Refuse: A Junkyard Wedding

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Refuse: A Junkyard Wedding Page 9

by SH Richardson

  “Baby, that’s the funniest shit I’ve heard all week,” he said as he howled with laughter. He was still doubled over when a pair of completely inappropriate stilettoes appeared in front of us. I was so caught up in his hysteria I didn’t even notice our latest visitor until it was too late.

  “Well…they tell me congratulations are in order.” At that snide little comment, Range finally stood upright and sobered up quickly from his laughing jag.

  “Marci. Long time. When did you get back?” he replied curtly but not totally unwelcoming.

  “You know me, Range, can’t keep a good woman down, unless, of course, you ask nicely.” And there it was. The slutty, snarky response that could only come from a tramp like her. I didn’t care how much her intervention helped the boys save Ashley from that psycho, Mitch. I was gonna crack this bitch in the head with the Pepsi can I was holding if she flirted with my husband again.

  “You know… it’s customary to kiss after a wedding, and I’m a firm believer in tradition.” Oh, hell no. If this bitch thought I was gonna let her put her nasty lips on my husband, she had another thing coming. Turns out, I was the one who had something coming. Marci advanced on me so quickly I didn’t have time to protest before that slut pressed her over-glossed lips to mine and grabbed me by the back of my head to hold me in place. Before I knew what was happening, she had her tongue down my throat and had the audacity to moan when her tongue mingled with mine. I’d never kissed a girl before, and the experience might have been quite pleasant until I remembered that she probably sucked some stranger’s dick right before she arrived here. That vision along with her horrible fishy smell made me gag and sputter just before she pulled away licking her lips and rearranging her leftover gloss. Gross

  “Holy fuck, that shit was fucking hot. Can I join in?” I knew that voice, but how was that possible? What the hell were they doing here, and how did they find out about the party?

  “Only if you want your balls ripped off and shoved down your fucking neck,” Range told Snatch on a growl. He was walking our way with Julian and Gan right behind him, looking completely out of place dressed in all their biker garb and holding menacing features.

  “Hey, guys! What are you doing here? How did you find out about the party?” I greeted them with enthusiasm after my little altercation with MC Sluts-a-lot.

  “Keep tabs, sugar. Heard you two finally got married, and we decided to come down for the celebration. Hope you don’t mind,” Julian answered for all of them as he stood in front of me with his beautiful smile and handsome face.

  “Oh, bikers! I didn’t know you had these kinds of friends, Camille. My day just got a little bit better thanks to you, sweet lips,” Marci responded to me in her best sultry voice.

  “Who the fuck is Camille?” Julian asked, looking around like he expected someone else to appear, not realizing her dumb ass was talking about me. Marci was on the prowl, and these guys were right up her alley. She slinked her way up to Julian and ran a finger over his chest as she pursed her lips in appreciation. For once, I didn’t blame her for giving it a try. Julian was a fine specimen of a man, but next to Range, he was no comparison.

  “How about you and I go see if we can find someplace…less crowded?” she asked.

  “No, thanks, babe.” Julian removed her hand from his chest and took three steps back. “If it’s a good time you’re looking for, Snatch here’s your man, and he’s not picky when it comes to free pussy.” He hooked a thumb in his biker brother’s direction and gave her a wide birth to move away.

  “Hmm… you’re kind of small for my taste. How about you, big boy? You up for some fun?” She moved over to Gan, but his attention was on something else, or I should say, someone else. He spotted Shelly standing nearby talking with a very handsome, clean-cut-looking man, laughing seductively as she listened intently to whatever he was saying to her. Whatever was going on did not sit well with Gan, and he made it crystal clear he wasn’t having any of it. He growled, actually growled out loud like a bear or something as he pushed Marci out of the way and stalked right over to where Shelly was standing.

  “Well…guess he’s not up for it, either.” She took a second look at Snatch and weighed her options. It was either him or no one, and she damn well knew it.

  “Fuck it. Let’s go, short stop, you’re up to bat.” She grabbed him by his leather vest and pulled him toward the parked cars surrounding the junkyard. If he only knew what he was getting himself into. That tramp had a Venus fly trap for a vagina, or so I was told.

