Stolen Secrets

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Stolen Secrets Page 9

by Cayce Poponea

  “I…” His thoughts seemed jostled in his mind. He was in uncharted waters for, what I assumed, the first time. If I were his typical type of girl, I would swear he was in love, but I wasn’t and therefore he wasn’t either.

  “The gift I sent to you was an accident.” His voice echoed his frustration; it was nice to see a flaw. “I should have taken a few minutes to find out what types of things you liked. Instead, I deduced it would be ridiculous of me to send you flowers with you working with them all day. I’m…”

  The room became thick with tension. I thought of a thousand things he could be struggling to say. I glanced over at Sophia who was waiting with an abundance of anticipation that I didn’t understand.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Something deep inside of me screamed this was a big moment in Dominick’s life. The gasp of air Sophia took was a physical confirmation I was right. Dominick Santos saying those words to anyone was less likely to happen than for a unicorn to come racing down a city block.

  “Please let me make it up to you, let me buy you a cup of coffee or tea or coke, whatever you drink.”

  Sophia must have felt the need to join Gabby in the mystery room, which seemed to gobble people up into thin air, because she wasn’t in the room anymore. Yes, Dominick was a handsome man, a man who was used to snapping his fingers and having things fall into place. However, he was also the son of my employer, and at this point in my life, I couldn’t do anything to jeopardize that relationship. Not until I had a backup plan.

  “Mr. Santos, have you ever heard the term ‘never shit where you eat’?” My voice was trembling, the confidence I knew I had, not making it to my voice.

  “Yes, Ari, I’m very familiar with that term.” His cockiness had returned in full force, so it made my thoughts much easier to deliver.

  “Then you will understand why I must decline. I’m an employee of your mother’s, and with my dependence on the income it provides me, it would be foolish for me to establish a relationship with you.”

  “Ari?” Sophia calling my name startled me.

  “Dominick, would you mind if I spoke with Ari in private?”

  The look of confusion on his face had to be a carbon copy of the look I knew I had. This was completely inappropriate; she had to back me on this. Sophia held her hand out for me and I knew this wasn’t a question so much as a direct order. I excused myself and followed her to the cooler.

  It’s funny how the things that ground us and make us comfortable have a way of betraying us. The smell of flowers and the cooler used to do that, but in this moment, a moment I knew would change everything about me, they offered me no comfort.

  “Ari, I’m sorry I was eavesdropping, but he is my son and I just couldn’t stand back and let him screw this up.”

  The chill of the air in the metal room we were standing in blew cold all around. I was at a disadvantage, because I didn’t want to be rude and tell her to mind her own business. I had a real reason for staying here, at least, for the foreseeable future.

  “It’s no secret my son has a certain popularity with the female sector here in New York, always has.”

  I couldn’t stop myself from interjecting, “Let’s not forget the girlfriend.” The word seemed to change the gears in Sophia’s thought process and her tone began to change.

  “Ah. Marissa.”

  This surprised me. She didn’t have a witty comeback, nasty slur, or words to defend the poor girl. However, now I think about it, Sophia wasn’t exactly pleasant to Marissa the last time she’d visited the shop.

  “Marissa is more of a…” Just like her son, the words seemed unreachable. Playing with them in her mind, marinating them before presenting a carefully constructed and colorful excuse, she settled on, “Convenience. She’s there for him when he needs her to be. The title girlfriend would mean a relationship where feelings exist, and I can tell you with complete certainty, he doesn’t care for her whatsoever.”

  In some crazy world, Sophia’s admission should have been like a huge crane she’d hired to lift the tension in the room, but in this case, the driver took a wrong turn and failed to show up.

  “So, you’re saying she and Dominick are… what’s the word?” I closed my eyes, trying to rid myself of the reality which seemed to be crushing me and taking my ability to think rationally with it.

  “Friends with benefits?” she offered, her face free of dishonesty. “It would make sense if they were friends. They have an arrangement.”

