Strawberry Fields

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Strawberry Fields Page 11

by Pelaam

  “I’ll give you time to leave, then follow you out. I’ll go directly to my workshop. You’ll still be allowed to help me, won’t you?”

  “I hope so. Melbeck’s kept me quite busy today. At times, I’m sure I’m being watched, but there’s never anyone there. Take care, Nicolas. I’ll come to you as soon as I can.” With a final kiss, Nathan scooped up the basket he’d already filled with herbs and some vegetables, then he hurried away.

  For a moment, Nicolas remained sitting. Then, just as he was about to rise, the door opened. But no one entered. From his hiding nook, Nicolas could only see the top third of the doorway, but that should have been enough for him to see who’d come in to the conservatory.

  Noise to his left set Nicolas’s heart racing. It was the same shuffle-click he’d heard before, and if he’d got a bad feeling from Melbeck, the feeling he got now was worse still. Instead of standing, Nicolas eased himself to the ground, stretching full-length and inching silently under the cover of thick, overhanging leaves.

  Just in time.

  A moment later, the shuffling scrape of footsteps came to a halt just in front of where Nicolas was hidden. Nicolas was certain that if he’d remained sitting up, he’d have been spotted by whoever—whatever—that remained so close by.

  From a distorted angle, Nicolas spied shoes, and an iron tipped walking stick. Although the feet seemed small enough to be a child’s, the shoes themselves looked more adult in design. The toe area was brass, and the sides had rows of brass studs. Nicolas frowned, puzzled at the dichotomy. Then the stranger moved away with a shuffling gait, the stick providing the strange clicking noise.

  A minute later, the conservatory door opened then closed again, although Nicolas still saw no one. Keeping as quiet as possible, Nicolas remained where he was, letting his thundering heartbeat slow to normal.

  Finally, Nicolas felt it was safe to stand. Brushing down his waistcoat and pants, Nicolas made his way slowly to the door, hesitating before touching the metal handle on the door. There was no feeling of danger, so Nicolas pressed down slowly. Gently easing the door open, Nicolas peered up and down the dim, narrow passageway.


  There was no time to waste. One attempt on Nicolas’s life had been unsuccessful, and he had no intention of falling victim to another. For the next couple of days Nicolas intended to stay in his workroom. He’d eat only whatever Nathan could bring for him. A few hunger pangs were a small price to pay.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Although it was hard work, and particularly draining for Nicolas, he was progressing nicely with the mechanicals. His greatest successes were with Rusty, Patch, and Scorch—perhaps because he had a genuine affection for the automatons.

  Running the back of his hand across a sweaty brow, Nicolas then reached into his waistcoat pocket to check his watch. It was already lunchtime. Today, Nicolas had arranged to meet Nathan in the conservatory. It would be good to get out of the workroom after two days of not leaving the workroom except for necessities.

  Nicolas picked up a spanner and felt its weight. Nodding to himself, he tucked it into the waistcoat’s inner pocket. If he was going to be abroad, Nicolas intended to be able to defend himself.

  This time when walking the ship’s corridors, Nicolas was constantly alert for any sounds, or for his instinct warning of danger. To his relief, Nicolas neither saw anyone, nor felt anything.

  Inside the conservatory, Nicolas glanced around. If Nathan was already in place, he’d show himself, but there was no movement. Nicolas checked his watch again. Nathan might have been delayed by Melbeck. Strawberry’s captain had been far more demanding of Nathan of late.

  Not wanting to risk being seen by anyone looking in, Nicolas started toward the niche Nathan had created, but before Nicolas could reach it, he heard the door opening. Every instinct screamed danger, and Nicolas dodged behind one of the many raised vegetable beds, peering cautiously over it to see who’d come in.

  Nicolas shuddered as the too-familiar shuffle-click noise reached his ears. There was no one in sight, just the ominous sound, and the occasional fleeting glimpse of its shadow.

  On seeing the misshapen shadow, Nicolas had a sudden inspiration. If he climbed the tree where the hideaway was hidden, he’d be able to clamber across from one of its bigger branches onto the overhead metal girders. They were wide enough for a man to crawl along and, given the lights were fixed beneath the struts, he’d be hidden in the shadows.

