The Friends Zone

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The Friends Zone Page 5

by Tarrah Anders


  There is something on top of me. I’m on my back on the couch with a slight weight that I’m not used to on top of me, my mind slowly wakes and I am realizing that Sterling is laying on top of me as my arms are tightly around her. I instinctively wrap her in my arms tighter. I can feel my erection is pressing against her stomach, and just the thought of that excites me even more. She is stirring in which is arousing me even more. This is so unfair!

  That kiss last night was phenomenal, I could tell that she was into it as well since she didn’t break from the kiss until one of those two people who were just egging us on coughed or something. I don’t think I could think straight at that point. She tasted like butterscotch and beer. And when she gasped and from that moment, I knew that I was done for and I moved to deepen the kiss, to leave my mark on her. How am I going to be able to act like that didn’t happen? When Betsy asked her if she ever thought inappropriately about me, I knew what she was trying to do. She was trying to push me to make a move. Max told me that she knew about my feelings for Sterling when she came to the office the other day. Then with Max’s dare to me, after knowing that she has thought something, what it was and when wasn’t important. I wanted to make her think inappropriately again. I could just blame it on the alcohol we all had and the game.

  Oh my cock is practically throbbing now! And she’s looking at me.


  Sterling is currently in the shower, and I can’t help but to wonder what is going through her mind. She isn’t acting any differently, sure she’s looking at me questioningly a little more often than usual, but she hasn’t acted different. When she woke up, we had a strange mini conversation, as if we were feeling each other out. But other than that, everything is still the same. I hear the water shut off and my mind immediately drifts to dirty. She’s stepping out of my shower, naked, then she’s going to dry of by rubbing her naked body with a towel. There’s my erection again. I’ve got to get myself under control, before it’s me that makes this whole thing uncomfortable. I start off to my bedroom to jump in the shower, to take a cold one. The hallway bathroom opens, steam is pillowing from the doorway and just like in the scene in Weird Science, where Kelly Lebrock first arrives on scene, and Sterling vacates the room and its slow motion as she’s entering the hallway. She obviously wasn’t expecting me in the hallway as she jumps while clutching the towel to her damp body.

  This time my groan is audible and once she hears it, she blushes and scurries into the spare bedroom. Her bedroom for whenever she stays the night, it’s where she keeps a few change of clothes, I’m sure if I ever was to look in there, I would see half of her wardrobe. Over the years, we’ve integrated ourselves into each other’s homes, after too many nights where one of us would stay over and have nothing to wear other than the clothes on our back, it became a habit to have clothes at each other’s places.. Hell, if a girl were to ever venture into the hallway bathroom shower, they would think that I had a female roommate.

  I’ve got hot water running down my face, when I hear my bedroom door open.

  “Hey Dane?” Sterling tentatively asks.

  “Yeah?” I ask wiping the residual water off so I can see clearly, even though Sterling and I are not directly looking at one another. We have just my shower curtain separating us at the moment, I’m buck naked while she is fully clothed. We’ve had numerous conversations like this in the past, so I don’t know why I’m suddenly so nervous.

  “Do you mind, if I cancel our brunch plans and head home? I want to make sure I have all my notes ready for Monday. I just got handed a new case, with a teen and I want to make sure I’ve got my ducks in a row for my first meeting with her. “

  I release the breath that apparently I was holding. Unsure if this is just an excuse to avoid the game last night or if this is legit.

  “Yeah, sure. Give me a minute though. I’m done in here.” I say shutting off the water. A towel is thrown over the top of the shower curtain and I quickly wrap my lower half in it as I pull back the curtain. Sterling is still standing there, with her hip against the bathroom counter a mere 5 feet away from where I’m standing. The tables have turned, yet her being in my bathroom as my towel is covering up my naughty bits is intentional. She smirks, looking down at my towel.

  I look down, it’s a hello kitty towel. “Where the hell did this come from?” I gawked.

  She’s having problems keeping her laughter in and then all of a sudden she’s clutching onto her side in a fit of giggles. “You mean this isn’t your towel?” She manages to get out.

