Southern Romantic-Suspense Boxed Set (Southern Romantic-Suspense Novel Book 0)

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Southern Romantic-Suspense Boxed Set (Southern Romantic-Suspense Novel Book 0) Page 11

by Carmen DeSousa

  He continued to rock her. Her sobs slowed. She was happy to be in his arms. He wasn’t running away. “You still want me?” she asked in total disbelief. How could he want any part of her?

  “Jaynee, none of this has been your fault. And I told you ... it doesn’t matter. I love you.”

  She could see he really meant it. “But what if those jerks try to hurt you next time ... because of me?”

  “Are you serious?” He pretended to be offended. “Do you honestly believe those guys are competition? That’s insulting.” Humor danced in his eyes.

  “No, not really. You were amazing. What was that thing you were using?”

  “A kubotan, a martial arts weapon I conveniently use as a keychain. It’s an effective method of knocking the wind out of someone or disabling other body parts. If I’d known —” He sucked in a breath, closed his eyes, and released the breath as he shook his head. “He’d be absent a working vital organ.”

  “And the kick to the other guy?” she asked enthusiastically.

  “Sorry you saw that.” He looked a little sheepish. But she couldn’t help but notice he looked a little pleased she’d witnessed him take on three men, displaying he could protect her. He continued smiling slightly. “I’m a black belt in Isshinryu karate, a defensive tactics trainer, and a firing range instructor — because I’m the best shot,” he said with a wink. He wasn’t gloating; he just couldn’t stop himself from trying to prove his worth.

  His face took on a severe look. “Jaynee, I didn’t say this right last night, so I’d like to try again. I don’t want you to go back there or anywhere else for that matter where you have to walk into a dark parking lot. It’s not safe, especially for someone who looks like you.” His eyes pleaded with her, attempting to make her understand.

  “But I have to work, Jordan, and it’s the best money for the amount of time I put in while I finish college.” She appreciated the fact that he was worried about her, but she couldn’t just quit her job.

  Jordan released a heavy breath. “Jaynee, can’t you hear what I’m saying? For such a bright girl, you’re rather obtuse.” He smiled to lighten the insult.

  Not sure whether to be offended or flattered, she tilted her head.

  “Can you honestly sit there and not see how madly in love I am? Can you truthfully admit you don’t feel it too?”

  “No,” she admitted.

  “‘No’ you can’t see, or ‘no’ you can’t admit you feel something too?” he asked, exasperated. He smiled, but it didn’t reach the feather-light strokes of tanlines at the corners of his eyes, the ones that came from him smiling all the time. Except now, since she was clearly frustrating him with her lack of belief. He still wanted her, but he refused to accept anything but everything.

  “You’re right ... I can’t deny it. I do love you, Jordan, as irrational as it sounds to fall in love with someone after only a few days. But I know I do.”

  “How ’bout after the first evening?” he offered. “I loved you from the first night, and every second thereafter it has only gotten stronger, and I can’t deny it. I know what I want; I know what I need.”

  Jordan jumped up without warning and moved off the bed, pulling her with him. “Jaynee, I know this is fast, and sorry if I’m scaring you, or if you would have preferred an elaborate production. But I hope this will prove to you how serious I am and compensate for the lack of showmanship on my part.”

  He reached into the drawer of the nightstand, pulled out a tiny box, and fell to one knee. His fingers deftly removed the ring from the box while she watched in disbelief.

  Jaynee gasped, then blinked her eyes feverishly.

  Steadfast, Jordan continued with his objective. “Jaynee, my love, will you marry me?” He held her left hand, ring ready, gazing into her eyes expectantly. “Will you accept this as a promise from me to love you and take care of you for the rest of our lives?”

  She couldn’t speak. Tears rolled down her face. She stared into his eyes for untold seconds while he waited patiently, ring ready. He didn’t seem burdened by her pause. He understood this was sudden.

  When she finally found her breath, she asked, “Jordan...can I have a minute?”

