A Witches Proposition

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A Witches Proposition Page 2

by S Raven Storm

  “How did this renegade put his plan into action, in my city without anyone noticing his movements? Hell, he could’ve taken over Long Island’s Nassau and Suffolk county, no one controls that shit. The Watch would love to add another player to the game, but not like this. Hell no, not like this.”

  Maverick jumped up from his chair, walking over to Dom he said, “Find something or don’t come back.”

  Dom bowed deeply as he backed out the room. He was leery about turning his back to Maverick. Don passed Jonathan in the hall and shook his head. He felt sorry for Jonathan but elated that he’d broken his news first. With the mood Maverick was in, it was a possibility he’d never see Jonathan again.

  “Maverick I have no idea who this guy is, but he’s recruited some of lower east side as his own, there’s a power shield up, preventing a location spell from working. I think he’s made that section his hiding place.” Jonathan announced.

  “No shit, is that what you think? You come with no name, no witnesses, no clues and act as if you’ve given me the world.” Maverick stood with his thick muscular legs spread apart, raising his hand he shot a blue laser blast across the side of Jonathan’s face.

  The scream that escaped from Jonathan rang throughout the chamber. “Shut up! And be thankful I’ve let your miserable ass live.” Maverick barked, kicking the small wooden stool beside him.

  “Get the hell out of here and get me some fucking answers!”

  Alone in the room Maverick lit three candles, one red and two black. The red represented blood and the others, black for power and guidance.

  Stretching out his arms he chanted, “The powers that be let me see the one who seeks to destroy me.”

  The street that appeared held a heavy fog of smoke. Maverick knew it was a cloaking spell that hampered his sight, but he recognized the area and indeed it was where Jonathan said the demon dog was camped.

  Opening the bay window, Maverick looked out, his brown eyes searched the sky until a large black bird, finally came into view. It perched itself on the wide windowsill looking Maverick in his eyes without blinking the dark glassy eyes reflected the flickering candles and its master.

  Maverick narrowed his gaze and gentle said, “Be my eyes and my ears, tell me what you find.” The raven lifted its head in agreement and flew into the night.

  Maverick didn’t fear the challenge ahead, he was ready for whatever the future held. His sour mood was more from the interloper’s lack of respect and the possibility of a mutiny.

  Maverick spoke aloud as if the mystery man could hear him. “Two can play this game. Keep your little patch of security, but you must show yourself to get the rest.”

  Maverick sat at his table mixing and adding different herbs together in a large wooden bowl, he then poured distilled water upon the herbs and chanted a spell that turned the water and herbs a dark green. He walked over to the open window and threw the mixture into the outside air. He could see the green glow blowing in the wind. His shield was in place. A protected border had been placed around his territory, no one and nothing could penetrate the shield without the counter spell.

  He took a deep breath and realized how tired he felt. Using the intercom on the wall he called for his servant Marie to bring him some heated brandy, along with cheese and crackers. When she appeared in the doorway, he beckoned her to come closer. When she reached him, Maverick grabbed her wrist and said, “I’m tired and I doubt if the brandy and cheese is going to do the trick.”

  Marie was a small woman with large breasts and an even larger mouth. He’d been with her before and knew she had feelings for him, but his desire was one of purpose, need, and nothing more. Tonight, he didn’t even want to fuck, all he needed was release and her wide mouth was the thing he longed for.

  Maverick sat in one of his self-designed high back throne chairs, fit for a king. The king of Manhattan’s magical underworld. In the silent room the sound of his zipper being released was almost deafening.

  Reaching inside his pants he unleashed his thick, long cock, sighing at the release of its confinement. He sat back, adjusting his broad back against the throne’s mahogany frame, closing his eyes he waited. Maverick could sense Marie kneeling between his gaping muscular legs. The firm hold of her hand on his dick made him squeeze the sides of his chair, as her hot breath brought life to his smooth crown. The warmth and wet feel of her mouth was what he needed. When his cock entered her mouth, he encouraged her to take all of him.

