Five Star Attraction

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Five Star Attraction Page 8

by Jacquelin Thomas

  “Is there a private garage for residents?” Ari inquired.

  Natasha nodded. “The residents have a personal valet. They can just drop their keys with the valet and take the private elevator up to the penthouse floors.”

  Malcolm and Ari met with the hotel management. Natasha introduced them as the new owners. His father answered a few questions but promised that more information would be released over the next few days.

  “I can’t help but wonder what they have been told,” Ari said in a low voice.

  “It doesn’t matter, son,” Malcolm responded. “We will set things straight.”

  Ari glanced over at Natasha. “I’d like to go to the corporate offices tomorrow morning.”

  She nodded. “Sure, no problem. I just have to check my calendar to make sure my day is clear.”

  “Actually, let’s not wait until tomorrow. We can go later this afternoon. I might as well face off with Harold DePaul sooner than later.”

  “He’s in New York,” Natasha told him. “But he is scheduled to return sometime this evening.”

  “You know this because…”

  “There are two private planes. The one your father is traveling on was Robert’s private plane. The other is a company jet.”

  “Is he there on business?” Malcolm inquired.

  “That, I don’t know,” she answered. “Mr. Alexander, are you planning on keeping Harold DePaul on board?”

  “Maybe in some capacity,” he responded. “But it’s unlikely he will want to stay on.”

  She took them down to meet the hotel manager, who invited them to have lunch in the restaurant.

  Natasha stopped by the ladies’ bathroom, giving Malcolm and Ari a chance to talk alone.

  “Looks like you and Miss LeBlanc are finally getting along.”

  Ari glanced at his father. “I’m just getting to know her.”

  Natasha joined them at the table. “So what do you think of the hotel, Mr. Alexander?”

  “It’s nice,” he responded. “This hotel served as the model and inspiration of many properties around the world. Robert DePaul exceeded the expectations with this property and is responsible for rejuvenating his family’s hotel empire.”

  “Mr. Alexander, I see you’ve done your research, as well.” She picked up her menu, scanning the restaurant offerings.

  Ari couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  Malcolm cleared his throat noisily, his way of letting Ari know that he’d noticed what was going on between him and Natasha.

  “What are you ordering, Dad?”

  “I was thinking of the crab cakes. How about you, son? You know what you want?”

  “No,” Ari responded honestly. He hadn’t paid much attention to the menu until now. “I think I’ll just get the crab cakes, as well.”

  “They’re excellent,” Natasha said.

  Malcolm’s cell phone started to ring. He answered it.

  Ari could tell from his side of the conversation that there was something going on with one of the hotels back home.

  Malcolm excused himself to find a private place to talk.

  “How long has your family been into the hotel business?” Natasha asked.

  “My father grew up working in his parents’ bed-and-breakfast. After the military, he decided to open the first Alexander hotel. I worked there every summer until I was sixteen years old. That’s when I started working at the Hilton.”

  “Why did you leave your family’s hotel?” She sampled her vegetables.

  “I wanted to get some experience with a larger chain. I thought it would come in handy in the future.” He reached for his water glass.

  Natasha smiled. “Turns out you were right.”

  Malcolm left for the airport after lunch. He had planned to stay overnight, but there was an emergency at home with the Alexander Hotel in Douglasville.

  Ari and Natasha returned to the penthouse. They settled down in the living room. “When will you and your family transition to Beverly Hills?”

  “I’m actually planning to stay out here, but Dad needs to settle things at home before he and Mom move to California permanently. My sister is arranging for my stuff to be packed and shipped to me.”

  Natasha was confused. “What about your wife?” she blurted. “Your children? When will they arrive?”

  Puzzled, he asked, “How did you know I had a wife?”

  She pointed to his wedding ring.

  “My wife passed away,” Ari told her. “We didn’t have any children.”

  “I’m so sorry,” she murmured. “I just assumed you were married when I saw your ring.”

  “I’ve never taken it off,” he responded.

  “How long has it been?”

  “Two years,” he replied.

  Her heart skipped a beat upon learning that he was a single man.

  She sensed the subtle shift in his mood, so Natasha picked up her pen and said, “I see you’re anxious to take the reins, so let’s get started.”

  “Natasha, we really want to make this a smooth transition.”

  “Well, if there is anything I can do to make your relocation stress free, just let me know.”

  Ari met her gaze straight on. “Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “I think we should schedule a few trips to each of the properties over the next couple of months. It’s a good idea for you to get to know the staff. There are going to be some concerns about job security.”

  “There are going to be some changes in management. I can tell you this much,” Ari said. “My brother Blaze will be stepping up as vice president of sales and marketing. My sister Sage will be vice president of residential sales.”

  “I assume she has a background in real estate.”

  Ari nodded. “Sage has been involved with real estate since she graduated from college. She will be responsible for the overall sales of the residences and the building of residential teams and infrastructure for the company.”

  “It sounds like your father has plans to expand the residential offerings.” Natasha began making notes on her BlackBerry.

