Porter: Men of Lovibond (Mend of Lovibond Book 3)

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Porter: Men of Lovibond (Mend of Lovibond Book 3) Page 13

by Georgia Cates

  Oh, swoon. “You just called me your girlfriend.”

  “You enjoy putting labels on us.”

  “Excuse me? You’re the one who just labeled me your girlfriend.”

  “We’re dating. To me, that makes you my girlfriend.”

  “Then I’m your girlfriend.”

  “Damn right, you are.”

  We made it onto the road by two o’clock but Friday evening traffic was horrid. We somehow managed to end up making decent time nonetheless. Probably because Porter drove like a bat out of hell on the stretches of interstate.

  We pull into the drive of an older-style home that has undergone a major remodeling. “This house looks like the finished product on an episode of Fixer Upper.”

  “My parents did a lot of work on it a few years ago. Looks nothing like it did when I grew up here.”

  Painted brick. Stone accents. Cedar beams. It’s a cozy-looking ranch style. “I love it.”

  Porter has already told me that his parents are older and were well established when he was a child. That made me so afraid that we were going to pull up to some kind of enormous mansion, and I was immediately going to feel out of my element. Not the case at all.

  The front door opens before we make it there, and Porter’s mom stands in the doorway waiting for us. She’s an attractive woman. Minimal wrinkles. Fair-haired. Warm caramel eyes, the same color as her son’s. I already know she’s in her sixties but I would have guessed much younger. Time has been kind to Mrs. Beckman.

  Porter hugs his mom. “How are you feeling?

  “A little tired but I’m okay.” She releases him and takes my hands in hers. “You must be Frankee.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Mrs. Beckman.”

  “I want you to call me Kit.”

  “I can do that.”

  A huge smile spreads across her face, and she squeezes my hands. “You are just as pretty as you are kind.”

  What a lovely compliment to give to someone. “Thank you.”

  “Come in and drop your bags in your bedroom. Dinner is ready, and everyone is champing at the bit to eat.”


  “Oh, it’s just Porter’s dad, our other son and his wife, and our daughter and her husband, and their two boys.” Lots of ands in that list of people.

  I follow Porter down the hall to his bedroom. “Sounds like the whole family is here to see you.”

  He chuckles. “Not to see me. They’re here to meet the first girl I’ve brought home in a long time.”

  “How long?”

  “At least seven years. No… I was probably a sophomore in college so more like ten.”

  That’s a reminder of our age gap. “Sheez, Porter. I would have been eleven years old then.”

  “I haven’t given our age difference a lot of thought, but that shines a whole different light on it when you put it like that. I’m a fucking cradle robber.”

  “What’s a fucking cradle robber?”

  We turn at the sound of a child’s voice, and two of the cutest little boys I’ve ever seen are standing in the doorway. Those must be his sister’s children.

  Porter uses his finger to summon them into the bedroom. “Come here, you little hell-raisers.”

  They run into the room and hug their uncle’s legs. “Boys, this is Frankee. She’s my special friend, and I want you to be nice to her. Can you do that for me?”

  His nephews simultaneously nod. So sweet.

  Porter taps the taller boy on the head. “This is Bennett. He’s six, and this little monkey is Callan. He’s four.”

  “Very nice to meet you.”

  “What’s a fucking cradle robber?” Bennett asks a second time.

  Porter chuckles. “Those are grown-up words. I shouldn’t have said them for little ears to hear.”

  “But what is it?”

  “Don’t worry about what it is.” He playfully swats Bennett on his bottom. “Go on to the table and tell everyone we’ll be there in a minute.”

  “Vroom vroom vroom.” The boys take off like a pair of cars racing away.

  “They’re so cute.”

  “Don’t let the cuteness fool you. They’re total hell-raisers. My sister has her hands full with those two.”

  “I’m no stranger to a pair of cute, but mean-ass boys. Finch and Fowler have been raising hell for eighteen years.” And they’re nowhere near done. They just raise a different kind of hell now.

