Made Men 2: Forbidden Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Made Men 2: Forbidden Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Dominick hugged her, and she hugged him back, smiling and glancing at Sunny. He now crossed his arms in front of his muscular chest and just stared at her.

  She pulled back and looked at Dominick. “So I hear that Mateus and Major called you to set this gathering up for tonight.”

  “Oh yes, Alda is going to be very happy with her birthday celebrations.”

  “I’m sure she will be. They will be coming in an hour or so.”

  “So why are you here so early?” he asked.

  “I’m meeting some people for business.”

  He squinted at her. “Solencio’s men?” he whispered.

  “Actually, yes. Tudoro set it up.” He looked at her, and she saw the expressions on Vinny’s and Sunny’s faces. They looked angry.

  “You know I work for Garlitto Industries, right?” she asked.

  “No, I had no idea. I mean I didn’t really know who you worked for,” Dominick stated.

  “Well, I worked on several different projects over the years, but my degree is in business. I have an MBA, and a while back, there was an opening for head of the sales department and distribution. I interviewed and got the position.”

  He smiled. “Good for you. Tudoro and his family must be thrilled to have you. The company is doing very well.”

  “It’s growing in leaps and bounds, and there are a lot of changes coming and new contracts to be developed. I like it so far.”

  “Well, that’s great. I’m going to make sure we’re all set for that meeting you have. Excuse me a minute,” he said, and she nodded and then went to walk away when Vinny grabbed her hand.

  She pulled it away, and he stared down at her, his gaze taking in the sight of her body, and boy, did her body react. Sunny moved closer as Vinny licked his lower lip.

  “We never got a chance to catch up after everything that happened with Bella.”

  “There wasn’t anything to catch up on,” she stated. Vinny reached up and stroked her cheek then pushed a strand of hair away. She froze. Even such a simple touch by the man’s large hands did amazing things to her body.

  “Oh, that’s not true. I think there’s a lot for us to talk about. You’ll be here for Alda’s party, and so will we. We can talk some more then,” he said to her.

  She glanced at Sunny. He stepped closer and placed his hand on her hip.

  “No greeting hello for me?” he asked.

  “I said hello when you guys first approached with Dominick.”

  “Dominick and Giuseppe got hugs and a kiss hello. We didn’t,” Vinny stated and then slid his hand along her waist and hoisted her closer.

  She grabbed his forearms and closed her eyes when he leaned down and kissed her cheek softly. With his thick, hard arm around her, she felt safe, secure, and, of course, aroused.

  As he pulled back slightly, he whispered to her. “You smell incredible.”

  She felt his palm slide along her ass as he took his time stepping back. When she looked up into his eyes, he was in a dead stare at her.

  “My turn,” Sunny said and slid his arm around her waist, pulling her slightly to the left out of Vinny’s arms and into his own. He followed his brother’s lead, but instead of kissing her cheek, Sunny kissed her neck, sending vibrations of desire all the way to her cunt.

  Oh, how she wished she could indulge in these two men without consequences. When he nipped her earlobe, she was shocked. Vinny seemed more aggressive than Sunny, but apparently, she’d been wrong.

  “Sunny,” she scolded and began to push away, but his hold was firm on her hip.

  “You’re too delicious to resist. Are you sure you have to do this meeting and can’t join us for a drink before the ladies arrive?” Sunny asked.

  She stepped back, fixed her hair, and slid her hands along her hips. Sunny watched and re-crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  “Yes, I’m sure. Besides, there isn’t anything for us to talk about.”

  Vinny touched her hip. “Sure there is. Like where we’re taking you on our first date. This week, the day of your choice, hell, the restaurant, too. What do you say?” Vinny asked and stroked her hipbone with his thumb.

  “I say you’re dreaming. No date, no conversation.” She went to turn, but Vinny stopped her. She grabbed on to his shoulder and placed her other hand against his chest.

  “Don’t deny what we feel. We want to get to know you.”