  “I trust that what we discuss will be kept in the strictest confidence.”

  Natasha met his gaze. “Ari, you can trust me.”

  “I hope so,” he commented.

  “Tell me about Blaze,” she said. “What are his qualifications?”

  “He is currently the director of sales and marketing for a chain of grocery stores in Georgia, Florida and South Carolina.” He paused a moment before adding, “My father would never hand down promotions we didn’t deserve. He is a businessman.”

  “I had to ask,” Natasha replied. “I’ve seen companies fail because of nepotism. The best way to avoid infringing the rights of workers is to ensure that any employment decisions are based on work-related reasons such as skills, competence and experience rather than blood. Fairness and equality in the workplace will earn the employees’ loyalty and dedication.”

  He agreed. “Now that we are on the same page, there’s some information I need right away. I’d like to review all of the licenses and permits for all of the properties. I need to see where everything stands. I’d also like to review the policies-and-procedures manual. I know this isn’t your job, but you are all I have right now.”

  Natasha continued capturing her notes on the BlackBerry. “Have you and your family discussed how you’re going to handle the media?” she asked.

  “We’re going to just pretend they don’t exist.”

  She glanced up at him. “Excuse me?”

  Ari chuckled. “I’m only kidding, Miss LeBlanc. We intend to issue a press release and my father is considering one interview, but that’s it. It’s not as if the whole world cares about the hotel changing hands.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. People are interested,” Natasha said. “Robert DePaul was an iconic figure in the hotel industry. People will want to know more about his son and his grandchildren. Your story is one that most people dream ab

  “I guess it is our own rags-to-riches version.”

  She smiled. “It’s actually quite beautiful, I think. I’m really sorry that you never got to meet your grandfather, Ari. He was a wonderful and very generous man. I believe his one true regret was in not contacting Malcolm before his illness. He always talked about how much he had missed out on being a father.”

  “Sounds like you’ve known him a long time.”

  “He gave me my first job while I was in college,” she responded. “I adored Robert and his wife.”

  “What about the rest of his family?” Ari inquired. “What can you tell me about them?”

  “Harold and I went to college together. He and Robert weren’t very close, but they both loved this business. Harold was devastated when he found out that Robert didn’t leave the hotel properties to him.”

  Ari nodded. “I guess I’d feel the same way if I were in his shoes.”

  “The rest of the family,” Natasha began, “they’re pretty nice for the most part, but very reserved.”

  “They really have the guns out for my dad.”

  “They are fighting for what they believe should be rightfully their inheritance.”

  “Do you agree with them?” he asked her.

  “It’s not for me to agree or disagree, Ari. Robert was in his right mind until the very end. This was his decision, and he made it. End of story.”

  “Only it’s not really the end, Natasha,” Ari countered. “The DePaul family is out to prove that my father somehow tricked Robert into leaving the properties to him, which we know is not the case. My dad had never met the man, but they will say anything to discredit my father. I am not about to let that happen.”

  Natasha struggled to maintain a professional front, but she found that she was unable to keep her eyes off the handsome Ari, especially now that she knew he was a single man. She felt sorry that he had lost his wife, and she could tell he still grieved for her.

  “What do you love about living in Los Angeles?” Ari asked.

  “Driving on Mulholland Drive on a clear day,” Natasha responded with a smile. “I love driving out to the beaches.”

  “Any one in particular?”

  She shook her head no. “I just love being near the ocean.”

  “It’s going to take me some time to get used to all the traffic,” Ari stated with a frown. “And what’s with the couches and televisions on the balconies? You won’t see that in Aspen or even Atlanta. When did a balcony become an extension of someone’s living room?”

  “You will probably see just about anything out here. L.A.’s cosmopolitan, strange, but also exciting.”

  Ari’s eyes searched Natasha’s face, reaching into her thoughts.

  “What is it?” she asked. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “I’m sorry,” Ari murmured. “I apologize for staring at you. It’s just that you had this expression on your face when you were talking—it reminded me of my late wife. She had that same expression whenever she was in deep contemplation.”

  “You miss her a lot, don’t you?”

  He nodded then cleared his throat. “I guess we should get back to work.”

  Natasha rose to her feet. “I have a couple of projects I need to clear off my desk, so I need to spend a couple of days in my office. I’ll check in with you, but I won’t be available until Monday. Then I can give you my full attention.”

  Something flickered in Ari’s eyes but disappeared as quickly as it had come, leaving her to wonder what he could be thinking. Natasha couldn’t help but wonder if he were always so serious.

  Chapter 9

  Ari couldn’t get Natasha out of his mind. She wouldn’t be back at the corporate headquarters until Monday. However, this would give him some time alone to conduct research on the permit issue.

  Over the next couple of hours, Ari made several phone calls and copies of documents to send to his father. He also met with the human resources department regarding open vacancies they needed to fill immediately.

  Natasha called him, checking to see how things were going.

  “Do you have any questions for me?” she inquired.