  “No fucking way that bitch is a friend of yours, Clover. She’s worse than the Lucies down at the clubhouse.”

  “What’s a Lucy? Never mind, I don’t want to know. She’s not a friend. Just a bad penny that keeps showing up when you least expect it.” We all started to laugh at my little joke, then we heard screaming and yelling coming from where Shelly was standing as she stood toe to toe with a very pissed off biker wearing a scowl and a very visible hard-on.

  “You had no fucking right making him leave, you big ape. Just who the fuck do you think you are coming here and threatening my friends?” she snarled at him.

  “Hell bitch, you’re damn lucky I didn’t break his fucking legs for even talking to you.” Gan hovered over her and growled back, matching her angry stance.

  “Break his legs? Are you fucking crazy? You can’t just hurt someone for having a conversation with me, you asshole. Who the fuck do you think you are? My father?”

  “I can’t? Watch me, bitch. I don’t fuck around. I’ll kill any one of these fuckers if they get in my way.” He reached down and grabbed her hand then rubbed it against his erection. “You feel that? My cock has been waiting for your pussy for a long time, and today is the day I’m gonna have it.” Gan was massive, towering over Shelly like she was my height when she was the tallest one in the family. She reached up with her other hand to slap him across the face, but he grabbed her by the arm and slung her over his shoulder like she was a rag doll. She was struggling something fierce when he hauled her off, spanking her on the ass twice in quick succession, Thwack! Thwack! and carried her off toward the woods without saying a word as Shelly screamed profanities while pounding him in his back with her mighty fists. Holy shit, this was bad. Maybe I should do something.

  “Um, Range…maybe we should go after them,” I said to my husband. Julian had other ideas about the situation.

  “Don’t worry, sugar. Gan got it bad for that bitch, hasn’t stopped talking about her since our last visit. He won’t hurt her or do anything she won’t want to do. Those two are gonna fuck each other up real bad before the night is over…in a good way.” He was grinning like he knew a secret that no one else did. Range surprised me by actually agreeing with him on this issue.

  “She’ll be fine, tootsie baby. If I thought she was in danger, he’d already be flat on his fucking back, staring at the clouds.” He also showed little concern.

  “If you say so, baby. I’m going to go up to the house and brush my teeth and scrub my lips till they bleed. I’ll be back shortly.” I kissed him lightly on the cheek, praying I didn’t pass on any slut diseases Marci transmitted to me with her kiss, and made my way toward the private driveway that led to the house. This impromptu wedding party was turning out to be one hell of an exciting time.

  Chapter 16


  I couldn’t believe Marci just tongue kissed my wife right in front of me like in some poorly written porno movie. If she were a man, I would have knocked her teeth out of her mouth for touching my woman. I’d admit, the shit was kind of hot; fuck it, I’m a man. What can I say? My dick appreciated the show, if only for a moment. It, too, wished it was someone other than the nastiest cunt on the face of the earth. For some reason, seeing Marci today reminded me of those who were missing. I was surrounded by hundreds of people, all here having a good time, drinking booze and doing God knows what, but it was the ones who were absent who gave me pause. Max and Buck should have been here with me.
They were the only family I’d ever known, my family, not just a bunch of strangers I’d never met in my life.

  Buck definitely would have freaked the fuck out with all these people milling around his yard. He didn’t much like strangers; come to think of it, he didn’t like anyone, including us boys most days. Strangers made him uneasy, edgy. He once said, “Never trust a motherfucker ‘cause they’re nice to you. Everyone has an angle, a motive, for wanting to be your friend.” His ideas definitely made me look at things differently in this world. Who did you trust? How far could you let them in? Aside from my brothers, I didn’t have many friends. Fox was the one exception. Although he didn’t grow up with us, he was as much a part of the brotherhood as the rest of us. Over the years, he’d earned our trust. He lived his life by the same set of rules we were taught: loyalty, honor, and strength. He would make a great husband and father someday, if he ever decided to settle down.