  “I haven’t been around your brothers much. Your dad didn’t bring them to the brewery very often.”

  “Probably because he was afraid they’d torch the place while they were there. They’re bad, Porter. Sooo bad.”

  “I think all boys their age are.”

  I think Finch and Fowler are a special kind of trouble. “They’re worse than most. I think it’s because they’re twins and they grew up competing for everything. Whoever acted worse won the attention, and it has carried over into adulthood.”

  “They’ll be okay.”

  “I’m so afraid they’re going to do something stupid like get kicked out of school or knock up some girl during a one-night stand.”

  “I bet they’re smarter than you give them credit for.”

  He hasn’t been around them. “Believe me. They’re not.”

  “Well, if they screw up, they screw up. You can’t make those decisions for them.”

  “I know. But I can’t help but worry. They’re my little brothers.”

  “You’re a great big sister. “He presses a kiss on the top of my head. “Come on. Everyone’s waiting to meet you and I’m starving.”

  Porter begins the introductions with his dad, Gabe. He’s attractive for a man in his sixties. Tall and fit. Although his eyes are bright blue and Porter’s are light brown and gold, I see similarities between the two. Both are almond shaped with a slight slant on the outer edge. I hadn’t noticed that about Porter until seeing his dad.

  His older brother and his wife are next. Cade is shorter, not as muscular, and has a little gray at his temples. Definitely handsome. The brothers share a lot of the same facial features. I can’t stop looking back and forth between the two comparing the similarities and differences. It’s a little strange looking at the face of a man who looks so much like Porter.

  His sister-in-law, Bethany, is cute as a bug. I have a feeling her face is a little fuller than usual based on the size of her round belly. “And this is baby Beckman. Due to make his or her debut in four weeks.”

  “You didn’t find out what you’re having?”

  “No, I want it to be a surprise.”

  “Oh, fun. I don’t think I would want to find out what I was having either.”

  Porter introduces his sister and her husband, Clay, last. Alexis is a small female version of Porter and Cade except she got their dad’s blue eyes. Like me, she’s the only daughter and obviously, daddy’s girl. Within a matter of minutes, I can tell that she and the boys are the center of her husband’s world.

  “These are our boys, Bennett and Callan.”

  “I’ve already had the pleasure of meeting them. And they are adorable.”

  “Thank you. We think they’re pretty cute.”

  Everyone goes to their chair around the table for ten, but I hang back, waiting for a leftover seat. Porter slips his hand into mine and tugs. “Come on. We’re on that side at the end.”

  There’s not an empty seat. Reminds me of lunch around my grand’s table.

  I smile when I see we’re having breakfast for dinner. Somebody’s mama cooked his favorite meal.

  “I hope you don’t mind having breakfast for dinner, Frankee. It’s something we do around here a lot.”

  “We do it at my house too. It’s one of my favorite meals.”

  Serving bowls and plates pass counterclockwise around the table. Biscuits. Sawmill gravy. Chocolate gravy. Scrambled eggs. Bacon. Sausage. Pancakes. Hash browns.

  The works.

  Mrs. Beckman—Kit—went all out. Cracker B
arrel has nothing on this woman’s dinner table.

  “Porter, how did you and Frankee meet?”

  “Her father came to work for Lovibond when we opened the doors. He’s our warehouse manager.”

  “You’ve known each other for years and it just now struck you to be interested in one another?”

  “Prior to her walking into my office for an interview, we hadn’t seen each other in three years.”

  Kit laughs. “I’m guessing you gave her the job.”

  “It’s actually an internship. But yes, I gave her the position.”

  “What kind of internship?”

  “She’s a graphic designer with a minor in marketing. She’s helping out in my department for the summer.”

  “What does your dad think of you dating the boss?”

  Shit. Porter’s sister could have asked me anything in the world. Any. Damn. Thing. And she asks me that?

  “My dad’s very fond of Porter.” It’s not an answer to his sister’s question, but it’s also not a lie.