  God, how she wanted to say yes.

  “I’m not interested.”


  She heard her name and turned as she saw Sunny’s eyes narrow, and so did Vinny’s. Stepping back, she saw Dominick was there, and behind him, by the hallway, were Turk, Broadway, and Crane.

  “The private room is all set, and the guests for the meeting have arrived.”

  “Great. Thank you so much, Dominick,” Adalina replied.

  Dominick glanced at Vinny and Sunny.

  “Take care,” she said to them.

  “We’ll catch you later and have that drink and talk,” Vinny said to her.

  “No, we won’t,” she stated, and Dominick led her to the men who waited on her.

  She didn’t want to look back at Vinny and Sunny. It would give them hope that something could happen between them. As she approached Turk and the men, Turk was looking past her, a scowl on his face, and then his eyes swept over her body and he smiled.

  “So good to see you, Adalina. Thank you for meeting with us.” He stepped closer, placed an arm around her waist, and pulled her into an embrace. He kissed her cheek, and when he released her, his hand swept over her ass.

  She felt nothing. It confirmed she would never be interested in a man like Turk. What was she going to do about Vinny and Sunny? She glanced at them as Dominick led her and the men to a private room that overlooked the dance floor below. Sure enough, Vinny and Sunny were in a dead stare at them, especially Turk. She looked away. Maybe it was best if they thought she was involved with Turk. It could make them keep their distance and ultimately make it easier for her to resist the attraction she felt.

  * * * *

  “What the fuck is she meeting Turk and those assholes for? They are into crazy shit,” Vinny said.

  “That dick had his hand on her ass. Did you see him look at us?”

  “I sure the fuck did, and we don’t need that kind of trouble. The man is a psycho,” Vinny stated.

  “Like we aren’t fucking psycho when push comes to shove?”

  “Brother, our success has grown because of the low profile we keep. That guy Turk, his reputation grows because of the public displays of beatings he puts on people who mess with the Monteith family. Let’s not assume Adalina is potentially getting personally involved with him, okay?”

  “Vinny, how the fuck can you not worry about the possibility? His hand went to her ass. He wants her.”

  “A lot of men want her.”

  “You aren’t making me feel better, Vinny.”

  “We’ll spend time with her later. That right there is business. You heard Dominick talking to her. She’s working for Garlitto Industries. I’m thinking that, if she has such connections, then that’s how she was such a great help in saving Bella.”

  “What she found out, and how quickly, was beyond just help from Tudoro Garlitto, who, by the way, still has a stick up his ass about us.”

  “Yeah, well, he can get the fuck over it. That was business, and we had the better deal. He counted his chickens before they hatched.”

  “I need a fucking drink,” Sunny said to him.

  “Then have one, and then get ready to break down those walls Adalina has up. Our mission is to get that date with her or, at minimum, some alone time with her tonight,” Vinny said to Sunny.

  “I’m in. Tonight is the night.”

  Chapter 2

  “Why are you in such a panic, Caprice? They might not even be at the club tonight,” Alda said to her as she fixed her lipstick and then looked at Caprice.

  Caprice was shaking. “T
hey are going to be there. I just know it.”

  “So you had a good time with them in D.R., didn’t you?”

  “Yes, of course I did, but we all agreed that was just that, a good time in D.R. That’s why I just kind of let things happen.”

  “Well, they agreed, too.”

  Caprice looked out the window. She liked Angelo, Vitto, and Morano a lot. They had an incredible time together in D.R., but she had problems. She never would have engaged in anything with them if she knew they were from New York and that they were connected to organized crime. Never. She had her own problems right now. She was trying to work off a debt of her father’s to a loan shark, Billy O’Hare, while also pursuing her singing career in a burlesque show in the Village, in between part-time hours as a paralegal for a small shitty legal firm in Brooklyn. Her life was a roller coaster of responsibilities, and the only escape was the burlesque show.