  Marie slid her mouth up and down his enormous shaft, taking more, inch by inch, increasing her intake with each stroke, until she was able to take all of him down her throat. She gained a rhythm that allowed her to lick, suck and nip at his member while squeezing his balls lightly.

  It wasn’t long before his hand held her head to his cock as he pumped wildly in her mouth. He ignored the gag sounds that escaped her throat, he was too far gone to stop, and he didn’t until he released his hot cum down the back of her throat. When she began to gasp for air, he pushed her onto the plush carpet.

  Maverick knew Marie wanted more, she was, a willing vessel eager to please him. He touched the side of her face, “Thank you, Marie, but if you want more sport, I suggest you seek Jonathan, I believe he may be in need of comfort.” He knew that wasn’t what she wanted to hear, but he could see in her eyes that she planned to take him up on the offer.

  Sleep didn’t come easy, even with Marie’s help, Maverick was still tense and restless. He was on edge, trying to figure out the strangers next move.

  Aunt Grace prepared the table, using all the paraphernalia used in seances. Once she had everything arranged to her satisfaction, she placed candles on the table. She looked to see if her nieces were ready to begin.

  Grace lit the candles and turned out the lights, the room now an eerie glow seemed to set the mood. Silver and Alivia sat down, joined hands and listened carefully as Aunt Grace repeated the instructions needed to produce a successful seance.

  Silver really wanted to talk about other options and bypass the dramatic route they were now partaking in. Aunt Grace could never say no to Alivia, but today would have been a good day to start. Even when Aunt Grace began to back away from the idea, Alivia made it a point to pout and throw a temper tantrum and like always it worked.

  Aunt Grace quietly explained that the summoning of the dead could be a tedious and draining process and, in some cases, not very successful. “It’s not like making a phone call and getting the right person on the other end.” She stated.

  When she felt ready, Aunt Grace called for her father to appear. This took several tries all with the same result, nothing. Silver was happy and ready to go home.

  “Let me try.” Alivia said agitated by the disappointing outcome.

  “Grandpa Mason, it’s me Alivia, we need you. It’s urgent, please, we need your help.” She pleaded.

  The room grew cold and the candles flickered, suddenly a cone of smoke billowed into a funnel in the middle of the room. They gasped, and as if on cue Mason Webber appeared.

  Aunt Grace said in a heartfelt voice, “Da, you came for Alivia, but not for me, why?”

  “She said it was urgent! I don’t have much time, what is it you need from me?” He said curtly. His gray eyes seemed haunting, and his color pale.

  Charmed jumped on the counter and began to hiss. When Mason turned to view the cat, it ran out of the room.

  Memories of her grandfather washed over Silver like an ocean wave. Silver always found her grandfather to be rude and rigid. She guessed death didn’t help his disposition.

  “We need to know about the magic goblet grandpa.” Alivia cried, as she gripped Silver’s hand.

  “It’s in my journal.” He barked.

  “I know. We know, but we don’t have time to read and try to figure out all the riddles.” She replied.

  “Read the journal, it holds the clues.” He replied with little regard to what Alivia was saying.

  “We’re in mortal danger, Da!” Aunt Grace w

  “I’ve explained all concerning the magical goblet in my book.”

  “Are you kidding me, we need your help now!” Silver shouted, “just tell us what we need to know, and you can go back to wherever, you came from. Why can’t you do that simple little thing?”

  “Because I choose not to, child!”

  “We summoned you because we need your help, but I can see you’re still just a bitter old man.” Alivia said.

  He laughed saying, “And you’re still a spoiled child not willing to put a little extra work in.” Then he was gone.

  “Yeah go back to hell old man.” Alivia shouted in the air.

  “Well that was productive!” Silver broadcast, “Now what, are we supposed to do, sit around until they come for us?”

