Strawberry Fields

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Strawberry Fields Page 22

by Pelaam

  Then Snapper explained just who Nathan’s father had been. For long moments, Nathan sat shaking his head as if denying what he was hearing. He surged to his feet, his eyes wide, and his lips parted. Then his eyes closed, and his body jerked. Nicolas feared it had all proven too much and Nathan was suffering from a seizure.

  But then Nathan’s eyes opened. “I … I remember.” Nathan’s face went white, and Nicolas grasped him tightly to stop Nathan collapsing where he stood. With Jasper’s assistance, they eased him into a chair and Snapper handed Nicolas a glass of water for Nathan.

  After a few sips, Nathan nodded, and looked at each man in turn, his eyes filled with tears. “Father and I had a terrible row. I was his heir, his successor, but I had no interest in building airships, or anything else for that matter. I wanted to be an artist, to be free. Not to have to sit in offices and boardrooms with endless meetings. I accused him of not caring about me. Not loving me. Then … then when we were attacked… Oh, Nicolas.”

  At Nathan’s sob, Nicolas enveloped his lover in a tight embrace, whispering endearments and encouragements until Nathan’s outpouring of emotion subsided.

  “Can you continue, my love?” Nicolas asked, and Nathan nodded against his chest. Nicolas stepped back, but kept his hand on Nathan’s shoulder to show his support.

  “The driver stopped the carriage saying there was a tree on the road ahead. He descended and walked towards it when a man appeared from the side of the road and shot him.” Nathan’s body shook, and his eyes were glazed, staring at a vision only he could see, and Nicolas’s heart ached for him.

  “Then what happened, Nathan?” Jasper crouched in front of Nathan, taking hold of his hands and squeezing them.

  “Harrington. It was Uncle Harrington. He wore a black cloak and a scarf around his face, but it slipped as he ran at the horse, screaming, and … and it galloped toward the embankment. Papa must have realized what was happening, and he opened his door, but he didn’t jump free. He grabbed me, said he loved me, and pushed me out just as the carriage jolted to the side. Papa fell back inside. Oh, Nicolas. I never got to say I was sorry, or that I loved him.”

  Jasper moved aside to let Nicolas take his place. There was little Nicolas could do except rock Nathan in his arms. His own heart ached for his distraught lover. It was little wonder Nathan had forgotten what had happened to him. Unable to cope with the horror of it all, his mind had blocked everything out.

  “Well, I have no doubts in my mind, this young man is indeed Nathan Holland. If you present yourself here on his birthday, in two months’ time, he may claim his inheritance. I’m very sorry it has to be in these circumstance, Mr. Holland.” Snapper’s voice was quiet, his expression softer than Nicolas had seen it. But Nathan shook his head vehemently.

  “I don’t want it, Nicolas. I don’t, I don’t.”

  “Shh, it’s all right, my love.” Nicolas stroked Nathan’s hair and kissed his brow repeatedly. “Don’t think about it now. Put it from your mind.”

  “I’ll order a carriage.” Jasper leaned close to murmur in Nicolas’s ear and Nicolas nodded.

  “Thank you, Jasper. I think Nathan needs to go home and rest.” Nicolas fully intended to move them somewhere better than their tiny home, and the Wolfestan brothers had offered him an advance. Perhaps it was time to accept it.

  “Mr. Broadberry, if I might have a quiet word with you?” Snapper inclined his head toward Nathan, and Nicolas nodded.

  “Yes, of course. Nathan, I’ll be with you in a moment.”

  “I’m sorry, Nicolas. I’m fine.” Nathan stood and offered a watery smile.

  With his ghost-white skin, and tear-reddened eyes, it was clear Nathan was far from all right, but Nicolas nodded, and walked him to the door, watching to make sure Nathan was settled in the waiting room before closing the door.

  “What can I do for you Mr. Snapper?”

  “It’s rather more a case of what I can do for you, or rather, Mr. Holland. Obviously, he can’t inherit until his birthday, and by then I’m sure he’ll feel very differently. But he is entitled to a monthly payment from the estate. Naturally, he’d also be eligible to have it backdated for the months he’s been missing. I didn’t want to mention it, since he’s quite emotional. I thought you could speak to him, that’s something he was paid even when his father was alive.” Snapper handed Nicolas a check. “It’s just three months’ allowance. From what Sergeant Whittock said, I think you could use it.”