  The decision made, Nicolas crawled as fast as he could toward the tree. Raising his head slightly, he peered over another raised vegetable bed. Whatever stalked him had stopped some distance away. But as Nicolas could only see its shadow, there was no way to know whether it looked toward him or not.

  There was no time. Nicolas felt that it was now or never. As silently as possible, Nicolas stood, and reached up to the tree’s lower branches. With a swift movement, he ascended the tree, and was concealed by the lower branches, even as the thing turned in a slow circle, an angry hiss the only sound it made.

  Pressed hard against the tree’s trunk, Nicolas held his breath. He was still too close to the ground. He needed to climb higher, get up on the metal girders. When the creature moved away, Nicolas continued his climb.

  With a last effort, Nicolas hauled himself up onto the iron beam and peered down. The garden looked very different from up high. Now he could see it had been set out like a maze. The center of which was where the fountain bubbled away.

  The door opened, and Nicolas’s heart skipped a beat when he saw Nathan silhouetted in the doorway.

  “Nicolas? Nicolas, are you here?” Nathan called out as he entered the room, closing the door behind him.

  With a soft groan, Nicolas watched Nathan move deeper into the garden. Nicolas couldn’t answer his lover without giving his hiding place away. He crawled along the beam, scanning the garden, looking for the creature.

  Anger and fear welled up in Nicolas as he watched Nathan wander from flowerbed to flowerbed oblivious of the danger. Nicolas peered harder, trying to espy the thing that had pursued him.

  The misshapen figure closed in from behind Nathan and Nicolas’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the metal. Then he rummaged in his pocket and drew out the spanner. At this distance, it might not be much of a weapon, but it was all he had … and if he took careful aim...

  For a few seconds, Nicolas stared at the tool, envisaging it striking the creature threatening the unsuspecting Nathan, then he readied to throw. The creature was almost upon his lover as Nicolas hurled the spanner.

  As it spun through the air Nicolas watched the way it sparkled, and he held his breath. The thing shrieked in a mix of pain and outrage, but didn’t attack Nathan. Instead it ran, faster than Nicolas would have thought its twisted shape would allow, and the door to the garden slammed shut behind it.

  “Nathan! It’s Nicolas. I’m up here. Go to the great tree.” Nicolas waved as Nathan looked up at him, then smiled and nodded.

  With slow determination, Nicolas shuffled backward until he reached the tree, then descended it swiftly and enveloped Nathan in a tight hug.

  “What was it?” Nathan huddled close to Nicolas who drew him tight against his chest.

  “I don’t know. There have been a few times I’d thought something was watching me, but I’ve only ever seen its shadow. Could it be one of the children? From the height of its shadow, it seems only child-sized.”

  “I don’t see how.” Nathan shook his head. “Those not kept in the pens are watched. Melbeck is very careful to ensure none get missed.” He leaned into Nicolas “I’ve seen it, too. Just in the periphery of my vision. When I turn, nothing’s there. I always thought the ship haunted.”

  “Whatever it might be, it’s no ghost. My spanner hit it fair and square. I’d better go get it.” With a reassuring squeeze, Nicolas hurried to retrieve the tool, and Nathan follow behind. “There. See? It must be human.”

  Both on his spanner and on the floor next t
o it were a few drops of blood. Nicolas picked the spanner up, wiped it on his waistcoat, and slipped it back into the inside pocket, just as Melbeck stormed in.

  “What are you two doing in here?” Melbeck pointed at Nicolas. “You should be working on my mechanicals. And you.” He turned to Nathan. “I don’t pay you to wander around in here.”

  “I came for vegetables for Cook.” Nathan cringed, but spoke up clearly, and Nicolas stomped in front of him, shielding him from Melbeck.

  “And I’m not your slave. I needed a break from my work or I won’t be able to keep functioning as you would like.” Nicolas advanced on Melbeck, who took a couple of steps back. “I see other men lounging around. Turn your focus on them.”

  “Yes, well. Don’t hang around in here. Either of you.” Melbeck snapped out the words, but he didn’t stay in the garden.

  The minute Melbeck was gone, Nicolas Pulled Nathan to him in a hard embrace. “Meet me in the workroom later.” Nicolas kissed Nathan, reluctant to let him go. “I don’t want you in trouble.”