  He dropped her hand and stood back up, but didn’t look upset by her request. “Of course, take as long as necessary. I know this is sudden, but I do love you, Jaynee, something fierce.”

  She could see the fire in his eyes. He really did love her. He wasn’t playing some kind of joke; he didn’t want to take advantage of her and leave her, as everyone else had. And the most surprising thing of all, she loved him too.

  Jordan took a step forward and rested his hands on her shoulders. “You don’t have to give me an answer now; there’s no rush. I’ll fly back every weekend until you’re ready. I won’t give up on you, Jaynee.”

  She walked into the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. This is all she’d ever wanted, someone to love her and accept her as she was. She’d told him almost everything. A couple of details she could never admit. Two secrets would go to her grave. Jordan didn’t ask to know everything, though, he accepted her as she was.

  The frightened girl inside of her struggled for her to listen ... whispered to her that Jordan would only hurt her as everyone else had. When she walked out of this bathroom, there was a decision to make. Either she would accept Jordan’s proposal or she would move away from this state, from everything she’d ever known. She would start a new life, move to California. From there, she wasn’t sure what she’d do, but she would leave everything behind. Bury the frightened, abused girl forever. She made her decision right then, and when she stepped out of the bathroom, she felt as if she’d left a part of her closed in that little room. She would leave behind her past, but she would do it with Jordan. Once again, she would offer up her heart and pray he didn’t trample on it as everyone else in her life had.

  Chapter Ten

  Jaynee inhaled deeply as she stepped over the threshold into her new life. Jordan was sitting on the edge of the bed, eyes expectant. When she stopped a few feet away from him, he bounded toward her, but stopped short of reaching her.

  He lowered his face in front of hers, but said nothing, just waited, as he’d said he would.

  She smiled. “I love you, Jordan Monroe, with all my heart and soul. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. “That’s all I needed to hear, Jaynee.” Jordan burned a trail of kisses over her collarbone and up her neck, burying his head under her hair. He pulled her back to the bed and held her as he kissed her. Her entire body quivered.

  He pulled back. “Open your eyes, Jaynee. I want to see your eyes.” He lifted her left hand and gently slid the ring onto her ring finger, then softly laid her on her back.

  She was completely comfortable with her decision. They lay entangled as one on the bed, but he didn’t attempt to make love to her. Instead, he just stroked her hair as she lay with her head on his chest.

  Completely content in his embrace, she didn’t want to get out of bed, but she heard his stomach grumble and knew he was probably famished.

  She chuckled quietly. “What’s for breakfast?”

  “You caught that? Maybe I should run down to the buffet and pick up some breakfast to hold us over. What do you think? Then, we’ll decide what we want to do today.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  He kissed her again, then got off the bed. She curled her body into a ball as she watched him grab some clothes, and then he disappeared into the bathroom.

  She let out a long sigh. He was gorgeous, loving, and kind. How had she gotten so fortunate all of the sudden? Was it possible all the awful circumstances that had happened were so she could appreciate him when he came into her life, or was Jordan an answer to her daily prayer to God?

  The moment he left, Jaynee bounded out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She brushed her hair and teeth, splashed water on her face, then jumped back under the sheet in minutes.

  Jordan returned carrying several plates: one with fresh fruit, another with different varieties of muffins and sweet rolls, and still another piled with waffles and eggs. “Sorry, no Linguica ... but I got a little bit of everything else.” He chuckled as he set out his smorgasbord.

  After pulling the table next to the bed, he sat down beside her and offered her a grape. How could she resist?

  He picked up a mini muffin and swallowed it in one bite. “So, what do you want to do today?”

  “Um ... I’m not sure. Did you want to go to the beach?” She really just wanted to remain here with him. But not being from Florida, she figured he might want to see the beach in daylight.

  “I have a suggestion, but you need to answer a question first.” He took her hand in his, kissing it. “Do you like the ring? That’s not the question ... just wondering. I wanted the most beautiful and unique, like you, not just the biggest diamond; however, you could choose a different one.”