  “No! We are a powerful line of witches why in the hell should we be cowering in the corner waiting for The Watch to make a move against us? Let’s take the fight to them. In the meantime, Silver can read the journal and find the clues.” Alivia stated.

  “What! I don’t want any part of this. I never have. Now you want me to read that dreadful man’s rantings to find a clue to something that may or may not exist. For the love of the ancestors, why?”

  “Because whether we believe the goblet exist or not, there’s someone who does, and they are willing to kill us to get it.” Aunt Grace explained.

  “True, but why not just contact The Watch and tell them the whole story. Hell, give them the damn book!” Silver exclaimed.

  “No! I want it, I want the power…” Alivia shouted.

  “Yes, let’s die so Alivia can have more power and become the super witch she desires to be.” Silver mocked.

  “Maybe with the power I could defeat The Watch.”

  “I have such a headache and the two of you aren’t helping it. It’s late let’s get some rest and tackle this tomorrow.” Aunt Grace suggested.

  Silver didn’t want to stay the night, she wished she’d stayed home washing clothes, instead of being in this mess. Since she and Alivia had grown up in the house and spent countless nights sleeping over, they had a room of their own. Memories of Silver’s mother resurfaced as she climbed the stairs to the upper level.

  The house belonged in the family for at least a century, it has stood the test of time through several generations. The rooms were large and spacious, the first level held the kitchen, dining room, sitting room, library, bathroom and closed in porch. Five bedrooms, and one bathroom, made up the second floor, which in today’s calculations made no sense whatsoever. The third level contained the attic, which was as large as the house itself.

  Silver and Alivia’s room showed signs of abandonment. The musty, dusty smell of the room confirmed years of vacancy. Silver laughed, the last time she’d slept in the bedroom was four years ago, a year after their mother’s death. Aunt Grace had them come over because she thought their mother, her sister Hope, was haunting her. Turns out it was the furnace in the cellar in need of repairs.

  Silver opened the window to let some fresh air in. Alivia must has thought the room stale too, for she left and came back with a stick of incense to burn.

  Alivia snapped her fingers, which made a loud popping sound. A bluish flame lit the tip of the incense stick. Alivia said, “back to where it all began, huh?” She smiled as she waved the stick around letting the smoke cut through the air.

  “Yeah.” Silver sighed, “I miss mom.”

  Alivia put her arms around her sister, “Me too sis. I’m glad I still have you.”

  Silver smiled, as they squeezed each other in a tight embrace.


  Maverick inhaled deeply. The start of a new day usually rejuvenated him, today it just meant the start of new problems. He looked at his cell phone on the end table and realized he had a miss call from Granger, he sighed when he noticed there was no message left, with that information he decided to disregard the call, opting instead for a long hot shower, in hopes of preparing him for the day.

  The hot water ran over his broad shoulders, down the plains of his six-pack. He let his hands travel the path to his extended rod. With a lathered hand on his rock-hard penis he began to work vigorously sliding up and down.

  It wasn’t long before he ejaculated along the shower wall then watched as it washed away with the jet stream.

  He’d just begun to relax when he heard Jonathan call his name.

  Shit, he said to himself as if he knew something was coming to fuck up his day.

  Maverick dried off, slipping into his silk robe before entering his outer chamber. A slight frown graced his handsome face as he viewed Dom, Jonathan and Granger sitting in the wing back chairs across from his high back chair.

  Maverick rarely allowed guests in his antechamber, but this was Granger, his mentor, one of the few people whom he trusted in his private life.

  Granger’s long gray hair rested on his shoulders, his icy blue eyes were as sharp as an eagle, his thin lips tightly closed resembled kings from the past. Granger was twenty years older than Maverick, but the warlock didn’t look a day over forty.

  “Good morning sonny.” His voice boomed, as a smile graced his slightly wrinkled face.

  “Morning, sorry I missed your call earlier, I was going to call you once I started my day.”