  “It will be fine. Just see how things go. Maybe they won’t even approach you if you all agreed to keep it just a fling in D.R. I mean, if that’s all it was,” Alda said.

  “That’s all it can be.”

  * * * *

  Turk listened to Adalina as she spoke with Crane and Broadway about the particulars of the job and whether or not they were capable of handling the deliveries on a regular basis. It was typical stuff until she dug deeper, pointing out some faults of other jobs, and he wondered how she knew about those.

  “Things happen, Adalina. Mistakes by employees, misinformation, we’re all human.” He eyed over her body. The woman was all class and sex appeal.

  She looked at him. “Turk, you know as well as I do that Tudoro wants perfection. There is no room for error. Not on prices this high and a job this upscale. It’s legit and needs to be handled with the utmost professionalism and sensitivity. Now, there’s not much more we need to go over tonight. However, tomorrow I would like to see your facilities and warehouse. I’ll need a list of employees and their positions in being part of this operation.”

  “We can organize whatever you need, Adalina. Crane and I will personally walk you through the warehouse tomorrow and answer any questions you have. Solencio said he’s available for whatever you need, as well,” Broadway told her.

  She gave a soft smile. “I appreciate that. Why don’t you let Solencio know I can go over particulars with him tomorrow after you gentlemen show me around your place. That way I can answer any questions he may have and then take everything in and determine whether you are right for this job.”

  “We’re right for the job. Anything you need, you just ask,” Broadway said and gazed over her body.

  Turk was jealous and pissed, and he knew that Broadway and Crane were flirting with her on purpose to piss him off. He would deal with them later.

  As Adalina stood up, Broadway stopped her.

  “Stay and have a drink,” he said to her.

  “Oh, thank you for the offer, but I’m about twenty minutes late to my friend’s birthday celebration.”

  “The gathering down there?” Crane asked, looking over the balcony.

  Adalina walked closer and looked. She smiled as Turk took in the sight of her luscious curves. He moved in behind her and placed his hand on her hip as he pressed close.

  She turned toward him, appearing shocked, and her cheeks flushed. Glancing over her eyes and her breasts then to her lips, he forced words from his mouth when really all he wanted to do was to kiss her, claim her, make it known that she was going to be his. Patience wasn’t so easy with Adalina after all.

  “I’m glad we’ll be working together,” he said to her, and she looked away and went to move, but he tightened his grip on her hip. She turned back toward him.

  “Adalina, come on, give me a break. This will be a good opportunity for the two of us to get to know one another on a different level.”

  “It’s business, Turk, and nothing more.”

  “It’s a start.” He reached out and stroked her cheek. He towered over her even in the stiletto heels she wore. The woman had great legs, a hell of a body, and Jesus, her skin was fucking flawless.

  She glanced away from him and at Crane and Broadway.

  “I think you should know from the start that this is only business. I won’t accept mistakes or excuses. I know you’ve known Tudoro long, but he placed me in charge of operations, and it’s my reputation on the line, my job. Don’t make it more difficult by trying to push something I’m not interested in exploring.”

  “I think it’s too early to make pre-judgments. Like I said, we’ll be getting to spend a lot of time together. It will help you to see that I’m really not such a bad guy at all.”

  “I never said you were.”

  “Your expressions toward me say otherwise.”

  She looked away from him and then toward Crane and Broadway. She turned the conversation away from it being solely about him and her.

  “I don’t know any of you, really, and I hope to learn more and to continue to build a nice business relationship with each of you and, of course, Solencio. I need to go. Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you Monday.” She stepped away and stuck out her hand for him to shake.

  He didn’t want to shake her fucking hand. He wanted to kiss her breathless, explore her body, and fuck her. He slid his hand into hers and squeezed. It killed him not to pull her close and kiss her neck, inhale her perfume, and show her he was a man who always got what he wanted. He couldn’t, though. It would piss a woman like Adalina off. He watched her shake Crane’s and Broadway’s hands before she exited the room.