  I didn’t need to hear anymore. I’ve never understood how women could put themselves in that type of situation. I could never treat sex as something so meaningless and casual. The confirmation that Dominick had made my decision not to see him easier.

  “Listen, I’m not going to try and convince you my son isn’t a skirt chaser. I live in the real world and I know how Dominick is. However, I also know recent events have shed new light on how my son looks at the world around him.”

  As disrespectful as it was, I rolled my eyes, opened the door, and then walked out. I had work to do. It was the reason I was hired and I wanted to forget this day had happened.

  “I know you don’t care for Dominick, but I know you care about me.” Sophia’s voice called after me.

  She had the ability to make me want to give into her, to make her happy. I wondered if she had the same effect on Antonio or all of the people in her life. “I’m throwing a party for Dominick’s birthday. I want you there. For me… Ari.”

  That night, after I closed the shop and made my way upstairs to my home, I couldn’t stop wondering what was going on behind Sophia’s carefully spoken words? Why was it so important for me to be at his birthday party? Did she think he would turn into this amazing charming man at the stroke of midnight and sweep in, rescuing me from the demons Sophia spoke of? Did she honestly think I wanted, or needed, to be rescued?

  From where I sat beside my window, the streetlights illuminated what appeared to be a calm and sleeping city. It was an illusion, of course, and I knew it. Perfectly manicured grass circled the massive oak trees lining the street. A couple of alley cats searched for a stitch of food; Mr. Dorfman never disappointed them, leaving two cans of tuna in his entry stoop each night. The small amount of light glistening out of each store gave a hue of false security. Even the cracks in the sidewalk held secrets.

  I continued to sit beside that window watching as, one by one, each streetlight turned off and the sun made its grand appearance. Food held no desire for me so I changed my clothes and headed down to the shop to get to work. Dominick’s party was to be no small children’s affair, with balloons and clowns. This party would be more like a small wedding and I had agreed to be a guest. Maybe if I tried real hard, I could come down with a nasty case of the flu. Even with Sophia saying they weren’t together, I didn’t feel like getting between him and Marissa. Although, right before he’d left, he informed me she wasn’t an invited guest. Would the lack of an invitation make any difference to a woman like Marissa?

  The party was slated to take place at Sophia and Antonio’s home leaving me wondering how big this house of theirs was. All this production for a simple birthday party, for a man who probably wanted to be somewhere else. Seemed over the top.

  I’d created twenty-eight centerpieces since starting two hours ago and still had twelve more to go. It was a good thing Sophia owned the place; otherwise the amount of flowers being used would set her back a good chunk of change. Couldn’t blame her, though. If I owned my own shop… It was like a slap in the face by my own hand.

  There was no reason to be so worried about keeping my job with Sophia and her crazy need to get me and her manwhore son together. I could look around for an established shop and purchase it. Smiling huge at my brilliance, I hurried to finish the centerpieces while bubbling with excitement at the prospect of being my own boss.

  Gabby arrived in an extra chipper mood explaining her fiancé Logan had called her at three that morning. Her excitement stemmed from these
calls were few and far between given he wasn’t usually in cell phone range. Her exuberance made the concept of love seem like something wonderful and worth achieving. However, like the false security of a sleeping city street, happiness was something found in storybooks and daytime television. She had barely tied on her apron when a delivery guy came in with a carafe of coffee and piping hot pastries. Gabby nearly had an orgasm when she saw where they were from.

  The older man handed me a small card, tipped his hat, and then left.

  I asked you to let me buy you a cup of coffee; I never said you had to drink it with me. Please, accept my apology and perhaps the next time you enjoy a cup, it can be with me.

  - Dominick

  In the center of all of the flowers and greenery, I stood speechless and confused. A part of me wanted to take him up on that offer, but another part screamed he wasn’t the type who did this on a regular basis. Just like my coffee, I needed my life plain and simple with no muss and no fuss. Dominick Santos was definitely an espresso—hot, strong, and addictive.

