore,” Lindsey adds, giving Lacey a high-five.

  “You two are so unimaginative. If you think your name calling is going to bother me, then you're more stupid than I thought. Now,” I say slipping past them as I head toward the door, “if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got places to be.”

  “I’m sure you do,” Lacey calls out, determined to get in the last word. “Fucking both Nate and Dex is a full-time job. Being on your back so much must wear you out.”

  My blood boils under my skin. The little devil inside me wants to come out to play. I hate these bitches and their catty attitudes. They might be beautiful on the outside, but they are rotten to the core on the inside. I open my mouth to deny her claim but think better about it.

  I’m done hiding.

  Leaving, I call out over my shoulder to make sure my voice is loud enough to be heard throughout the store, “Lacey don’t fret. Just because I landed two CW Boys and you couldn’t even hold down one, is nothing to be embarrassed about. You’ll find a man one day, and if you don’t, then you can always keep screwing your step-brother. You and Nicholas make a cute couple.”

  And that, my friends, is how you make an exit.

  Chapter Nineteen

  It’s the night of the dance and I’m so nervous I want to puke. Why I thought this was a good idea is beyond me. Cammy curled my hair into beautiful long ringlets and my mom supplied me with some gold sling-back shoes she had tucked away in the back of her closet.

  Staring into the mirror, I don’t recognize the girl looking back at me. I tried eating something small earlier to calm my stomach, but it’s not helping. Rumors have been flying all over the school for the past week. Everyone is curious to see if I have the balls to show up with not one, but two dates. I even overheard some teachers talking about it during lunch. This town is starting to feel smaller by the minute.

  Painting on a final swipe of lip-gloss, I head down the stairs ready to meet my dates. Nate is the first to greet me, looking dapper in his fitted tux. My heart is hammering away in my chest as I take in his broad shoulders and devilish good looks. The clothing on him barely conceals the power beneath it all.

  “You look beautiful.” Nate takes my hand and slips a corsage on my wrist.

  I glance down at the colorful bundle of flowers and smile. The night has just started, and yet, I already feel like a princess. “I’ve never seen you so dressed up before,” I muse, dusting my hand over the lapel. “It’s a good look on you.”

  “This old thing?’ Nate jokes doing a model pose for me.

  “Don’t give him too many compliments,” Dex says, coming up from behind me. “It’ll go straight to his head.” Goosebumps travel down my arm from how close he is. The sound of his deep voice sends an ache straight between my legs.

  I step to the side, so I can get a better look at them both. Dressed in matching midnight black tuxedos with their hair slicked back and a gleam in their eyes, they look good enough to eat. My very own double fudge banana split with all the fixings.

  “Twirl for me,” Dex commands, looking me over from head to toe.

  I do a quick two-step turn, my silver dress swishing around my thighs with the movement. The dress I picked out is vintage and something you would see in an old movie. The moment my eyes landed on it, I knew it was for me.

  “You look stunning,” Dex says, leaning in and speaking in my ear. “I can’t wait to peel you out of that little number later.”

  I lean back against the stair railing and suck in a deep breath, feeling my cheeks heat. Craving a taste of his lips, my hands settle on his shoulders as I lean forward. Our lips brush, the touch light and controlled. I press harder asking for more when my mother’s voice interrupts the moment.

  “Photo time,” she yells, coming around the corner, waving her camera high in the air.

  Not wanting to begrudge her this moment, we pose against the fireplace and let her snap to her heart's content. Jimmie and Cammy left early to catch a bite to eat before the event, so they’ve already gone through this torture.

  By the time we leave, my mouth hurts from all the smiling. The guys rented a limo despite my insistence on taking Dex’s truck. I’ve never been in a limo before, which leads me to play with the buttons and scope out all the hidden compartments on our way to the school.

  “You’re like a kid in a candy store,” Nate laughs, watching as I open and shut the skylight repeatedly.

  “Don’t even act like you weren’t doing it earlier.”

  “Of course, he was,” Dex laughs. “I thought the driver was going to throw us out before we could even get out of the driveway.”

  The dance is being held in the gymnasium. Thanks to the work of our studious student council and flamboyant cheerleaders, it now looks like a night under
the stars. Fake glowing stars cover the ceiling, along with a large cut-out of the moon and several planets. The walls have been draped in dark blue velvet and every table has star shaped tea lights covering them. It’s cheesy as hell, but it beats having to look at sports posters and football jerseys all night.