  “Yes. We could. If Nathan will agree.” Nicolas tucked it into his wallet. “I’ll speak to him.” Nicolas’s senses swam as he saw the sum concerned. “Perhaps I could call you tomorrow? I don’t think he’ll be up to dealing with any more shocks today.”

  “Yes, yes, I quite understand. Things will look a lot better in the morning. Good day, Mr. Broadberry.”

  “Good afternoon.” Nicolas went through to the outer office and sat next to Nathan.

  “Is there something wrong?” Nathan asked, and Nicolas shook his head quickly.

  “No, my love. There’s just a lot to take in.” Nicolas clasped Nathan’s hand, squeezed gently, and gave him a reassuring smile. “Just … a lot of things to consider. But I don’t want to talk about them now. I want to take you home, hold you.”

  “Oh, yes. I’d like that. There’s nowhere I feel better than in your arms.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “Nicolas, Nathan, the cab’s here.” Jasper poked his head around the outer door. “Are you ready?”

  “We are.” Nicolas would wait until the morning and discuss options over the money with Nathan then. For now, all he wanted was to let Nathan feel safe and loved.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  The generosity of the Wolfestan brothers once again came to Nicolas’s rescue. They’d insisted on taking the check from him and giving him the money immediately. That in turn had ensured Nicolas, Nathan, and Amaretta could take rooms in the Adelphi Hotel for at least the next week, while Nathan had a chance to think clearly about the future.

  Their practical advice had been equally invaluable. Firstly, in persuading Nathan to accept the allowance. Perhaps it was because Nathan perceived them as father figures, but Nicolas doubted he’d have been as successful. And secondly, in discussing the inheritance in a calm, rational way, as well as promising to be available to talk further with Nathan whenever he wanted.

  Now, having had time to rest and recover both mentally, and physically, Nathan seemed more relaxed, and so did Nicolas. They sat cuddled together on the large sofa, and Nicolas kissed Nathan’s brow.

  “Would you care for an early night, my love?” Nicolas nuzzled through Nathan’s hair, nibbling at his lover’s earlobe.

  “Yes.” Nathan turned and kissed Nicolas soundly. “I want you to make love with me. I just want to be Nathan, the man you love and forget Nathan the heir to a fortune for a while.”

  “I promised you I’d love you no matter what. Rich or poor. Nothing has changed, Nathan. You are, and always will be, the man I love.”

  His smile gentle, Nathan reached to frame Nicolas’s face in his hands. “I don’t know how I’d live without you. I don’t care about the factories, or the money. Just living the rest of my life with you.”

  “And you shall always have me. Come to bed with me.” Nicolas eased away from Nathan to stand and hold out his hand to his lover.

  With a smile, Nathan grasped the proffered hand and they walked side-by-side into the bedroom. Within a minute they were stripped and stretched out on the bed. A bout of kissing ensued and Nicolas relished the size of the bed that provided more than adequate space for them to touch one another freely.

  Finally, Nathan ended up on top of Nicolas, sitting astride his lap. Nicolas smiled and took the opportunity to run his hands up and down Nathan’s flanks. Then, with a wicked grin, Nicolas reached for the flask of oil sitting on the bedside table and coated his hands as Nathan looked on.

  “This body oil has more than one use, my love.” Nicolas reac
hed up and began to rub the oil into Nathan’s shoulders. Nicolas smiled as Nathan sighed and closed his eyes.

  “It does have a pleasant scent. Oh!” Nathan arched his back as Nicolas gently pinched his lover’s nipples. Opening his eyes Nathan reached down to trace abstract patterns across Nicolas’s pecs.

  “I’m glad you like it.” Nicolas drifted lower, sliding his hands over Nathan’s belly.

  “It’s perfect.” Nathan closed his eyes again.

  Nicolas moved back up to massage his lover’s chest, circling then pinching the irresistible nipples. Then Nicolas urged Nathan to stretch out over him and rolled them so that he was now on top. Sitting astride Nathan, Nicolas shuffled backwards, massaging Nathan’s lean legs as he went, smiling at his lover’s sighs of appreciation.

  As Nicolas gazed down at Nathan, his lover opened eyes darkened with desire.

  “I want you, Nicolas. Make love with me.”

  “Always,” Nicolas whispered, kneeling up and settling between Nathan’s parted thighs. Nathan moaned softly when Nicolas took a light hold of his lover’s cock. Nicolas’s own prick reacted, dripping pre-ejaculate when Nathan arched into his touch. Nicolas stroked him tenderly, lightly tugging at the foreskin, and teasing the tiny slit to spread the copious juices.

