The Friends Zone

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The Friends Zone Page 10

by Tarrah Anders

  I’ve never seen Dane so angry. The veins in his neck are practically ready to rupture from his neck, and his eyes are red with anger. He’s breathing through his teeth, in a way he’s looking like the Hulk, but much sexier.

  Max hands Betsy his and what I’m assuming is Dane’s jackets and then he’s assisting Dane is yanking Ryan up by the arm and bringing him outside.

  “Can we get the check please?” I ask a waiter that’s just watching to commotion. He nods hurriedly and runs off. Moments later, the front glass window shatters and my heart stops. Betsy, carrying her purse and the guys jackets are running to the front door as I’m waiting on the waiter to bring back my credit card.

  On my way out, I apologize to the hostess and give her my information explaining to contact me regarding damages, she assures me the police will determine that once they get here. In the distance, I can hear sirens and they’re getting closer. I shove the door open and see Dane and Ryan both bloody still swinging at each other. By the looks of it, Dane may have fallen through the glass, as the back of his head is very bloody.

  Betsy, Max and I are all shouting for Dane and Ryan to separate, Max tried to break them apart a few times, in which he got sucker punched and now is sitting down nursing a busted lip. A police cruiser pulls up to the curb, one last time letting a “whomp whomp” sound from their vehicle. Two uniformed cops get out of the car, they draw their guns and one of them yells. “Stop! Police!” That did it. That got Dane and Ryan off of another. Tears are streaming down my face and I’m holding my sides trying to regulate my breathing. Dane looks at me, and I can see the instant remorse in his eyes surrounded by swelling and blood. My heart is beating rapidly and all I want to do is run to him.

  The cops bank their weapons and slowly approach Ryan and Dane. They swiftly separate them and start talking to them on opposite sides of the vehicle. Betsy runs to the convenience store across the street and grabs some tissues and some waters. She asks the police officer sweetly and quietly if she can hand some to Dane and he obliges. She hands me the same and leads me back to where Max is sitting.

  “You okay?” He asks looking up at me as I sit down next to him.

  “I should be asking you that tiger.” I smile reaching out to his lip that is now swelling. He smiles and nods. We sit for awhile as the police question both Dane and Ryan and once Ryan is in the back of the cruiser another squad car pulls up and Dane is placed in the back of that vehicle. The two cops, first to the scene collaborate their findings for a moment and then they turn to start walking to us.

  It doesn’t take long to recount all the events to the police. Once it was determined after showing proof of a one sided slight bit of harassment on Ryan’s end that the fight was justified, the immediate charges were dropped from Dane. The destruction of personal property was still in question and we had to follow them to the station. Which of course we did.

  After additional questioning, and several hours sitting into the lobby of the downtown police station, Dane emerges from their swinging bulletproof doors. My tired eyes shot up to his presence and I nudge Max and Betsy who had passed out on the bench beside me. I don’t have the energy to get up, but I force myself to my feet as he moves in front of me.

  “Are you okay?” He asks taking my face into his hands.

  “You’re the one who got in a fight, was thrown through a glass window and then arrested! And you’re asking me if I’m okay?” I gush as he tries to smile, only one side of his face effectively perking up.

  His face is swollen. He has a busted lip with a butterfly stitch on it and a black eye. His hair is matted, and I find myself pulling back at arm’s length to access his condition.

  “They patched me up a little inside. I have ten stitches to the back of my head as well as a few stiches here on my forearm. “He shows me the bandage. “Not so bad for my first fight, eh?” He jokes.

  I roll my eyes as he leans in to kiss my cheek.

  “Thank you for defending my honor, but don’t you ever do that again!” I swat at him. “The restaurant is blaming Ryan for breaking the window since he kinda threw you into it, as a witness mentioned. As well as for starting the whole thing by practically stalking me.”

  “Even though, I’m the one who threw the first punch?” Dane questions.

  “Correct, but after explaining the circumstances surrounding the reason for the fight, the cops apparently are putting all blame on him. Betsy and I both told him that you guys were coming and he continued to pressure. It was like self-defense in proxy.” I smile at him circling my arms around his neck and leaning into his chest. His arms are loosely around my waist, as his movements seem limited by his injuries.