  As soon as we step inside the room, all eyes turn our way. I feel like a dancing monkey on display. Do they expect us to perform for them? I ignore the curious glares thrown our way and scan the crowd for a friendly face. The lighting is dim, making it hard to discern faces from far away.

  When I spot Cammy standing by the fruit punch station with a bored looking Jimmie by her side, I point them out to the guys. “Let’s go see what they’re up to.”

  The gym is packed, making the air feel heavy. We push our way through the warm bodies dancing to a host of pop songs and make out way across the gym. When we finally reach my friend, I can’t hide my excitement to see her. Latching onto her arm, I twirl her around, laughing at the startled look on her face.

  “Having any fun yet?” I have to yell to be heard over the loud music.

  “Hardly,” she calls back. Cam gives me a quick hug before pulling back to give my dress a closer inspection. “You look lovely,”

  “So, do you,” I answer back with a smile. I bounce in place to the beat of the music, not sure what to do with myself. I wanted to come to the prom, but now that I’m here, I feel out of place. “Have you danced yet?”

  “Nope.” Cam rolls her eyes. “Your brother is being a dud. He won’t stop complaining that his suit itches, and I can’t get him to want to do anything fun.”

  That sounds like Jimmie. With a sigh, I lean into where the guys are standing to the side of us and point an accusing finger at my twin. “Go show your girl a good time before someone else swoops in and does it for you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” His tone is low and dark.

  “I think she wants you to dance with Cammy,” Nate says, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

  “I hate dancing,” Jimmie whines.

  “Then I guess she will need to find someone who likes to.” I chuckle as his mouth gapes. “She didn’t come here to stand by the punch bowl all night.”

  Without further comment, Jimmie storms past me and pulls a very surprised Cammy to the middle of the gym floor. My brother isn’t much of a dancer, but Cammy doesn’t seem to care. Her beaming smile makes my heart melt.

  “Your turn,” Nate says, looping an arm around my waist. I sink into his embrace as his warm hands encase my sides.

  “Huh?” I ask, blinking out of my stupor.

  “Dance with me,” he urges.

  I tilt my head back and laugh. “My pleasure.”

  I let Nate lead the way, knowing he will take care of me, and keep me from making a spectacle of myself. Twirling me this way and that, he turns a boring song into a thrilling event. My heart beats heavily against my chest when he dips me low, my hair sweeping across the wood floor. Nate is a natural dancer and as one song turns into two, my legs start to get tired.

  “I need a drink,” I admit. “My throat is parched.”

  Walking ahead of him, we head back to the punch bowl where Dex stands talking to a few of the boys from the soccer team. I stop in front of him on the opposite side of the table and fill two of the cups with some punch, handing one off to Nate when I’m done.

  The punch hits the spot and I down it in a steady gulp. With the music pumping and the atmosphere alive, I’m feeling a little reckless. Our senior year is almost finished, and I want to end it with a bang. What better way to leave this school and the close-minded people in it, then with a smile on my face and both my middle fingers pointed to the sky?

  Dex leans forward on the table, looking directly into my eyes. “Are you having fun?”

  I tap my fingers on the table, keeping my expression serene. “Yes, and no.”

  He clears his throat, his eyes taking me in as he tries to dissect what’s going on in my mind. After a long moment, he breathes a heavy sigh. “Why did you say no?”

  “You owe me a dance.” I brush a strand of hair away from my face.

  “Now?” he asks.

  I watch in anticipation as he skirts around the table, coming to a stop by my side. The small star candle on the table flickers and dances to the beat, sending a soft glow over Dex’s full lips and sultry eyes.

  I step into his embrace, my hands landing on his chest. I give him a coy shrug. “Now, would be good.”

  We start for the dance floor, but not before I reach out and snag Nate’s hand along the way. This is my one and only prom night and I plan on enjoying it to its fullest. The only way that can be accomplished is with both guys by my side.

  “What’s going on?” Nate whispers, unfazed that I took him away from his group of friends.

  I wink at him and pull him closer. “We’re going to dance.”

  His eyes roam my face as if trying to gauge if this is a joke or not. “All of us together?” He looks around the room, taking note of the curious eyes watching us. “This isn’t anything like the bonfire we danced together at, sweetie. People here aren’t drunk and there are adults all around watching.”

