Dare Me (ROCK GODS Book 1)

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Dare Me (ROCK GODS Book 1) Page 5

by Joanna Blake

  Suddenly it seemed like a really good idea to get her into that hot tub. He was only human after all.

  "Do you want to go in?"

  "Uh, no thanks. I kind of forgot my suit. Or anything."

  "We can get you one."

  She looked at him doubtfully.

  "Trust me, in Vegas you can have literally anything sent to your room."

  She blushed.


  "I didn't mean- never mind. But we can go shopping if you want. They gave us these cards with free points."


  "Yeah, for high rollers and celebrities. It's like cash, but it only works in the hotel."

  "Wow. That's crazy. So they give money to people who don't need it?"

  He laughed. God, the girl had a funny way of looking at things. Even stranger, he was realizing that he kind of agreed with everything she was saying.

  "Yeah. Do you want a dress or something to go out in? I mean, I'm the one who dragged you all the way here."

  She looked doubtful. He really wanted to take her shopping for some reason. Watch her try on clothes. Maybe even pick things out to have her wear for him, like a little doll.

  He wanted to spoil her rotten. He never wanted to do that with girls.

  What was getting into him?

  "No, thanks. I mean, unless I'm going to be embarrassing to be seen with?"

  "You look great. But it could be fun. I'm not going to spend it."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah, lets go. We can meet them at the club."

  Chapter 14


  Jess peered at a hot pink shirt, checking the label for her size.

  "Don't look at the price tag."

  Jessica squeaked and jumped at the husky sound of Kendall’s voice. She hadn't realized he was so close behind her. He was practically breathing down her neck.

  In fact, he was breathing down her neck. It gave her goosebumps. And she was pretty sure her nipples were poking through her t-shirt.

  It was too late though. She'd seen the tag.


  For a top.

  It was essentially a tank top, even if it did have crystals scattered all over it.

  Jeez, maybe they are freaking diamonds or something.

  They were in a fancy boutique in the lobby of the Milagro. It was almost 1 AM but the store was still open. The shop girls weren’t even trying to rush them out so they could close up.

  Apparently, it was early for Vegas. The night was just getting started.

  "I, um, jeez this stuff is expensive."

  “It’s free, remember?”

  “Yeah, but still.”

  “It’s not like I can donate the hotel points to starving children Jess.”

  “Ha ha.”

  “Would it make a difference if I told you I did donate money to feed the starving children?

  She rolled her eyes at him. He held up in his hands in defeat.

  “It might. Do you?”


  She smiled a little. She didn’t have a doubt he actually did a lot of charity donations. He really was sweet.

  “Then yes. It does make a difference.”


  He quirked his eyebrow at her and then pointed to a chair by the dressing rooms.

  “Now sit."

  “Am I about to have a pretty woman moment?”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “I might as well enjoy it.”

  Dutifully she sat and watched as he conferred with the sales woman, Sandra. Sandra was drooling all over him but he didn’t seem to notice. The sales girl was ridiculously stunning with long legs and long silky blond hair.

  But Kendall was a gentleman. He seemed to only have eyes for Jess. In fact, he had tilted his head to the side and was inspecting her. She crossed her arms over her chest.

  "What size are you?"

  "What? Oh. Extra small."

  He rolled his eyes.

  "Dress size."

  "Oh. Zero? Or two. It depends."



  He nodded and started picking things out. Dresses. Lots of them. He piled them onto the sales girls arms and turned to wink at Jess. She couldn't help but laugh as he pushed her into the dressing room and shut the door.

  Chapter 15


  Sweet Jesus.

  What had he gotten himself into?

  Kendall was sitting in the boutique, watching Jessica try on clothes. It had been his idea. Now he was paying the price.

  His pants felt tight all the sudden.

  Very tight.

  He pretty much felt like his jeans were a sausage casing and he’d been overstuffed.

  Jessica was standing awkwardly in another dress he'd picked out for her. She looked gorgeous but extremely aware of how exposed she was. This one was, um, very revealing.

  She didn't look trashy though.

  She looked fucking beautiful.

  And very, very self conscious.

  She was trying in vain to pull the bottom of the mini skirt down to cover her thighs. Her sweet, firm, silky looking thighs. He wanted to tell her that she shouldn’t hide. She should show herself off.

  But he didn’t want her to do that exactly either.

  Not unless they were alone.

  And naked. Very, very naked.

  God, she had great legs. Strong and shapely but utterly feminine. The dress fluttered around her hips and hugged her tiny waist, all the way up to the plunging neckline. She was trying to pull that up too. She looked ridiculous, trying to make the fabric do things it didn't want to do.

  And he was grateful to the fabric, even if it was creating a situation in his pants.

  His mouth dried up when he looked at that neckline. It was - oh god - her glorious breasts were finally on display. They were perfectly round and looked delightfully bouncy.

  Jessica kept saying she wasn't a toy, but she looked like endless hours of fun to him.