  The air filled with the mix of musk and arousal, and Nathan’s soft pleas for Nicolas to love him. Nicolas released Nathan’s cock, not wanted his lover to spill too soon, and Nathan took advantage.

  With an insistent wriggle Nathan slid free of Nicolas, rose onto his hands and knees, and wagged his hips from side to side. He looked over his shoulder.

  “I want you. Make me ready.”

  “As you wish, my love.” Nicolas fought to keep his voice calm and gentle. His arousal was already at fever-pitch, but he wasn’t going to rush this. Both of them had yearned for this moment since returning home, unable to give full vent to their needs and desires while Nathan was still in shock, and he in pain from his wound.

  Still teasing his lover, Nicolas ran his hands over Nathan’s lower back, smooth, toned buttocks, and finally cupped his lover’s sac. Another dribble of his own juices accompanied Nathan’s low, seductive moan of his name.

  Nicolas parted his lover’s cheeks, and licked over the exposed flesh, relishing Nathan’s full-body shudder and the way his lover pressed back. His fingers already slick from the oil, Nicolas slid a single digit deep inside.

  “Yes.” Nathan rocked back. “More, Nicolas.”

  Withdrawing the single finger, Nicolas added more oil and returned with two.

  “Oh.” Nathan sighed and wriggled as Nicolas pushed deep. Nicolas fondled his lover’s balls or rubbed circles at the base of his spine, all the time whispering words of love.

  “It feels good,” Nathan whispered. “I can take more, Nicolas. I’m eager to feel you, to be one with you.” Nicolas kissed the base of Nathan’s spine, and Nathan deliberately tightened his muscles around Nicolas’s fingers.

  “I’m glad.” Nicolas groaned at the sudden tightness. “I want to be inside you, loving you.”

  “I love how sensuous and erotic it feels when you prepare me.” Nathan glanced over his shoulder and smiled at Nicolas. “Although, right now, I just want you.”

  “I want you to enjoy all we do, and I won’t rush.” Nicolas withdrew his finger, pleased at Nathan’s growl of frustration. “Three now, my love. Almost there.” As Nicolas pressed forward, Nathan gave a rumbling purr and clenched around the invading digits.

  Trailing kisses down Nathan’s spine, Nicolas’s erection slid against Nathan’s buttocks and Nicolas moaned his own need, thankful Nathan was almost ready. With a twist of his hand, Nicolas pressed deeper, found the nub he sought, and very deliberately rubbed against it.

  Nathan’s whole body jerked, and he gasped aloud. “Nicolas. Please.” His voice dropped in timbre, and Nathan thrust back onto Nicolas’s fingers. “Nicolas.”

  It was time. The demanding tone left no doubt what Nathan wanted.

  “Yes, my love.” Nicolas slowly withdrew his fingers and grabbed the oil again, liberally coating his eager prick. Even light touches to his cock made him clench his teeth, and he squeezed the base firmly.

  Satisfied he was ready, Nicolas shuffled closer, pressing up behind Nathan, his oiled cock snug against his lover’s prepared entrance. Inhaling deeply, Nicolas took hold of Nathan’s left hip and pressed forward. There was initial resistance, then Nicolas groaned softly as the head of his prick finally slid inside. Nathan tensed, and Nicolas froze, riding out the crushing pressure around his cock. Then Nathan relaxed, and Nicolas slid deeper.

  “Relax, my love. Soon you shall have all you want.”

  “I was too eager. I’m fine now, Nicolas. I promise.” Nathan took a deep breath, his body relaxing even more as Nathan slowly released it.

  With a flurry of kisses across Nathan’s shoulders, Nicolas thrust gently, little more than rocking back and forth until he was fully sheathed in Nathan’s hot, tight body. When Nathan tightened his internal muscles, a low growl slid passed Nicolas’s lips.

  “Now who is the tease?”

  “Then move, Nicolas. I’m ready. Please, my love,” Nathan begged.

  Nicolas didn’t wait for a second invitation. Slowly, gently, he moved his hips back and then thrust forward firmly, changing his angle, and succeeded in brushing against Nathan’s special spot.

  The impassioned cry of his name urged Nicolas on and he quickly fell into a deep, steady rhythm, keeping hold of Nathan’s hips. Nathan responded, moving back to meet each of Nicolas’s thrusts.