  His thoughtfulness only makes me want him more. “Don’t look so scared,” I tease. “I’ll be gentle.”

  Dex laughs. Resting his hand on the small of my back, he pulls me into his side. His warm breath caresses my skin as he speaks. “You can be gentle with Nate, but not with me.” He gives my earlobe a nip. “I like it rough.”

  The song playing isn’t slow, which makes it easy for me to slip between the two of them. Moving as one we sway to the beat. With Dex in front of me and Nate at my back, I sink into the heat they’re throwing off. The teachers along with half the school have their eyes on us, so it's not as if we’re going to do anything scandalous. I smile at a few of them, meeting their gazes head on and holding it until they finally look elsewhere.

  No more hiding in the shadows. I’m going to hold my head high from now on. I’m proud to have Nate and Dex as my boyfriends and I’m ready for the world to know it.

  Dex’s dark gaze finds mine and I suck in a shaky breath when he reaches out and grazes my cheek. “You’re playing with fire tonight,” he warns. “Are you sure this is what you want? There is no turning back from this.”

  Doubt eats at me, but not for the reason he thinks. I pull them close, grinding my hips against Dex while resting my head on Nate’s chest. I loop my arms behind Nate’s neck, pulling him flush against me.

  Licking my lips, I prepare to open my heart and put into words how I feel. My heart is racing, the beats matching those in the song. This talk is long overdue. I glance at my surroundings and mentally chastise myself. There are probably a million better places for me to do this, but I’m afraid if I don’t do it now, I might chicken out.

  It’s now or never.

  “I can’t imagine a life without you both in it. The two of you make me happy. You also frustrate the hell out of me, but even that has its perks. We promised to give our relationship a year and see how it went.” I blow out a heavy breath reminiscing over all our ups and downs. “It wasn’t all great,” I admit with a frown. “The time we spent apart made me realize how much I need both of you. I don’t want to hide anymore, and I’m done apologizing for who I am or what I want. If people can’t accept us, then we don’t need them in our lives. I love you both and that’s all that matters.”

  Dex examines me, his gaze staring straight through me. Whatever he’s looking for he must find because, in the next instant, he’s kissing me. “It’s about time you came around, Jelly Bean,” he says, slipping his fingers into my hair. “I fucking love you.”

  I’m just catching my breath when Nate turns me in his arm and presses by back to Dex. His fingers trail up my arms, his touch so reverent and soft that it brings tears to my eyes. I hum with anticipation of having his lips on mine.

  “I’ve always wanted you,” Nate whispers, his v
oice rough with emotion. “This relationship we’ve built is unusual at best. I never imagined I would be okay sharing a woman with him.” My heart stutters to a slow grind afraid that he’s going to reject me. Lifting his hand, he tenderly strokes my cheek. “You’re the exception to every rule, Addy Bear. With you around the impossible becomes possible. I don’t know what the future holds or where it will take us, but as long as we’re all together, I know we will be okay.”

  I snake my arms around them both and pull them to me, not caring who sees or what spectacle we might be making. Burrowing my face between their necks, I close my eyes and breathe them in. Their scents combined have a way of centering me.

  My heart is about to burst out of my chest. “Always,” I say, knowing that he’s right. We’re jagged and wrong in so many ways, but when we’re together we all fit perfectly.


  Dear Diary:

  Denver is butt ass cold in the winter. I never thought I would live anywhere where snow is a normal occurrence, but when Nate got a full ride scholarship to Denver University to play soccer, I knew this would be my new home.

  And then we got the news that Dex wouldn’t be coming. It felt like we were back at square one.

  Dex was awarded a full scholarship to South Florida and a partial from Tennessee, which was never on his radar to begin with. I moped around for weeks, thinking our relationship was doomed. After everything we had been through, fate was finally stepping in and putting a wrench in our plans.

  I started looking into ways for us to commute. If we could connect at least twice a month, we might be able to make it work for the next four or so years. Not an easy thing to do by any means, but we are the exception, or so Nate keeps telling me.

  Airline tickets were going to eat us out of house and home which left me to search out other methods. We could take a train back and forth, but by the time we made it to our destination, we would have to head back to college within a few hours. Both the guys vetoed that idea.


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