  “Man! Whatta night!” Max says clasping Dane’s shoulder. I feel him jolt from the contact. “How about I pick up some beers and some Advil and we party at your house?”

  We leave the police station and shortly arrive at our house. It’s still weird saying our house. What’s also weird is that while we were at the police station, I received two offers on my house from my real estate agent. I didn’t look at the details in all the commotion, however as I settle on the couch as Dane is in the shower, I open up my laptop. One offer is significantly under my asking price and the other is five thousand over my asking price. For a two bedroom and two bath house, situated in San Diego, I listed my house at just under current market value for a quick sale. So for an offer to be over, I’m quickly drafting a response to my realtor asking if the ones offering more money have extra contingencies along with their offer and from there, I feel that I can make a good decision. I shut down the laptop as our guests arrive. I smile as they come in and place a 6 pack on the table.

  “Dane’s washing his cellmate’s semen off of him.” I smile as he walks into the living room to try to lighten the mood. He’s wearing his track pants and a worn t-shirt. He smiles as he very slowly sits down beside me. He pulls me close and I lean into his side gently with my hand on his thigh.

  “My cell mate was actually a passed out drunk who may or may not have peed himself.” He jokes as Max hands up both a beer. I give him a sympathetic smile and rub his thigh.

  “Did they ask you to get a restraining order on Ryan?” Dane asks.

  “Yes. But I declined at the moment. If he texts me or if I have the inkling that he’s following me, I told the police that they would be my immediate stop.”

  “I want you to get one. Please? I don’t think it would be wise for me to get two arrests on my record because of the same guy.” He pleads with me.

  I nod my head, understanding where he’s coming from, also now that time has passed, feeling like that could be the best decision. It would be smart to not let it even be something that could potentially occur. “I’ll go first thing in the morning.”

  “No, let’s wait until Monday. I just want to shut in with you all weekend.” Dane says into my hair.

  “Hey guys, remember us?” Betsy jokes clinking her drink.

  “Sorry Bets.” Dane says smiling.

  “So Dane, you went to jail tonight, for your girlfriend… how does it feel to be given your caveman card?” Max jokes.

  We all start laughing and ease into a comfortable conversation. Max and Betsy ended up crashing in one of the guestrooms around 2am. Dane and myself and myself were getting ready for bed ourselves when he was taking off his shirt. Every time he takes off his shirt, my mouth drops open and I can’t peel my eyes away from him. Today is no different, however for especially different reasons. Hi entire torso is heavily bruised. The fight was no little fight, there was some serious damage done. Dane catches me gaping at him and he moves over to me.

  “Hey, hey. It’s okay. It looks worse than it feels.” He says running his hands up and down my arms.

  “You’re just saying that, I can see it in your movements. Babe, you truly are my hero.” I say.

  “You should see the other guy.” He laughs. “No seriously, while I may have gotten stitches on my head and arm, Ryan’s cell was acr
oss from mine, if you think my face looks horrific, you should seriously see his. Black eyes, both. Busted lips and I think I may have even broken his nose and a few fingers. He was taunting me the entire time we were back there, which probably didn’t help him at all either.”

  “Again, my hero!” I gush, running my hand alongside his swollen cheek gently.

  “I would do it all over again, you know.” He smiles.

  “It’s a good thing that you close your offices for the week of Christmas. You’re prettiness needs to heal.” I say leading him to the bed. I crawl to my side and pat his side of the bed.

  “No kidding. And baby, I really, really want to ravage you right now, but every inch if me is hurting.” He moans lowering himself and putting his head on his pillow looking up at me.

  “Not every inch.” I smile, moving in between his legs and rubbing my hand on his cock. It’s already semi-hard but my touch just fully woke it up and now I’m lowering his track pants.

  “Definitely willing to risk any discomfort for this.” He says and I take him into my mouth.