  “Um, no.” I say stepping out of the shower, closer to her. Sterling starts to run out of the bathroom and as she’s running out the door, I take off the towel and throw it in the direction she just exited. I am standing naked in my room now; droplets are still clinging to my body since I didn’t officially dry off. I realize that I am standing here and she could come back into my room. I go back into my bathroom and grab my actual towel just as Sterling comes hesitantly back into my room.

  “So really, I am gonna head home. The towel thing was just an extra.” She says trying to keep her composure and not laugh more. I poke my head back out of the bathroom.

  “Sure you don’t wanna grab some grub beforehand?”

  “I’ll grab something on my way home.” She says, she walks over to me and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

  I inhale her scent as she does so, and smile.

  “Dinner this maybe this week?” I ask, trying to keep her here longer.

  “You got it.” She smiles walking out of the room and out of my house.


  I haven’t exactly been avoiding Dane, or heck any of my friends after that game of truth or dare and then waking up laying on top on Dane, feeling all of his hardness under me and I mean all of his hardness. My heart beats a little fast at that last thought.

  Betsy called me after I left Dane’s house and was on my way to the grocery store.

  “So, what happened after we left?” She asks.

  “We watched television and passed out.” I say.

  “That’s it? No more hot making out?”

  “Nope. We didn’t really even talk about it. “ I shrug, even though she can’t see me.

  “Have you thought about it?” She asks.

  “It’s all I can think about. I’m almost obsessing and analyzing every part of it.” I confess.

  “From our point of view, it looked by both of you were very much into it, and if we weren’t in the room, who knows what would have happened.” She gushes.

  “To be honest, it was pretty hot. Then you guys disappeared as soon as it happened. This morning, he was in the shower and I just wanted to go in there and kiss him again. What the hell, where did this come from? Ryan and I haven’t been broken up long and now I’m obsessing over my best friend!” I hit the steering wheel in angst.

  “Maybe, this is how it should have gone all along. Next to Max, Dane is one of the hottest guys I’ve ever met. And you guys are perfect for each other!” She says.

  “We’re best friends.”

  “Sometimes, best friends make the best lovers Sterling. Sometimes, maybe, just maybe all this time being friends was working up to getting you two together.” Betsy pauses. “I have to go, Max and I are going to breakfast.”

  They hang up as Sterling pulls into a parking space.

  Dane’s a really good kisser.


  Over the past few days, my dreams have been the hottest dreams I’ve ever had. One of them, I woke up with my hand in my underwear touching myself. Another, I remember so vividly that I had an orgasm in my sleep and woke up to clutching my sheets and breaking heavily. This is all new territory for me, as with any previous boyfriends, as few as there have been over the year – this is never a reaction I’ve ever had with any of them.

  I just woke up from another dream with my hands gripping my sheets and gasping for air, I roll to my side and note that its 3am. I’m not tired a
s I’ve caught my breath and I get up and walk into my bathroom. I turn on the shower and slip under the warm water.

  I couldn’t return to sleep, so I took my time making myself breakfast and even watched some morning television. By the time it was time to jump on the road to head to work, I was starting to feel the drag of waking up in the middle of the night and I stopped off to grab coffee from a drive through coffee joint along the way to work.

  As I’m sipping my coffee, I’m walking to the front doors to my office building. There are several people standing in front of my desk as I approach it. I push past a few and see a bouquet of roses. I search for the card and smile when I notice Dane’s handwriting.

  “In the midst of my crazy week, I thought of you and I wanted you to know it. –Dane”

  I smile, and try to think when the last time I received flowers was, not coming up with a time I shake my head and set the note down as I smell one of the roses. I pull out my phone and my messages to send Dane a quick text.

  Me: Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful!

  Dane: As is the receiver.

  What is happening? Maybe when we meet up on Thursday, we can discuss what’s going on. I mean, we’ve always been overly close and we always say sweet things to another, so why am I thinking too much into this. Omigod, am I thinking too much into this? Maybe he’s just being nice? I’ve turned into one of THOSE girls!