  “No!” she shrieked. “I mean, no, I don’t want to exchange it. I love it! It’s exquisite. It would be exactly what I would have chosen if I had a choice of any ring in the world. It’s a princess cut, right?”

  “Yes,” he said, flashing another beautiful smile, pleased by her acceptance, it seemed.

  She shook her head. “You shouldn’t have done that. I would never have wanted something so expensive.”

  “But you like it?”

  She nodded.

  “Then don’t worry. Now, the question I meant to ask. Do you want a big wedding?”

  “No.” She shook her head again. “I hardly have anyone to invite.”

  “Would your grandmother or family be upset if you didn’t?” Instant concern filled his voice.

  “My grandmother wants only what makes me happy, and I really don’t care what my mother thinks. No, I don’t want a large wedding.”

  How strange to be discussing this over breakfast, in a t-shirt, with a man she’d only met barely four days ago. Her heart fluttered at the insanity that, amazingly, felt right.

  “Then, would you like to fly to Vegas and get married today?”

  Jaynee choked on the bite of fruit she’d just popped into her mouth. “What?”

  He rubbed her back. “Here me out. Not a tacky Elvis wedding. There’s a romantic resort I’ve heard of where we can get married, and then we can continue the honeymoon right there. Plus, Las Vegas has great hiking. Not to mention shows, dancing, boating, horseback riding, whatever you want. What do you think?” His eyes were bright. This sudden thought had apparently energized him.

  She covered her mouth so she could speak. “You’re serious?”

  “Of course, I’m serious.” He tilted his head. “Why would I want to wait? Unless you wanted a grand wedding and reception, then I would give you that instead.”

  “What about your family? Won’t they be offended?” Unlike her, Jordan had a very close family. He’d told her about his two sisters and their husbands, even his mother and grandmother lived nearby.

  “Nah.” He waved his hand in dismissal. “They learned eons ago to let me have my way.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Do you always get your way?”

  “Usually. I got you, didn’t I?” He tilted his head to the side and gave her a penetrating gaze.

  Unable to resist, she smiled. “Yes, you did.” He definitely had her.

  “So...what do you think?” His eyes were intense staring into hers, awaiting her response.

  “Do I have a choice?” she asked, not surprised he always got his way.

  “Of course you do. You can have a full-scale wedding or Vegas. Those are your choices.” He grinned, then raised his eyebrows in anticipation.

  She noticed he hadn’t offered her the choice of saying no, only how to go about marrying him.

  “Isn’t the bride supposed to pay for the wedding?” Unfortunately, no one in her family would be able to foot the bill.

  “Jaynee, I assure you ... you don’t have to worry about money. I have plenty. I’ve been a cop for almost five years, and I’ve been running my own company almost as long.” He smiled, happy to share this inconsequential tidbit of information. He pushed the table back and stood. “You have a couple of calls to make. You need to quit your job and let your grandmother know we’re coming over. I’ll make the arrangements immediately.” He was already walking across the room to his laptop. He really was accustomed to ‘getting’ his way. Just like the first night when he asked her, no, insisted she go out with him.

  She stood up and just stared at him. “What about college? I have a paper due next week.”

  Jordan didn’t even turn around as he continued across the room, taking a seat in front of his laptop. “The semester just started. You can drop your classes without affecting your grade, and I’ll pay for you to enroll in Charlotte.”

  Jaynee sank to the floor as the blood rushed from her head. “Oh ...”

  Jordan darted out of the chair, dropping down in front of her, taking both of her hands in his. “Jaynee, are you okay?”

  “I don’t know ... I forgot ... I mean ... I don’t know what I was thinking. I forgot you lived in North Carolina. I assumed you’d stay here.” Her eyes fell away.

  He turned her face back to his. “Jaynee, I already thought about this. The only thing in Florida is your grandmother, and I’m sure she’ll understand. I have a home, career, and business in North Carolina. I know you’ll love it there. I’m sorry. What I meant to say is we have a home. And I know you’ll love it. If not, we’ll get a new one. But you will love it, I’m certain.”