  There went that word again, husband. I was the husband to the most beautiful woman in the world, and this party was our celebration. I was never a big party animal, too much responsibility to let it all hang loose and act up for a night. I had two businesses to run and no time for games. People were counting on me to make the right decisions, keep the yard running smoothly. One moment of weakness, and I could blow it and we would lose everything. The last thing I ever wanted in this world was to end up like my broken-down father. A poor excuse for a man and ever lousier provider. My children would never know what it was like to be hungry or cold, or lonely. I had plans to make, a future to secure. Clover would always be taken care of; I’d break my back to see it done.

  “I’m glad you two finally made it official, Range. She’s a wonderful woman, and I’m happy for you, brother.” Shit, I forgot this fucker was still standing next to me when Clover went inside the house. Now that we were alone, I needed to get a few things clear with this bitch.

  “Not sure I like the idea of you keeping tabs on my woman, Craze.” Yeah, I didn’t forget, motherfucker. He knew where I was coming from, and I gave fuck all about his friendship with Clover or hurting his feelings.

  “Look, Range…I know my coming to town led to some really fucked-up shit happening.”

  “You mean Buck getting killed by some asshole you brought in?” I snapped.

  “I didn’t bring him in,” he gritted through clenched teeth. “He was never part of my crew, just some sleazy fuck I left a message with to pass along. I didn’t expect that shit to go down the way it did. I didn’t even know that motherfucker.”

  “Yeah? But it did go down that way, didn’t it? And Buck is dead because of it. You expect me to just be okay with you being friends with my woman…my fucking wife? Think again, motherfucker. You. Will. Never. Have. Her.” I was getting heated, which was the last thing I wanted at my wedding celebration, but this shit was a long time coming and I needed to set him straight so he knew without a doubt that I did not fuck around.

  “I know that, Range, it’s. …she…” He stopped himself and took a few deep breaths. What the fuck was going on with this guy and my woman? Was he in love with her? He had to know he never stood a chance. I couldn’t blame him if he had feelings for her, but that shit was not cool with me, not by a fucking long shot.

  “She’s different, okay? I know you don’t like or appreciate our friendship, and I respect that, brother, but I need her in my life. She doesn’t care about me that way, never fucking did. She’s more like a sister to me, like Mia. I’m not in love with her. I only want to protect her, not try to fuck her.”

  “What the fuck? Are you challenging me, fuck nuts? Make no mistake, Craze, I will kill for her, or die if need be. She’s not yours to protect. She’s mine and always will be. Get in the way of that, and I will put you in the ground, you feel me? She’s not your fucking sister, and I don’t give a fuck about how you feel.” We were standing toe to toe now, but there was something in his features that told me he didn’t want a confrontation, just…some kind of weird kinship with me where Clover was concerned.

  “Look, Range, I respect you, brother, and that don’t come easy for a man like me…I’m surrounded by lying club whores on a daily basis, who fuck brother after brother, not caring a fuck about any one of us. The life I lead is dangerous, and I live each day like it’s my last. I’ll admit that when I first came to town, I wanted her for myself, but she was always loyal to you, never even looked my way. She’s pure of heart and spirit, and that’s why I need her in my life. I need to know that this world is not just death and blood, but light and laughter, and that’s what Clover means to me…light.”

  “I don’t fucking like it, Craze, plain and simple. Find someone else to give you hope. This one’s taken if you haven’t noticed, and I don’t fucking share. You and your biker bullshit have no place in her world. She’s too good for that, too good for me, but she’s my woman, and I will find a way to put an end to this misplaced loyalty she feels for you over a situation you yourself caused.”

  “Know that, Range, damn it, I don’t want to hurt her, okay? Do you know what it’s like to have someone want to be your friend regardless of the shit you’ve done in your life? She doesn’t see me as just a dangerous biker, or a quick way into the club life. She only sees me as Julian, whoever the fuck that is. Most days I don’t even know who I am anymore, but she doesn’t care one fucking bit. She calls me friend, and those are hard to come by in my world.”