  I start in on my day, and take note of my calendar appointments. I have no break in my day for the next two days, oh well time to get to business.


  It’s Thursday and tonight, Dane and I are getting dinner and doing our normal hangout time. Where we eat, drink and pass out in front of the television. I’m waiting for Betsy for lunch. I look at the time on my phone, she’s already 10 minutes late.

  Another five minutes go by and a breeze finally rushes past me as Betsy swings herself into the booth.

  “Sorry, Work is crazy right now, and being a grunt – I got the shitty tasks.” She explains.

  “I ordered for you.” I smile.

  For lunch, we opted for Mexican. I’m sitting in a booth that faces the entrance. All of a sudden, a familiar voice gets my attention from Betsy talking about whichever case they’re working on currently and my eyes go wide.

  Ryan is standing at the front waiting to be seated. He’s talking and smiling down at the busty blonde that I saw flirting with him at his bar the night he broke up with me. The hostess finally greets them and starts to lead them in our direction. I quickly avert my eyes back to Betsy, but I sneak a glance at him as his eyes notice me sitting there. There’s no change in his demeanor and he just keeps walking as he’s place at a table that is diagonal from our.

  Betsy has taken notice of my tense posture and is snapping at me with her fingers.

  “You alright?” She asks, finally getting my attention.

  “Yeah sure, it’s just… Ryan.” I say and with my eyes direct her to where they were seated.

  Ryan and his date seated themselves so their backs were to us, and they sat very closely together.

  “Well, he sure is a dick!”” Betsy states with disgust.

  “Agreed.” I say almost sadly. I then think of the kiss that Dane and I shared and instantly a smile creeps on my face.

  “We can leave if you want?” Betsy offers as she glares in their tables direction. I look back over there as Ryan’s arm is dangling on the blondes shoulder and he whispers into her ear and then kisses her neck. The girl loudly giggles and then playfully pushes him away. Ryan nonchalantly peers over his shoulder at our table and I snap my eyes forward at the same time Betsy does.

  “Shots?” Betsy asks.

  I shake my head. “I’m not going to let him ruin my day. Dane and I have plans tonight.”

  Betsy’s eyes light up. “You don’t say!” She smiles.


  I honestly do not know what day it is. I know it’s June. I know it’s a weekday, but other than the specifics, no chance. Max brought in a new client this week and we’ve both been working past dark every night this week. We were handed plans for a ground up project from an associate of ours who passed up on the job. Therefore, my eyes may have started going cross eyed with the amounts of blueprints and notes sitting on my drafting table. I have gone home to shower and sleep, but other than that – I’ve been in my office. My desk has several days’ worth of take out packages and fast food remnants.

  I have an adjoining bathroom to my office and I splash some water on my face. I look down at my watch, it’s 8:40pm, now I just need to know what day is it. I have plans with Sterling on Thursday night, that much I know. I sent her flowers earlier this week, something I’ve never done for anyone with a small note, I’m not 100% sure why I did that, but since we kissed, I’ve been trying to think of a way to send her a message, any message. As I walk out of the bathroom, I catch sight of someone walking into my office. My breath hitches and there’s Sterling.

  “Did you forget?” She asks, cocking her head with one hand on the doorknob.

  So, today must be Thursday. “I was actually just thinking of you. I’m sorry kid. Got so sidetracked, I was just on my way out.” I apologize as she smiles.

  “Can we just order Chinese and watch a movie?” She asks.

  “Sure thing. Let me just close up my computers and clear off my desk. Wanna head over to the house and I’ll pick up the food and meet you there?” I ask running my hand through my hair.

  “I’ll grab the food. Take your time, that desk is a mess!” She smiles turning around and heading toward the front office doors.

  As she retreats, Max pokes his head in. “She ran into Ryan with some chick the other day. Bets said she was a little skittish, but not as bad or drunk as last weekend.”

  “I wish the bonehead didn’t move on so fast.” I snarl.