  “Jesus, the woman is fucking incredible. No wonder she has you all fucked up and obsessed with her,” Broadway said to him then downed his brandy.

  “She sure as shit is. Hardly any makeup on. Her beauty is pure and perfect. Most women wear so much shit on their face, and when they take it off, they look like crap.” Crane reached down to take a handful of pretzels.

  He overheard them talking about Adalina and about the potential job as he watched her join her friends at the party down below. He saw the men checking her out as she made her way through the crowd. That shit wasn’t going to happen when she was his woman. Any guy who looked at her or tried to move in on his woman would suffer the consequences, big time.

  * * * *

  “Happy birthday, Alda!” Adalina stated as she hugged her friend. Gisella handed her a drink, and they made a toast then cheered. Adalina was relieved to finally be done dealing with Turk, Crane, and Broadway for tonight. She would need to stay on her toes around Turk. He definitely still thought he had a chance with her. She was worried until she caught sight of Bella walking in with Mateus and Major. She looked amazing, and the bruises were gone. Thank God.

  All their friends gave Bella hugs hello, and then Bella smiled wide and hugged Adalina.

  “You look amazing,” Adalina told her and felt the tears hit her eyes.

  “Thank you so much. You do, too, and I’m so glad I’m here. I missed everyone,” Bella said to her.

  “I’m sure you did, and we all missed you, too,” Adalina told her, and then Gisella was pulling her into a hug hello. Mateus kissed Adalina’s cheek, and then Major followed.

  “Good to see you. All is well, Adalina?” Mateus asked.

  “Sure is,” Adalina replied, and then she felt the hands on her hips from behind and Sunny’s arm come around her midsection. He leaned close as he smiled at Bella.

  “Hey, sis. You look fantastic.”

  “I thought you and Vinny had something else to do tonight?” Bella asked.

  “We took care of it.”

  “So you’ll be joining us then?” Bella asked, smiling and giving him a wink as she glanced at his arm around Adalina’s midsection.

  “That’s the plan. In fact, I have to discuss something with Adalina a moment. Will you excuse us, please?” he said, and before Adalina could decline, Sunny was pulling her closer to the bar and Vinny.

  Vinny gestured toward the bar and three shot glasses.
br />   “What’s this?” she asked.

  “A friendship offering,” Vinny said and squinted.

  “Friendship offering?” she asked and felt Sunny’s palm flat against her hip. His arm was locked around her waist and definitely wasn’t budging. She gulped. It felt so good to have him this close. She should be pushing them way, but then Vinny handed her a shot glass and one to Sunny. He shifted his position, but Sunny kept an arm around her waist.

  “To being friends first,” Vinny said, holding her gaze but then looking at her breasts and then her lips.

  “Vinny.” She went to turn away, but Sunny’s arm tightened.

  “Friends first,” Sunny whispered, and then they clicked glasses and downed the shots.

  “We’re doing shots? I’m in,” Alda said.

  Vinny smiled and made a circle with his finger for the bartender to hit them up again. Before long, the others joined in and the conversation pulled away from centering on the three of them and, instead, on the party and on work and pleasure in the upcoming holiday season.

  She was laughing at something Caprice said when she felt a little tipsy. She noticed three guys who worked for Mateus and Major kept taking turns standing by Caprice, whispering into her ear or caressing her. Caprice looked aroused and even blushed. She wondered what was going on there, but then Adalina felt the lips against her neck. She closed her eyes a moment and then realized what she was doing. She stood straight and put down her drink.

  “I need to use the ladies’ room. Be right back,” she told Sunny and Vinny then excused herself from the conversation.

  As she made her way across the dance floor, avoiding some straying hands, and headed into the ladies’ room, she took a deep breath and exhaled. She should leave, but how could she? She was having so much fun. It was Alda’s night, and it was early still. But Vinny and Sunny were being so touchy and clingy, and she liked them. Hell, she wanted them, but she couldn’t have them.


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