  “I’ll be there. Even if I’m late. I’ll scavenge some food from the kitchen, too. Until later.” Nathan gave Nicolas a quick kiss, then they moved apart.

  Despite his desire to stay with Nathan, Nicolas turned and strode quickly away before his resolve shattered. The need to get the mechanicals ready burned brightly in Nicolas’s mind, and he decided to chance going to the engine room to take another automaton. Keeping in mind that the engine room liked to use four in rotation, keeping two as spares, he promised to return another mechanical by morning.

  Halfway there, Nicolas heard Melbeck’s voice, but that wasn’t what made his blood run cold. Melbeck was talking to someone. Their voices carried from a stairwell, and Nicolas crept down, needing to see who it was Melbeck spoke to. Although Nicolas didn’t recognize the other man’s voice, he’d felt his presence more than once.

  His back pressed so hard against the metallic hull that he felt the cold seep into his body, Nicolas prayed he was sufficiently in the shadows to remain unseen. At the bottom of the stairs, Nicolas peered around the corner.

  Nicolas had never seen this man on the ship before, nor was there any way that he could be responsible for the hobgoblin shadow Nicolas had seen. The stranger stood taller than Melbeck, with a barrel-like chest. The man’s face was partially obscured, although Nicolas caught sight of long, thick, dark mutton-chops.

  But there was no mistaking the same sense of malevolence emanating from him as Nicolas had felt several times before.

  “We’ll get a good price for this consignment, Melbeck. A good, hardy collection.” The man’s voice was powerful, his accent impeccable, obviously a man of good breeding.

  “Yes, sir.” Melbeck nodded. “Our reputation grows. On the last couple of trips, I’ve even been approached for specific cargo. I believe I’ve more than met previous expectations.”

  “Good. Our coffers grow along with that reputation. What about Broadberry? He still lives.” The stranger’s voice took on a menacing tone, and Nicolas pressed closer to the hull wall.

  “I’ll take him ashore when we dock, sir. Sad to say, he’ll not make it back.” Melbeck’s lips curved into a sadistic smile. “Only Nathan will mourn his passing aboard Strawberry.”

  “Ah, yes. Nathan. Such a pretty little piece.” The other man’s voice dropped in timbre and the hairs on the nape of Nicolas’s neck rose.

  “Just a few short months, sir. Then we’ll know what game my sister’s been playing by wanting him aboard this ship.”

  “And once we do, he’s mine, Melbeck. I’ve wanted that man from the day he came aboard Strawberry. Those you’ve procured for me in the meantime have only served to whet my appetite for him.”

  “Aye, sir. Don’t I know it? Whatever it is about him, my sister checks on his welfare weekly.” Melbeck smirked. “I’m sure you can be on hand to be his … benefactor, sir. He’s malleable enough. Knowing my sister, for her to be so concerned about him, time will prove the wait to be well worthwhile.”

  “If I didn’t think so for myself, I’d have taken him already, and the devil with your sister.” The man’s voice grew harsh and Melbeck cringed back.

  His hands clenched into fists, Nicolas kept still and silent. There was nowhere to run if he was spotted. But even if there was, Nicolas would remain where he stood. Whoever this stranger was, he was a threat to his beloved Nathan. Nicolas was prepared to risk himself to protect his lover.

  “Yes, sir. Can I get you anything?” Melbeck’s voice held a trace of fawning that turned Nicolas’s stomach.

  “No. I already have … something to keep me entertained for the night.”

  The tone of the stranger’s voice turned Nicolas’s blood to ice. He was certain the man spoke of another person, despite the dehumanizing language. Just as he knew that the cargo Melbeck alluded to, was the children he held aboard the vessel.

  The stakes had increased dramatically as far as Nicolas was concerned. Not only was his own life at risk, but that of Nathan’s. No matter the effort he needed to put in, Nicolas vowed he would rescue Nathan and the children from these men.

  When Melbeck and Tall Man walked away, neither man coming to the stairs, Nicolas remained where he was for long seconds, counting until he passed one hundred. Only then did Nicolas peel himself away from the wall.