  His breathing grew ragged and sweat tricked down Nicolas’s cheeks and chest as he gradually increased his speed. Nathan moaned and cried Nicolas’s name aloud each time Nicolas stroked against the little nub deep within him. Nathan clung to the bed covers, his hands balled into fists, bracing with his arms to push back onto Nicolas.

  As much as Nicolas didn’t want the pleasure to end, he knew he couldn’t last much longer. He fought an ever-losing battle to keep control. His body urged him to completion. Certain he couldn’t resist its pull much longer, Nicolas reached under Nathan, and took his lover’s cock in his hand.

  The organ was hard, hot, and slick from its juices, and a reverberating groan came from Nathan. He stroked to the same rhythm as his hips. When he increased their speed to short jabs, Nicolas pumped his lover’s cock even faster, flicking his thumb over its head.

  “Spill for me, my love.” Nicolas whispered directly into Nathan’s ear, then licked along his neck, tasting sweat and heat. “Let go. Give all you have to me.”

  “Nicolas.” Nathan moaned aloud, and his body shuddered at Nicolas’s words, then his inner muscles clenched around Nicolas’s prick. Nathan froze, then spasmed as his seed pulsed out over Nicolas’s hand.

  Nicolas’s groan mingled with Nathan’s as his lover’s muscles contracted and relaxed around his cock, and that was all Nicolas needed to spill.

  When Nathan collapsed onto the bed, Nicolas followed him down, and for long minutes pleasurable aftershocks echoed through their bodies. Nicolas had no idea where he ended, and Nicolas began. They were joined in heart, in mind, and in body, and he had never felt more complete. Nicolas truly believed that they were each a half of the other’s soul.

  A soft murmur from Nathan reminded Nicolas that his lover was still supporting all of Nicolas’s weight. Easing gently from Nathan’s body, Nicolas rolled onto his side and gathered him into an embrace, both men entwining arms and legs for maximum contact.

  “I love you, Nicolas,” Nathan murmured against Nicolas’s chest, kissing the skin closest to his lips. “I know I must face things soon. But for now, just hold me.”

  “And I love you.” Nicolas kissed the top of Nathan’s head. “Now rest. Nothing else in the world matters except us and our love. When you’re ready we’ll talk, and we have good, solid friends who’ll help guide you.”

  “Us.” Nathan snuggled closer. “They can guide us both.”<
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  “As you wish, my love.” Nicolas kissed Nathan’s brow and a soft sigh was his reward. Nicolas smiled. He would stand by Nathan whatever his lover decided.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  At Nathan’s insistence, his birthday had been celebrated a day early as he’d no desire to combine the birthday with going to the rooms of the solicitor. Now they waited for Snapper to come through, and Nathan hadn’t just wanted Nicolas present.

  In the room were also Lady Valentina, Amaretta and Jasper, Langdon, the Wolfestan brothers and Amias. Of those gathered, only Nicolas was privy to Nathan’s true decisions around his inheritance, although he’d danced around what he might do with everyone present.

  Beside Nathan sat a restored Poppet. Amaretta had insisted on presenting the mechanical to Nathan on hearing how she’d tracked him to the warehouse and attacked Harrington to protect him.

  Snapper came through, evidently pleased to see Nathan present.

  “Welcome, Mr. Harrington. Welcome indeed.” Snapper offered a brief smile and then read out the contents of the will.

  Almost without emotion, Nathan seemed to hear that effectively, he inherited everything—a profitable business, a country home and another home in the city, as well as the substantial Holland fortune. Only the hand that Nicolas clasped tightly beneath the table as Nathan squeezed repeatedly, gave away the true level of his lover’s feelings.

  “I’m very happy you decided to accept your inheritance, Mr. Holland.” Snapper concluded, closing the file before him. “You endured much to be here today.” Snapper stood and held out his hand, and Nathan rose to shake it.

  “Please stay, Mr. Snapper. I’d like to engage you as my own solicitor, if you will?” Nathan smiled as Snapper agreed, then he looked down at Nicolas who rose to stand beside him.

  “You’ve all spent time with Nathan over the past couple of months, and he’s talked, in some cases, into the early hours of the morning in regards this inheritance.” Nicolas looked around and everyone nodded. “I assure you, as will Nathan himself, that he listened carefully to everyone’s contribution. But ultimately, what matters to him, is our future. Now that he is installed as Mr. Nathan Holland, he can access his birth certificate, and we can marry.”


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