  Jaynee thought about what Jordan was offering her besides love. He was offering her a fresh start. Wasn’t that what she’d decided she needed? She was just nervous. Would her grandmother understand? Would she realize it would be healthy for her to move away from this area, especially after last night? She would. Gram wanted what was best for her little girl, as she’d always put it.

  Jordan still kneeled in front of her, holding her hands, his eyes anxious.

  Her heart swelled as she thought about what she was preparing to say and do. She wasn’t just agreeing to marry Jordan; she was giving up her entire life. Although she’d had it rough, it was still her life.

  Steeling herself, she nodded. “I love you too, Jordan. Yes, I’ll marry you in Vegas, and I’ll follow you to North Carolina.”

  Without warning, he lifted her off the floor and swung her around. “Now I really am the happiest man alive. I’d been worried about the specifics. But now ... Jaynee, I promise you, I’m going to make you the happiest woman alive!” He kissed her. “I have a hotel and flight to book. Make your calls ... then we’ll go get you some clothes. You’ll need some cold-weather gear and a wedding dress, naturally.” He set her back down, then walked over to the desk, and flopped into the chair. His fingers flew across the keyboard.

  Jaynee didn’t know what to feel ... overwhelmed came to mind. But, she was happy. It felt like a fairy tale. She’d fallen asleep, and the prince had shown up to wake her from her nightmare. He even wanted to buy her a dress ... and her ring. She gazed at the sparkling diamond on her hand as a quiver swept through her body. It must have cost over ten thousand, heck maybe even twenty.

  She’d seen those types of rings when she went shopping with her girlfriend. Rainey had chosen her own ring and told her fiancé where to buy it. They had a long engagement too, over three years. Jordan had also said if she didn’t like their house, he’d purchase a new one. He’d obviously downplayed his little construction business. Well, at least she’d fallen for him, admitted she loved him, and agreed to marry him before she knew he was well off. Maybe that was the reason he hadn’t told her. Perhaps he had issues with people using him, too.

  Jaynee picked up the phone, making the easiest call first to her boss. She didn’t explain why she was quitting, and she wasn’t on the schedule again until Wednesday, so he had plenty of time to replace her shifts. Still, he sounded displeased. She consid
ered telling him about the assault but knew the attack had been against her, not just a random act.

  Now for the difficult task — telling Gram. They should do it together — in person. Hadn’t she already hinted yesterday, not believing for a minute Jordan would have felt the same way and ask her? Gram would be content as long as Jaynee was happy.

  She called her grandmother and told her they would be stopping by.

  Jaynee glanced up at Jordan working on the computer and was unable to keep from smiling. Sensing her gaze, he grinned. He was beautiful, even if he was spoiled. She wondered if they’d have a little time before leaving, and the thought surprised her. The desire to make love consumed her. Never had she wanted a man so much; her body yearned for him.

  What the heck, she thought, I’ll be his wife shortly. It sounded bizarre. She’d never wanted to marry anyone, but now her entire life was changing for this incredible man she’d only just met.

  She ambled up behind Jordan, draping her arms around his shoulders and resting her hands on his chest. She nuzzled her face into his neck and started kissing him — a move she’d picked up from him. He leaned back into her kisses, then reached back with his arms and pulled her onto his lap.

  “I thought you’d never come over here. We have about an hour before we have to get ready ... we can shop in Vegas.”

  He stood up with her in his arms, carried her back to the bed, and continued to kiss her but nothing more.

  “Jordan, you’re driving me crazy,” she finally breathed out when he stopped kissing her long enough for her to catch her breath.

  “I figured it was only fair...” His voice was breathless too. “You’ve been driving me crazy for days.”

  “Why won’t you make love to me then?” Her frustration surprised her.

  “Jaynee —” He stopped short, brushing her hair away from her face but keeping his hand against her cheek. “I want to, believe me, but not yet. You’re going to marry me, right?”


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