  It’s Christmas eve and Sterling is sitting on the couch reading her eReader. I’m on the mend and healing up quite nicely. My body, while bruised is no longer hurting in movements, and I can officially resume normal activities such as fucking my girlfriend on all surfaces of our house. We’ve refrained from most sexual activity over the past week because Sterling was afraid to hurt me. I wasn’t complaining because she would still suck me off and let me just lay it out there, my girl sucks cock like a champ. And I’ve feasted on her several times to, I hope satisfy her needs, but I know that if I don’t put the P in the V soon, I may just lose it. The week before the fight, I had officially asked her to move in, and while I thought there was hesitation in her eyes, she said yes immediately. So even though we’ve been together for 6 months and have properly christened every room of this house, with the new title of ‘live in girlfriend’ we really didn’t have much time to re-christen the house before I got busted up. But now, she knows that we can resume out regularly scheduled fucking, well making love as I know she’s been eyeing me like I’m her favorite piece of candy.

  Not only am I planning on getting laid tonight, tonight is also the night that I’m going to propose. While we may have practically just moved in together, and she’s still waiting for her house to close escrow, I’m eager to put my ring on her finger and to make it official. I have waited years and truth be told, I don’t think I can wait any longer. Our families won’t be shocked, neither will our friends, so why wait? I have it all planned out, I will make her favorite dinner, Veal Marsala and as I set down her plate, I will also set down the ring box, then I will do the thing that every girl wants the guy to do and get down on my knee and from there I will ask her to marry me. It’s simple, yet still romantic. My heart is beating wildly just thinking about it.

  I can hear Sterling moving through the quiet house as she enters the kitchen and wraps herself around me from behind. My hand meets one of her hands and I squeeze it.

  “Hey you.” She says with her cheek on my back. “You’re deep in thought over here.”

  “Yeah. Just thinking about you.” I smile turning in her arms.

  “Oh yeah, what about me?”

  “Oh you know, how when we were little we’d play in the treehouse in my backyard, or how you would make me play Barbie’s with you. Just that, we’ve known each other a helluva long time, and now look at us.” I feel like a girl, Damnit Mitch!

  “What about when we thought we were superheroes and mom made us capes out of plastic bags!” She recalls. I hug her closer to me so our bodies are flush against each other.

  “You know, all these years, I’ve wanted nothing more than this.” I kiss the top of her head.

  “Really?.” She asks into my chest. I pull back and look down at her. Her eyes rest on mine and I smile.

  “I’ve loved you forever, every woman before you came in second place next to you. I was just biding my time, waiting for you to realize the same about me.” I kiss the tip of her nose.

  “I think it’s always been you too, I just didn’t think you felt the same. I’m sorry it took so long for us to get here.”

  “Let’s go out.” I say quickly changing subjects and needing to keep busy so I don’t blow my dinner plans tonight.

  “It’s Christmas eve, what are you thinking?” She asks.

  “Let’s go to the movies, let’s go bowling, let’s go play some pool?” I offer hoping she’ll take one.

  We had settled on bowling, which was a lot of fun and it killed a good two hours. It was late afternoon as we were pulling back up to the house.

  “Next year, I want to put lights outside.” I say cutting the engine.

  “Next year, I want lights on our Christmas tree.” She says crossing her arms and pouting.

  We went shopping for a tree and we were so excited to put it up, it was the first actual Christmas tree in my house since I was a kid. But we had forgotten ornaments and lights. So all we had was a tree, with a few presents underneath, however it wasn’t too festive looking. We could have saved money and used one of the plants that Sterling decorated the house with and it would be the same effect. Yet, seeing how happy just the tree alone made Sterling, I decided that the undecorated tree was perfect as it is.

  “So what you’re saying is that you don’t want our tree to look sad like that every year? Like make it a tradition or something?” I joke only half serious.

  She sits and thinks about it a second and then the glint is back in her eyes. “If I wanted a Charlie Brown Christmas, we would have used that potted plant that we have on the porch.” She points to our front door.

  I laugh and haul her over the center console. She’s straddling me and this quick contact my cock is straining against my zipper. Damn Zippers! She kisses me and then reaches for the door. I hesitantly let her go, only because I need to make sure I get dinner and my plan started.