  “No problem thought I’d pop over and give you some news from the underground.”

  Maverick sighed deeply, as he sank into his chair. “So, what’s the word on the street.”

  “That someone has set up camp in your district to find a missing magical chalice.” Granger said.

  “A what?” Maverick asked placing his elbow on his knee and his fist under his chin as he leaned forward.

  “A magical chalice, a goblet if you wish, it’s said one sip from it will magnify any warlocks’ powers.” Granger threw his hands in the air revealing rings on each finger.

  “You know of this chalice, its history and where it could be?” Maverick asked.

  “No! I’m not some damn pirate looking for a fucking treasure or a chest full of gold. I’m not one for fairy tales and myths.” Granger stood. “My concern is about some asshole thinking he can skip his happy ass in a claimed area, without permission.”

  He let the air escape his lungs before adding. “He’s stirring up a bunch of shit with no regards for the outcome. If he did it to you, he could try to do it to me, or give some other idiot the fucking idea to do the same. That, my boy is where I come into this picture.”

  “I understand completely. All I can say at this moment is that I’m working on getting some answers. I had no idea about the goblet or whatever the shit is, but know this, I’m as pissed by this idiot as you are, if not more.”

  “Good, whatever you need, I’m here.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate your help in this matter.”

  “I’m working on getting the information on the chalice and have put the word out on the street that I’m to know about anything out of the norm.” Dom added, letting Maverick know he’s been busy trying to find out whatever information he could.

  “Who in their right mind would challenge The Watch?” Maverick questioned more to himself than the other two.

  “Whoever the motherfucker is I hope he’s thought of a plan B, because there’s going to be hell to pay.” Granger broadcast.

  “Yes, it will be necessary that he’s made an example of, publicly.” Maverick added.

  “I’ll leave everything in your hands, Sonny,” Granger announced, and with a wave of his hand, he was gone.

  Silver woke to the smell of bacon cooking, she could hear the sizzle of the grease and wondered what else there was to eat. She sat up in the bed, stretched then looked over and smiled at her sister’s still frame. Alivia’s hair covered her face and one leg hung off the side of the bed.

  This was a prime opportunity for Silver to take a shower since there was only one bathroom on the top floor. She looked in the tall dresser drawer and found a pair of black athletic pants and
a long tee shirt with the Rolling Stones logo on it. She smiled thinking of her youth.

  The bathroom was large with an old foot tub and pipe shower. Unlike her glass shower stall at home, it only supported a curtain. She snapped her fingers and smiled at the bottle of coconut-lime body wash she held in her hand. It wasn’t long before she felt like herself under the hot stream of water with the fragrant smell of home. Silver dried off and dressed quickly as her stomach rumbled, reminding her of the breakfast being prepared downstairs.

  “Good morning,” she sang as she entered the kitchen. Silver kissed her aunt’s plump cheek, as she viewed the spatula across the room as it flipped pancakes on the griddle.

  “Morning,” she replied, then smiled as she viewed Silver’s attire.

  “Silver, can you fetch the paper from the porch?”

  “Sure. I hear Alivia, so make sure I get the first stack, since I was the first down.”

  The second Silver stepped onto the porch, she could sense something was wrong. She never liked Brooklyn, it was always too violent and crowded for her taste. She looked around, there was no one in sight. However, the moment she bent down to get the paper, she felt a hot sting across her forehead. She stood up quickly to see a redhead across the street, before she could focus in on the woman another shot from her hand jetted towards Silver.

  Silver reflected the bolt sending it flying back to the redhead. The woman took off in the air, she had a gold broom in which she rode.

  “Crystal, now!” Silver shouted, and her broom of bass and wood materialized, she hopped on it and began to chase the redheaded witch. Silver had to admit the witch was good on a broom, but Silver learned to master Crystal from a child. Soon she’d dipped and came across cutting the space between them in half.


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