  He groaned, crossing his legs. He was getting a hard on in the lobby of the hotel! He was going to have to stop playing around and get this girl into bed, no matter what it took. The sooner the better.

  Otherwise he was going to go insane.

  Blue balls level insane.

  She wobbled a bit in the heels he'd picked out for her.

  She stared at him, pulling a face. He couldn't help but laugh. He'd never laughed so much in his life as he had in the past few hours with her.

  It was a strange sensation, laughing while his dick tried to tear its way out of his pants. It had a mind of its own. And it was hungry.

  "Another no?"

  She shook her head miserably.

  "Go and pick something out then. Just-"

  "I know, I know. Don't look at the price tag."

  He smirked as she kicked off her heels and disappeared into the racks. In a few minutes she was back, holding up a simple dress and a pair of high heeled ankle boots. She slipped into the dressing room and he closed his eyes, focusing on calming down his raging hard on.

  Think about nuns.



  Nuns holding kittens and puppies.

  A fireman rescuing the Nun while she clutched the kittens and puppies.

  The fireman was kissing the Nun and lifting up her skirt. The Nun looked like Jessica. He was the fireman.

  The fireman disappeared under the shapeless black habit as he knelt in front of her and dove between her thighs.

  "Getting sleepy?"

  He snapped his eyes open.

  "No- not at all, I'm just- oh wow."

  She spun for him, wearing a more modest, but equally stunning, above the knee length dress. It was black silk with a sweetheart neckline. It swirled out gracefully when she spun. The booties she’d picked out were about 4 inches high with a little platform built in.

  She looked incredible, and much more comfortable in the ensemble.

  He'd thought
her cute before. It was a gross understatement. She was fucking gorgeous.

  "Too much?"

  "Uh- no. It's perfect. You look- yeah. Perfect."

  She cocked her head to the side.

  "Thanks. I think."

  He rolled his eyes and stood.

  "Do you want something else? Another outfit for tomorrow? Get whatever you want. Seriously."

  "No, this is kind of a one time deal. Thanks though."

  He frowned, wondering what she meant. He handed the sales woman the card and she swiped it.

  "There's still ten thousand on your balance."

  "Okay. I'm getting you a bag, Jess.”

  She shrugged self consciously.


  "That one."

  There was a crystal studded evening bag that caught his eye. Then he noticed the jewelry.


  He pointed to a necklace in the case. It was a ruby heart pendant set in platinum. Simple but very dramatic.

  "We'll take that."

  She nodded and pulled it out, swiping the card again.

  He waited until Jessica was done pulling the price tags off her clothes and shoving her things into the tiny purse.

  "What do I do with this stuff?"

  "Can you send her clothes and bag to the suite?"

  “Of course, Mr. Jackson.”

  The sales girl nodded. He held up the necklace.

  "Do you like it?"

  “It’s beautiful but I can’t-”

  “Hush now, I want you to have it.” He grinned. “You are lucky I didn’t try and buy the matching earrings.”

  Jessica stared at him, dumbfounded. He lifted the necklace over her head and fastened it.

  "There. Now you're ready."

  She blinked up at him, clearly not sure what to make of this latest extravagance.

  "Don't say it's too much! We're in Vegas, remember?"

  She bit her lip.

  “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?”


  He grinned and grabbed her hand.

  "Come on, let's go."

  Chapter 16


  She felt like Cinderfreakingrella.

  Jessica was still reeling from the experience in the boutique. People were staring at them as they strode out through the lobby into the warm Vegas night.

  Her hand kept snaking up to her throat, touching the pendant there. It was at least a five thousand dollar necklace. Why had he done that?

  It was a heart.

  He'd given her a not-so-small ruby heart.

  She'd known him for less than a day and he'd given her the most extravagant gift that anyone had given her. In fact, she wasn’t sure she’d ever gotten a present from anyone, let alone something that could be considered meaningful.

  Her parents hadn't exactly been big on Christmas. Or birthday parties. Or groceries that weren't beer.

  Stop over thinking it! It’s a pretty necklace! Just have fun!

  God knows, she hadn't had this much fun in a long time. No. Ever.

  She knew better than to read anything into it. It wasn't even really his money after all. But still… he'd bought her a heart.

  Now she had to make extra sure she held onto hers.

  Kendall had her hand firmly clasped in his warm, dry palm. His hand was so much bigger than hers, it practically swallowed it up. She stared at it as they waited for a car to pick them up. The hotel provided complimentary SUV’s, and stretch hummers for celebrities. Her eyes grew wide as the enormous ride pulled up.

  He pulled her into the car and helped her buckle herself in.

  "I can do that myself you know."

  He grinned at her.

  "I know. I like doing it."

  There was something in his face that made her stomach do a little flip flop. He looked so serious and intent on her. He leaned in closer, until his breath was fanning her sensitive ear.

  "I need to feel like a man anyway. After the tracksuit."

  She burst out laughing, covering her mouth with her hand. He was so funny! It was refreshing to know he didn't take himself too seriously.