  “Not right now.”

  They talked for about five minutes before Natasha had to answer an incoming phone call.

  A fleeting image of April formed in his head and quickly dissipated, leaving behind a thread of guilt. How could he think about another woman when his wife had been dead for only two years?

  He and April were born on the same day and had known each other since they were in kindergarten. He remembered the day they met, when he had boldly walked up to her and announced he was going to be her husband one day.

  The memory made Ari smile. April was Ari’s first and only love. He had no experience with any other woman, so what he was now feeling confused him.

  Ari was grateful to have his father with him to provide a buffer between him and Natasha. But what would happen when Malcolm was gone? His father wouldn’t be back for a few weeks, leaving him to work closely beside Natasha.

  He picked up a book he had been meaning to read for the past couple of weeks. Maybe this would help to take his mind off a certain beautiful woman.

  Franklin entered the living room and said, “I would like to say that it will be an honor to serve you and your family.”

  Ari smiled. “Thank you, Franklin. I have to tell you that we are a hands-on family. My father had planned to talk to you, but he was called away on business. He wanted me to tell you how much he admires loyalty and that, while we have never had a butler, he doesn’t want to lose you.”

  Franklin released the breath he was holding. “I’m sorry. I thought you were terminating my position.”

  “In a way,” Ari said. “Dad wants to place you in charge of all of the housekeeping and security staff. This includes permanent and temporary employees for all of the properties my father now owns. The first thing we would like is for you to have the locks on the house in Pacific Palisades and all security codes changed. My father will discuss the increase in your salary.”

  “Thank you. I would first like to suggest that the employees travel with your family. I will leave ahead of everyone to determine what will need to be done.”

  “Sounds good,” Ari stated.

  Franklin gave him a rare smile. “Thank you, Mr. Ari. I look forward to serving your family.”

  “Okay, the first thing I want you to do is call me Ari. Just Ari.”

  He nodded. “If you have need of me, I can be reached by dialing 1-0-1.”

  “I’ll be fine, Franklin. Enjoy your evening.”

  Ari settled against the deep cushions of the sofa, the TV remote in hand. Tomorrow, he and Natasha were going to the corporate offices on Wilshire Boulevard and then to the oceanfront home that now belonged to his father. Ari had never been to Pacific Palisades, but he was looking forward to seeing the Pacific Ocean.

  Mostly, he was looking forward to spending time with Natasha LeBlanc. Ari still wasn’t sure where her loyalties were placed, but he vowed to find out, and the only way to do that was by getting to know her.

  The next morning, Natasha met Ari down in the hotel lobby. They were riding over to the corporate offices together, and he wanted to drive out to see the house. She had to be back at her office no later than noon. For the next two days, she had to take care of some urgent deadlines approaching with her other clients.

  Natasha was excited about working with Ari. When he wasn’t being so serious, she found he had a great sense of humor.

  “Is Harold DePaul back in town?” he asked her.

  “Yes,” she responded, trying not to devour him with her eyes. “He’s back. I called his secretary earlier to confirm.”


  “Ari, I can tell you this much—Harold is not going to take this well.”

  “I hadn’t expected that he would,” he told her. “However, this transition is going to happen.”

  Natasha pulled
out her BlackBerry.

  “What are you doing?” Ari asked. “You’re not about to warn him, are you?”

  “I’m just checking email,” Natasha replied. “What is it going to take for you to believe that I’m on your side, Ari?”

  “Time, I suppose,” he answered.

  She was smiling and radiant. “I’m going to earn your trust, Ari Alexander.”

  At that moment, all Ari could think about was kissing Natasha. He tore his gaze away from her full lips, which were lightly tinted with lip gloss. He pretended to be engrossed in the document he was reading.

  There were moments when his body warmed beneath her gaze. Whenever he caught her staring, Natasha would quickly look away. A secret smile tugged at his lips.

  When they arrived to the DePaul Group corporate offices, Natasha told him, “Ari, please give me a few minutes alone with Harold. I’ve known him a long time and I’d like to speak with him first.”

  “Why don’t we do this together?” he suggested. Ari wasn’t sure what she was up to, but he was hesitant to let her face Harold alone.

  “I’ll be fine,” she assured him. “Harold will take the news better if it’s just me. He’s a very prideful man.”

  “I’ll give you five minutes.”

  Natasha smiled. “That’s all I’ll need.” She turned and walked briskly down the hallway.

  “Natasha, it’s good to see you,” Harold DePaul said, meeting her outside his office. “So, how did your meeting go? Should I send my secretary to get the champagne?”

  “I’m afraid it’s not what you want to hear,” she responded. Natasha glanced over her shoulder then back at him. “Let’s talk in your office.”

  Harold’s face dropped. “What do you mean?”

  She waited until they were inside his corner office before saying, “Malcolm decided to keep the hotel properties.” Natasha paused a moment before adding, “His son Ari will be assuming your position, effective immediately. He would like you to stay on, but—”


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