  “What is a fucking cradle robber?” Bennett asks, wearing a mischievous grin as he looks at Porter and me. Little shit knows exactly what he’s doing.

  Alexis gasps. “Bennett! Where did you hear that?”

  “Uncle Porter. I heard him tell Frankee that he’s a fucking cradle robber.”

  Alexis narrows her eyes at her brother. “You know you can’t say those words in front of him. He repeats everything.”

  “I know and I wouldn’t have if I’d known he and Callan were standing there listening.”

  “Callan heard you say that too?” Alexis sighs. “Boys, that is a bad word and we don’t say it.”

  “Uncle Porter said it.”

  “Well, he’s in big trouble with me, and you will be too if I hear you say that word again. Do you understand?”

  Bennett nods and picks up a piece of bacon. No shits given that he just outed his uncle as a fucking cradle robber in front of the entire family.

  But I don’t think Porter gives a shit either. He doesn’t appear to be worried about it, so I guess I’m not either.

  “Nana, can I spend the night?”

  “I don’t mind if it’s okay with your mom and dad. But you know that means Callan stays too.”

  “Can we, Mama?”

  “I guess so. But you have to be good for Nana. She gets tired a lot easier now.”

  Bennett smiles. “Me and Callan will be good.”

  I’ve seen that shit-eating grin a million times in my little brothers. This kid has zero intentions of being good.

  “I assume this is not how this bedroom looked when you grew up here.”

  “Definitely not.” I point to my former wall of women. “This whole wall was covered in posters of sports cars… with near naked girls lying on the hoods.”

  Frankee shakes her head. “Sounds about right.”

  “My bed was against that wall… and I had nudie mags shoved between the mattresses. I’d take them out at night after everyone was in bed, and I’d jerk off while I looked at them.”

  She giggles. “Ah, back in the olden days before everyone could watch porn on a smartphone.”

  “What can I say? I am an old-ass cradle robber.”

  “Oh my God. I can’t believe your nephew ratted you out at dinner.”

  “I can. I told you not to be fooled by the cuteness. Those boys are mean little shits.”

  “I believe you.”

  I go to our shared overnight bag and take out a pair of sleep pants and my toothbrush. “Do you want in the bathroom first?”

  “No. You’re quicker than me.”

  “Did you bring something sweet to wear like I asked?”


  Fuck yeah. I can’t wait to get inside her. “I’ll be fast.”

  I’m in and out quickly; I don’t want to delay Frankee being underneath me.

  She comes out of the bathroom wearing a ballerina pink gown and matching robe. It’s sweet and romantic and tame. Just what I wanted to see her wear tonight.

  “What do you think?”

  I’m sitting on the side of the bed, and I hold out my arms for her to come to me. “Me likey very much.”

  She stands between my legs and I push the robe off her shoulders, causing it to become a puddle on the floor. I lean forward and inhale deeply as I place a kiss between her tits. She has her very own fragrance. No other woman on this earth smells like Frankee.

  “Did you lock the door?”

  “I did.”

  I grasp the backs of her thighs beneath her gown and glide my hands upward until I reach her ass, squeezing her cheeks. “No panties?”

  “I didn’t see the need for them.”

  “Good call.”

  I tug the fabric of her gown down and suck one of her rosy pink nipples into my mouth. She pushes her fingers into my hair and pulls me closer as she arches her back and drops her head.

  “I want you in this bed with me.” I stand and toss the comforter out of our way. “Come here. I want you beneath me right now.”

  Frankee lies on her back, and her dark hair spills all around her. I lower myself on top of her, bringing our mouths together. Our kiss is slow and soft. “I swear I could kiss you all night long and be happy.”

  “Maybe so but that’s not why I came to bed without panties.”

  “I know exactly why you came to bed without panties. You want some magic.”

  “After five days without any, I would not turn down some magic.”

  I push her gown up and kiss the top of her pubic bone. I hear her panting as I inch my mouth closer to the spot where she wants it—where she needs it most. Her legs are trembling when I push them apart. I press my nose against the top of her slit and inhale deeply. “I’ll never get enough of this sweet smell.”