  The chill that remained, pervading Nicolas’s entire being, had nothing to do with the ship’s metal walls. There was no time to waste. If Nathan’s calculations were correct, Strawberry would be reaching the space port in a couple of days. Nicolas had a lot of work and effort to put in and only a very short space of time.

  On tiptoe, Nicolas moved forward, inching his head around the corner to ensure the coast was clear. Only then did he break into a swift run, barreling up the stairs, and striding purposely to his workshop.

  Sleep may have to become a luxury. Working on the mechanicals was essential.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The day of their planned mutiny arrived. Nicolas gazed down at Nathan sleeping peacefully in his arms. Nicolas hoped and prayed with every fiber of his being that they succeeded. There was so much at stake. Not just his life, but that of Nathan, and the children who were Melbeck’s prisoners in the bowels of the ship.

  There were less than twenty-four hours until they docked at New Eden. That meant the running of the ship would have to be by Nathan, the mechanicals, and himself for that duration. We can do it. We must.

  They needed to move, and Nicolas gently roused Nathan with soft words and gentle kisses. Nathan stirred slowly and finally looked up at Nicolas.

  “Is it time?” Nathan asked.

  “Yes, my love. I need to start on the last part of my process with the mechanicals. The use of magyck will take a lot out of me, and I don’t dare work on more than one at a time. But at the end you and I will have a metal army of nine. As well as the element of surprise.”

  “I shall take command of the bridge.” Nathan sounded as determined as he looked. “Ideally, I won’t need to dock Strawberry. Just get her close to the space station and then call for help.”

  “Perfect.” Nicolas nodded. “These children won’t become the slaves of unscrupulous men such as Melbeck deals with. Nor will you remain under his thrall a second longer than necessary. Not while I have breath in my body.”

  “You’re sure about the automatons? They are all the army we have.”

  “There is no way we could fight a group of Melbeck’s men, but, then again, we don’t have to. I promise that the mechanicals will work. I’m going to turn the main reason for my being on board Strawberry against Melbeck. Rusty, Scorch, and Patch will comprise my main thrust.”

  Nicolas kept his voice purposely confident, although in truth, he’d never tried to give this level of autonomy to so many creations before. With the other mechanicals he’d worked on, Nicolas had ensured that his orders would override anyone else’s verbal commands, once the mutiny began. But these three were special. These
would have a spark of Nicolas’s own life-force within them.

  That spark would enable Nicolas to leave the trio to act without him needing to be present. According to Nathan, there were but a half-dozen crewmen who piloted the ship and assisted Melbeck, three stokers who worked in the ship’s engine room, and the cook and his assistant.

  What Nicolas wanted, was to ensure he had full command of the ship. There was plenty of space in the cells the children were locked in for the ship’s crewmen, and if Melbeck thought himself the only man capable of piloting Strawberry he was going to be sadly mistaken.

  “I am nervous about taking control of the ship, Nicolas.” Nathan burrowed tighter to Nicolas’s chest. “But over the many months I’ve been forced to remain on board I sat and watched, and, on occasion, actually piloted the craft. If the ship’s pilot chooses to serve Melbeck, I will take his place.”

  “I know you will, my love. And I have every confidence in you, just as you have in me. Together we will make Strawberry Fields our own. Now, time to dress and begin our liberation.”

  “Liberation. Yes.” Nathan smiled, slithered up Nicolas’s body, and kissed him.

  Wrapping his arms tightly around his lover, Nicolas imbued the kiss with all the love he felt for the man he held. They might only have known one another for a couple of weeks, but there was no denying their love, or the way it grew and deepened with each passing day.

  While he and Nathan dressed, they touched and stroked one another, infusing each caress with love, until they were both ready to face their day of judgement. With a final kiss, Nicolas watched Nathan go, then walked purposely to his automatons.

  “Today’s the day.” Nicolas stroked the smooth copper of Rusty’s cheek. “Yes, it is risky. I’ve never tried to imbue something so large as a mechanical man with any degree of autonomy. But I’m going to start with you, my friend.” Patting Rusty’s chest, Nicolas smiled grimly. “Melbeck and his minions are about to find out that the one man aboard the ship that they’d given least attention to is going to be Strawberry’s newest captain. And you and I will be his crew.”


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