  Hours later, while standing outside the castle Sophia called home, I wondered what Antonio did for a living to afford the size and grandeur of this house. The stonewall circling the grounds had four different men guarding it. No one asked my name but I was welcomed four times by said guards. A fifth man stood outside my taxi door and opened it before I could reach the handle. While another paid the cabby for my fare, I looked around at all of the ladies who were dressed as if they were attending an opera performance. Standing in a sea of satin and sequins, my casual attire of slacks and a plain white blouse, made me severely underdressed, but I had planned this. Dominick needed to see I wasn’t the standard arm candy he was used to decorating himself with. My goal was to give him a reason to reconsider this interest in me.

  I hadn’t even taken two steps inside the foyer when arms enveloped me that I knew all too well. Gabby was beaming like a kid in a candy store. “I love coming to Sophia’s parties. The woman has some serious party skills.”

  I was about to tell her how beautiful she looked in her pale blue dress, but the lights went out and music began blaring. Joe Elliott’s voice echoed off the million dollar walls around me. The song was synonymous with strip clubs and half-naked women. With Sophia’s exquisite tastes, I knew she hadn’t planned this. A large spotlight illuminated the center of the floor not even five feet from me. The song was one I’d heard many times before, but this would be the one I’d never forget. As Joe’s signature voice gave instruction on how to love him, I heard a distinct voice behind me. Turning, I saw a Sophia I had never seen before… an extremely pissed off one.

  THE CLOCK ON THE BLU-ray player mocked me, making time seem to stand still. Nothing I’d enjoyed in the past could make me happy anymore. On my way home tonight, I’d almost turned around and headed over to Miranda’s house, only to be stopped by the voice in my head telling me Ari wouldn’t approve if she ever found out. Why the fuck did I even care if Ari knew about that side of me? The side, which craved sex, or, at least it, used to. In the past few weeks, I’ve been letting one of the guys take the normal delivery over to Miranda’s. That hadn’t happened… ever.

  “Hey, man, all you got left is one more bottle of Jack. Do you want me to send for more?” Marco held up an open bottle. Two lowball glasses sat on the mahogany bar.

  Once I’d decided against visiting Miranda, I’d called my friend Marco and asked him to meet me at my house. Marco worked for the Family and was as close to me as Demetri was. He’d done a tour in the Army, but something happened so he was discharged a few years ago. His travels had led him to one of the strip clubs we owned, where he broke up a fight that had gotten out of control. I watched from my office as he single-handedly took on four guys, tossing them around like rag dolls. Once the fight was over, I told one of my guys to bring him up. On my orders Demetri did a background check ensuring I had Marco’s entire life history before he even hit the stairs. Marco was looking for a job, but due to the way he’d left the military, no one would hire him. I gave him a couple of test deliveries, and a year later he was in my inner circle. He’s one of the few men on the payroll who doesn’t call me Boss or agree with everything I say.

  “No, one bottle ought to numb things.” Marco sat down in the chair opposite me. He didn’t badger me about why I’d invited him over. It was as if he had a sixth sense about him, like he could read people and know what they were feeling. Making him fucking lethal when taking care of business.

  “I don’t get it!” I shouted while tossing the remote on the cushion beside me. I had no fucking clue what it controlled. “I told her I was sorry, which I’ve never fucking done, by the way.” I added the second half completely unclear as to why I’d felt the need to. “Yet, she still looked at me like I’m out to hurt her, use her up, and spit her out.”

  “Maybe you are,” Marco said while opening the bottle of Jack and filling two glasses. He pushed the second glass in my direction, taking the other and leaning back into his seat.

  “What the fuck?”

  Clearing his throat, he returned his glass to the table. “This is a girl, I’m assuming since you did say she?”

  I remained silent, the fire from my rant still scorching combined with the sting of the bourbon, which was starting to dull the edges in its familiar way.

  “Then this girl you’re referring to, maybe she doesn’t know how to react to you. I mean, by the way you’re talking, you’re assuming she knows all about you. Maybe she hasn’t a clue about you, and when you turn on the charm that you’re famous for, she feels like she’s about to be another notch. Sounds to me like she cares more about protecting herself than being with a man she barely knows.”