  I groan as she rolls off of my lap and I struggle to stand up straight. As I close my door, I have to adjust myself. This motion takes place just as Ms. DeLaney, the neighbor walks by with her toy poodle. Her eyes averted to where my hand meets my package and lingers.

  “Evening Ma’am.” I smirk standing straight, offer a flirtatious wink. I don’t wait for her eyes to reach my face, but turn and run up the path to my house and quickly shut the door.

  “Ms. Delaney just saw me grabbing myself!” I rush.

  Sterling laughs so hard, she might split her side. “Well, an old lady needs action somehow babe. I’m going to shower. Join?”

  As much as that bathroom, the shower especially is my favorite spot in the house, I politely decline as she turns down the hallway, stripping away her clothing slowly while looking over her shoulder as she goes. Damn that woman. I think as I follow her. Dinner can be a little late.


  My palms are sweating, and I’m a nervous wreck. I cannot remember a time that I’ve been as nervous as I am this very second. My shaking hand opens the drawer in the bathroom that I keep my toiletries. I fumble to the back of the drawer and under a few items to locate the ring box. I have a firm grasp on the box and I open it up to make sure for the hundredth time that the ring is still inside, where it’s been sitting just waiting patiently to be placed on a finger. I run my finger over the diamond and shut the box and stuff it in my pocket, adjusting the box to not look obvious if she would glance down, which I often catch her doing.

  Dinner is almost ready and my palms are still sweating. Like dripping, I’m not the type of person to profusely sweat, so this along with my rapidly beating heart – is new to me and somewhat uncomfortable.

  “Hey babe, wanna set the table?” I ask needing a distraction.

  Sterling saunters into the kitchen and I’m straining from breathing heavily. I’m hoping that I don’t look suspicious to deter my plans or to make her ask any questions. She gives her ass an extra shake as she gathers every
thing she would need to set the table. I inwardly groan and run my hand over my face. I jump a little on my feet and shake out my hands. I take a deep breath just as she re-enters the kitchen. She grabs some napkins and smiles at me. Any normal night, this is what we do. There’s nothing different about this, except for the weight in my right pocket and the never-ending amount of sweat that I seem to be experiencing.

  The timer on the stove goes on. “I’ll get plates ready, how about you go sit your tush down.” I suggest slyly. She smiles and with another extra shake of her ass, she is out of the kitchen. I hear her slide the dining room chair back and sit in it.

  I pour two glasses of wine as I let the main course cool a little and bring the wine glasses to the table. I set one in front of her as I lean down to kiss her cheek. She presses the cheek to my lips as I linger for a moment.

  I grab my plate first and then hers. Here goes nothing. I take a deep break with both plates in my hand, since my seat is closer, it’s the optimal excuse for setting my plate down first. The it’s almost like slow motion as I turn to walk towards her seat, where she is sitting. As I’m living this in slow motion, I’m taking the time to observe her. Her eyes are lit up since she loves this meal. She’s wearing her floral blouse with the scooped neck and grey pants. She has her shoes off, because, seriously who wears their shoes indoors at home? She is breathtaking, with her hair in a messy bun and she’s wearing a smile fit for angel.

  I reach her side and I lean over to place her plate down as I am simultaneously reaching in my pocket for the ring box. I first put her plate in front of her, and turn it slightly as if that was how the plate should be. With my other hand, I’ve placed the ring box next to the plate. She hasn’t seen the box yet as she says; ‘Thank you’ and I am lowering to one knee. It’s then that she is registering what is happening and she looks at the box and then back to me. Her mouth falls open and I slide my extremely sweaty hands against my pant legs.

  I grab her left hand and with a quiver to my voice I ask; “Sterling Cranefield, will you do me the honor of----“I don’t even get to finish as she lunges herself off of her chair and into my arms. We fall back and her mouth is on mine, eager and searching. She then starts planting kisses all over my face and my neck and now I’m just laughing. She pulls back and the biggest smile is now placed on her face. Her eyes are glassy and she looks speechless.


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