  “Honestly dude, I bet he was two timing the entire time. He never seemed content or would always be looking around and shit. Bets even said there’s been occasions where he would disappear and then he’s come out from the back hall and not too long some chick would too. “

  “Yeah, I’ve never really explained my distaste for the guy to Sterling, because that was the same thoughts that ran through my head. She knew I didn’t like him. But I did try one time.”

  “Anyhow, just wanted you to know she saw him. You heading out?”

  “Yup. This new project better turn out fantastic man, I’m wrecked.” Max nods and I can see the same expression in his eyes. “Go home to that woman of yours.” I smile grabbing my coat.

  Max stops abruptly and turns his heel. “Hey, you too buddy.” He says and before I can react he’s back in his office with the door shut. I shake my head and begin towards my car.


  I’m approaching my street as my vehicle Bluetooth goes off. It’s Kendra. Crap! I Suck! I mentally slap myself.

  Pressing the answer button on my steering wheel, I speak into the air.

  “Dane here.” I answer.

  “Hey, it’s Kendra. How are you?” She asks.

  “Good good. Just now getting home from the office. You?” I ask, not really wanting to know either way.

  “It’s 9’o clock and your just getting home?” She gasps.

  “It’s been one of those weeks, earlier I didn’t even know what day it is.” I laugh as I pull up into my driveway. I turn off my engine and grab my phone to put it to my ear. I start grabbing my briefcase, and my jacket from the passenger seat.

  “I was calling to see if you wanted to hang out tonight, watch a movie or something? I haven’t seen you in a few weeks and thought it would be cool to, you know… catch up, that is- if you can. ” She asks.

  “Actually, tonight I have plans. Maybe some other time.” I offer, not really being committed to it. I’m feeling like a dick. I kissed Sterling last weekend and it’s fucking with my emotions even further. While I’ve had a crazy work week, there are moments where I am zoned out staring at a document a
nd replaying the kiss in my head.

  I’m walking through my door and notice Sterling is lying on my couch dressed in barely there shorts and a tank top. I wink at her as she looks up from the television screen. She mouths Hey and then resumes back to whatever she’s watching as I put my stuff on my dining table. I start back towards my bedroom to change into my track pants and a t-shirt and return to the living room.

  Silence greets me for a few moments. I hear Kendra rustling something on her end. “Um, yeah sure that’s okay. I’m sure you’ve had a long day.”

  “Thanks for understanding. You’re a good friend.” I lay out there, slightly wincing at that statement. Again, I’m met with silence. Damnit Dane, you’re such a pussy!

  “Yeah, sure. No problem.” She stutters. “I’ll talk to you later.” She hangs up quickly.

  I run my fingers through my short hair and rub my face. I’m a grade-A dick. All because of the chick laying on my couch right now. I walk over to the couch and move Sterling’s legs to sit down and then place them on my lap.

  She has an opened bottle of tequila, a shot glass and salt in front her. She looks up from the screen and smiles lazily.

  “I wanted a margarita, but you only had a little bit of the ingredients. So I’m doing body shots.”

  Oh crap. I set down the bag of Chinese that she left on the kitchen counter in front of her on the coffee table. I grab two bottle of water and some napkins and sit down next to her as she sits up.

  “Sorry, as you saw my office was a pig-sty and then Max stopped me on the way out.”

  “That’s ok. You just need to catch up to me.” She whispered. Why is she whispering, wait she said she was doing body shots! My eyes dart around the space in my immediate vision.

  “Who were you doing body shots with Sterling?” I quiz looking around the living room.

  “Well, that too posed a problem, because it was just me. So I licked myself with the salt and drank. Nothing is fully coming to plan right now. Pfft!” She seems bewildered about that. She normally doesn’t drink like how she has been, I’m not worried as it only happens with Ryan’s mention or a sighting comes into play. But, here we are 4 weeks after the break up, and maybe all she does need is a rebound. I brush her hair out of her face and stick a takeout carton in her hands.


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