  Kendall strapped himself in and took her hand again.

  "Where to?"

  "Hey man. The Grind house, please. Backdoor."

  "You got it."

  She sat there trying not to be shocked when Kendall's thigh pressed against hers. He seemed to be touching her a lot. It was not accidental.

  Everything he was doing was definitely deliberate.

  She felt tingles where his leg touched hers. And where his thumb brushed her wrist, stroking her soothingly while their palms pressed together.

  Hell, she felt tingles everywhere.

  "Do you go clubbing a lot?"

  She shook her head, feeling shy suddenly.


  He smiled and put his arm around her, sliding even closer.

  "Me either. I mean I go, but I always end up wondering why."

  "You don't like it?"

  He shrugged.

  "It's kind of stupid. I mean, I like dancing. And the music. But it's such a meat market. Girls can get really aggressive. It's a turn off."

  She peeked at him. He wasn't being funny. He seriously didn't like women throwing themselves at him.

  Um, yeah, Kendall, that sounds really rough.

  "You are probably the only man on earth who would complain about that you know."

  He grinned at her.

  "I know."

  He lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it.

  “It’s not my fault I hadn’t met you yet.”

  Her eyes grew wide as he kissed her cheek, letting his lips wander over to her ear.

  Oh my GOD.

  Kendall Jackson was trying to drive her out of her mind with lust. The crazy part was, it was working.

  "We're here."

  Chapter 17


  “Thanks, man.”

  Kendall handed the driver a hundred dollar bill and he handed back his card.

  "Call anytime. I’m here all night.”

  "We will. Have a good one.”

  He looked at the tiny girl beside him.


  She nodded. She didn't look ready, she looked nervous. But she was game, he'd give her that. Jessica wasn’t a coward, that was for sure.

  "Let's go."

  He helped her out of the SUV. Luckily, they were immediately surrounded by security guards. The crowd at the front of the club had spotted them and were spilling over into the alley way.

  Somebody screamed his name, sounding assballs crazy.

  He didn't stop moving, just pushed Jessica in front of him and guided her into the club.

  They had full body contact for a minute as he stood right behind her. He tried to stifle a groan. Her round little bottom felt incredible against him. He stared down at her, knowing she was facing away and couldn't see the lascivious look he was giving her.

  If they had been alone, he would have had a much harder time controlling himself.

  They hurried through a short utility hallway and then through a heavy fire door. That’s it. They were inside the club.

  It was dim, with lanterns hanging everywhere, and twinkling lights in the floor. It was a good thing too, otherwise people would be tripping over each other. But the effect was relaxing and sexy.

  The hallway opened directly into the VIP area, so it was less crowded there. A hostess guided them to a private table with the rest of In Tempo already seated around it. There were girls too. Not too many though.

  Davie was there and he wasn't a player.

  Well, not anymore.

  Kendall knew the guys were getting paid to party at the club but he didn't care. He hadn't signed anything. If his showing up upped their fee, he was fine with it. It didn't mean he had to stay.

  Not unless Jessica was having fun.

  That all depended on her. She was his prime directive.

; He smiled at his Star Trek reference and guided her to the low banquette. He slid in next to her, nice and close. It was a huge booth but thankfully not so much room that he wouldn’t have an excuse for body contact.

  There were bottles of booze in buckets at the table with juice and other mixers.

  He leaned forward and grabbed two glasses. He had to get close to her to be heard over the throbbing bass. Not that he minded.


  "Yes, thanks. Maybe with that red stuff- what is it?"

  He splashed some in a glass and sipped.

  "Not sure. Maybe pomegranate."

  She nodded and he mixed them each a drink, squeezing a lime in at the end. They clinked glasses and sipped. Then he leaned back and slid his arm around her.

  Maybe it wasn't a date per se, but it was starting to feel like one. She was with him, that was for sure. He wanted everyone to know it too.

  People were staring at them, taking cell phone pics. He just smiled, realizing that Jessica had no idea what she was getting into. Her face would be all over the internet before dawn. Hell, if they were spotted together again, she might make the gossip rags.

  But that was part of the deal if they were going to be together.

  He didn't particularly care at the moment if she didn't want her privacy invaded. He was becoming more and more determined that she was going to be his, no matter what that entailed.

  And not just for one night either.

  She was staring around, wide eyed. He leaned back, looking at her out of the corner of his eye. It was a really nice view. Her leg started bouncing when a popular song came on.

  "Do you want to dance?"

  She stared at him, startled. She still had no idea what she was in for. He'd decided to turn on the charm and then some. He was one of the most famous dancers in the world.

  The poor girl didn't stand a chance.

  His smile grew when she nodded, and he stood, pulling her to her feet. Then he led her out onto the dance floor.

  People moved aside for them, but barely. In seconds they were swallowed up by the moving, shaking, bouncing crowd. You could almost smell the hormones.

  Security had eyes on them, so he knew Jessica would be safe. And everyone was too into what they were doing to pay them much mind.


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