  I didn’t answer him. I couldn’t. I understood him more than he needed to know. His reasons for wanting Clover in his life were similar to my own. I didn’t share that. I wasn’t ready to drop to my knees and forgive him for being a dick. Fuck that. Was I going to embrace this relationship and support it, step aside and watch them build some kind of family bond? Not likely. Clover was everything good in this world, and everyone wanted a piece of her, a smile, a look, a touch, anything that said I was there and bought the t-shirt. As much as I felt the commonality for his life crisis, I wasn’t willing to risk her safety with anyone, especially not a man who was into illegal shit. Today, in honor of our wedding, we would have to just agree to disagree. There would be plenty of time to revisit this shit again, but not today. Clover wanted him here, and today was for her.

  “Range. Need a word, brother.” Memory and Sebastian were standing off to the side, both looking grimmer than the other. I didn’t bother excusing myself as I left Craze standing there looking like a pussy after his heartfelt bullshit confession. He and I would have another go at it before all was said and done. As I got closer, Memory motioned for me to follow him and Sebastian away from the crowds to our old training area a few yards away. Once we arrived and were certain we were alone, Mem began to fill me in on what was so urgent he looked ready to explode.

  “Spoke to my intelligence buddy in the Marines, got news on Max. It’s not good. Know this is a bad time with your wedding and all, but it can’t wait.” Mem folded his arms across his broad chest.

  “Go on,” I snapped.

  “Max’s family has money and connections. He’s a senator’s son who grew up in politics.” This was news to me. I had no idea. I knew Max was wealthy, but that came from his marketing business and the rich clients he represented. I still didn’t see how he came to be one of Buck’s boys if he was so well off. Sebastian remained silent, just as confused as I was. I could tell he didn’t get it either. Mem continued.

  “Found Buck’s old files, secret files he kept hidden. Senator was into some crooked shit, stack was five inches thick.” He was getting pissed, pacing back and forth and rubbing the butts of the two guns he had strapped to his chest. Something about this whole thing wasn’t right, and it had to do with that file Buck had hidden away.

  “Some of that shit was so fucked up I couldn’t finish reading it. I…Max needs to be found and right fucking now. Range, swear to Christ, if anything happens to him, I’m gonna kill that motherfucking senator dead as a fucking door nail.” He meant what he said, this was no empty threat. Whatever he read
in that file was enough to push him to complete savagery. I didn’t need to know what was in it. I didn’t want to know. Buck kept it hidden for a reason, and that alone was enough to tell me that Max needed his brothers.

  “What do we do? Just sit and wait for shit to go down before we act?” Sebastian was no longer holding a grudge. All the past mistakes Max made against us and the women we loved were forgotten. He was just as worried for Max as the rest of us.

  “No. We head out tomorrow to find him.” I was firm on this point. We couldn’t wait.

  “What about Clover and your wedding celebration, Range? You can’t just up and leave unexpectedly. You just got married, for crying out loud.” Sebastian made a point to mention my wife, but what he didn’t realize was that she of all people would understand my need to see this through. This wasn’t about choosing my brothers over Clover. We were all family, and family always came first.

  “She’ll understand, Sebastian, don’t worry,” I replied with certainty.

  “Settled. This motherfucker, I’m telling you now if anything happens to Max, I. Will. Kill. Him. Fuck, shit. We leave tomorrow. Be fucking ready.” Mem walked away, his shoulders heavy with tension and worry. He wasn’t alone. We all felt it. Growing up, we knew Max had secrets; hell, we all did. The way he approached life, how he handled things, never caring much about anything except having a good time. I saw now it was his shield, his mask; none if it was real. Who was Maxwell O’Neill? And what other secrets was he hiding? What could we do to bring him home?

  Chapter 17


  Geez, I felt ten times better since I scrubbed my teeth with baking soda and peroxide, praying like hell I killed every germ that Marci transmitted to me with her over-used mouth. The first thing on my list of things to do was to slap my new husband on the top of his head as soon as I found him back out in the yard. I didn’t miss his sharp intake of breath and his not so subtle dick adjustment when that bitch kissed me. Men. Why they found the idea of two women kissing such a turn-on was beyond me, and Range had not been immune to the show. I had news for him; if he wanted to bring another woman into our marriage for a little fun time, he’d better think again. That was a once-in-a-lifetime thing never to be repeated under any circumstance. The very idea forced me to brush my teeth for a fifth time before I decided it was enough to return to the party.


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