  Marco gave me a new perspective to think about, and then, as the norm, gave me silence to absorb it. Again the clock mocked me and I sat wishing it was time to see her again. This girl had me so twisted I didn’t know which way was up.

  “You know what else I think?” Without waiting for me to answer he continued, “This girl, the one giving you so much shit, sounds perfect for you.”

  That sentence played on repeat all night. Even while I took matters into my own hand in the shower before I went to bed last night—another thing I hadn’t done since high school. Ari Taylor was fucking me up.

  Early the next morning I called Mr. Papas, ordering a variety of pastries and hot coffee to be delivered to Ari. My mom called me soon after they were delivered to report she could see a slight change in Ari’s face. With a larger smile than usual, she was laughing with clients, as she seemed to dance around the shop. Mom’s words gave me hope I was making a crack in the wall standing between us. For the first time, I felt there was a small chance of changing Ari’s mind about me.

  When Mom started planning my party, she told me she would not be sending Marissa an invite. She minced no words in her dislike for Marissa. Telling my father enough greedy, gold-digging bitches would show up, leading the room to be monitored by metal detectors. She had her staff remove anything not nailed down and rented silverware and crystal. It was a harsh reality in our world, but some people could not be trusted.

  Dad reminded me I would need to show control. Alex Gallo had returned his RSVP, and would be in attendance. Alex was still trying to find any angle he could to convince us to join our Families. Rumors floated around he was broke and needed a new alliance. He was crazy if he thought for one second he would ever be invited to join this Family. We hadn’t gotten to where we were by allowing people in who we couldn’t trust.

  After arriving at my parent’s house, a few minutes in my old room helped make certain I had myself in control. I wanted Ari to see the kind of good guy I had the potential to be; not that I wanted to be good all the time, but the potential was there. Maybe if she saw a few good things, the bad opinions would fade away.

  Retreating to my father’s study, I watched car after car come through the gate from the side window. It had pissed me off Ari refused to let me pick her
up and bring her with me tonight. Sophia told me if I played my cards right, then perhaps I could escort her home. I was counting on the one ace I had in my hand tonight.

  Several weeks ago, I was contacted by Gabby’s fiancé. He’d called to tell me he had some unexpected leave come his way and he wanted a chance to see Gabby, but the ticket was too much. I made a few calls and sent him instructions to be on the plane I’d send for him.

  Gabby was like a second little sister to me. She gave my mother so much joy, it seemed fair to give her some back. Two people knew about Logan’s surprise visit, myself and Logan. I had even disguised him as one of the waiters so my mom wouldn’t see him. He was tucked away in the guesthouse, keeping the secret of his presents form prying eyes. I would send one of the guys to get him when the time was right.

  I was watching Ari getting out of a cab when several of the guys came into the room to inform me they had something for me. Judging by the look on each of their faces, this wasn’t going to end well. I was pulled down the stairs and when I saw Ari standing beside a beautifully dressed Gabby, the lights went out.

  It didn’t go unnoticed she wasn’t overly done up. Most of the women at this party would spend a small fortune on the dresses they wore; always trying to outdo the wife next to them. As the spotlight came on and the music blared, all hopes of escorting Ari home went right out the window. Hell, at this point, I would be lucky if she didn’t disappear into the night.

  “I WILL KILL THEM,” SOPHIA’s words were crystal clear despite the volume of the music. She was upset, and rightly so.

  There, in all her glory, was a naked Marissa dancing in the middle of a fake birthday cake. Not having the decency to wear something to cover her nipples, or feel shame for how this would look to Sophia and the rest of the guest. Stripping in the privacy of a bedroom is one thing, but this, was taking things way too far. Marissa twisted and turned her head, her shiny locks dancing to the beat. Men stood with mouths and eyes wide open, adjusting parts in their southern regions, while wives stood by, drinks clenched in their hands as their husbands showed no respect for them by not turning away. Not a single one of them did anything to stop her, instead cheering louder as she continued to dance, and tossing money at her like droplets of rain.


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