  My mouth is hovering between her legs, but I don’t lick her. Not yet. I want her to feel my warm breath there. I want the anticipation to make her writhe. And she does.

  She lifts her hips so her pussy rubs my mouth. “Come on. Don’t tease me.”

  I butterfly kiss her drenching wet center before sliding my tongue up the middle. Her breathing increases as she rocks her pussy up and down my mouth. “That’s so good, Porter. So good.”

  I flatten my tongue against her and slowly lick her core up and down because I know how much she loves that. She rocks her pelvis harder, and I slide two fingers inside to rub her inner vagina. “I’m so close.”

  I stop licking and suck her clit. Frankee fists my hair and lifts her hips to thrust her pussy harder against my face. “Ohh… ohh. That’s it. Right there.”

  She goes limp and releases my hair. Her breathing deepens and slows, a contrast to the panting a moment ago.

  I lick her once more to collect the last taste of her orgasm before I crawl up her body. When we’re face-to-face, she grasps my chin and kisses me hard. “I have missed that.”

  “Me too.”

  I push my sleep pants down my legs and settle between Frankee’s thighs. She brings them up and parts them wide for me to get closer. I’m hard and ready against her drenched entrance when she lifts her hips and coaxes my tip inside. My girl rocks her hips, and it’s all the invitation I need. I slide my remaining length into her until I’m as deep as I can be in this position.

  I guess this means we’re done with condoms. Fine by me if we never use them again.

  I’m sliding in and out of Frankee, and the headboard hits the wall with every thrust. “We’re being too loud. Your parents are going to hear us.”

  I trail kisses up her neck until my mouth hovers over her ear. “I don’t care.”

  “I do.” Her hands leave my back and she runs her fingers through my hair. Her nails gently scrape my scalp and goosebumps form all over my body. “I don’t want them to know we’re doing it.”

  I slow my thrusts and the headboard behaves. “Better?”


  My hands find hers and I bring them above her head where
I lace our fingers together. She opens her eyes, and they watch mine as I move above her. I want to tell her how she makes me feel, but I’m so close to coming. Right there on the edge. I don’t think I can talk right now.



  Bennett’s roar comes first and Callan’s is a soft echo of his brother’s.

  Little. Fuckers.

  Frankee and I both jolt—and she screams—from the shock of hearing and seeing Bennett and Callan next to my bed like a pair of little sociopaths.

  Bennett bursts into laughter and Callan imitates his brother. “I got you good, Uncle Porter.”

  I scramble to find my sleep pants under the covers and yank them on. “Boys, you’re in so much trouble.”

  “Porter. What happened?” my mom asks from the hallway while knocking on the door.

  I march to the door, open it, and point at Bennett and Callan. “They happened.”

  “What did they do?”

  “They were hiding in my room and jumped out to scare us.”

  “I scared him good, Nana. Porter was on top of Frankee doing this.” Bennett does a stellar job of thrusting his pelvis to demonstrate what he saw me doing to her. “He looked like Casper when he’s humping somebody’s leg. But he stopped when I said RAAAWR because I scared him so bad.”

  “I bet you did, Benny.” My mom chuckles and uses Bennett’s shoulders to steer him toward the door. “Okay, boys. Out of Uncle Porter’s room. He and Frankee had a long drive this evening. They need their rest.”

  Bennett and Callan take off like a pair of bats out of hell. “They did the same thing to Gabe and me about a month ago. We thought they were in bed but they were hiding in our closet. Scared the shit out of me. I swatted their little asses good.”

  “Apparently not good enough. Alexis has got to do something with them, Mom. They’re only six and four, and they’re out of control.”

  “I’ve told her she and Clay have a problem on their hands, and it’s only going to get worse as the boys get older. They think they know more than I do about raising children.”

  “Discipline now or visit them in jail later. Her choice.” I’m not a parent but I strongly believe that discipline is necessary for any person to become a contributing member of society.

  “Don’t say that to her. She will go ballistic.”


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